#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: segment.c,v 1.1 2003/02/22 02:07:26 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for segment storage and inclusion for meta-files * * 12/18/84 */ #include "meta.h" #define NODEC 0 /* null declaration (must be 0) */ #define MAXDEC 2048 /* maximum number of declarations */ #define NHASH 101 /* hash size (prime) */ static struct declaration { char *sname; /* segment name */ PLIST sprims; /* segment primitives */ int context; /* declaration containing us */ int nexthash; /* next in hash list */ } dectabl[MAXDEC]; static int hashtabl[NHASH]; static int dectop = 0; /* top of declaration table */ static int curdec = NODEC; /* current declaration */ static int hash(s) /* hash a string */ register char *s; { register int hval = 0; while (*s) hval += *s++; return(hval % NHASH); } static int lookup(name) /* find name in declaration table */ register char *name; { register int curd; if (name == NULL) error(USER, "illegal null segment name in lookup"); for (curd = hashtabl[hash(name)]; curd != NODEC; curd = dectabl[curd].nexthash) if (strcmp(name, dectabl[curd].sname) == 0) break; return(curd); } inseg() /* return TRUE if currently in a segment */ { return(curdec != NODEC); } openseg(name) /* open a new segment */ char *name; { register int olddec; if ((olddec = lookup(name)) != NODEC && dectabl[olddec].context == curdec) /* redefined segment */ plfree(&dectabl[olddec].sprims); if (++dectop >= MAXDEC) error(SYSTEM, "too many segments in openseg"); dectabl[dectop].sname = savestr(name); /* save previous context */ dectabl[dectop].context = curdec; curdec = dectop; } segprim(p) /* store primitive in current segment */ register PRIMITIVE *p; { register PRIMITIVE *newp; if (!inseg()) error(SYSTEM, "illegal call to segprim"); switch (p->com) { case POPEN: openseg(p->args); break; case PSEG: segment(p, segprim); break; case PCLOSE: closeseg(); break; default: if ((newp = palloc()) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "memory limit exceeded in segprim"); mcopy((char *)newp, (char *)p, sizeof(PRIMITIVE)); newp->args = savestr(p->args); add(newp, &dectabl[curdec].sprims); break; } } closeseg() /* close the current segment */ { register int i; if (!inseg()) error(SYSTEM, "illegal call to closeseg"); /* undefine internal declarations */ for (i = dectop; i > curdec; i--) { hashtabl[hash(dectabl[i].sname)] = dectabl[i].nexthash; freestr(dectabl[i].sname); plfree(&dectabl[i].sprims); } dectop = curdec; /* define this declaration */ i = hash(dectabl[curdec].sname); dectabl[curdec].nexthash = hashtabl[i]; hashtabl[i] = curdec; /* return context */ curdec = dectabl[curdec].context; } segment(p, funcp) /* expand segment p */ PRIMITIVE *p; int (*funcp)(); { int decln; PRIMITIVE curp; register PRIMITIVE *sp; if ((decln = lookup(p->args)) == NODEC) { sprintf(errmsg, "reference to undefined segment \"%s\" in segment", p->args); error(USER, errmsg); } for (sp = dectabl[decln].sprims.ptop; sp != NULL; sp = sp->pnext) if (isglob(sp->com)) (*funcp)(sp); else { switch (curp.com = sp->com) { case PSEG: case PVSTR: case PTFILL: case PPFILL: curp.arg0 = (sp->arg0 & 0100) | (((sp->arg0 & 060) + p->arg0) & 060); break; case PLSEG: if (p->arg0 & 020) curp.arg0 = (~sp->arg0 & 0100) | (sp->arg0 & 060); else curp.arg0 = sp->arg0 & 0160; break; default: curp.arg0 = sp->arg0 & 0160; break; } if (p->arg0 & 014) curp.arg0 |= p->arg0 & 014; else curp.arg0 |= sp->arg0 & 014; if (p->arg0 & 03) curp.arg0 |= p->arg0 & 03; else curp.arg0 |= sp->arg0 & 03; curp.xy[XMN] = xlate(XMN, sp, p); curp.xy[YMN] = xlate(YMN, sp, p); curp.xy[XMX] = xlate(XMX, sp, p); curp.xy[YMX] = xlate(YMX, sp, p); curp.args = sp->args; (*funcp)(&curp); } } int xlate(extrema, p, px) /* return extrema from p through px */ short extrema; PRIMITIVE *p; register PRIMITIVE *px; { short oldex; int val; if (((oldex = (extrema + 4 - ((px->arg0 >> 4) & 03))%4) ^ extrema) & 02) val = (XYSIZE-1) - p->xy[oldex]; else val = p->xy[oldex]; if (extrema & 01) return(CONV(val, px->xy[YMX] - px->xy[YMN]) + px->xy[YMN]); else return(CONV(val, px->xy[XMX] - px->xy[XMN]) + px->xy[XMN]); }