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Revision: 1.4
Committed: Sat Nov 15 02:13:37 2003 UTC (21 years, 3 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, rad5R2, rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad5R1, rad3R7P2, rad3R7P1, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R6, rad3R6P1, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1, rad5R3, HEAD
Changes since 1.3: +2 -2 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication, and reduced other compile warnings.

File Contents

# Content
1 /* RCSid: $Id: mgvars.h,v 1.3 2003/11/14 00:14:40 schorsch Exp $ */
2 /*
3 * mgvars.h - header file for graphing routines using variables.
4 *
5 * 6/23/86
6 *
7 * Greg Ward Larson
8 */
9 #ifndef _RAD_MGVARS_H_
10 #define _RAD_MGVARS_H_
12 #include <errno.h>
14 #include "calcomp.h"
16 #ifdef __cplusplus
17 extern "C" {
18 #endif
20 /*
21 * Data arrays are used to store point data.
22 */
24 typedef struct {
25 int size; /* the size of the array */
26 float *data; /* pointer to the array */
27 } DARRAY;
29 /*
30 * Intermediate variables are not referenced
31 * directly by the program, but may be used
32 * for defining other variables.
33 */
35 typedef struct ivar {
36 char *name; /* the variable name */
37 char *dfn; /* its definition */
38 struct ivar *next; /* next in list */
39 } IVAR; /* an intermediate variable */
41 /*
42 * Variables are used for all graph parameters. The four variable
43 * types are: REAL, FUNCTION, STRING and DATA.
44 * Of these, only STRING and DATA must be interpreted by us; an
45 * expression parser will handle the rest.
46 */
47 /* standard variables */
48 #define FTHICK 0 /* frame thickness */
49 #define GRID 1 /* grid on? */
50 #define LEGEND 2 /* legend title */
51 #define OTHICK 3 /* origin thickness */
52 #define PERIOD 4 /* period of polar plot */
53 #define SUBTITLE 5 /* subtitle */
54 #define SYMFILE 6 /* symbol file */
55 #define TSTYLE 7 /* tick mark style */
56 #define TITLE 8 /* title */
57 #define XLABEL 9 /* x axis label */
58 #define XMAP 10 /* x axis mapping */
59 #define XMAX 11 /* x axis maximum */
60 #define XMIN 12 /* x axis minimum */
61 #define XSTEP 13 /* x axis step */
62 #define YLABEL 14 /* y axis label */
63 #define YMAP 15 /* y axis mapping */
64 #define YMAX 16 /* y axis maximum */
65 #define YMIN 17 /* y axis minimum */
66 #define YSTEP 18 /* y axis step */
68 #define NVARS 19 /* number of standard variables */
70 /* curve variables */
71 #define C 0 /* the curve function */
72 #define CCOLOR 1 /* the curve color */
73 #define CDATA 2 /* the curve data */
74 #define CLABEL 3 /* the curve label */
75 #define CLINTYPE 4 /* the curve line type */
76 #define CNPOINTS 5 /* number of curve points to plot */
77 #define CSYMSIZE 6 /* the curve symbol size */
78 #define CSYMTYPE 7 /* the curve symbol type */
79 #define CTHICK 8 /* the curve line thickness */
81 #define NCVARS 9 /* number of curve variables */
83 #define MAXCUR 8 /* maximum number of curves */
85 /* types */
86 #define REAL 1 /* floating point */
87 #define STRING 2 /* character array */
88 #define FUNCTION 3 /* function definition */
89 #define DATA 4 /* a set of real points */
91 /* flags */
92 #define DEFINED 01 /* variable is defined */
94 typedef struct {
95 char *name; /* the variable name */
96 short type; /* the variable type */
97 char *descrip; /* brief description */
98 unsigned short flags; /* DEFINED, etc. */
99 union {
100 char *s; /* STRING value */
101 DARRAY d; /* DATA value */
102 char *dfn; /* variable definition */
103 } v; /* value */
104 } VARIABLE; /* a variable */
106 extern IVAR *ivhead; /* the intermediate list */
108 extern VARIABLE gparam[NVARS]; /* the graph variables */
109 extern VARIABLE cparam[MAXCUR][NCVARS]; /* the curve variables */
111 extern VARIABLE *vlookup();
113 #define mgclear(vname) undefine(vlookup(vname))
115 extern void mgclearall(void);
116 extern void mgload(char *file);
117 extern void mgsave(char *file);
118 extern void setmgvar(char *fname, FILE *fp, char *string);
119 extern int mgcurve(int c, void (*f)(int c, double x, double y));
120 extern void mgtoa(register char *s, VARIABLE *vp);
123 #ifdef __cplusplus
124 }
125 #endif
126 #endif /* _RAD_MGVARS_H_ */