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Revision: 2.2
Committed: Wed Sep 30 11:33:48 1992 UTC (32 years, 4 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.1: +2 -1 lines
Log Message:
update for new routine name

File Contents

# Content
2 SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL"
4 This directory contains the octree generation program "oconv" and the
5 bounding box sidekick "getbbox".
7 plocate.h header for 3D vector location
8 bbox.c routines for bounding box computation
9 clip.c routine to clip 3D line segments to a box
10 getbbox.c compute bounding box for scene files
11 init2otypes.c initialize ofun[] list for bounding box checker
12 initotypes.c initialize ofun[] list for octree generator
13 malloc.c memory allocation routines
14 o_cone.c routines for intersecting cubes with cones
15 o_face.c routines for creating octrees for polygonal faces
16 o_instance.c routines for creating octrees for other octrees
17 oconv.c main program for object to octree conversion
18 plocate.c routine to locate 3D vector w.r.t. box
19 readfargs.c allocate, read and free object arguments
20 readobj2.c routines for reading in object descriptions
21 sphere.c routines for creating octrees for spheres
22 writeoct.c routines for writing octree information to stdout