#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: plotout.c,v 1.5 2004/11/05 17:51:16 greg dead $"; #endif /* * Program to send meta-files to plot(3X) drivers * * cc -o plotout plotout.c mfio.o syscalls.o misc.o -lplot * * Plot drivers */ #ifdef FORTEK #define XCOM "pexpand +vOCIsm -rtpSUR %s" #else #define XCOM "pexpand +vOCIs -rtpSUR %s" #endif #include #include "rtprocess.h" #include "meta.h" #include "plot.h" #include "lib4014/lib4014.h" char *progname; static short newpage = TRUE; static int curx = -1, /* current position */ cury = -1; static short curmod = -1; /* current line drawing mode */ static char lmode[4][16] = {"solid", "shortdashed", "dotted", "dotdashed"}; static PRIMITIVE nextp; static void doglobal(PRIMITIVE *g); static void doprim(register PRIMITIVE *p); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { FILE *fp; char comargs[200], command[300]; short condonly = FALSE, conditioned = FALSE; progname = *argv++; argc--; while (argc && **argv == '-') { switch (*(*argv+1)) { case 'c': condonly = TRUE; break; case 'r': conditioned = TRUE; break; default: error(WARNING, "unknown option"); break; } argv++; argc--; } if (conditioned) if (argc) while (argc) { fp = efopen(*argv, "r"); plot(fp); fclose(fp); argv++; argc--; } else plot(stdin); else { comargs[0] = '\0'; while (argc) { strcat(comargs, " "); strcat(comargs, *argv); argv++; argc--; } sprintf(command, XCOM, comargs); if (condonly) return(system(command)); else { if ((fp = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "cannot execute input filter"); plot(fp); pclose(fp); } } return(0); } void plot( /* plot meta-file */ FILE *infp ) { openpl(); space(0, 0, XYSIZE, XYSIZE); do { readp(&nextp, infp); while (isprim(nextp.com)) { doprim(&nextp); fargs(&nextp); readp(&nextp, infp); } doglobal(&nextp); fargs(&nextp); } while (nextp.com != PEOF); closepl(); } void doglobal( /* execute a global command */ PRIMITIVE *g ) { int tty; char c; switch (g->com) { case PEOF: break; case PDRAW: fflush(stdout); break; case PEOP: newpage = TRUE; if (!isatty(fileno(stdout))) break; /* fall through */ case PPAUS: fflush(stdout); tty = open(TTY, O_RDWR); if (g->args != NULL) { write(tty, g->args, strlen(g->args)); write(tty, " - (hit return to continue)", 27); } else write(tty, "\007", 1); do { c = '\n'; read(tty, &c, 1); } while (c != '\n' && c != '\r'); close(tty); break; default: sprintf(errmsg, "unknown command '%c' in doglobal", g->com); error(WARNING, errmsg); break; } } void doprim( /* plot primitive */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { if (newpage) { erase(); newpage = FALSE; } switch (p->com) { case PLSEG: plotlseg(p); break; case PMSTR: printstr(p); break; default: sprintf(errmsg, "unknown command '%c' in doprim", p->com); error(WARNING, errmsg); return; } } void printstr( /* output a string */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { move(p->xy[XMN], p->xy[YMX]); label(p->args); curx = -1; cury = -1; } void plotlseg( /* plot a line segment */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { static short right = FALSE; int y1, y2; short lm = (p->arg0 >> 4) & 03; if (p->arg0 & 0100) { y1 = p->xy[YMX]; y2 = p->xy[YMN]; } else { y1 = p->xy[YMN]; y2 = p->xy[YMX]; } if (lm != curmod) { linemod(lmode[lm]); curmod = lm; } if (p->xy[XMN] == curx && y1 == cury) { cont(p->xy[XMX], y2); curx = p->xy[XMX]; cury = y2; } else if (p->xy[XMX] == curx && y2 == cury) { cont(p->xy[XMN], y1); curx = p->xy[XMN]; cury = y1; } else if ((right = !right)) { line(p->xy[XMN], y1, p->xy[XMX], y2); curx = p->xy[XMX]; cury = y2; } else { line(p->xy[XMX], y2, p->xy[XMN], y1); curx = p->xy[XMN]; cury = y1; } }