#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: x11plot.c,v 1.5 2019/11/18 22:12:32 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * X window plotting functions * * 2/26/86 */ #include "meta.h" #include "plot.h" #include "string.h" #undef TRUE #undef FALSE #include extern void replay(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax); #define BORWIDTH 5 #define BlackPix BlackPixel(dpy,0 ) #define WhitePix WhitePixel(dpy,0 ) #define mapx(x) CONV(x,dxsiz) #define mapy(y) CONV((XYSIZE-1)-(y),dysiz) #define MAXVERT 128 #define MAXCOLOR 65535 /* X window fonts */ static struct { char *name; /* font name */ Font id; /* font id */ } font[] = { {"9x15", 0}, {"8x13", 0}, {"6x13", 0}, {"vtdwidth", 0}, {"accordbfx", 0} }; /* map to our matrix string types */ static int fontmap[16] = {0,3,0,3,1,3,1,3,2,4,2,4,2,4,2,4}; #define LONG_DASHED_LIST_LENGTH 2 #define SHORT_DASHED_LIST_LENGTH 2 #define DOTTED_LIST_LENGTH 2 int dash_list_length[] = { 0, LONG_DASHED_LIST_LENGTH, SHORT_DASHED_LIST_LENGTH, DOTTED_LIST_LENGTH, }; unsigned char long_dashed[LONG_DASHED_LIST_LENGTH] = {4,7}; unsigned char short_dashed[SHORT_DASHED_LIST_LENGTH] = {4,3}; unsigned char dotted[DOTTED_LIST_LENGTH] = {5,2}; unsigned char *Linetypes[] = { 0, long_dashed, short_dashed, dotted, }; Display *dpy; Window wind; /* our window */ Colormap cmap; GC gc; Font curfont; /* current font */ int curwidth; /* current width of lines */ int curfill; /* current fill style (FillTiled or FillSolid) */ int curcol; /* current color */ int curlinetype; /* current line style */ XGCValues gcval; int pixel[4]; int dxsiz, dysiz; /* window size */ int debug = False; /* use XSynchronize if true */ static void adjustsize() { if (dxsiz > dysiz) dxsiz = dysiz; else dysiz = dxsiz; } void init(name, geom) /* initialize window */ char *name; char *geom; { char defgeom[32]; XColor cdef,dum; XEvent evnt; curfont = curfill = curcol = -1; curlinetype = 0; if ((dpy=XOpenDisplay("")) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "can't open display"); /* for debugging so we don't have to flush always */ if (debug) (void) XSynchronize(dpy, True); dxsiz = DisplayWidth(dpy,0) - 2*BORWIDTH-4; dysiz = DisplayHeight(dpy,0) - 2*BORWIDTH-100; adjustsize(); sprintf(defgeom, "=%dx%d+2+25", dxsiz, dysiz); /* XUseGeometry(dpy,0,geom,defgeom,BORWIDTH,100,100,100,100, &xoff,&yoff,&dxsiz,&dysiz); */ gc = DefaultGC(dpy,0); /* get default gc */ cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy,0); /* and colormap */ wind = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy,DefaultRootWindow(dpy),0,0,dxsiz,dysiz, BORWIDTH,BlackPix,WhitePix); if (wind == 0) error(SYSTEM, "can't create window"); XStoreName(dpy, wind, name); XMapRaised(dpy, wind); XSelectInput(dpy, wind, StructureNotifyMask | ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask); if (DisplayPlanes(dpy,0) < 2) { /* less than 2 color planes, use black */ pixel[0] = pixel[1] = pixel[2] = pixel[3] = BlackPix; } else { if (XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, "black", &dum, &cdef)==0) error(USER,"cannot allocate black!"); pixel[0] = cdef.pixel; if (XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, "red", &dum, &cdef)==0) { error(WARNING,"cannot allocate red"); cdef.pixel = BlackPix; } pixel[1] = cdef.pixel; if (XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, "green", &dum, &cdef)==0) { error(WARNING,"cannot allocate green"); cdef.pixel = BlackPix; } pixel[2] = cdef.pixel; if (XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, "blue", &dum, &cdef)==0) { error(WARNING,"cannot allocate blue"); cdef.pixel = BlackPix; } pixel[3] = cdef.pixel; } while (1) { XNextEvent(dpy, &evnt); if (evnt.type == ConfigureNotify) /* wait for first ConfigureNotify */ break; } dxsiz = evnt.xconfigure.width; dysiz = evnt.xconfigure.height; adjustsize(); while (1) { XNextEvent(dpy, &evnt); if (evnt.type == Expose) /* wait for first Expose */ break; } } void endpage() /* end of this graph */ { XEvent evnt; int quit=False; XFlush(dpy); XBell(dpy, 0); while ( !quit ) { XNextEvent(dpy, &evnt); switch (evnt.type) { case ConfigureNotify: dxsiz = evnt.xconfigure.width; dysiz = evnt.xconfigure.height; adjustsize(); break; case Expose: replay((int)((long)XYSIZE*evnt.xexpose.x/dxsiz), (int)((long)XYSIZE*(dysiz-evnt.xexpose.y-evnt.xexpose.height)/dysiz), (int)((long)XYSIZE*(evnt.xexpose.x+evnt.xexpose.width)/dxsiz), (int)((long)XYSIZE*(dysiz-evnt.xexpose.y)/dysiz)); break; case ButtonPress: quit = True; break; } /* switch */ } /* for */ XClearWindow(dpy, wind); } void printstr(p) /* output a string */ register PRIMITIVE *p; { int fn; int col; fn = fontmap[(p->arg0 >> 2) & 017]; /* get font number */ /* set font */ if (font[fn].id == 0) { font[fn].id = XLoadFont(dpy, font[fn].name); if (font[fn].id == 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "can't open font \"%s\"", font[fn].name); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } } col = p->arg0 & 03; if (curcol != col) { curcol = col; XSetForeground(dpy, gc, pixel[col]); } if (curfont != font[fn].id) { curfont = font[fn].id; XSetFont(dpy, gc, curfont); } XDrawImageString(dpy, wind, gc, mapx(p->xy[XMN]), mapy(p->xy[YMN]), p->args, strlen(p->args)); } void plotlseg(p) /* plot a line segment */ register PRIMITIVE *p; { int x1, y1, x2, y2; int linetype, ps, pw; int col; linetype = (p->arg0 >> 4) & 03; /* line style (solid, dashed, etc) */ col = p->arg0 & 03; /* color */ ps = WIDTH((p->arg0 >> 2) & 03); pw = CONV((ps)/2, dxsiz); x1 = mapx(p->xy[XMN]); x2 = mapx(p->xy[XMX]); if (p->arg0 & 0100) { /* reverse slope */ y1 = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); y2 = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); } else { y1 = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); y2 = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); } if (curcol != col || curwidth != pw) { curcol = col; gcval.foreground = pixel[col]; curwidth = pw; gcval.line_width = pw*2+1; /* convert to thickness in pixels */ gcval.join_style = JoinRound; XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCJoinStyle|GCLineWidth|GCForeground, &gcval); } if (curlinetype != linetype) { curlinetype = linetype; if (linetype==0) gcval.line_style = LineSolid; else { gcval.line_style = LineOnOffDash; XSetDashes(dpy, gc, 0, Linetypes[linetype], dash_list_length[linetype]); } XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCLineStyle, &gcval); } XDrawLine(dpy,wind,gc,x1,y1,x2,y2); } void pXFlush() { XFlush(dpy); } #ifdef nyet static void fill(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,pm) int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; Pixmap pm; { if (pm != 0 && curpat != pm) { XSetTile(dpy, gc, pm); curpat = pm; } XFillRectangle(dpy, wind, gc, xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin+1, ymax-ymin+1); } void fillrect(p) /* fill a rectangle */ register PRIMITIVE *p; { int left, right, top, bottom; left = mapx(p->xy[XMN]); bottom = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); right = mapx(p->xy[XMX]); top = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); fill(left, top, right, bottom, pixpat(pati[(p->arg0>>2)&03],p->arg0&03)); } void filltri(p) /* fill a triangle */ register PRIMITIVE *p; { Vertex v[4]; int left, right, top, bottom; left = mapx(p->xy[XMN]); right = mapx(p->xy[XMX]); top = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); bottom = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); switch (p->arg0 & 060) { case 0: /* right (& down) */ v[0].x = left; v[0].y = bottom; v[1].x = right; v[1].y = bottom; v[2].x = right; v[2].y = top; break; case 020: /* up */ v[0].x = right; v[0].y = bottom; v[1].x = right; v[1].y = top; v[2].x = left; v[2].y = top; break; case 040: /* left */ v[0].x = right; v[0].y = top; v[1].x = left; v[1].y = top; v[2].x = left; v[2].y = bottom; break; case 060: /* down */ v[0].x = left; v[0].y = top; v[1].x = left; v[1].y = bottom; v[2].x = right; v[2].y = bottom; break; } v[3].x = v[0].x; v[3].y = v[0].y; v[0].flags = v[1].flags = v[2].flags = v[3].flags = 0; if (curfill != FillTiled) { XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillTiled); curfill = FillTiled; XSetTile(dpy, gc, pixpat(pati[(p->arg0>>2)&03],p->arg0&03)); } XDrawFIlled(dpy, wind, gc, v, 4); } vpod xform(xp, yp, p) /* transform a point according to p */ register int *xp, *yp; register PRIMITIVE *p; { int x, y; switch (p->arg0 & 060) { case 0: /* right */ x = *xp; y = *yp; break; case 020: /* up */ x = (XYSIZE-1) - *yp; y = *xp; break; case 040: /* left */ x = (XYSIZE-1) - *xp; y = (XYSIZE-1) - *yp; break; case 060: /* down */ x = *yp; y = (XYSIZE-1) - *xp; break; } *xp = CONV(x, p->xy[XMX] - p->xy[XMN]) + p->xy[XMN]; *yp = CONV(y, p->xy[YMX] - p->xy[YMN]) + p->xy[YMN]; } void fillpoly(p) /* fill a polygon */ register PRIMITIVE *p; { int x0, y0, curx, cury; PolyHandle polyh; char *nextscan(); register char *s; polyh = OpenPoly(); if ((s = nextscan(nextscan(p->args, "%d", &x0), "%d", &y0)) == NULL) error(USER, "illegal polygon spec in fillpoly"); xform(&x0, &y0, p); x0 = mapx(x0); y0 = mapy(y0); MoveTo(x0, y0); while ((s = nextscan(nextscan(s, "%d", &curx), "%d", &cury)) != NULL) { xform(&curx, &cury, p); curx = mapx(curx); cury = mapy(cury); LineTo(curx, cury); } LineTo(x0, y0); ClosePoly(); if (p->arg0 & 0100) { /* draw border */ if (curpat != 0) { PenPat(macpat[0]); curpat = 0; } if (curpsiz != 1) { PenSize(1, 1); curpsiz = 1; } if (curpmod != patOr) { PenMode(patOr); curpmod = patOr; } FramePoly(polyh); } setfill(p->arg0 & 077); PaintPoly(polyh); KillPoly(polyh); xpos = -1; ypos = -1; } #else void filltri(PRIMITIVE *p) {} void fillpoly(PRIMITIVE *p) {} void fillrect(PRIMITIVE *p) {} #endif