#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rhpict2.c,v 3.17 2018/10/05 19:19:16 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Rendering routines for rhpict. */ #include #include "holo.h" #include "view.h" #include "random.h" #ifndef DEPS #define DEPS 0.02 /* depth epsilon */ #endif #ifndef PEPS #define PEPS 0.04 /* pixel value epsilon */ #endif #ifndef MAXRAD #define MAXRAD 64 /* maximum kernel radius */ #endif #ifndef NNEIGH #define NNEIGH 5 /* find this many neighbors */ #endif #define NINF 16382 #define MAXRAD2 (MAXRAD*MAXRAD+1) #define G0NORM 0.286 /* ground zero normalization (1/x integral) */ #ifndef FL4OP #define FL4OP(f,i,op) ((f)[(i)>>5] op (1L<<((i)&0x1f))) #define CHK4(f,i) FL4OP(f,i,&) #define SET4(f,i) FL4OP(f,i,|=) #define CLR4(f,i) FL4OP(f,i,&=~) #define TGL4(f,i) FL4OP(f,i,^=) #define FL4NELS(n) (((n)+0x1f)>>5) #define CLR4ALL(f,n) memset((char *)(f),'\0',FL4NELS(n)*sizeof(int32)) #endif static int32 *pixFlags; /* pixel occupancy flags */ static float pixWeight[MAXRAD2]; /* pixel weighting function */ static short isqrttab[MAXRAD2]; /* integer square root table */ #define isqrt(i2) (isqrttab[i2]) extern VIEW myview; /* current output view */ extern COLOR *mypixel; /* pixels being rendered */ extern float *myweight; /* weights (used to compute final pixels) */ extern float *mydepth; /* depth values (visibility culling) */ extern int hres, vres; /* current horizontal and vertical res. */ extern void pixFinish(double ransamp); extern void pixBeam(BEAM *bp, HDBEAMI *hb); typedef int (sampfunc)(int h, int v, short nl[NNEIGH][2], int nd[NNEIGH], int n, double *rf); static sampfunc kill_occl; static sampfunc smooth_samp; static sampfunc random_samp; static void meet_neighbors(int occ, sampfunc *nf, double *dp); static void reset_flags(void); static void init_wfunc(void); static int findneigh(short nl[NNEIGH][2], int nd[NNEIGH], int h, int v, short (*rnl)[NNEIGH]); void pixBeam( /* render a particular beam */ BEAM *bp, HDBEAMI *hb ) { GCOORD gc[2]; RAYVAL *rv; FVECT rorg, rdir, wp, ip; double d, prox; COLOR col; int n; int32 p; if (!hdbcoord(gc, hb->h, hb->b)) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad beam in render_beam"); for (n = bp->nrm, rv = hdbray(bp); n--; rv++) { /* reproject each sample */ hdray(rorg, rdir, hb->h, gc, rv->r); if (rv->d < DCINF) { d = hddepth(hb->h, rv->d); VSUM(wp, rorg, rdir, d); VSUB(ip, wp, myview.vp); d = DOT(ip,rdir); prox = d*d/DOT(ip,ip); /* cos(diff_angle)^32 */ prox *= prox; prox *= prox; prox *= prox; prox *= prox; } else { if (myview.type == VT_PAR || myview.vaft > FTINY) continue; /* inf. off view */ VSUM(wp, myview.vp, rdir, FHUGE); prox = 1.; } if (viewloc(ip, &myview, wp) != 1) continue; /* frustum clipping */ if (myview.vaft > FTINY && ip[2] > myview.vaft - myview.vfore) continue; /* not exact for VT_PER */ p = (int)(ip[1]*vres)*hres + (int)(ip[0]*hres); if (mydepth[p] > FTINY) { /* check depth */ if (ip[2] > mydepth[p]*(1.+DEPS)) continue; if (ip[2] < mydepth[p]*(1.-DEPS)) { setcolor(mypixel[p], 0., 0., 0.); myweight[p] = 0.; } } colr_color(col, rv->v); scalecolor(col, prox); addcolor(mypixel[p], col); myweight[p] += prox; mydepth[p] = ip[2]; } } static int kill_occl( /* check for occlusion errors */ int h, int v, short nl[NNEIGH][2], int nd[NNEIGH], int n, double *rf ) { short forequad[2][2]; int d; int i; int32 p; if (n <= 0) { #ifdef DEBUG error(WARNING, "neighborless sample in kill_occl"); #endif return(1); } p = v*hres + h; forequad[0][0] = forequad[0][1] = forequad[1][0] = forequad[1][1] = 0; for (i = n; i--; ) { d = isqrt(nd[i]); if (mydepth[nl[i][1]*hres+nl[i][0]]*(1.+DEPS*d) < mydepth[p]) forequad[nl[i][0] 2) { setcolor(mypixel[p], 0., 0., 0.); myweight[p] = 0.; /* occupancy reset afterwards */ } return(1); } static int smooth_samp( /* grow sample point smoothly */ int h, int v, short nl[NNEIGH][2], int nd[NNEIGH], int n, double *rf ) { int dis[NNEIGH], ndis; COLOR mykern[MAXRAD2]; int maxr2; double d; int32 p; int r2; int i, r, maxr, h2, v2; if (n <= 0) return(1); p = v*hres + h; /* build kernel values */ maxr2 = nd[n-1]; DCHECK(maxr2>=MAXRAD2, CONSISTENCY, "out of range neighbor"); maxr = isqrt(maxr2); for (v2 = 1; v2 <= maxr; v2++) for (h2 = 0; h2 <= v2; h2++) { r2 = h2*h2 + v2*v2; if (r2 > maxr2) break; copycolor(mykern[r2], mypixel[p]); scalecolor(mykern[r2], pixWeight[r2]); } ndis = 0; /* find discontinuities */ for (i = n; i--; ) { r = isqrt(nd[i]); d = mydepth[nl[i][1]*hres+nl[i][0]] / mydepth[p]; d = d>=1. ? d-1. : 1.-d; if (d > r*DEPS || bigdiff(mypixel[p], mypixel[nl[i][1]*hres+nl[i][0]], r*PEPS)) dis[ndis++] = i; } /* stamp out that kernel */ for (v2 = v-maxr; v2 <= v+maxr; v2++) { if (v2 < 0) v2 = 0; else if (v2 >= vres) break; for (h2 = h-maxr; h2 <= h+maxr; h2++) { if (h2 < 0) h2 = 0; else if (h2 >= hres) break; r2 = (h2-h)*(h2-h) + (v2-v)*(v2-v); if (r2 > maxr2) continue; if (CHK4(pixFlags, v2*hres+h2)) continue; /* occupied */ for (i = ndis; i--; ) { r = (h2-nl[dis[i]][0])*(h2-nl[dis[i]][0]) + (v2-nl[dis[i]][1])*(v2-nl[dis[i]][1]); if (r < r2) break; } if (i >= 0) continue; /* outside edge */ addcolor(mypixel[v2*hres+h2], mykern[r2]); myweight[v2*hres+h2] += pixWeight[r2] * myweight[p]; } } return(1); } static int random_samp( /* gather samples randomly */ int h, int v, short nl[NNEIGH][2], int nd[NNEIGH], int n, double *rf ) { float rnt[NNEIGH]; double rvar; int32 p, pn; int ni; if (n <= 0) return(1); p = v*hres + h; if (*rf <= FTINY) /* straight Voronoi regions */ ni = 0; else { /* weighted choice */ DCHECK(nd[n-1]>=MAXRAD2, CONSISTENCY, "out of range neighbor"); rnt[0] = pixWeight[nd[0]]; for (ni = 1; ni < n; ni++) rnt[ni] = rnt[ni-1] + pixWeight[nd[ni]]; rvar = rnt[n-1]*pow(frandom(), 1. / *rf); for (ni = 0; rvar > rnt[ni]+FTINY; ni++) ; } pn = nl[ni][1]*hres + nl[ni][0]; addcolor(mypixel[p], mypixel[pn]); myweight[p] += myweight[pn]; return(1); } void pixFinish( /* done with beams -- compute pixel values */ double ransamp ) { if (pixWeight[0] <= FTINY) init_wfunc(); /* initialize weighting function */ reset_flags(); /* set occupancy flags */ meet_neighbors(1,kill_occl,NULL); /* identify occlusion errors */ reset_flags(); /* reset occupancy flags */ if (ransamp >= 0.) /* spread samples over image */ meet_neighbors(0,random_samp,&ransamp); else meet_neighbors(1,smooth_samp,NULL); free((void *)pixFlags); /* free pixel flags */ pixFlags = NULL; } static void reset_flags(void) /* allocate/set/reset occupancy flags */ { int32 p; if (pixFlags == NULL) { pixFlags = (int32 *)calloc(FL4NELS(hres*vres), sizeof(int32)); CHECK(pixFlags==NULL, SYSTEM, "out of memory in reset_flags"); } else CLR4ALL(pixFlags, hres*vres); for (p = hres*vres; p--; ) if (myweight[p] > FTINY) SET4(pixFlags, p); } static void init_wfunc(void) /* initialize weighting function */ { int r2; double d; for (r2 = MAXRAD2; --r2; ) { d = sqrt((double)r2); pixWeight[r2] = G0NORM/d; isqrttab[r2] = d + 0.99; } pixWeight[0] = 1.; isqrttab[0] = 0; } static int findneigh( /* find NNEIGH neighbors for pixel */ short nl[NNEIGH][2], int nd[NNEIGH], int h, int v, short (*rnl)[NNEIGH] ) { int nn = 0; int d, n, hoff; int h2, n2; nd[NNEIGH-1] = MAXRAD2; for (hoff = 0; hoff < hres; hoff = (hoff<=0) - hoff) { h2 = h + hoff; if ((h2 < 0) | (h2 >= hres)) continue; if ((h2-h)*(h2-h) >= nd[NNEIGH-1]) break; for (n = 0; n < NNEIGH && rnl[h2][n] < NINF; n++) { d = (h2-h)*(h2-h) + (v-rnl[h2][n])*(v-rnl[h2][n]); if ((d == 0) | (d >= nd[NNEIGH-1])) continue; if (nn < NNEIGH) /* insert neighbor */ nn++; for (n2 = nn; n2--; ) { if (!n2 || d >= nd[n2-1]) { nd[n2] = d; nl[n2][0] = h2; nl[n2][1] = rnl[h2][n]; break; } nd[n2] = nd[n2-1]; nl[n2][0] = nl[n2-1][0]; nl[n2][1] = nl[n2-1][1]; } } } return(nn); } static void meet_neighbors( /* run through samples and their neighbors */ int occ, sampfunc *nf, double *dp ) { short ln[NNEIGH][2]; int nd[NNEIGH]; int h, v, n, v2; short (*rnl)[NNEIGH]; /* initialize bottom row list */ rnl = (short (*)[NNEIGH])malloc(NNEIGH*sizeof(short)*hres); CHECK(rnl==NULL, SYSTEM, "out of memory in meet_neighbors"); for (h = 0; h < hres; h++) { for (n = v = 0; v < vres; v++) if (CHK4(pixFlags, v*hres+h)) { rnl[h][n++] = v; if (n >= NNEIGH) break; } while (n < NNEIGH) rnl[h][n++] = NINF; } v = 0; /* do each row */ for ( ; ; ) { for (h = 0; h < hres; h++) { if (!CHK4(pixFlags, v*hres+h) != !occ) continue; /* occupancy mismatch */ /* find neighbors */ n = findneigh(ln, nd, h, v, rnl); /* call on neighbors */ (*nf)(h, v, ln, nd, n, dp); } if (++v >= vres) /* reinitialize row list */ break; for (h = 0; h < hres; h++) for (v2 = rnl[h][NNEIGH-1]+1; v2 < vres; v2++) { if (v2 - v > v - rnl[h][0]) break; /* not close enough */ if (CHK4(pixFlags, v2*hres+h)) { for (n = 0; n < NNEIGH-1; n++) rnl[h][n] = rnl[h][n+1]; rnl[h][NNEIGH-1] = v2; } } } free((void *)rnl); /* free row list */ }