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Revision: 1.2
Committed: Sun Jun 8 12:03:10 2003 UTC (21 years, 8 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +24 -31 lines
Log Message:
Reduced compile warnings/errors on Windows.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: plot.c,v 1.1 2003/02/22 02:07:26 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Plotting routines for meta-files
6 */
9 #include "meta.h"
11 #include "plot.h"
14 int pati[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; /* pattern indices */
16 /*
17 * Patterns are 16 X 16, ordered left to right, bottom to top.
18 * Each byte represents a column in an 8-bit high row.
19 */
21 unsigned char pattern[NPATS+4][PATSIZE/8][PATSIZE] = {
22 { /* solid */
23 {
24 0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,
25 0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377
26 }, {
27 0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,
28 0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377,0377
29 }
30 }, { /* thick \\\ (dashed) */
31 {
32 0377,0177,077,037,017,0207,0303,0341,
33 0360,0370,0374,0376,0377,0377,0377,0377
34 }, {
35 0360,0370,0374,0376,0377,0377,0377,0377,
36 0377,0177,077,037,017,0207,0303,0341
37 }
38 }, { /* thin \\\ (dotted) */
39 {
40 0314,0146,063,0231,0314,0146,063,0231,
41 0314,0146,063,0231,0314,0146,063,0231
42 }, {
43 0314,0146,063,0231,0314,0146,063,0231,
44 0314,0146,063,0231,0314,0146,063,0231
45 }
46 }, { /* mix \\\ (dotted-dashed) */
47 {
48 0376,0177,077,037,0217,0307,0343,0161,
49 070,034,0216,0307,0343,0361,0370,0374
50 }, {
51 070,034,0216,0307,0343,0361,0370,0374,
52 0376,0177,077,037,0217,0307,0343,0161
53 }
54 }, { /* thick /// (dashed) */
55 {
56 0377,0377,0377,0377,0376,0374,0370,0360,
57 0341,0303,0207,017,037,077,0177,0377
58 }, {
59 0341,0303,0207,017,037,077,0177,0377,
60 0377,0377,0377,0377,0376,0374,0370,0360
61 }
62 }, { /* thin /// (dotted) */
63 {
64 0231,063,0146,0314,0231,063,0146,0314,
65 0231,063,0146,0314,0231,063,0146,0314
66 }, {
67 0231,063,0146,0314,0231,063,0146,0314,
68 0231,063,0146,0314,0231,063,0146,0314
69 }
70 }, { /* mix /// (dotted-dashed) */
71 {
72 0374,0370,0361,0343,0307,0216,034,070,
73 0161,0343,0307,0217,037,077,0177,0376
74 }, {
75 0161,0343,0307,0217,037,077,0177,0376,
76 0374,0370,0361,0343,0307,0216,034,070
77 }
78 }, { /* crisscross */
79 {
80 0201,0102,044,030,030,044,0102,0201,
81 0201,0102,044,030,030,044,0102,0201
82 }, {
83 0201,0102,044,030,030,044,0102,0201,
84 0201,0102,044,030,030,044,0102,0201
85 }
86 }, { /* web */
87 {
88 0377,0300,0240,0220,0210,0204,0202,0201,
89 0201,0202,0204,0210,0220,0240,0300,0200
90 }, {
91 0377,02,04,010,020,040,0100,0200,
92 0200,0100,040,020,010,04,02,01
93 }
94 }
95 };
97 static int context = 0;
99 struct setting {
100 int cnx; /* setting context */
101 char *val; /* attribute value */
102 struct setting *snext; /* next setting in list */
103 };
105 static struct setting *sets[0200];
107 static void spop(int attrib);
108 static int spat(int pat, char *patval);
110 void
111 set( /* set attribute to value */
112 int attrib,
113 char *value
114 )
115 {
116 struct setting *newset;
118 switch (attrib) {
119 case SALL:
120 context++;
121 return;
122 case SPAT0:
123 case SPAT1:
124 case SPAT2:
125 case SPAT3:
126 if (!spat(attrib, value)) {
127 sprintf(errmsg, "Bad pattern set value: %s", value);
128 error(WARNING, errmsg);
129 return;
130 }
131 break;
132 default:
133 sprintf(errmsg, "Can't set attribute: %o", attrib);
134 error(WARNING, errmsg);
135 return;
136 }
137 newset = (struct setting *)malloc(sizeof(struct setting));
138 newset->cnx = context;
139 newset->val = savestr(value);
140 newset->snext = sets[attrib];
141 sets[attrib] = newset;
142 }
146 void
147 unset( /* return attribute to previous setting */
148 int attrib
149 )
150 {
151 register int i;
153 if (attrib == SALL) {
154 if (context == 0)
155 reset(SALL);
156 else {
157 context--;
158 for (i = 0; i < 0200; i++)
159 while (sets[i] != NULL && sets[i]->cnx > context)
160 spop(i);
161 }
162 return;
163 }
164 spop(attrib);
165 if (sets[attrib] == NULL)
166 reset(attrib);
168 switch (attrib) {
169 case SPAT0:
170 case SPAT1:
171 case SPAT2:
172 case SPAT3:
173 spat(attrib, sets[attrib]->val);
174 break;
175 default:
176 sprintf(errmsg, "Can't unset attribute: %o", attrib);
177 error(WARNING, errmsg);
178 return;
179 }
180 }
184 void
185 reset( /* return attribute to default setting */
186 int attrib
187 )
188 {
189 switch (attrib) {
190 case SALL:
191 reset(SPAT0);
192 reset(SPAT1);
193 reset(SPAT2);
194 reset(SPAT3);
195 context = 0;
196 return;
197 case SPAT0:
198 spat(SPAT0, "P0");
199 break;
200 case SPAT1:
201 spat(SPAT1, "P1");
202 break;
203 case SPAT2:
204 spat(SPAT2, "P2");
205 break;
206 case SPAT3:
207 spat(SPAT3, "P3");
208 break;
209 default:
210 sprintf(errmsg, "Can't reset attribute: %o", attrib);
211 error(WARNING, errmsg);
212 return;
213 }
214 while (sets[attrib] != NULL)
215 spop(attrib);
216 }
220 static void
221 spop( /* pop top off attrib settings list */
222 int attrib
223 )
224 {
226 if (sets[attrib] != NULL) {
227 if (sets[attrib]->val != NULL)
228 freestr(sets[attrib]->val);
229 free((char *)sets[attrib]);
230 sets[attrib] = sets[attrib]->snext;
231 }
233 }
237 static int
238 spat( /* set a pattern */
239 int pat,
240 char *patval
241 )
242 {
243 int n, i, j, v;
244 char *nextscan();
245 register char *cp;
247 if (patval == NULL) return(FALSE);
249 if (patval[0] == 'P' || patval[0] == 'p') {
250 if (nextscan(patval+1, "%d", &n) == NULL || n < 0 || n >= NPATS)
251 return(FALSE);
252 } else {
253 n = NPATS + pat - SPAT0;
254 cp = patval;
255 for (i = 0; i < PATSIZE>>3; i++)
256 for (j = 0; j < PATSIZE; j++) {
257 if ((cp = nextscan(cp, "%o", &v)) == NULL || v < 0 || v > 0377)
258 return(FALSE);
259 pattern[n][i][j] = v;
260 }
261 }
262 pati[pat-SPAT0] = n;
263 return(TRUE);
264 }