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Revision: 2.5
Committed: Sat Mar 27 12:41:45 2004 UTC (20 years, 10 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R6, rad3R6P1
Changes since 2.4: +26 -17 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication. Renamed local initotypes() to ot_initotypes().

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: bbox.c,v 2.4 2003/03/11 17:08:55 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * bbox.c - routines for bounding box computation.
6 */
8 #include "copyright.h"
10 #include "standard.h"
11 #include "object.h"
12 #include "octree.h"
13 #include "otypes.h"
14 #include "face.h"
15 #include "cone.h"
16 #include "instance.h"
17 #include "mesh.h"
18 #include "oconv.h"
21 static void point2bbox(FVECT p, FVECT bbmin, FVECT bbmax);
22 static void circle2bbox(FVECT cent, FVECT norm, double rad, FVECT bbmin, FVECT bbmax);
25 void
26 add2bbox( /* expand bounding box to fit object */
27 register OBJREC *o,
28 FVECT bbmin,
29 FVECT bbmax
30 )
31 {
32 CONE *co;
33 FACE *fo;
34 INSTANCE *io;
35 MESHINST *mi;
36 FVECT v;
37 register int i, j;
39 switch (o->otype) {
40 case OBJ_SPHERE:
41 case OBJ_BUBBLE:
42 if (o->oargs.nfargs != 4)
43 objerror(o, USER, "bad arguments");
44 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
45 VCOPY(v, o->oargs.farg);
46 v[i] -= o->oargs.farg[3];
47 point2bbox(v, bbmin, bbmax);
48 v[i] += 2.0 * o->oargs.farg[3];
49 point2bbox(v, bbmin, bbmax);
50 }
51 break;
52 case OBJ_FACE:
53 fo = getface(o);
54 j = fo->nv;
55 while (j--)
56 point2bbox(VERTEX(fo,j), bbmin, bbmax);
57 break;
58 case OBJ_CONE:
59 case OBJ_CUP:
61 case OBJ_TUBE:
62 case OBJ_RING:
63 co = getcone(o, 0);
64 if (o->otype != OBJ_RING)
65 circle2bbox(CO_P0(co), co->ad, CO_R0(co), bbmin, bbmax);
66 circle2bbox(CO_P1(co), co->ad, CO_R1(co), bbmin, bbmax);
67 break;
69 io = getinstance(o, IO_BOUNDS);
70 for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
71 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
72 v[i] = io->obj->scube.cuorg[i];
73 if (j & 1<<i)
74 v[i] += io->obj->scube.cusize;
75 }
76 multp3(v, v, io->x.f.xfm);
77 point2bbox(v, bbmin, bbmax);
78 }
79 break;
80 case OBJ_MESH:
81 mi = getmeshinst(o, IO_BOUNDS);
82 for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
83 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
84 v[i] = mi->msh->mcube.cuorg[i];
85 if (j & 1<<i)
86 v[i] += mi->msh->mcube.cusize;
87 }
88 multp3(v, v, mi->x.f.xfm);
89 point2bbox(v, bbmin, bbmax);
90 }
91 break;
92 }
93 }
96 static void
97 point2bbox( /* expand bounding box to fit point */
98 register FVECT p,
99 register FVECT bbmin,
100 register FVECT bbmax
101 )
102 {
103 register int i;
105 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
106 if (p[i] < bbmin[i])
107 bbmin[i] = p[i];
108 if (p[i] > bbmax[i])
109 bbmax[i] = p[i];
110 }
111 }
114 static void
115 circle2bbox( /* expand bbox to fit circle */
116 FVECT cent,
117 FVECT norm,
118 double rad,
119 FVECT bbmin,
120 FVECT bbmax
121 )
122 {
123 FVECT v1, v2;
124 register int i, j;
126 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
127 v1[0] = v1[1] = v1[2] = 0;
128 v1[i] = 1.0;
129 fcross(v2, norm, v1);
130 if (normalize(v2) == 0.0)
131 continue;
132 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
133 v1[j] = cent[j] + rad*v2[j];
134 point2bbox(v1, bbmin, bbmax);
135 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
136 v1[j] = cent[j] - rad*v2[j];
137 point2bbox(v1, bbmin, bbmax);
138 }
139 }