#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rholo4.c,v 3.35 2003/07/27 22:12:02 schorsch Exp $"; #endif /* * Holodeck display process communication */ #include "rholo.h" #include "rhdisp.h" #include "rtprocess.h" #include #include #ifndef HDSUF #define HDSUF ".hdi" #endif #ifndef SLAVENAME #define SLAVENAME "slave" #endif #ifndef FNONBLK #define FNONBLK O_NONBLOCK #endif static int inp_flags; static SUBPROC dpd; static FILE *dpout; disp_open(dname) /* open the named display driver */ char *dname; { char buf[sizeof(HDGRID)+512], fd0[8], fd1[8], *cmd[5], *sfn; int i, n, len; if (!strcmp(dname, SLAVENAME)) { dpd.r = 0; /* read from stdin */ dpout = stdout; /* write to stdout */ dpd.running = 0; /* we're the slave procees */ } else { /* get full display program name */ #ifdef DEVPATH sprintf(buf, "%s/%s%s", DEVPATH, dname, HDSUF); #else sprintf(buf, "dev/%s%s", dname, HDSUF); #endif /* dup stdin and stdout */ if (readinp) sprintf(fd0, "%d", dup(0)); else strcpy(fd0, "-1"); sprintf(fd1, "%d", dup(1)); /* start the display process */ cmd[0] = buf; cmd[1] = froot; cmd[2] = fd1; cmd[3] = fd0; cmd[4] = NULL; i = open_process(&dpd, cmd); if (i <= 0) error(USER, "cannot start display process"); if ((dpout = fdopen(dpd.w, "w")) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "problem opening display pipe"); /* close dup'ed stdin and stdout */ if (readinp) close(atoi(fd0)); close(atoi(fd1)); } dpd.w = -1; /* causes ignored error in close_process() */ inp_flags = 0; /* check if outside */ if (vdef(OBSTRUCTIONS) && vbool(OBSTRUCTIONS)) disp_result(DS_OUTSECT, 0, NULL); /* send eye separation if specified */ if (vdef(EYESEP)) { sprintf(buf, "%.9e", vflt(EYESEP)); disp_result(DS_EYESEP, strlen(buf)+1, buf); } /* write out hologram grids & octrees */ for (i = 0; hdlist[i] != NULL; i++) { memcpy(buf, (void *)hdlist[i], sizeof(HDGRID)); len = sizeof(HDGRID); n = vdef(GEOMETRY); sfn = inr), (char *)p); } disp_check(block) /* check display process */ int block; { MSGHEAD msg; int n; char *buf = NULL; if (dpout == NULL) return(-1); /* flush display output */ disp_flush(); /* check read blocking */ if (block != (inp_flags == 0)) { inp_flags = block ? 0 : FNONBLK; if (fcntl(dpd.r, F_SETFL, inp_flags) < 0) goto fcntlerr; } /* read message header */ n = read(dpd.r, (char *)&msg, sizeof(MSGHEAD)); if (n != sizeof(MSGHEAD)) { if (n >= 0) { dpout = NULL; error(USER, "display process died"); } if ((errno != EAGAIN) & (errno != EINTR)) goto readerr; return(2); /* acceptable failure */ } if (msg.nbytes) { /* get the message body */ if (msg.nbytes < 0) error(INTERNAL, "anti-message from display process"); buf = (char *)malloc(msg.nbytes); if (buf == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in disp_check"); if (inp_flags != 0 && fcntl(dpd.r, F_SETFL, inp_flags=0) < 0) goto fcntlerr; if (readbuf(dpd.r, buf, msg.nbytes) != msg.nbytes) goto readerr; } switch (msg.type) { /* take appropriate action */ case DR_BUNDLE: /* new bundle to calculate */ if (msg.nbytes != sizeof(PACKHEAD)) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_BUNDLE from display process"); bundle_set(BS_ADD, (PACKHEAD *)buf, 1); break; case DR_NEWSET: /* new calculation set */ if (msg.nbytes % sizeof(PACKHEAD)) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_NEWSET from display process"); if (msg.nbytes) disp_result(DS_STARTIMM, 0, NULL); bundle_set(BS_NEW, (PACKHEAD *)buf, msg.nbytes/sizeof(PACKHEAD)); if (msg.nbytes) { disp_result(DS_ENDIMM, 0, NULL); disp_flush(); } break; case DR_ADDSET: /* add to calculation set */ if (!msg.nbytes) break; if (msg.nbytes % sizeof(PACKHEAD)) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_ADDSET from display process"); disp_result(DS_STARTIMM, 0, NULL); bundle_set(BS_ADD, (PACKHEAD *)buf, msg.nbytes/sizeof(PACKHEAD)); disp_result(DS_ENDIMM, 0, NULL); disp_flush(); break; case DR_ADJSET: /* adjust calculation set members */ if (!msg.nbytes) break; if (msg.nbytes % sizeof(PACKHEAD)) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_ADJSET from display process"); disp_result(DS_STARTIMM, 0, NULL); bundle_set(BS_ADJ, (PACKHEAD *)buf, msg.nbytes/sizeof(PACKHEAD)); disp_result(DS_ENDIMM, 0, NULL); disp_flush(); break; case DR_DELSET: /* delete from calculation set */ if (!msg.nbytes) break; if (msg.nbytes % sizeof(PACKHEAD)) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_DELSET from display process"); bundle_set(BS_DEL, (PACKHEAD *)buf, msg.nbytes/sizeof(PACKHEAD)); break; case DR_VIEWPOINT: /* set target eye position */ if (msg.nbytes != sizeof(VIEWPOINT)) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_VIEWPOINT from display process"); myeye = *((VIEWPOINT *)buf); break; case DR_ATTEN: /* block for priority request */ if (msg.nbytes) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_ATTEN from display process"); /* send acknowledgement */ disp_result(DS_ACKNOW, 0, NULL); return(disp_check(1)); /* block on following request */ case DR_KILL: /* kill computation process(es) */ if (msg.nbytes) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_KILL from display process"); if (nprocs > 0) done_rtrace(); else error(WARNING, "no rtrace process to kill"); break; case DR_RESTART: /* restart computation process(es) */ if (msg.nbytes) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_RESTART from display process"); if (ncprocs > nprocs) new_rtrace(); else if (nprocs > 0) error(WARNING, "rtrace already runnning"); else error(WARNING, "holodeck not open for writing"); break; case DR_CLOBBER: /* clobber holodeck */ if (msg.nbytes) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_CLOBBER from display process"); if ((force <= 0) | (ncprocs <= 0)) error(WARNING, "request to clobber holodeck denied"); else { error(WARNING, "clobbering holodeck contents"); hdclobber(NULL); } break; case DR_SHUTDOWN: /* shut down program */ if (msg.nbytes) error(INTERNAL, "bad DR_SHUTDOWN from display process"); return(0); /* zero return signals shutdown */ case DR_NOOP: /* do nothing */ break; default: error(INTERNAL, "unrecognized request from display process"); } if (msg.nbytes) /* clean up */ free(buf); return(1); /* normal return value */ fcntlerr: error(SYSTEM, "cannot change display blocking mode"); readerr: error(SYSTEM, "error reading from display process"); } int disp_close() /* close our display process */ { int rval; if (dpout == NULL) return(-1); myeye.rng = 0; disp_result(DS_SHUTDOWN, 0, NULL); fclose(dpout); dpout = NULL; return(dpd.running ? close_process(&dpd) : 0); } disp_result(type, nbytes, p) /* queue result message to display process */ int type, nbytes; char *p; { MSGHEAD msg; /* consistency checks */ #ifdef DEBUG if (nbytes < 0 || nbytes > 0 & p == NULL) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad buffer handed to disp_result"); #endif if (dpout == NULL) return; msg.type = type; msg.nbytes = nbytes; fwrite((char *)&msg, sizeof(MSGHEAD), 1, dpout); if (nbytes > 0) fwrite(p, 1, nbytes, dpout); } disp_flush() /* flush output to display */ { if (fflush(dpout) < 0) error(SYSTEM, "error writing to the display process"); }