#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: igraph.c,v 1.5 2023/02/09 21:54:11 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * igraph.c - interactive graphing program. * * 6/30/86 * * Greg Ward Larson */ #include #include #include #include "rtprocess.h" #include "rterror.h" #include "meta.h" #include "mgraph.h" #include "mgvars.h" typedef struct { char *descrip; /* description */ char *value; /* value */ } SMAP; #define NDEV 10 /* number of devices */ SMAP dev[NDEV] = { { "Tektronix 4014", "t4014" }, { "AED 512", "output aed5" }, { "X10 Window System", "xmeta" }, { "X11 Window System", "x11meta" }, { "Epson Printer", "output mx80" }, { "Mannesman-Tally Printer", "output mt160" }, { "Mannesman-Tally High Density", "output mt160l" }, { "Apple Imagewriter", "output imagew" }, { "Imagen Printer", "impress | ipr" }, { "Postscript Printer", "psmeta | lpr" }, }; #define NTYP 7 /* number of plot types */ SMAP typ[NTYP] = { { "Cartesian Plot", "cartesian.plt" }, { "Polar Plot (degrees)", "polar.plt" }, { "Curve Plot (symbols & lines)", "curve.plt" }, { "Scatter Plot (symbols only)", "scatter.plt" }, { "Line Plot (lines only)", "line.plt" }, { "Function Plot (lines)", "function.plt" }, { "Box and Whisker Plot", "boxw.plt" }, }; #define NCAL 3 /* number of calculation types */ SMAP cal[NCAL] = { { "Extrema, Average", "nma" }, { "Integral", "ni" }, { "Linear Regression", "nl" }, }; char *progname; char *libpath[4]; static int recover = 0; /* try to recover? */ static jmp_buf env; /* setjmp buffer */ static char curfile[64] = "temp.plt"; /* current file name */ static void mainmenu(void); static void uwait(void); static void gcompute(void); static void setvars(int nvar, VARIABLE vars[]); static void plotout(void); static void settype(void); static char *getfile(void); int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *getenv(); int i; progname = argv[0]; libpath[0] = "./"; if ((libpath[i=1] = getenv("MDIR")) != NULL) i++; libpath[i++] = MDIR; libpath[i] = NULL; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) mgload(strcpy(curfile, argv[i])); mainmenu(); quit(0); return 0; /* pro forma return */ } void eputs(const char *msg) /* print error message */ { fputs(msg, stderr); } void quit(int code) /* recover or quit */ { if (code && recover--) longjmp(env, 1); exit(code); } static void mainmenu(void) /* the main menu loop */ { char sbuf[128]; for ( ; ; ) { printf("\nGRAPH MENU\n"); printf("\t1 New Plot\n"); printf("\t2 Set Plot Type\n"); printf("\t3 Load Plot File\n"); printf("\t4 Save Plot File\n"); printf("\t5 Change Plot Variable\n"); printf("\t6 Change Curve Variable\n"); printf("\t7 Output Plot\n"); printf("\t8 Escape Command\n"); printf("\t9 Computation\n"); printf("\t10 Quit\n"); printf("\nChoice: "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); if (feof(stdin)) return; switch (atoi(sbuf)) { case 1: /* new plot */ mgclearall(); break; case 2: /* set plot type */ settype(); break; case 3: /* load plot file */ if (setjmp(env) == 0) { recover = 1; mgload(getfile()); recover = 0; } else uwait(); break; case 4: /* save plot file */ if (setjmp(env) == 0) { recover = 1; mgsave(getfile()); recover = 0; } else uwait(); break; case 5: /* set plot variable */ setvars(NVARS, gparam); break; case 6: /* set curve variable */ printf("\nCurve (A-%c): ", MAXCUR-1+'A'); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); if (islower(sbuf[0])) sbuf[0] -= 'a'; else if (isupper(sbuf[0])) sbuf[0] -= 'A'; else break; if (sbuf[0] < MAXCUR) setvars(NCVARS, cparam[(int)sbuf[0]]); break; case 7: /* output plot */ plotout(); break; case 8: /* escape command */ printf("\nCommand: "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); if (sbuf[0]) { system(sbuf); uwait(); } break; case 9: /* computation */ gcompute(); break; case 10: /* quit */ return; } } } static char * getfile(void) /* get file name from user */ { char sbuf[128]; printf("\nFile (%s): ", curfile); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); if (sbuf[0] == '-') return(NULL); if (sbuf[0]) strcpy(curfile, sbuf); return(curfile); } static void settype(void) /* set plot type */ { char sbuf[128]; int i; printf("\nPLOT TYPE\n"); for (i = 0; i < NTYP; i++) printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, typ[i].descrip); printf("\nChoice (0): "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); i = atoi(sbuf) - 1; if (i < 0 || i >= NTYP) return; sprintf(sbuf, "include=%s", typ[i].value); setmgvar("plot type", stdin, sbuf); } static void plotout(void) /* output our graph */ { extern FILE *pout; char sbuf[128]; char *command = NULL; int i; printf("\nOUTPUT PLOT\n"); for (i = 0; i < NDEV; i++) printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, dev[i].descrip); printf("\t%d Dumb Terminal\n", NDEV+1); printf("\t%d Other\n", NDEV+2); printf("\nChoice (0): "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); i = atoi(sbuf) - 1; if (i < 0 || i > NDEV+1) return; if (i < NDEV) command = dev[i].value; else if (i == NDEV) { if (setjmp(env) == 0) { recover = 1; cgraph(79, 22); recover = 0; } uwait(); return; } else if (i == NDEV+1) { printf("\nDriver command: "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); if (!sbuf[0]) return; command = sbuf; } if ((pout = popen(command, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot execute device driver: %s\n", progname, dev[i].value); quit(1); } if (setjmp(env) == 0) { recover = 1; mgraph(); recover = 0; } else uwait(); mdone(); pclose(pout); } static void setvars( /* set variables */ int nvar, VARIABLE vars[]) { char sbuf[128]; int i, j; for ( ; ; ) { printf("\nVARIABLES\n"); for (i = 0; i < nvar; i++) printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, vars[i].descrip == NULL ? vars[i].name : vars[i].descrip); printf("\nChoice (0): "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); i = atoi(sbuf) - 1; if (i < 0 || i >= nvar) return; printf("\n%s", vars[i].name); if (vars[i].type == FUNCTION) printf("(x)"); if (vars[i].flags & DEFINED) { mgtoa(sbuf, &vars[i]); printf(" (%s)", sbuf); } printf(": "); if (vars[i].type == FUNCTION) sprintf(sbuf, "%s(x)=", vars[i].name); else sprintf(sbuf, "%s=", vars[i].name); j = strlen(sbuf); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf+j, sizeof(sbuf)-j, stdin); if (sbuf[j]) { if (vars[i].type == DATA && sbuf[j] == '-') sbuf[j] = '\0'; if (setjmp(env) == 0) { recover = 1; setmgvar("variable set", stdin, sbuf); recover = 0; } else uwait(); } } } static void gcompute(void) /* do a computation */ { char sbuf[64]; int i; printf("\nCOMPUTE\n"); for (i = 0; i < NCAL; i++) printf("\t%d %s\n", i+1, cal[i].descrip); printf("\nChoice (0): "); clearerr(stdin); fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), stdin); i = atoi(sbuf) - 1; if (i < 0 || i >= NCAL) return; printf("\n"); if (setjmp(env) == 0) { recover = 1; gcalc(cal[i].value); recover = 0; } printf("\n"); uwait(); } static void uwait(void) /* wait for user after command, error */ { printf("Hit return to continue: "); while (getchar() != '\n') ; }