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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Mon Oct 12 20:10:50 2015 UTC (9 years, 4 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, rad5R2, rad5R3, rad5R1, HEAD
Log Message:
Added installation of required library files

File Contents

# Content
1 # RCSid $Id$
2 #
3 # This file defines a standard curve plot,
4 # where a curve is represented by special
5 # symbols at each point, with lines between.
6 #
8 include = standard.plt # standard definitions
10 fthick = 3 # frame thickness
11 othick = 0 # origin thickness
12 lthick = 2 # line thickness
13 grid = 0 # grid on?
15 symfile = symbols.mta # our symbol file
16 symsize = 100 # global symbol radius
18 #
19 # Curve defaults:
20 #
22 Asymtype = "triangle" # symbol for A
23 Asymsize = symsize # symbol radius for A
24 Athick = lthick # line thickness for A
25 Alintype = 1 # line type for A
26 Acolor = 4 # color for A
28 Bsymtype = "square"
29 Bsymsize = symsize
30 Bthick = lthick
31 Blintype = 2
32 Bcolor = 2
34 Csymtype = "triangle2"
35 Csymsize = symsize
36 Cthick = lthick
37 Clintype = 3
38 Ccolor = 1
40 Dsymtype = "diamond"
41 Dsymsize = symsize
42 Dthick = lthick
43 Dlintype = 4
44 Dcolor = 3
46 Esymtype = "octagon"
47 Esymsize = symsize
48 Ethick = lthick
49 Elintype = 1
50 Ecolor = 2
52 Fsymtype = "crosssquare"
53 Fsymsize = symsize
54 Fthick = lthick
55 Flintype = 2
56 Fcolor = 4
58 Gsymtype = "exsquare"
59 Gsymsize = symsize
60 Gthick = lthick
61 Glintype = 3
62 Gcolor = 3
64 Hsymtype = "crossdiamond"
65 Hsymsize = symsize
66 Hthick = lthick
67 Hlintype = 4
68 Hcolor = 1