#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: tgraph.c,v 1.6 2004/11/05 03:31:38 greg dead $"; #endif /* * Routines for tel-a-graph file plotting * * 1/20/85 */ #include #include #include #include "tgraph.h" #include "plot.h" #define isfloat(a) (isdigit(a) || (a) == '-' || (a) == '.' || \ (a) == 'E' || (a) == '+' || (a) == 'e') extern void initialize(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NCUR; i++) usecurve[i] = 1; } extern void option( /* record option */ char *s ) { double atof(); char *sp; short userror = 0; int i; if (s[0] == '-') { switch(s[1]) { case 'x': xmnset = atof(s+2); break; case 'y': ymnset = atof(s+2); break; case 's': /* set symbol size */ symrad = atoi(s+2); break; case 'l': /* log plot */ if (s[2] == 'x') logx++; else if (s[2] == 'y') logy++; else userror++; break; case 'g': /* grid on */ grid = TRUE; break; case 'p': /* polar coordinates */ if (s[2] == 'd') polar = DEGREES; else if (s[2] == 'r') polar = RADIANS; else userror++; break; default: for (sp = s+1; *sp && *sp > '@' && *sp < '@'+NCUR; sp++) usecurve[*sp-'@'] = 0; userror = *sp; break; } } else { switch (s[1]) { case 'x': xmxset = atof(s+2); break; case 'y': ymxset = atof(s+2); break; default: for (i = 0; i < 27; i++) usecurve[i] = 0; for (sp = s+1; *sp && *sp > '@' && *sp < '@'+NCUR; sp++) usecurve[*sp-'@'] = 1; userror = *sp; } } if (userror) error(USER, "options are [-sSYMRAD][-g][-lx][-ly][-p{dr}][-xXMIN][+xXMAX][-yYMIN][+yYMAX][-C..|+C..]"); } extern void normalize( /* get extrema from file */ FILE *fp, FILE *fout ) { char line[255]; double x, y; long npoints = 0; ncurves = 0; xmin = ymin = FHUGE; xmax = ymax = -FHUGE; while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != NULL) { if (fout != NULL) fputs(line, fout); if (islabel(line)) ncurves++; else if (ncurves < NCUR && usecurve[ncurves] && isdata(line)) { if (getdata(line, &x, &y) < 0) continue; if (x < xmin) xmin = x; if (x > xmax) xmax = x; if (y < ymin) ymin = y; if (y > ymax) ymax = y; npoints++; } } if (npoints <= 1) error(USER, "insufficient data in file"); } extern void makeaxis( /* make and print x and y axis */ int flag ) { double xstep, ystep, step(), pos; int xorg, yorg; char *format, stemp[32]; /* set limits */ if (polar) { if (xmax-xmin < ymax-ymin) /* null aspect for polar */ xmax = xmin + ymax-ymin; else ymax = ymin + xmax-xmin; } else { if (xmnset > -FHUGE) { if (logx) { if (xmnset > FTINY) xmin = log10(xmnset); } else xmin = xmnset; } if (xmxset < FHUGE) { if (logx) { if (xmxset > FTINY) xmax = log10(xmxset); } else xmax = xmxset; } if (ymnset > -FHUGE) { if (logy) { if (ymnset > FTINY) ymin = log10(ymnset); } else ymin = ymnset; } if (ymxset < FHUGE) { if (logy) { if (ymxset > FTINY) ymax = log10(ymxset); } else ymax = ymxset; } } /* set step */ if (logx) { xmin = floor(xmin); xmax = ceil(xmax); xstep = 1.0; } else xstep = step(&xmin, &xmax); if (logy) { ymin = floor(ymin); ymax = ceil(ymax); ystep = 1.0; } else ystep = step(&ymin, &ymax); xsize = xmax - xmin; ysize = ymax - ymin; if (polar) { /* null aspect again */ if (xsize < ysize) xmax = xmin + (xsize = ysize); else ymax = ymin + (ysize = xsize); } if (xmin > 0.0) xorg = XBEG; else if (xmax < 0.0) xorg = XBEG+XSIZ-1; else xorg = XCONV(0.0); if (ymin > 0.0) yorg = YBEG; else if (ymax < 0.0) yorg = YBEG+YSIZ-1; else yorg = YCONV(0.0); /* make x-axis */ if (flag & BOX) { plseg(010, XBEG, YBEG, XBEG+XSIZ-1, YBEG); plseg(010, XBEG, YBEG+YSIZ-1, XBEG+XSIZ-1, YBEG+YSIZ-1); } if (flag & ORIGIN) plseg(010, XBEG, yorg, XBEG+XSIZ-1, yorg); format = "%5g"; if (logx) format = "1e%-3.0f"; for (pos = xmin; pos < xmax+xstep/2; pos += xstep) { if (flag & XTICS) { if (polar) plseg(010, XCONV(pos), yorg-TSIZ/2, XCONV(pos), yorg+TSIZ/2); else { plseg(010, XCONV(pos), YBEG, XCONV(pos), YBEG-TSIZ); plseg(010, XCONV(pos), YBEG+YSIZ-1, XCONV(pos), YBEG+YSIZ-1+TSIZ); } } if (flag & XNUMS) { sprintf(stemp, format, pos); if (polar) pprim(PMSTR, 020, XCONV(pos)-600, yorg-TSIZ-150, XCONV(pos)-600, yorg-TSIZ-150, stemp); else pprim(PMSTR, 020, XCONV(pos)-600, YBEG-2*TSIZ-150, XCONV(pos)-600, YBEG-2*TSIZ-150, stemp); } if (flag & XGRID) plseg(040, XCONV(pos), YBEG, XCONV(pos), YBEG+YSIZ-1); } /* make y-axis */ if (flag & BOX) { plseg(010, XBEG, YBEG, XBEG, YBEG+YSIZ-1); plseg(010, XBEG+XSIZ-1, YBEG, XBEG+XSIZ-1, YBEG+YSIZ-1); } if (flag & ORIGIN) plseg(010, xorg, YBEG, xorg, YBEG+YSIZ-1); format = "%5g"; if (logy) format = "1e%-3.0f"; for (pos = ymin; pos < ymax+ystep/2; pos += ystep) { if (flag & YTICS) { if (polar) plseg(010, xorg-TSIZ/2, YCONV(pos), xorg+TSIZ/2, YCONV(pos)); else { plseg(010, XBEG, YCONV(pos), XBEG-TSIZ, YCONV(pos)); plseg(010, XBEG+XSIZ-1, YCONV(pos), XBEG+XSIZ-1+TSIZ, YCONV(pos)); } } if (flag & YNUMS) { sprintf(stemp, format, pos); if (polar) pprim(PMSTR, 020, xorg-TSIZ-900, YCONV(pos)+32, xorg-TSIZ-900, YCONV(pos)+32, stemp); else pprim(PMSTR, 020, XBEG-2*TSIZ-900, YCONV(pos)+32, XBEG-2*TSIZ-900, YCONV(pos)+32, stemp); } if (flag & YGRID) plseg(040, XBEG, YCONV(pos), XBEG+XSIZ-1, YCONV(pos)); } } extern int isdata( register char *s ) { int commas = 0; while (*s) if (isfloat(*s) || isspace(*s)) s++; else if (*s == ',') { commas++; s++; } else return 0; return commas <= 1; } extern int islabel( char *s ) { int i; i = strlen(s) - 2; return(i > 0 && s[0] == '"' && s[i] == '"'); } double step( /* compute step size for axis */ double *mn, double *mx ) { static int steps[] = {100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1}; int i; double fact, stp; double pown(), floor(), ceil(); if (*mx-*mn <= FTINY) { stp = 1.0; } else { fact = pown(10.0, (int)log10(*mx-*mn)-2); stp = (*mx-*mn)/fact/MINDIVS; for (i = 0; stp < steps[i]; i++); stp = steps[i]*fact; } *mn = floor(*mn/stp) * stp; *mx = ceil(*mx/stp) * stp; return(stp); } double pown( /* raise x to an integer power */ double x, int n ) { register int i; double p = 1.0; if (n > 0) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) p *= x; else for (i = 0; i > n; i--) p /= x; return(p); } extern int istitle( char *s ) { char word[32]; if (sscanf(s, "%10s", word) == 1) return strcmp(word, "title") == 0; else return 0; } extern int isdivlab( /* return TRUE if division label(s) */ register char *s ) { return(instr(s, "division") != NULL); } extern int isxlabel( register char *s ) { register char *xindex = instr(s, "x "); return(xindex != NULL && instr(xindex, "label ") != NULL); } extern int isylabel( register char *s ) { register char *yindex = instr(s, "y "); return(yindex != NULL && instr(yindex, "label ") != NULL); } extern char * instr( /* return pointer to first occurrence of t in s */ char *s, char *t ) { register char *pt, *ps; do { ps = s; pt = t; while (*pt && *pt == *ps++) pt++; if (*pt == '\0') return(s); } while (*s++); return(NULL); } extern char * snagquo( /* find and return quoted string within s */ register char *s ) { register char *rval = NULL; for ( ; *s; s++) if (*s == '"') { if (rval == NULL) rval = s+1; else { *s = '\0'; return(rval); } } return(NULL); } extern int getdata( /* get data from line */ char *s, double *xp, double *yp ) { double sin(), cos(); int oobounds = 0; double a; register char *cp; if ((cp = strchr(s, ',')) != NULL) *cp = ' '; if (sscanf(s, "%lf %lf", xp, yp) != 2) return(-1); if (*xp < xmnset || *xp > xmxset) oobounds++; if (*yp < ymnset || *yp > ymxset) oobounds++; if (logx) { if (*xp < FTINY) oobounds++; else *xp = log10(*xp); } if (logy) { if (*yp < FTINY) oobounds++; else *yp = log10(*yp); } if (polar) { a = *xp; if (polar == DEGREES) a *= PI/180.0; *xp = *yp * cos(a); *yp *= sin(a); } return(oobounds ? -1 : 0); } extern void symout( /* output a symbol */ int a0, int x, int y, char *sname ) { pprim(PSEG, a0, x-symrad, y-symrad, x+symrad, y+symrad, sname); } extern void boxstring( /* output a string within a box */ int a0, int xmn, int ymn, int xmx, int ymx, char *s ) { int start; long size; if (a0 & 020) { /* up or down */ size = (long)strlen(s)*(xmx-xmn)*2/3; /* aspect ratio is 1.5 */ if (size > ymx-ymn) { size = ymx-ymn; /* squash it */ start = ymn; } else start = (ymx-ymn-(int)size)/2 + ymn; /* center it */ pprim(PVSTR, a0, xmn, start, xmx, start+(int)size, s); } else { /* right or left */ size = (long)strlen(s)*(ymx-ymn)*2/3; /* aspect ratio is 1.5 */ if (size > xmx-xmn) { size = xmx-xmn; /* squash it */ start = xmn; } else start = (xmx-xmn-(int)size)/2 + xmn; /* center it */ pprim(PVSTR, a0, start, ymn, start+(int)size, ymx, s); } }