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Revision: 1.3
Committed: Sat Nov 15 02:13:37 2003 UTC (21 years, 3 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad5R1, rad3R7P2, rad3R7P1, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R6, rad3R6P1, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1
Changes since 1.2: +73 -39 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication, and reduced other compile warnings.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: psplot.c,v 1.2 2003/07/27 22:12:02 schorsch Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * psplot.c - routines for generating PostScript output.
6 *
7 * 9/23/88
8 */
10 #include <ctype.h>
12 #include "meta.h"
13 #include "plot.h"
14 #include "psplot.h"
16 #ifdef SMALLAREA
17 #define HMARGIN (0.2*72) /* horizontal margin */
18 #define VMARGIN (0.2*72) /* vertical margin */
19 #define PWIDTH (6*72-2*HMARGIN) /* width of device */
20 #define PHEIGHT (6*72-2*VMARGIN) /* height of device */
21 #else
22 #define HMARGIN (.6*72) /* horizontal margin */
23 #define VMARGIN (.6*72) /* vertical margin */
24 #define PWIDTH (8.5*72-2*HMARGIN) /* width of device */
25 #define PHEIGHT (11*72-2*VMARGIN) /* height of device */
26 #endif
28 #define PSQUARE PWIDTH /* maximal square */
30 #define MAXPATHL 700 /* maximum path length */
32 #define PREFIX "seg_" /* name prefix */
33 #define ESCCHAR '#' /* to introduce hex in name */
35 #define checkline() if (inaline) endline()
38 static int savelvl = 0;
40 static int inaline = 0;
42 static char hexdigit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
44 static char buf[512];
46 static void endline(void);
49 static char *
50 convertname(s) /* convert to segment name */
51 char *s;
52 {
53 register char *cp, *cp0;
55 for (cp = buf, cp0 = PREFIX; *cp0; )
56 *cp++ = *cp0++;
57 for (cp0 = s; *cp0; cp0++) {
58 if (isalnum(*cp0))
59 *cp++ = *cp0;
60 else {
61 *cp++ = ESCCHAR;
62 *cp++ = hexdigit[*cp0 >> 4];
63 *cp++ = hexdigit[*cp0 & 0xf];
64 }
65 }
66 *cp = '\0';
67 return(buf);
68 }
71 static char *
72 convertstring( /* convert to acceptable string */
73 register char *s
74 )
75 {
76 register char *cp;
78 for (cp = buf; *s; s++) {
79 if (*s == '(' || *s == ')')
80 *cp++ = '\\';
81 if (isprint(*s))
82 *cp++ = *s;
83 else {
84 *cp++ = '\\';
85 *cp++ = (*s>>6) + '0';
86 *cp++ = (*s>>3 & 07) + '0';
87 *cp++ = (*s & 07) + '0';
88 }
89 }
90 *cp = '\0';
91 return(buf);
92 }
95 void
96 init( /* initialize */
97 char *id
98 )
99 {
100 printf("%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n");
101 printf("%%%%BoundingBox: %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f\n",
106 printf("%%%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Courier\n");
107 if (id != NULL)
108 printf("%%%%Creator: %s\n", id);
109 printf("gsave\n");
110 printf("save\n");
111 printf("256 dict begin\n");
112 printf("%f %f translate\n", HMARGIN+(PWIDTH-PSQUARE)/2.,
114 printf("%f %f scale\n", (double)PSQUARE/XYSIZE,
115 (double)PSQUARE/XYSIZE);
116 printf("/mapping matrix currentmatrix def\n");
117 printf("/segment {\t\t%% name lth pat col dir xmn ymn xmx ymx\n");
118 printf("\t/startstate save def\n");
119 printf("\t128 dict begin\t\t%% get parameters\n");
120 printf("\t/ymax exch def /xmax exch def\n");
121 printf("\t/ymin exch def /xmin exch def\n");
122 printf("\t/orient exch def\n");
123 printf("\t/colndx exch def /patndx exch def /lthick exch def\n");
124 printf("\t%% segment name left on stack\n");
125 printf("\txmax xmin add 2 div ymax ymin add 2 div translate\n");
126 printf("\txmax xmin sub %d div ymax ymin sub %d div scale\n",
128 printf("\torient 90 mul rotate\n");
129 printf("\t%d %d translate\n", -XYSIZE/2, -XYSIZE/2);
130 printf("\tcvx exec\t\t\t%% execute segment\n");
131 printf("\tend\n");
132 printf("\tstartstate restore\n");
133 printf("} def\n");
134 printf("/vstr {\t\t\t%% string\n");
135 printf("\t0 setcolor\n");
136 printf("\t/Helvetica findfont setfont\n");
137 printf("\tdup stringwidth pop %d exch div %d scale\n", XYSIZE, XYSIZE);
138 printf("\tcurrentfont charorigin translate\n");
139 printf("\t0 0 moveto show\n");
140 printf("} def\n");
141 printf("/charorigin {\t\t\t%% font charorigin xorg yorg\n");
142 printf("\tdup /FontBBox get aload pop pop pop\n");
143 printf("\t3 2 roll /FontMatrix get transform\n");
144 printf("\texch neg exch neg\n");
145 printf("} def\n");
146 printf("/newline {\t\t\t%% lpat lthick col x0 y0\n");
147 printf("\tnewpath moveto\n");
148 printf("\tsetcolor setlthick setlpat\n");
149 printf("} def\n");
150 printf("/rfilldict 4 dict def\n");
151 printf("/rfill {\t\t\t%% pat col xmn ymn xmx ymx\n");
152 printf("\trfilldict begin\n");
153 printf("\t/ymax exch def /xmax exch def\n");
154 printf("\t/ymin exch def /xmin exch def\n");
155 printf("\tsetcolor setpattern\n");
156 printf("\tnewpath\n");
157 printf("\txmin ymin moveto\n");
158 printf("\txmax ymin lineto\n");
159 printf("\txmax ymax lineto\n");
160 printf("\txmin ymax lineto\n");
161 printf("\tclosepath patfill\n");
162 printf("\tend\n");
163 printf("} def\n");
164 printf("/fillpoly {\t\t\t%% pat col mark x1 y1 .. xn yn\n");
165 printf("\tnewpath moveto\n");
166 printf("\tcounttomark 2 idiv { lineto } repeat cleartomark\n");
167 printf("\tclosepath\n");
168 printf("\tsetcolor setpattern\n");
169 printf("\t{ gsave 0 setlinewidth stroke grestore } if\n");
170 printf("\tpatfill\n");
171 printf("} def\n");
172 printf("/mstr {\t\t\t%% fnt col x y\n");
173 printf("\t100 add moveto setcolor setmfont show\n");
174 printf("} def\n");
175 printf("/patfill {\n");
176 printf("\tfill\t\t\t\t%% unimplemented\n");
177 printf("} def\n");
178 printf("/setmfont {\t\t\t%% fontndx\n");
179 printf("\tmfontab exch get setfont\n");
180 printf("} def\n");
181 printf("/setcolor {\t\t\t%% colndx\n");
182 printf("\tcolndx 0 ne { pop colndx } if\n");
183 printf("\trgbcoltab exch get aload pop setrgbcolor\n");
184 printf("} def\n");
185 printf("/setlthick {\t\t\t%% lthick\n");
186 printf("\tlthick 0 ne { pop lthick } if\n");
187 printf("\tsetlinewidth\n");
188 printf("} def\n");
189 printf("/setlpat {\t\t\t%% lpatndx\n");
190 printf("\tdashtab exch get 0 setdash\n");
191 printf("} def\n");
192 printf("/setpattern {\t\t\t%% patndx\n");
193 printf("\tpop\t\t\t\t%% unimplemented\n");
194 printf("} def\n");
195 printf("/canonfont\t\t\t%% canonical matrix string font\n");
196 printf("\t/Courier findfont\n");
197 printf("\tdup charorigin matrix translate\n");
198 printf("\tmakefont\n");
199 printf("def\n");
200 printf("/mfontab [\t\t\t%% hardware font table\n");
201 printf("\t[\n");
202 printf("\t\t[ 340 0 0 340 0 -340 ]\n");
203 printf("\t\t[ 681 0 0 340 0 -340 ]\n");
204 printf("\t\t[ 340 0 0 681 0 -681 ]\n");
205 printf("\t\t[ 681 0 0 681 0 -681 ]\n");
206 printf("\t\t[ 282 0 0 282 0 -282 ]\n");
207 printf("\t\t[ 564 0 0 282 0 -282 ]\n");
208 printf("\t\t[ 282 0 0 564 0 -564 ]\n");
209 printf("\t\t[ 564 0 0 564 0 -564 ]\n");
210 printf("\t\t[ 199 0 0 199 0 -199 ]\n");
211 printf("\t\t[ 398 0 0 199 0 -199 ]\n");
212 printf("\t\t[ 199 0 0 398 0 -398 ]\n");
213 printf("\t\t[ 398 0 0 398 0 -398 ]\n");
214 printf("\t\t[ 169 0 0 169 0 -169 ]\n");
215 printf("\t\t[ 339 0 0 169 0 -169 ]\n");
216 printf("\t\t[ 169 0 0 339 0 -339 ]\n");
217 printf("\t\t[ 339 0 0 339 0 -339 ]\n");
218 printf("\t]\n");
219 printf("\t{ canonfont exch makefont }\n");
220 printf("\tforall\n");
221 printf("] def\n");
222 printf("/dashtab [ [ ] [ 200 80 ] [ 80 80 ] [ 200 80 80 80 ] ] def\n");
223 printf("/rgbcoltab [ [ 0 0 0 ] [ 1 0 0 ] [ 0 1 0 ] [ 0 0 1 ] ] def\n");
224 printf("/colndx 0 def /patndx 0 def /lthick 0 def\n");
225 printf("%%%%EndProlog\n");
226 }
229 void
230 done(void) /* done with graphics */
231 {
232 printf("end\nrestore\ngrestore\n");
233 }
236 void
237 endpage(void) /* done with page */
238 {
239 checkline();
241 printf("showpage\nmapping setmatrix\n");
242 }
245 void
246 segopen( /* open a segment */
247 char *s
248 )
249 {
250 checkline();
252 printf("/%s {\n", convertname(s));
253 }
256 void
257 segclose(void) /* close a segment */
258 {
259 checkline();
261 printf("} def\n");
262 }
265 void
266 doseg( /* instance of a segment */
267 register PRIMITIVE *p
268 )
269 {
270 checkline();
272 printf("/%s %d %d %d ", convertname(p->args),
273 WIDTH(p->arg0>>2 & 03),
274 p->arg0>>2 & 03, p->arg0 & 03);
275 printf("%d %d %d %d %d segment\n", p->arg0>>4,
276 p->xy[XMN], p->xy[YMN], p->xy[XMX], p->xy[YMX]);
277 }
280 extern void
281 printstr( /* print a string */
282 register PRIMITIVE *p
283 )
284 {
285 checkline();
286 printf("(%s) %d %d %d %d mstr\n", convertstring(p->args),
287 p->arg0>>2 & 017, p->arg0 & 03,
288 p->xy[XMN], p->xy[YMX]);
289 }
292 void
293 plotvstr( /* print a vector string */
294 register PRIMITIVE *p
295 )
296 {
297 checkline();
299 printf("(%s) /vstr %d 0 %d ", convertstring(p->args),
300 WIDTH(p->arg0>>2 & 03), p->arg0 & 03);
301 printf("%d %d %d %d %d segment\n", p->arg0>>4,
302 p->xy[XMN], p->xy[YMN], p->xy[XMX], p->xy[YMX]);
303 }
306 void
307 plotlseg( /* plot a line segment */
308 register PRIMITIVE *p
309 )
310 {
311 static int right = FALSE;
312 static int curx, cury;
313 static int curlpat, curlthick, curlcol;
314 int y1, y2;
315 int lpat, lthick, lcol;
317 if (p->arg0 & 0100) {
318 y1 = p->xy[YMX];
319 y2 = p->xy[YMN];
320 } else {
321 y1 = p->xy[YMN];
322 y2 = p->xy[YMX];
323 }
324 lpat = p->arg0>>4 & 03;
325 lthick = WIDTH(p->arg0>>2 & 03);
326 lcol = p->arg0 & 03;
327 if (!inaline || lpat != curlpat ||
328 lthick != curlthick || lcol != curlcol) {
329 checkline();
330 printf("%d %d %d %d %d newline\n",
331 curlpat = lpat,
332 curlthick = lthick,
333 curlcol = lcol,
334 curx = p->xy[XMN],
335 cury = y1);
336 }
337 if (curx == p->xy[XMN] && cury == y1) {
338 printf("%d %d lineto\n", curx = p->xy[XMX], cury = y2);
339 } else if (curx == p->xy[XMX] && cury == y2) {
340 printf("%d %d lineto\n", curx = p->xy[XMN], cury = y1);
341 } else if ( (right = !right) ) {
342 printf("%d %d moveto ", p->xy[XMN], y1);
343 printf("%d %d lineto\n", curx = p->xy[XMX], cury = y2);
344 } else {
345 printf("%d %d moveto ", p->xy[XMX], y2);
346 printf("%d %d lineto\n", curx = p->xy[XMN], cury = y1);
347 }
348 if (++inaline >= MAXPATHL)
349 endline();
350 }
353 void
354 endline(void) /* close current line */
355 {
356 printf("stroke\n");
357 inaline = 0;
358 }
361 extern void
362 fillrect( /* fill a rectangle */
363 register PRIMITIVE *p
364 )
365 {
366 checkline();
368 printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d rfill\n", p->arg0>>2 & 03, p->arg0 & 03,
369 p->xy[XMN], p->xy[YMN], p->xy[XMX], p->xy[YMX]);
370 }
373 extern void
374 filltri( /* fill a triangle */
375 register PRIMITIVE *p
376 )
377 {
378 static short corn[4][2] = {{XMN,YMX},{XMN,YMN},{XMX,YMN},{XMX,YMX}};
379 int orient;
380 register int i;
382 checkline();
384 printf("false %d %d mark\n", p->arg0>>2 & 03, p->arg0 & 03);
385 orient = p->arg0>>4 & 03;
386 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
387 if (i != orient)
388 printf("%d %d ", p->xy[corn[i][0]],
389 p->xy[corn[i][1]]);
390 printf("fillpoly\n");
391 }
394 void
395 xform( /* transform a point according to p */
396 register int *xp,
397 register int *yp,
398 register PRIMITIVE *p
399 )
400 {
401 int x = 0, y = 0;
403 switch (p->arg0 & 060) {
404 case 0: /* right */
405 x = *xp;
406 y = *yp;
407 break;
408 case 020: /* up */
409 x = (XYSIZE-1) - *yp;
410 y = *xp;
411 break;
412 case 040: /* left */
413 x = (XYSIZE-1) - *xp;
414 y = (XYSIZE-1) - *yp;
415 break;
416 case 060: /* down */
417 x = *yp;
418 y = (XYSIZE-1) - *xp;
419 break;
420 }
421 *xp = CONV(x, p->xy[XMX] - p->xy[XMN]) + p->xy[XMN];
422 *yp = CONV(y, p->xy[YMX] - p->xy[YMN]) + p->xy[YMN];
423 }
426 extern void
427 fillpoly(p) /* fill a polygon */
428 register PRIMITIVE *p;
429 {
430 register char *s;
431 int curx, cury;
433 checkline();
435 printf("%s %d %d mark\n", p->arg0 & 0100 ? "false" : "true",
436 p->arg0>>2 & 03, p->arg0 & 03);
437 s = p->args;
438 while ((s = nextscan(nextscan(s, "%d", (char*)&curx), "%d", (char*)&cury)) != NULL) {
439 xform(&curx, &cury, p);
440 printf("%d %d ", curx, cury);
441 }
442 printf("fillpoly\n");
443 }
446 void
447 set( /* set an attribute or context */
448 int attrib,
449 char *val
450 )
451 {
452 checkline();
454 switch (attrib) {
455 case SALL:
456 printf("save\n");
457 savelvl++;
458 break;
459 case SPAT0:
460 case SPAT1:
461 case SPAT2:
462 case SPAT3:
463 break;
464 default:
465 error(WARNING, "illegal set command");
466 break;
467 }
468 }
471 void
472 unset( /* unset an attribute or context */
473 int attrib
474 )
475 {
476 checkline();
478 switch (attrib) {
479 case SALL:
480 if (savelvl > 0) {
481 printf("restore\n");
482 savelvl--;
483 }
484 break;
485 case SPAT0:
486 case SPAT1:
487 case SPAT2:
488 case SPAT3:
489 break;
490 default:
491 error(WARNING, "illegal unset command");
492 break;
493 }
494 }
497 void
498 reset( /* reset an attribute or context */
499 int attrib
500 )
501 {
502 checkline();
504 switch (attrib) {
505 case SALL:
506 while (savelvl > 0) {
507 printf("restore\n");
508 savelvl--;
509 }
510 printf("restore save\n");
511 break;
512 case SPAT0:
513 case SPAT1:
514 case SPAT2:
515 case SPAT3:
516 break;
517 default:
518 error(WARNING, "illegal reset command");
519 break;
520 }
521 }