#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: implot.c,v 1.3 2004/11/05 03:31:37 greg dead $"; #endif /* * Impress plotting functions * * 1/2/86 */ #include "meta.h" #include "plot.h" #include "imPfuncs.h" #include "imPcodes.h" #include #define mapx(x) CONV(x,dxsize) #define mapy(y) CONV(y,dysize) #define DPI 296 /* dots per inch for imagen */ #define TexFamily 90 /* family for texture glyphs */ /* operation codes for graphics */ #define whiteOp 0 #define shadeOp 3 #define orOp 7 #define blackOp 15 /* imagen resident fonts */ static struct { char *name; /* font name */ int iwspace; /* interword spacing */ short loaded; /* boolean true if font loaded */ } font[] = { {"cour07", 21, FALSE}, {"cour08", 24, FALSE}, {"cour10", 30, FALSE}, {"cour12", 36, FALSE}, {"cour14", 42, FALSE}, {"zurm20", 60, FALSE} }; /* map from our matrix string types */ static int fontmap[16] = {3,4,4,5,2,4,4,5,1,2,2,3,0,2,2,3}; int dxsize, dysize; /* page size */ static void settex(int pp); static void setpen(register int ps); void imInit(void) /* initialize imagen */ { imout = stdout; fputs("@document(language imPress)", imout); fputs("@document(pagereversal off)", imout); imSetPum(0); /* new path deletes old one */ dxsize = dysize = 8 * DPI; /* square on 8.5 X 11 in. paper */ imSetAbsH(DPI/4); /* .25 in. on left and right */ imSetAbsV(dysize); imSetHVSystem(3, 3, 4); /* conventional orientation */ } void printstr( /* output a string */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { static int curfont = -1; int fn; register char *cp; fn = fontmap[(p->arg0 >> 2) & 017]; /* get font number */ /* set font */ if (fn != curfont) { imSetFamily(fn); if (!font[fn].loaded) { imCreateFamilyTable(fn, 1, 0, font[fn].name); font[fn].loaded = TRUE; } imSetSp(font[fn].iwspace); curfont = fn; } imSetAbsH(mapx(p->xy[XMN])); /* set page position */ imSetAbsV(mapy(p->xy[YMN])); for (cp = p->args; *cp; cp++) /* write out the string */ if (isspace(*cp)) imSp(); else im_putbyte(*cp); } void plotlseg( /* plot a line segment */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; short pp; pp = (p->arg0 >> 4) & 03; if (p->arg0 & 0100 && pp != 0) pp += 03; settex(pp); setpen((p->arg0 >> 2) & 03); x1 = mapx(p->xy[XMN]); x2 = mapx(p->xy[XMX]); if (p->arg0 & 0100) { y1 = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); y2 = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); } else { y1 = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); y2 = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); } imCreatePath(2, x1, y1, x2, y2); imDrawPath(orOp); } void setfill( /* set filling mode */ register int a0 ) { settex(pati[(a0 >> 2) & 03]); } void setpen( /* set pen size to ps */ register int ps ) { static int curpsiz = -1; /* current pen size */ if (ps == curpsiz) return; curpsiz = ps; ps = WIDTH(ps); ps = CONV(ps, dxsize); if (ps < 2) ps = 2; else if (ps > 20) ps = 20; imSetPen(ps); } void settex( /* set texture pattern to pp */ int pp ) { static int curtex = -1; /* current texture */ static short ploaded[NPATS]; /* booleans for loaded patterns */ char span[4]; int i, k; register int j; if (pp == curtex) /* already set */ return; if (pp == 0) { /* all black */ imSetTexture(0, 0); /* special case */ curtex = 0; return; } if (pp >= NPATS || !ploaded[pp]) { /* download texture glyph */ im_77(imP_BGLY, TexFamily, pp); /* family and member */ im_putword(32); /* advance-width */ im_putword(32); /* width */ im_putword(0); /* left-offset */ im_putword(32); /* height */ im_putword(0); /* top-offset */ for (i = PATSIZE-1; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) span[j] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) span[j>>3] |= ((pattern[pp][i>>3][j/(32/PATSIZE)] >> (i&07)) & 01) << (7-(j&07)); for (k = 0; k < 32/PATSIZE; k++) for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) im_putbyte(span[j]); } if (pp < NPATS) ploaded[pp]++; } imSetTexture(TexFamily, pp); curtex = pp; } void fillrect( /* fill a rectangle */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { int left, right, top, bottom; left = mapx(p->xy[XMN]); right = mapx(p->xy[XMX]); top = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); bottom = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); setfill(p->arg0); imCreatePath(4, left, bottom, right, bottom, right, top, left, top); imFillPath(orOp); } void filltri( /* fill a triangle */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { int left, right, top, bottom; left = mapx(p->xy[XMN]); right = mapx(p->xy[XMX]); top = mapy(p->xy[YMX]); bottom = mapy(p->xy[YMN]); setfill(p->arg0); switch (p->arg0 & 060) { case 0: /* right (& down) */ imCreatePath(3, left, bottom, right, bottom, right, top); break; case 020: /* up */ imCreatePath(3, right, bottom, right, top, left, top); break; case 040: /* left */ imCreatePath(3, right, top, left, top, left, bottom); break; case 060: /* down */ imCreatePath(3, left, top, left, bottom, right, bottom); break; } imFillPath(orOp); } void xform( /* transform a point according to p */ register int *xp, register int *yp, register PRIMITIVE *p ) { int x = 0, y = 0; switch (p->arg0 & 060) { case 0: /* right */ x = *xp; y = *yp; break; case 020: /* up */ x = (XYSIZE-1) - *yp; y = *xp; break; case 040: /* left */ x = (XYSIZE-1) - *xp; y = (XYSIZE-1) - *yp; break; case 060: /* down */ x = *yp; y = (XYSIZE-1) - *xp; break; } *xp = CONV(x, p->xy[XMX] - p->xy[XMN]) + p->xy[XMN]; *yp = CONV(y, p->xy[YMX] - p->xy[YMN]) + p->xy[YMN]; } void fillpoly( /* fill a polygon */ register PRIMITIVE *p ) { int points[128]; register int *pp; register char *s; pp = points; if ((s = nextscan(nextscan(p->args,"%d",(char*)pp),"%d",(char*)pp+1))==NULL) error(USER, "illegal polygon spec in fillpoly"); xform(pp, pp+1, p); pp[0] = mapx(pp[0]); pp[1] = mapy(pp[1]); pp += 2; while ((s = nextscan(nextscan(s,"%d",(char*)pp),"%d",(char*)pp+1))!=NULL) { xform(pp, pp+1, p); pp[0] = mapx(pp[0]); pp[1] = mapy(pp[1]); pp += 2; } pp[0] = points[0]; pp[1] = points[1]; pp += 2; settex(p->arg0 & 077); imCreatePathV((pp-points)/2, points); imFillPath(orOp); if (p->arg0 & 0100) { /* draw border */ settex(0); setpen(0); imDrawPath(orOp); } }