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Revision: 1.4
Committed: Sat Nov 15 02:13:37 2003 UTC (21 years, 3 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R2, rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad5R1, rad3R7P2, rad3R7P1, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R6, rad3R6P1, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1, rad5R3
Changes since 1.3: +6 -3 lines
Log Message:
Continued ANSIfication, and reduced other compile warnings.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: igraph.c,v 1.3 2003/11/14 00:14:40 schorsch Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * igraph.c - interactive graphing program.
6 *
7 * 6/30/86
8 *
9 * Greg Ward Larson
10 */
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include <ctype.h>
14 #include <setjmp.h>
16 #include "rtprocess.h"
17 #include "rterror.h"
18 #include "meta.h"
19 #include "mgraph.h"
20 #include "mgvars.h"
22 typedef struct {
23 char *descrip; /* description */
24 char *value; /* value */
25 } SMAP;
27 #define NDEV 10 /* number of devices */
29 SMAP dev[NDEV] = {
30 { "Tektronix 4014", "t4014" },
31 { "AED 512", "output aed5" },
32 { "X10 Window System", "xmeta" },
33 { "X11 Window System", "x11meta" },
34 { "Epson Printer", "output mx80" },
35 { "Mannesman-Tally Printer", "output mt160" },
36 { "Mannesman-Tally High Density", "output mt160l" },
37 { "Apple Imagewriter", "output imagew" },
38 { "Imagen Printer", "impress | ipr" },
39 { "Postscript Printer", "psmeta | lpr" },
40 };
42 #define NTYP 7 /* number of plot types */
44 SMAP typ[NTYP] = {
45 { "Cartesian Plot", "cartesian.plt" },
46 { "Polar Plot (degrees)", "polar.plt" },
47 { "Curve Plot (symbols & lines)", "curve.plt" },
48 { "Scatter Plot (symbols only)", "scatter.plt" },
49 { "Line Plot (lines only)", "line.plt" },
50 { "Function Plot (lines)", "function.plt" },
51 { "Box and Whisker Plot", "boxw.plt" },
52 };
54 #define NCAL 3 /* number of calculation types */
56 SMAP cal[NCAL] = {
57 { "Extrema, Average", "nma" },
58 { "Integral", "ni" },
59 { "Linear Regression", "nl" },
60 };
62 char *progname;
64 char *libpath[4];
66 static int recover = 0; /* try to recover? */
68 static jmp_buf env; /* setjmp buffer */
70 static char curfile[64] = "temp.plt"; /* current file name */
72 static void mainmenu(void);
73 static void uwait(void);
74 static void gcompute(void);
75 static void setvars(int nvar, VARIABLE vars[]);
76 static void plotout(void);
77 static void settype(void);
78 static char *getfile(void);
80 int
81 main(argc, argv)
82 int argc;
83 char *argv[];
84 {
85 char *getenv();
86 int i;
88 progname = argv[0];
89 libpath[0] = "./";
90 if ((libpath[i=1] = getenv("MDIR")) != NULL)
91 i++;
92 libpath[i++] = MDIR;
93 libpath[i] = NULL;
95 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
96 mgload(strcpy(curfile, argv[i]));
98 mainmenu();
100 quit(0);
101 return 0; /* pro forma return */
102 }
104 extern void
105 eputs(msg) /* print error message */
106 char *msg;
107 {
108 fputs(msg, stderr);
109 }
111 extern void
112 quit(code) /* recover or quit */
113 int code;
114 {
115 if (code && recover--)
116 longjmp(env, 1);
117 exit(code);
118 }
121 static void
122 mainmenu(void) /* the main menu loop */
123 {
124 char sbuf[128];
126 for ( ; ; ) {
127 printf("\nGRAPH MENU\n");
128 printf("\t1 New Plot\n");
129 printf("\t2 Set Plot Type\n");
130 printf("\t3 Load Plot File\n");
131 printf("\t4 Save Plot File\n");
132 printf("\t5 Change Plot Variable\n");
133 printf("\t6 Change Curve Variable\n");
134 printf("\t7 Output Plot\n");
135 printf("\t8 Escape Command\n");
136 printf("\t9 Computation\n");
137 printf("\t10 Quit\n");
139 printf("\nChoice: ");
140 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
141 if (feof(stdin))
142 return;
143 switch (atoi(sbuf)) {
144 case 1: /* new plot */
145 mgclearall();
146 break;
147 case 2: /* set plot type */
148 settype();
149 break;
150 case 3: /* load plot file */
151 if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
152 recover = 1;
153 mgload(getfile());
154 recover = 0;
155 } else
156 uwait();
157 break;
158 case 4: /* save plot file */
159 if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
160 recover = 1;
161 mgsave(getfile());
162 recover = 0;
163 } else
164 uwait();
165 break;
166 case 5: /* set plot variable */
167 setvars(NVARS, gparam);
168 break;
169 case 6: /* set curve variable */
170 printf("\nCurve (A-%c): ", MAXCUR-1+'A');
171 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
172 if (islower(sbuf[0]))
173 sbuf[0] -= 'a';
174 else if (isupper(sbuf[0]))
175 sbuf[0] -= 'A';
176 else
177 break;
178 if (sbuf[0] < MAXCUR)
179 setvars(NCVARS, cparam[(int)sbuf[0]]);
180 break;
181 case 7: /* output plot */
182 plotout();
183 break;
184 case 8: /* escape command */
185 printf("\nCommand: ");
186 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
187 if (sbuf[0]) {
188 system(sbuf);
189 uwait();
190 }
191 break;
192 case 9: /* computation */
193 gcompute();
194 break;
195 case 10: /* quit */
196 return;
197 }
198 }
199 }
202 static char *
203 getfile(void) /* get file name from user */
204 {
205 char sbuf[128];
207 printf("\nFile (%s): ", curfile);
208 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
209 if (sbuf[0] == '-')
210 return(NULL);
211 if (sbuf[0])
212 strcpy(curfile, sbuf);
213 return(curfile);
214 }
216 static void
217 settype(void) /* set plot type */
218 {
219 char sbuf[128];
220 int i;
222 printf("\nPLOT TYPE\n");
224 for (i = 0; i < NTYP; i++)
225 printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, typ[i].descrip);
227 printf("\nChoice (0): ");
228 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
229 i = atoi(sbuf) - 1;
230 if (i < 0 || i >= NTYP)
231 return;
232 sprintf(sbuf, "include=%s", typ[i].value);
233 setmgvar("plot type", stdin, sbuf);
234 }
237 static void
238 plotout(void) /* output our graph */
239 {
240 extern FILE *pout;
241 char sbuf[128];
242 char *command = NULL;
243 int i;
245 printf("\nOUTPUT PLOT\n");
247 for (i = 0; i < NDEV; i++)
248 printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, dev[i].descrip);
249 printf("\t%d Dumb Terminal\n", NDEV+1);
250 printf("\t%d Other\n", NDEV+2);
252 printf("\nChoice (0): ");
253 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
254 i = atoi(sbuf) - 1;
255 if (i < 0 || i > NDEV+1)
256 return;
257 if (i < NDEV)
258 command = dev[i].value;
259 else if (i == NDEV) {
260 if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
261 recover = 1;
262 cgraph(79, 22);
263 recover = 0;
264 }
265 uwait();
266 return;
267 } else if (i == NDEV+1) {
268 printf("\nDriver command: ");
269 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
270 if (!sbuf[0])
271 return;
272 command = sbuf;
273 }
274 if ((pout = popen(command, "w")) == NULL) {
275 fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot execute device driver: %s\n",
276 progname, dev[i].value);
277 quit(1);
278 }
279 if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
280 recover = 1;
281 mgraph();
282 recover = 0;
283 } else
284 uwait();
285 mdone();
286 pclose(pout);
287 }
290 static void
291 setvars( /* set variables */
292 int nvar,
293 VARIABLE vars[])
294 {
295 char sbuf[128];
296 int i, j;
298 for ( ; ; ) {
299 printf("\nVARIABLES\n");
301 for (i = 0; i < nvar; i++)
302 printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, vars[i].descrip == NULL ?
303 vars[i].name : vars[i].descrip);
305 printf("\nChoice (0): ");
306 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
307 i = atoi(sbuf) - 1;
308 if (i < 0 || i >= nvar)
309 return;
310 printf("\n%s", vars[i].name);
311 if (vars[i].type == FUNCTION)
312 printf("(x)");
313 if (vars[i].flags & DEFINED) {
314 mgtoa(sbuf, &vars[i]);
315 printf(" (%s)", sbuf);
316 }
317 printf(": ");
318 if (vars[i].type == FUNCTION)
319 sprintf(sbuf, "%s(x)=", vars[i].name);
320 else
321 sprintf(sbuf, "%s=", vars[i].name);
322 j = strlen(sbuf);
323 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf+j, sizeof(sbuf)-j, stdin);
324 if (sbuf[j]) {
325 if (vars[i].type == DATA && sbuf[j] == '-')
326 sbuf[j] = '\0';
328 if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
329 recover = 1;
330 setmgvar("variable set", stdin, sbuf);
331 recover = 0;
332 } else
333 uwait();
334 }
335 }
336 }
339 static void
340 gcompute(void) /* do a computation */
341 {
342 char sbuf[64];
343 int i;
345 printf("\nCOMPUTE\n");
347 for (i = 0; i < NCAL; i++)
348 printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, cal[i].descrip);
350 printf("\nChoice (0): ");
351 clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin);
352 i = atoi(sbuf) - 1;
353 if (i < 0 || i >= NCAL)
354 return;
355 printf("\n");
356 if (setjmp(env) == 0) {
357 recover = 1;
358 gcalc(cal[i].value);
359 recover = 0;
360 }
361 printf("\n");
362 uwait();
363 }
366 static void
367 uwait(void) /* wait for user after command, error */
368 {
369 printf("Hit return to continue: ");
370 while (getchar() != '\n')
371 ;
372 }