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Revision: 3.17
Committed: Thu Jan 1 11:21:55 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.16: +34 -15 lines
Log Message:
Ansification and prototypes.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rhpict.c,v 3.16 2003/10/22 02:06:34 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Radiance holodeck picture generator
6 */
8 #include <string.h>
10 #include "platform.h"
11 #include "rterror.h"
12 #include "rholo.h"
13 #include "view.h"
15 char *progname; /* our program name */
16 char *hdkfile; /* holodeck file name */
17 char gargc; /* global argc */
18 char **gargv; /* global argv */
20 VIEW myview = STDVIEW; /* current output view */
21 int xres = 512, yres = 512; /* max. horizontal and vertical resolution */
22 char *outspec = NULL; /* output file specification */
23 double randfrac = -1.; /* random resampling fraction */
24 double pixaspect = 1.; /* pixel aspect ratio */
25 int seqstart = 0; /* sequence start frame */
26 double expval = 1.; /* exposure value */
28 COLOR *mypixel; /* pixels being rendered */
29 float *myweight; /* weights (used to compute final pixels) */
30 float *mydepth; /* depth values (visibility culling) */
31 int hres, vres; /* current horizontal and vertical res. */
33 extern int nowarn; /* turn warnings off? */
35 static void dopicture(int fn);
36 static void render_frame(PACKHEAD *bl, int nb);
37 static void startpicture(int fn);
38 static int endpicture(void);
39 static void initialize(void);
40 /* from rhpict2.c */
41 extern void pixFinish(double ransamp);
42 extern void pixBeam(BEAM *bp, HDBEAMI *hb);
45 int
46 main(
47 int argc,
48 char *argv[]
49 )
50 {
51 int i, rval;
53 gargc = argc; gargv = argv;
54 progname = argv[0]; /* get arguments */
55 for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) {
56 rval = getviewopt(&myview, argc-i, argv+i);
57 if (rval >= 0) { /* view option */
58 i += rval;
59 continue;
60 }
61 switch (argv[i][1]) {
62 case 'w': /* turn off warnings */
63 nowarn++;
64 break;
65 case 'p': /* pixel aspect/exposure */
66 if (badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"f"))
67 goto userr;
68 if (argv[i][2] == 'a')
69 pixaspect = atof(argv[++i]);
70 else if (argv[i][2] == 'e') {
71 expval = atof(argv[++i]);
72 if ((argv[i][0] == '-') | (argv[i][0] == '+'))
73 expval = pow(2., expval);
74 } else
75 goto userr;
76 break;
77 case 'x': /* horizontal resolution */
78 if (badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"i"))
79 goto userr;
80 xres = atoi(argv[++i]);
81 break;
82 case 'y': /* vertical resolution */
83 if (badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"i"))
84 goto userr;
85 yres = atoi(argv[++i]);
86 break;
87 case 'o': /* output file specificaiton */
88 if (badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"s"))
89 goto userr;
90 outspec = argv[++i];
91 break;
92 case 'r': /* random sampling */
93 if (badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"f"))
94 goto userr;
95 randfrac = atof(argv[++i]);
96 break;
97 case 's': /* smooth sampling */
98 randfrac = -1.;
99 break;
100 case 'S': /* sequence start */
101 if (badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"i"))
102 goto userr;
103 seqstart = atoi(argv[++i]);
104 break;
105 case 'v': /* view file */
106 if (argv[i][2]!='f' || badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,"s"))
107 goto userr;
108 rval = viewfile(argv[++i], &myview, NULL);
109 if (rval < 0) {
110 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open view file \"%s\"",
111 argv[i]);
112 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
113 } else if (rval == 0) {
114 sprintf(errmsg, "bad view file \"%s\"",
115 argv[i]);
116 error(USER, errmsg);
117 }
118 break;
119 default:
120 goto userr;
121 }
122 }
123 /* open holodeck file */
124 if (i != argc-1)
125 goto userr;
126 hdkfile = argv[i];
127 initialize();
128 /* render picture(s) */
129 if (seqstart <= 0)
130 dopicture(0);
131 else
132 while (nextview(&myview, stdin) != EOF)
133 dopicture(seqstart++);
134 quit(0); /* all done! */
135 userr:
136 fprintf(stderr,
137 "Usage: %s [-w][-r rf][-pa pa][-pe ex][-x hr][-y vr][-S stfn][-o outp][view] input.hdk\n",
138 progname);
139 quit(1);
140 return 1; /* pro forma return */
141 }
144 static void
145 dopicture( /* render view from holodeck */
146 int fn
147 )
148 {
149 char *err;
150 int rval;
151 BEAMLIST blist;
153 if ((err = setview(&myview)) != NULL) {
154 sprintf(errmsg, "%s -- skipping frame %d", err, fn);
155 error(WARNING, errmsg);
156 return;
157 }
158 startpicture(fn); /* open output picture */
159 /* determine relevant beams */
160 viewbeams(&myview, hres, vres, &blist);
161 /* render image */
162 if (blist.nb > 0) {
163 render_frame(, blist.nb);
164 free((void *);
165 } else {
166 sprintf(errmsg, "no section visible in frame %d", fn);
167 error(WARNING, errmsg);
168 }
169 rval = endpicture(); /* write pixel values */
170 if (rval < 0) {
171 sprintf(errmsg, "error writing frame %d", fn);
172 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
173 }
174 #ifdef DEBUG
175 if (blist.nb > 0 & rval > 0) {
176 sprintf(errmsg, "%d unrendered pixels in frame %d (%.1f%%)",
177 rval, fn, 100.*rval/(hres*vres));
178 error(WARNING, errmsg);
179 }
180 #endif
181 }
184 static void
185 render_frame( /* render frame from beam values */
186 register PACKHEAD *bl,
187 int nb
188 )
189 {
190 register HDBEAMI *bil;
191 register int i;
193 if (nb <= 0) return;
194 if ((bil = (HDBEAMI *)malloc(nb*sizeof(HDBEAMI))) == NULL)
195 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in render_frame");
196 for (i = nb; i--; ) {
197 bil[i].h = hdlist[bl[i].hd];
198 bil[i].b = bl[i].bi;
199 }
200 hdloadbeams(bil, nb, pixBeam);
201 pixFinish(randfrac);
202 free((void *)bil);
203 }
206 static void
207 startpicture( /* initialize picture for rendering & output */
208 int fn
209 )
210 {
211 extern char VersionID[];
212 double pa = pixaspect;
213 char fname[256];
214 /* compute picture resolution */
215 hres = xres; vres = yres;
216 normaspect(viewaspect(&myview), &pa, &hres, &vres);
217 /* prepare output */
218 if (outspec != NULL) {
219 sprintf(fname, outspec, fn);
220 if (freopen(fname, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
221 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open output \"%s\"", fname);
222 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
223 }
224 }
225 /* write header */
226 newheader("RADIANCE", stdout);
227 printf("SOFTWARE= %s\n", VersionID);
228 printargs(gargc, gargv, stdout);
229 if (fn)
230 printf("FRAME=%d\n", fn);
231 fputs(VIEWSTR, stdout);
232 fprintview(&myview, stdout);
233 fputc('\n', stdout);
234 if ((pa < 0.99) | (pa > 1.01))
235 fputaspect(pa, stdout);
236 if ((expval < 0.99) | (expval > 1.01))
237 fputexpos(expval, stdout);
238 fputformat(COLRFMT, stdout);
239 fputc('\n', stdout);
240 /* write resolution (standard order) */
241 fprtresolu(hres, vres, stdout);
242 /* prepare image buffers */
243 memset((char *)mypixel, '\0', hres*vres*sizeof(COLOR));
244 memset((char *)myweight, '\0', hres*vres*sizeof(float));
245 memset((char *)mydepth, '\0', hres*vres*sizeof(float));
246 }
249 static int
250 endpicture(void) /* finish and write out pixels */
251 {
252 int lastr = -1, nunrend = 0;
253 int32 lastp, lastrp;
254 register int32 p;
255 register double d;
256 /* compute final pixel values */
257 for (p = hres*vres; p--; ) {
258 if (myweight[p] <= FTINY) {
259 if (lastr >= 0) {
260 if (p/hres == lastp/hres)
261 copycolor(mypixel[p], mypixel[lastp]);
262 else
263 copycolor(mypixel[p], mypixel[lastrp]);
264 }
265 nunrend++;
266 continue;
267 }
268 d = expval/myweight[p];
269 scalecolor(mypixel[p], d);
270 if ((lastp=p)/hres != lastr)
271 lastr = (lastrp=p)/hres;
272 }
273 /* write each scanline */
274 for (p = vres; p--; )
275 if (fwritescan(mypixel+p*hres, hres, stdout) < 0)
276 return(-1);
277 if (fflush(stdout) == EOF)
278 return(-1);
279 return(nunrend);
280 }
283 static void
284 initialize(void) /* initialize holodeck and buffers */
285 {
286 int fd;
287 FILE *fp;
288 int n;
289 int32 nextloc;
290 /* open holodeck file */
291 if ((fp = fopen(hdkfile, "r")) == NULL) {
292 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open \"%s\" for reading", hdkfile);
293 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
294 }
295 /* check header format */
296 checkheader(fp, HOLOFMT, NULL);
297 /* check magic number */
298 if (getw(fp) != HOLOMAGIC) {
299 sprintf(errmsg, "bad magic number in holodeck file \"%s\"",
300 hdkfile);
301 error(USER, errmsg);
302 }
303 nextloc = ftell(fp); /* get stdio position */
304 fd = dup(fileno(fp)); /* dup file descriptor */
305 fclose(fp); /* done with stdio */
306 for (n = 0; nextloc > 0L; n++) { /* initialize each section */
307 lseek(fd, (off_t)nextloc, SEEK_SET);
308 read(fd, (char *)&nextloc, sizeof(nextloc));
309 hdinit(fd, NULL);
310 }
311 /* allocate picture buffer */
312 mypixel = (COLOR *)bmalloc(xres*yres*sizeof(COLOR));
313 myweight = (float *)bmalloc(xres*yres*sizeof(float));
314 mydepth = (float *)bmalloc(xres*yres*sizeof(float));
315 if ((mypixel == NULL) | (myweight == NULL) | (mydepth == NULL))
316 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in initialize");
317 }
320 void
321 eputs(s) /* put error message to stderr */
322 register char *s;
323 {
324 static int midline = 0;
326 if (!*s)
327 return;
328 if (!midline++) { /* prepend line with program name */
329 fputs(progname, stderr);
330 fputs(": ", stderr);
331 }
332 fputs(s, stderr);
333 if (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n') {
334 fflush(stderr);
335 midline = 0;
336 }
337 }