#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: gcalc.c,v 1.1 2003/02/22 02:07:26 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * gcalc.c - routines to do calculations on graph files. * * 7/7/86 * Greg Ward Larson */ #include #include "mgvars.h" #ifndef BSD #define index strchr #endif extern char *index(); static double xsum, xxsum, ysum, yysum, xysum; static double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; static double lastx, lasty, rsum; static int npts; gcalc(types) /* do a calculation */ char *types; { int i, calcpoint(); if (index(types, 'h') == NULL) gcheader(types); xmin = gparam[XMIN].flags & DEFINED ? varvalue(gparam[XMIN].name) : -1e10; xmax = gparam[XMAX].flags & DEFINED ? varvalue(gparam[XMAX].name) : 1e10; for (i = 0; i < MAXCUR; i++) { xsum = xxsum = ysum = yysum = xysum = 0.0; rsum = 0.0; npts = 0; mgcurve(i, calcpoint); gcvalue(i, types); } } gcheader(types) /* print header */ register char *types; { printf("__"); while (*types) switch (*types++) { case 'n': printf("|_Label___________"); break; case 'a': printf("|____Mean______S.D._"); break; case 'm': printf("|_____Min_______Max_"); break; case 'i': printf("|___Integ_"); break; case 'l': printf("|___Slope_____Intcp______Corr_"); break; default: break; } printf("\n"); } gcvalue(c, types) /* print the values for the curve */ int c; register char *types; { double d1, d2, d3, sqrt(); if (npts < 1) return; printf("%c:", c+'A'); while (*types) switch (*types++) { case 'n': printf(" %-16s", cparam[c][CLABEL].flags & DEFINED ? cparam[c][CLABEL].v.s : ""); break; case 'a': d1 = sqrt((yysum - ysum*ysum/npts)/(npts-1)); printf(" %9.2f %9.3f", ysum/npts, d1); break; case 'm': printf(" %9.2f %9.2f", ymin, ymax); break; case 'i': printf(" %9.2f", rsum); break; case 'l': d3 = xxsum - xsum*xsum/npts; d1 = (xysum - xsum*ysum/npts)/d3; d2 = (ysum - d1*xsum)/npts; d3 = d1*sqrt(d3/(yysum - ysum*ysum/npts)); printf(" %9.5f %9.2f %9.5f", d1, d2, d3); break; default: break; } printf("\n"); } calcpoint(c, x, y) /* add a point to our calculation */ int c; double x, y; { if (x < xmin || x > xmax) return; xsum += x; xxsum += x*x; ysum += y; yysum += y*y; xysum += x*y; if (npts) { if (y < ymin) ymin = y; else if (y > ymax) ymax = y; } else ymin = ymax = y; if (npts) rsum += ( y + lasty )*( x - lastx )/2.0; lastx = x; lasty = y; npts++; }