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Revision: 2.16
Committed: Fri Mar 10 19:40:13 2006 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by schorsch
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R8, rad3R9
Changes since 2.15: +4 -4 lines
Log Message:
Renamed librt.a to librtrad.a to avoid conflict on Solaris.

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 schorsch 2.16 # RCSid: $Id: Rmakefile,v 2.15 2004/10/27 23:36:09 greg Exp $
2 greg 1.1 #
3     # Compiles for octree conversion program
4     #
5     # The compile define "STRICT" enforces strict intersection calculations
6     # so that no cube which does not intersect an object contains that object.
7     # Otherwise, a somewhat faster more lax approach is taken by certain routines.
8     #
10 greg 1.4 OPT = -O
11 greg 1.25 MACH = -DBSD
12 greg 2.7 CFLAGS = -DSTRICT -I../common -L../lib $(OPT) $(MACH)
13 greg 2.2 CC = cc
14 greg 2.4 MLIB = -lm
15 greg 1.1
16 greg 1.13 LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib/ray
18 greg 1.23 INSTDIR = /usr/local/bin
19 greg 1.1
20 greg 2.11 PROGS = oconv getbbox obj2mesh
22     all: $(PROGS)
23 greg 1.14
24 greg 2.6 oconv: oconv.o sphere.o writeoct.o o_face.o \
25 greg 2.7 o_cone.o o_instance.o bbox.o initotypes.o
26 greg 2.2 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o oconv oconv.o writeoct.o sphere.o o_face.o \
27 greg 2.7 o_cone.o o_instance.o bbox.o \
28 schorsch 2.16 initotypes.o -lrtrad $(MLIB)
29 greg 1.1
30 greg 2.3 getbbox: getbbox.o readobj2.o bbox.o init2otypes.o
31 greg 2.2 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o getbbox getbbox.o readobj2.o \
32 schorsch 2.16 bbox.o init2otypes.o -lrtrad $(MLIB)
33 greg 1.14
34 greg 2.8 obj2mesh: obj2mesh.o cvmesh.o wfconv.o o_face.o writemesh.o
35     $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o obj2mesh obj2mesh.o cvmesh.o wfconv.o \
36 schorsch 2.16 o_face.o writemesh.o -lrtrad $(MLIB)
37 greg 2.8
38 greg 2.11 install: $(PROGS)
39     cp $(PROGS) $(INSTDIR)
40 greg 1.9
41     clean:
42 greg 2.11 set nonomatch; rm -f $(PROGS) *.o core
43 greg 1.13
44 greg 1.15 bbox.o initotypes.o o_cone.o o_face.o \
45 greg 1.16 o_instance.o oconv.o sphere.o \
46 greg 2.8 cvmesh.o obj2mesh.o wfconv.o \
47 greg 2.12 writeoct.o: ../common/standard.h ../common/rtmisc.h ../common/rtio.h \
48     ../common/rtmath.h ../common/mat4.h ../common/fvect.h \
49 greg 2.15 ../common/rterror.h ../common/tifftypes.h
50 greg 1.1
51 greg 1.15 initotypes.o o_cone.o o_face.o oconv.o \
52 greg 1.16 sphere.o writeoct.o: ../common/octree.h
53 greg 1.1
54 greg 1.15 bbox.o o_cone.o o_face.o o_instance.o oconv.o \
55 greg 1.16 sphere.o writeoct.o: ../common/object.h
56 greg 1.1
57 greg 2.10 bbox.o initotypes.o oconv.o obj2mesh.o sphere.o: ../common/otypes.h
58 greg 2.5
59 schorsch 2.14 bbox.o getbbox.o initotypes.o oconv.o readobj2.o writeoct.o: oconv.h
61 greg 2.5 oconv.o: ../common/paths.h
62 greg 1.1
63 greg 1.16 bbox.o o_cone.o: ../common/cone.h
64 greg 1.8
65 greg 1.16 bbox.o o_face.o: ../common/face.h
66 greg 1.1
67 greg 2.8 bbox.o getbbox.o o_instance.o: ../common/instance.h \
68     ../common/mesh.h ../common/octree.h
69 greg 1.1
70 greg 2.6 o_face.o: ../common/plocate.h
71 greg 1.19
72 greg 1.24 clip.o plocate.o: ../common/fvect.h
74 greg 2.3 initotypes.o init2otypes.o: ../common/otypes.h
75 greg 2.8
76     cvmesh.o obj2mesh.o wfconv.o: cvmesh.h \
77     ../common/octree.h ../common/object.h ../common/mesh.h
79 greg 2.13 cvmesh.o: ../common/otypes.h ../common/face.h ../common/tmesh.h