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Revision: 1.4
Committed: Sun Mar 28 20:33:13 2004 UTC (20 years, 10 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R7P1, rad3R7P2, rad3R6, rad3R8, rad3R6P1
Changes since 1.3: +3 -3 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication, and other fixes and clarifications.

File Contents

# Content
1 /* RCSid: $Id: imPfuncs.h,v 1.3 2003/11/15 02:13:37 schorsch Exp $ */
2 /*
3 * imPfuncs - imPress functions
4 *
5 * Written by William LeFebvre, LCSE, Rice University
6 *
7 * This program can be freely redistributed to anyone, with the following
8 * provisions: that this comment remain intact, and that no money is
9 * charged or collected for that redistribution.
10 */
12 /*
13 * These functions are part of the imPress functional interface routines.
14 */
15 #ifndef _RAD_IMPFUNCS_H_
16 #define _RAD_IMPFUNCS_H_
18 #include <varargs.h>
20 #ifdef __cplusplus
21 extern "C" {
22 #endif
24 #define im_putbyte(c) putc((c) & 0377, imout)
25 #define im_putword(w) (im_putbyte((w) >> 8), im_putbyte(w))
27 #define im_b(code, b) (putc(code, imout), im_putbyte(b))
29 /* function definitions for imPress commands */
31 #define imBrule(wa, wb, wc) im_www(imP_BRULE, wa, wb, wc)
32 #define imCircArc(wa, wb, wc) im_www(imP_CIRC_ARC, wa, wb, wc)
33 #define imCircSegm(wa, wb, wc, wd, we) \
34 im_wwwww(imP_CIRC_SEGM, wa, wb, wc, wd, we)
35 #define imCrLf() putc(imP_CRLF, imout)
36 #define imDrawPath(b) im_b(imP_DRAW_PATH, b)
37 #define imEllipseArc(wa, wb, wc, wd, we) \
38 im_wwwww(imP_ELLIPSE_ARC, wa, wb, wc, wd, we)
39 #define imEndPage() putc(imP_ENDPAGE, imout)
40 #define imEof() putc(imP_EOF, imout)
41 #define imFillPath(b) im_b(imP_FILL_PATH, b)
42 #define imMminus() putc(imP_MMINUS, imout)
43 #define imMmove(w) im_w(imP_MMOVE, w)
44 #define imMplus() putc(imP_MPLUS, imout)
45 #define imMplus() putc(imP_MPLUS, imout)
46 #define imNoOp() putc(imP_NO_OP, imout)
47 #define imPage() putc(imP_PAGE, imout)
48 #define imPop() putc(imP_POP, imout)
49 #define imPush() putc(imP_PUSH, imout)
50 #define imSetAbsH(w) im_w(imP_SET_ABS_H, w)
51 #define imSetAbsV(w) im_w(imP_SET_ABS_V, w)
52 #define imSetAdvDirs(b2, b1) im_21(imP_SET_ADV_DIRS, b2, b1)
53 #define imSetBol(w) im_w(imP_SET_BOL, w)
54 #define imSetFamily(b) im_b(imP_SET_FAMILY, b)
55 #define imSetHVSystem(b2o, b2a, b3) im_223(imP_SET_HV_SYSTEM, b2o, b2a, b3)
56 #define imSetIl(w) im_w(imP_SET_IL, w)
57 #define imSetMagnification(b) im_b(imP_SET_MAGN, b)
58 #define imSetPen(b) im_b(imP_SET_PEN, b)
59 #define imSetPum(b1) im_b(imP_SET_PUM, b1)
60 #define imSetPushMask(w) im_w(imP_SET_PUSH_MASK, w)
61 #define imSetRelH(w) im_w(imP_SET_REL_H, w)
62 #define imSetRelV(w) im_w(imP_SET_REL_V, w)
63 #define imSetSp(w) im_w(imP_SET_SP, w)
64 #define imSetTexture(b7a, b7b) im_77(imP_SET_TEXTURE, b7a, b7b)
65 #define imSmove(w) im_w(imP_SMOVE, w)
66 #define imSp() putc(imP_SP, imout)
67 #define imSp1() putc(imP_SP1, imout)
69 /* Push mask defines: */
71 #define imPM_PEN_TEXTURE 0x100
72 #define imPM_SP 0x080
73 #define imPM_IL 0x040
74 #define imPM_BOL 0x020
75 #define imPM_FAMILY 0x010
76 #define imPM_HV_POS 0x008
77 #define imPM_ADV_DIRS 0x004
78 #define imPM_ORIGIN 0x002
79 #define imPM_ORIENTATION 0x001
81 extern FILE *imout;
83 extern void im_w(int code, unsigned int w);
84 extern void im_223(int code,unsigned int b2a,unsigned int b2b,unsigned int b3);
85 extern void im_77(int code, unsigned int b7a, unsigned int b7b);
86 /* extern void imCreateFamilyTable(char *s, ...); */ /* XXX */
87 /* extern void imCreatePath(char *s, ...); */ /* XXX */
88 extern void imCreatePathV(unsigned int count, unsigned int *vec);
89 extern void imInit(void);
91 #ifdef __cplusplus
92 }
93 #endif
94 #endif /* _RAD_IMPFUNCS_H_ */