#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: mgvars.c,v 1.5 2003/11/15 02:13:37 schorsch Exp $"; #endif /* * mgvars.c - routines dealing with graph variables. * * 6/23/86 * * Greg Ward Larson */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtprocess.h" #include "rterror.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "calcomp.h" #include "mgvars.h" #define MAXLINE 512 #define isnum(c) (isdigit(c)||(c)=='-'||(c)=='+'||(c)=='.'||(c)=='e'||(c)=='E') static void mgprint(register VARIABLE *vp, FILE *fp); static void setivar(char *vname, char *fname, char *definition); static char *findfile(char *fname, register char **pathlist); static void loaddata(char *fname, FILE *fp, register DARRAY *dp); static void undefine(register VARIABLE *vp); extern char *progname, *libpath[]; IVAR *ivhead = NULL; /* intermediate variables */ VARIABLE gparam[NVARS] = { /* standard variables */ { "fthick", REAL, "frame thickness" }, { "grid", REAL, "grid on?" }, { "legend", STRING, "legend title" }, { "othick", REAL, "origin thickness" }, { "period", REAL, "period of polar plot" }, { "subtitle", STRING }, { "symfile", STRING, "symbol file" }, { "tstyle", REAL, "tick mark style" }, { "title", STRING }, { "xlabel", STRING }, { "xmap", FUNCTION, "x axis mapping function" }, { "xmax", REAL }, { "xmin", REAL }, { "xstep", REAL }, { "ylabel", STRING }, { "ymap", FUNCTION, "y axis mapping function" }, { "ymax", REAL }, { "ymin", REAL }, { "ystep", REAL }, }; VARIABLE cparam[MAXCUR][NCVARS] = { /* curve variables */ { { "A", FUNCTION, "function for curve A" }, { "Acolor", REAL, "color for A" }, { "Adata", DATA, "point data for A" }, { "Alabel", STRING }, { "Alintype", REAL, "line type for A" }, { "Anpoints", REAL, "number of points for A" }, { "Asymsize", REAL, "symbol size for A" }, { "Asymtype", STRING, "symbol type for A" }, { "Athick", REAL, "line thickness for A" }, }, { { "B", FUNCTION, "function for curve B" }, { "Bcolor", REAL, "color for B" }, { "Bdata", DATA, "point data for B" }, { "Blabel", STRING }, { "Blintype", REAL, "line type for B" }, { "Bnpoints", REAL, "number of points for B" }, { "Bsymsize", REAL, "symbol size for B" }, { "Bsymtype", STRING, "symbol type for B" }, { "Bthick", REAL, "line thickness for B" }, }, { { "C", FUNCTION, "function for curve C" }, { "Ccolor", REAL, "color for C" }, { "Cdata", DATA, "point data for C" }, { "Clabel", STRING }, { "Clintype", REAL, "line type for C" }, { "Cnpoints", REAL, "number of points for C" }, { "Csymsize", REAL, "symbol size for C" }, { "Csymtype", STRING, "symbol type for C" }, { "Cthick", REAL, "line thickness for C" }, }, { { "D", FUNCTION, "function for curve D" }, { "Dcolor", REAL, "color for D" }, { "Ddata", DATA, "point data for D" }, { "Dlabel", STRING }, { "Dlintype", REAL, "line type for D" }, { "Dnpoints", REAL, "number of points for D" }, { "Dsymsize", REAL, "symbol size for D" }, { "Dsymtype", STRING, "symbol type for D" }, { "Dthick", REAL, "line thickness for D" }, }, { { "E", FUNCTION, "function for curve E" }, { "Ecolor", REAL, "color for E" }, { "Edata", DATA, "point data for E" }, { "Elabel", STRING }, { "Elintype", REAL, "line type for E" }, { "Enpoints", REAL, "number of points for E" }, { "Esymsize", REAL, "symbol size for E" }, { "Esymtype", STRING, "symbol type for E" }, { "Ethick", REAL, "line thickness for E" }, }, { { "F", FUNCTION, "function for curve F" }, { "Fcolor", REAL, "color for F" }, { "Fdata", DATA, "point data for F" }, { "Flabel", STRING }, { "Flintype", REAL, "line type for F" }, { "Fnpoints", REAL, "number of points for F" }, { "Fsymsize", REAL, "symbol size for F" }, { "Fsymtype", STRING, "symbol type for F" }, { "Fthick", REAL, "line thickness for F" }, }, { { "G", FUNCTION, "function for curve G" }, { "Gcolor", REAL, "color for G" }, { "Gdata", DATA, "point data for G" }, { "Glabel", STRING }, { "Glintype", REAL, "line type for G" }, { "Gnpoints", REAL, "number of points for G" }, { "Gsymsize", REAL, "symbol size for G" }, { "Gsymtype", STRING, "symbol type for G" }, { "Gthick", REAL, "line thickness for G" }, }, { { "H", FUNCTION, "function for curve H" }, { "Hcolor", REAL, "color for H" }, { "Hdata", DATA, "point data for H" }, { "Hlabel", STRING }, { "Hlintype", REAL, "line type for H" }, { "Hnpoints", REAL, "number of points for H" }, { "Hsymsize", REAL, "symbol size for H" }, { "Hsymtype", STRING, "symbol type for H" }, { "Hthick", REAL, "line thickness for H" }, }, }; void mgclearall(void) /* clear all variable settings */ { int j; register IVAR *iv; register int i; for (iv = ivhead; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next) { dremove(iv->name); freestr(iv->name); freestr(iv->dfn); efree((char *)iv); } ivhead = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NVARS; i++) if (gparam[i].flags & DEFINED) undefine(&gparam[i]); for (j = 0; j < MAXCUR; j++) for (i = 0; i < NCVARS; i++) if (cparam[j][i].flags & DEFINED) undefine(&cparam[j][i]); } void mgload( /* load a file */ char *file ) { FILE *fp; char sbuf[MAXLINE], *fgets(); int inquote; register char *cp, *cp2; if (file == NULL) { fp = stdin; file = ""; } else if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot open: %s\n", progname, file); quit(1); } while (fgets(sbuf+1, sizeof(sbuf)-1, fp) != NULL) { inquote = 0; cp2 = sbuf; for (cp = sbuf+1; *cp; cp++) /* condition the input line */ switch (*cp) { case '#': if (!inquote) { cp[0] = '\n'; cp[1] = '\0'; break; } *cp2++ = *cp; break; case '"': inquote = !inquote; break; case '\\': if (!cp[1]) break; if (cp[1] == '\n') { cp[0] = '\0'; fgets(cp, sizeof(sbuf)-(cp-sbuf), fp); cp--; break; } *cp2++ = *++cp; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': if (!inquote) break; *cp2++ = *cp; break; default: *cp2++ = *cp; break; } *cp2 = '\0'; if (inquote) { fputs(sbuf, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Missing quote\n", progname, file); quit(1); } if (sbuf[0]) setmgvar(file, fp, sbuf); } if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); } void mgsave( /* save our variables */ char *file ) { FILE *fp; int j; register IVAR *iv; register int i; if (file == NULL) fp = stdout; else if ((fp = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot write: %s\n", progname, file); quit(1); } for (iv = ivhead; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", iv->dfn); for (i = 0; i < NVARS; i++) if (gparam[i].flags & DEFINED) mgprint(&gparam[i], fp); for (j = 0; j < MAXCUR; j++) for (i = 0; i < NCVARS; i++) if (cparam[j][i].flags & DEFINED) mgprint(&cparam[j][i], fp); if (fp != stdout) fclose(fp); } void setmgvar( /* set a variable */ char *fname, FILE *fp, char *string ) { char name[128]; FILE *fp2; register int i; register char *s; register VARIABLE *vp; if (!strncmp(string, "include=", 8)) { /* include file */ if ((s = findfile(string+8, libpath)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: File not found: %s\n", progname, fname, string+8); quit(1); } strcpy(name, s); mgload(name); return; } s = string; i = 0; while (i < sizeof(name)-1 && isid(*s)) name[i++] = *s++; name[i] = '\0'; vp = vlookup(name); if (vp != NULL) { undefine(vp); switch (vp->type) { case REAL: case FUNCTION: if ((*s == '(') != (vp->type == FUNCTION)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Bad %s declaration: %s\n", progname, fname, vp->type == FUNCTION ? "function" : "variable", name); quit(1); } scompile(string, fname, 0); vp->v.dfn = savestr(string); break; case STRING: if (*s++ != '=') { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Missing '='\n", progname, fname); quit(1); } vp->v.s = savestr(s); break; case DATA: if (*s++ != '=') { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Missing '='\n", progname, fname); quit(1); } if (!*s) { loaddata(fname, fp, &vp->v.d); } else if (*s == '!') { if ((fp2 = popen(s+1, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Cannot execute: %s\n", progname, fname, s+1); quit(1); } loaddata(s, fp2, &vp->v.d); pclose(fp2); } else { if ((fp2 = fopen(s, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Data file not found: %s\n", progname, fname, s); quit(1); } loaddata(s, fp2, &vp->v.d); fclose(fp2); } break; } vp->flags |= DEFINED; } else setivar(name, fname, string); /* intermediate */ } static void setivar( /* set an intermediate variable */ char *vname, char *fname, char *definition ) { IVAR ivbeg; register IVAR *iv; scompile(definition, fname, 0); /* compile the string */ ivbeg.next = ivhead; for (iv = &ivbeg; iv->next != NULL; iv = iv->next) if (!strcmp(vname, iv->next->name)) { iv = iv->next; freestr(iv->dfn); iv->dfn = savestr(definition); return; } iv->next = (IVAR *)emalloc(sizeof(IVAR)); iv = iv->next; iv->name = savestr(vname); iv->dfn = savestr(definition); iv->next = NULL; ivhead = ivbeg.next; } void mgtoa( /* get a variable's value in ascii form */ register char *s, VARIABLE *vp ) { register char *sv; if (!(vp->flags & DEFINED)) { strcpy(s, "UNDEFINED"); return; } switch (vp->type) { case REAL: case FUNCTION: sv = vp->v.dfn; while (*sv != '=' && *sv != ':') sv++; while (*++sv && *sv != ';') *s++ = *sv; *s = '\0'; break; case STRING: strcpy(s, vp->v.s); break; case DATA: strcpy(s, "DATA"); break; } } static void mgprint( /* print a variable definition */ register VARIABLE *vp, FILE *fp ) { register int i; switch (vp->type) { case REAL: case FUNCTION: fprintf(fp, "%s\n", vp->v.dfn); break; case STRING: fprintf(fp, "%s=\"", vp->name); for (i = 0; vp->v.s[i]; i++) switch (vp->v.s[i]) { case '"': case '\\': putc('\\', fp); /* fall through */ default: putc(vp->v.s[i], fp); break; } fprintf(fp, "\"\n"); break; case DATA: fprintf(fp, "%s=", vp->name); for (i = 0; i < vp->v.d.size; i++) { if (i % 4 == 0) fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t%10e", vp->v.d.data[i]); } fprintf(fp, "\n;\n"); break; } } static void undefine( /* undefine a variable */ register VARIABLE *vp ) { if (vp == NULL || !(vp->flags & DEFINED)) return; switch (vp->type) { case REAL: case FUNCTION: dremove(vp->name); freestr(vp->v.dfn); break; case STRING: freestr(vp->v.s); break; case DATA: efree((char *)vp->v.d.data); break; } vp->flags &= ~DEFINED; } VARIABLE * vlookup(vname) /* look up a variable by its name */ char *vname; { register int i; register VARIABLE *vp; i = vname[0] - 'A'; if (i >= 0 && i < MAXCUR) /* curve variables */ for (vp = cparam[i], i = 0; i < NCVARS; vp++, i++) if (!strcmp(vp->name, vname)) return(vp); /* standard variables */ for (vp = gparam; vp < &gparam[NVARS]; vp++) if (!strcmp(vp->name, vname)) return(vp); return(NULL); /* not found */ } static void loaddata( /* load data from a stream */ char *fname, FILE *fp, register DARRAY *dp ) { char sbuf[MAXLINE], *fgets(); register char *cp; dp->size = 0; dp->data = NULL; while (fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), fp) != NULL) { cp = sbuf; while (*cp) { while (isspace(*cp) || *cp == ',') cp++; if (isnum(*cp)) { dp->data = (float *)erealloc((char *)dp->data, (dp->size+1)*sizeof(float)); dp->data[dp->size++] = atof(cp); do cp++; while (isnum(*cp)); } else if (*cp == ';') { return; } else if (*cp) { fputs(sbuf, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Bad data\n", progname, fname); quit(1); } } } } static char * findfile( /* find the file fname, return full path */ char *fname, register char **pathlist ) { static char ffname[128]; register int fd; if (fname[0] == '/') return(fname); while (*pathlist != NULL) { strcpy(ffname, *pathlist); strcat(ffname, fname); if ((fd = open(ffname, 0)) != -1) { close(fd); return(ffname); } pathlist++; } return(NULL); } int mgcurve( /* get a curve's (unmapped) values */ int c, void (*f)(int c, double x, double y) ) { int nargs; double x[2], step; register VARIABLE *cv; register float *p; register int npts = 0; if (c < 0 || c >= MAXCUR) return(-1); cv = cparam[c]; if (cv[C].flags & DEFINED) { /* function or map */ nargs = fundefined(cv[C].name); if (nargs < 1 || nargs > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad # of arguments for '%c'\n", progname, c+'A'); quit(1); } if (cv[CDATA].flags & DEFINED) { /* map */ npts = cv[CDATA].v.d.size / nargs; p = cv[CDATA].v.d.data; while (npts--) { x[0] = *p++; if (nargs == 2) x[1] = *p++; (*f)(c, x[0], funvalue(cv[C].name, nargs, x)); } npts = cv[CDATA].v.d.size / nargs; } else if ( nargs == 1 && /* function */ gparam[XMIN].flags & DEFINED && gparam[XMAX].flags & DEFINED && cv[CNPOINTS].flags & DEFINED ) { npts = varvalue(cv[CNPOINTS].name); if (npts > 1) step = (varvalue(gparam[XMAX].name) - varvalue(gparam[XMIN].name)) / (npts - 1); else step = 0.0; for (x[0] = varvalue(gparam[XMIN].name); npts--; x[0] += step) (*f)(c, x[0], funvalue(cv[C].name, 1, x)); npts = varvalue(cv[CNPOINTS].name); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: function '%c' needs %cdata or xmin, xmax, %cnpoints\n", progname, c+'A', c+'A', c+'A'); quit(1); } } else if (cv[CDATA].flags & DEFINED) { /* data */ npts = cv[CDATA].v.d.size / 2; p = cv[CDATA].v.d.data; while (npts--) { (*f)(c, p[0], p[1]); p += 2; } npts = cv[CDATA].v.d.size / 2; } else npts = 0; return(npts); }