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Revision: 2.56
Committed: Thu Nov 25 14:47:03 2004 UTC (20 years, 2 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.55: +3 -2 lines
Log Message:
Added simple script to convert to/from Poskanzer Float Map image format

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 greg 2.56 # RCSid: $Id: Rmakefile,v 2.55 2004/11/08 18:49:18 greg Exp $
2 greg 2.45 #
3 gregl 2.34 # Compiles for image processing and display programs
4 greg 1.1 #
6 greg 1.47 ARCH = sun
7 greg 1.8 OPT = -O
8 greg 1.53 MACH = -DBSD
9 greg 2.54 SPECIAL =
10 greg 2.45 CFLAGS = -I../common -L../lib $(OPT) $(MACH)
11 greg 2.4 CC = cc
12 greg 2.16 MLIB = -lm
13 greg 1.1
14 greg 1.50 INSTDIR = /usr/local/bin
15 greg 1.1
16 greg 1.43 LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib/ray
17 greg 1.28
18 greg 1.4 PIXAR_INCLUDE= -I/usr/pixar/include
19 greg 2.16 PIXAR_LIB= -L/usr/pixar/host/lib -lpirl -lpicio -lchad -lpixar $(MLIB)
20 greg 1.4
21 greg 2.54 PROGS = pfilt ttyimage psign ra_tiff normtiff \
22     pvalue pcompos protate ra_hexbit ra_bmp \
23     ra_t8 ra_t16 pcomb pinterp pflip ra_ppm ximage xshowtrace \
24 greg 2.32 ra_rgbe ra_pict ra_ps pextrem ra_gif ra_xyze macbethcal pcond pcwarp
25 greg 1.1
26 gwlarson 2.42 all: $(PROGS) $(SPECIAL)
27 greg 1.29
28 gwlarson 2.39 ogl:
30 greg 1.29 sun:
31 greg 1.1
32 greg 2.24 install: $(PROGS) $(SPECIAL) normpat.csh falsecolor.csh \
33 greg 2.49 pdfblur.csh pmblur.csh xyzimage.csh pgblur.csh
34 greg 1.1 cp $(PROGS) $(INSTDIR)
35 greg 1.25 cp normpat.csh $(INSTDIR)/normpat
36 greg 1.38 cp falsecolor.csh $(INSTDIR)/falsecolor
37 greg 2.20 cp pdfblur.csh $(INSTDIR)/pdfblur
38 greg 2.24 cp pmblur.csh $(INSTDIR)/pmblur
39 greg 2.25 cp xyzimage.csh $(INSTDIR)/xyzimage
40 gwlarson 2.37 cp phisto.csh $(INSTDIR)/phisto
41 greg 2.45 cp pdelta.csh $(INSTDIR)/pdelta
42 greg 2.49 cp pgblur.csh $(INSTDIR)/pgblur
43 greg 2.56 cp ra_pfm.csh $(INSTDIR)/ra_pfm
44 greg 2.49 cd $(INSTDIR) ; chmod 755 normpat falsecolor pdfblur \
45 greg 2.56 pmblur xyzimage phisto pdelta pgblur ra_pfm
46 greg 1.1
47 greg 1.28 clean:
48 greg 2.55 rm -f $(PROGS) $(SPECIAL) *.o core
49     cd tiff; make distclean
50 greg 1.28
51 greg 1.40 pfilt: pfilt.o pf2.o pf3.o
52 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pfilt pfilt.o pf2.o pf3.o -lrt $(MLIB)
53 greg 1.1
54 greg 2.32 pcond: pcond.o pcond2.o pcond3.o pcond4.o warp3d.o
55     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcond pcond.o pcond2.o pcond3.o pcond4.o warp3d.o \
56     -lrt $(MLIB)
57 greg 2.29
58 greg 2.32 pcwarp: pcwarp.o warp3d.o
59     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcwarp pcwarp.o warp3d.o -lrt $(MLIB)
61 greg 1.40 ttyimage: ttyimage.o
62 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ttyimage ttyimage.o -lrt $(MLIB)
63 greg 1.1
64 greg 1.40 pvalue: pvalue.o
65 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pvalue pvalue.o -lrt $(MLIB)
66 greg 1.1
67 greg 1.40 pcompos: pcompos.o
68 gwlarson 2.44 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcompos pcompos.o -lrt $(MLIB)
69 greg 1.1
70 greg 1.40 psign: psign.o
71 gwlarson 2.44 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o psign psign.o -lrt $(MLIB)
72 greg 1.1
73 greg 2.19 ra_gif: ra_gif.o clrtab.o neuclrtab.o
74     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_gif ra_gif.o clrtab.o neuclrtab.o -lrt $(MLIB)
75 greg 1.1
76 greg 2.5 ra_ps: ra_ps.o
77 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_ps ra_ps.o -lrt $(MLIB)
78 greg 2.5
79 greg 1.46 ra_ppm: ra_ppm.o
80 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_ppm ra_ppm.o -lrt $(MLIB)
81 greg 1.19
82 greg 2.51 ra_bmp: ra_bmp.o
83     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_bmp ra_bmp.o -lrt $(MLIB)
85 greg 2.19 ra_t8: ra_t8.o clrtab.o neuclrtab.o
86     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_t8 ra_t8.o clrtab.o neuclrtab.o -lrt $(MLIB)
87 greg 1.1
88 greg 1.40 ra_t16: ra_t16.o
89 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_t16 ra_t16.o -lrt $(MLIB)
90 greg 1.1
91 greg 1.49 ra_rgbe: ra_rgbe.o
92 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_rgbe ra_rgbe.o -lrt $(MLIB)
93 greg 1.1
94 greg 1.50 ra_pict: ra_pict.o
95 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_pict ra_pict.o -lrt $(MLIB)
96 greg 1.50
97 gwlarson 2.40 ra_hexbit: ra_hexbit.o
98 greg 2.48 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_hexbit ra_hexbit.o -lrt $(MLIB)
99 greg 1.50
100 greg 2.9 ximage: x11image.o x11raster.o clrtab.o
101 greg 2.4 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ximage x11image.o x11raster.o \
102 greg 2.45 clrtab.o -lrt -lX11 $(MLIB)
103 greg 1.17
104 greg 1.56 protate: protate.o
105 gwlarson 2.44 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o protate protate.o -lrt $(MLIB)
106 greg 1.1
107 greg 2.6 pextrem: pextrem.o
108 gwlarson 2.44 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pextrem pextrem.o -lrt $(MLIB)
109 greg 2.6
110 greg 1.40 pflip: pflip.o
111 gwlarson 2.44 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pflip pflip.o -lrt $(MLIB)
112 greg 1.26
113 greg 1.41 pcomb: pcomb.o
114 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcomb pcomb.o -lrt $(MLIB)
115 greg 1.1
116 greg 1.40 pinterp: pinterp.o
117 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pinterp pinterp.o -lrt $(MLIB)
118 greg 2.22
119     ra_xyze: ra_xyze.o
120     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_xyze ra_xyze.o -lrt $(MLIB)
121 greg 1.44
122 greg 1.48 ra_tiff: ra_tiff.o ../lib/libtiff.a
123 greg 2.16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ra_tiff ra_tiff.o -lrt -ltiff $(MLIB)
124 greg 1.44
125 gwlarson 2.43 ../common/tiff.h ../common/tiffio.h: ../lib/libtiff.a
126 greg 2.45 @chmod u+w ../common/tiff.h ../common/tiffio.h
127 gwlarson 2.43 @touch ../common/tiff.h ../common/tiffio.h
128 gregl 2.36
129 greg 2.45 normtiff: normtiff.o ../lib/libtiff.a
130     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o normtiff normtiff.o -lrt -ltiff $(MLIB)
131 gwlarson 2.43
132 gregl 2.35 ../lib/libtiff.a: tiff/config.local
133 greg 2.46 cd tiff ; sh configure -quiet -noninteractive -with-CC=$(CC) \
134 gwlarson 2.42 "-with-ENVOPTS=$(OPT)" ; \
135 gwlarson 2.39 cd libtiff ; make install
136 greg 1.44
137 greg 1.40 xshowtrace: xshowtrace.o x11findwind.o
138 greg 2.4 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o xshowtrace xshowtrace.o \
139 greg 2.45 x11findwind.o -lrt -lX11 $(MLIB)
140 greg 2.21
141 greg 2.32 macbethcal: macbethcal.o pmapgen.o mx3.o warp3d.o
142     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o macbethcal macbethcal.o pmapgen.o mx3.o warp3d.o \
143     -lrt $(MLIB)
144 greg 2.21
146 greg 2.23 macbethcal.o: pmap.h ../common/color.h ../common/resolu.h
147 greg 2.32
148     macbethcal.o pcond2.o pcwarp.o warp3d.o: warp3d.h ../common/lookup.h
149 greg 2.21
150     pmapgen.o: mx3.h pmap.h
151 greg 1.28
152 greg 2.19 nclrtab.o: neuclrtab.o
153     ln neuclrtab.c nclrtab.c
154     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DCOMPAT_MODE -c nclrtab.c
155     rm -f nclrtab.c
157 greg 1.41 pcomb.o: ../common/calcomp.h
158 greg 1.18
159 greg 2.54 pf2.o ra_ps.o ra_t16.o: ../common/random.h
160 greg 1.1
161 greg 2.54 neuclrtab.o clrtab.o pfilt.o pf2.o pf3.o ttyimage.o \
162     psign.o protate.o ra_hexbit.o pextrem.o pcompos.o \
163     pflip.o ra_t8.o ra_t16.o ra_tiff.o ra_pict.o \
164     ra_ps.o pvalue.o pcomb.o pinterp.o: ../common/color.h
165 greg 1.1
166 greg 2.55 neuclrtab.o pvalue.o protate.o pinterp.o psign.o \
167 greg 2.19 xshowtrace.o clrtab.o pcomb.o pfilt.o pf3.o image.o: ../common/standard.h \
168 greg 2.47 ../common/rtmisc.h ../common/rtio.h \
169     ../common/rtmath.h ../common/mat4.h ../common/fvect.h \
170 greg 2.53 ../common/rterror.h ../common/tifftypes.h
171 greg 1.1
172 greg 1.17 x11image.o x11raster.o: x11raster.h
173 greg 1.1
174 greg 2.33 x11image.o: ../common/tonemap.h ../common/color.h
176 greg 1.40 ra_t8.o: ../common/targa.h
177 gregl 2.34
178 greg 2.45 ra_tiff.o normtiff.o: ../common/tiff.h ../common/tiffio.h
179 greg 1.1
180 greg 2.54 ra_t8.o: pic.h
181 greg 1.1
182 greg 2.54 pcomb.o pfilt.o pinterp.o x11image.o x11showtrace.o \
183 greg 2.45 image.o: ../common/view.h ../common/resolu.h
184 greg 1.50
185     ra_pict.o: pict.h
186 greg 1.55
187 greg 2.54 pcompos.o pfilt.o pflip.o \
188     pinterp.o protate.o pvalue.o ra_pict.o ra_hexbit.o \
189     ra_ppm.o ra_rgbe.o ra_t16.o ra_t8.o \
190 greg 2.45 ra_tiff.o ttyimage.o: ../common/resolu.h
191 greg 2.7
192 greg 2.45 pfilt.o: ../common/paths.h
193 greg 2.18
194     psign.o: ../common/font.h
195 greg 2.29
196     pcond.o pcond2.o pcond3.o pcond4.o: pcond.h ../common/standard.h \
197 greg 2.47 ../common/rtmisc.h ../common/rtio.h \
198     ../common/rtmath.h ../common/mat4.h ../common/fvect.h \
199 greg 2.53 ../common/rterror.h ../common/tifftypes.h \
200 greg 2.29 ../common/color.h ../common/view.h ../common/resolu.h
201 gwlarson 2.43
202     normtiff.o: ../common/color.h ../common/tonemap.h ../common/resolu.h
204 greg 2.52 ra_bmp.o: ../common/bmpfile.h ../common/color.h \
205     ../common/tonemap.h ../common/resolu.h
206 greg 2.51
207 greg 2.45 x11findwind.c: ../common/x11findwind.c
208     cp ../common/x11findwind.c .