#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rholo3.c,v 3.44 2018/10/05 19:19:16 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for tracking beam compuatations */ #include "rholo.h" #ifndef NFRAG2CHUNK #define NFRAG2CHUNK 4096 /* number of fragments to start chunking */ #endif #ifndef MAXADISK #define MAXADISK 10240. /* maximum holodeck size (Megs) for ambient */ #endif #ifndef abs #define abs(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : -(x)) #endif #ifndef sgn #define sgn(x) ((x) > 0 ? 1 : (x) < 0 ? -1 : 0) #endif #define rchunk(n) (((n)+(RPACKSIZ/2))/RPACKSIZ) int chunkycmp = 0; /* clump beams together on disk */ static PACKHEAD *complist=NULL; /* list of beams to compute */ static int complen=0; /* length of complist */ static int listpos=0; /* current list position for next_packet */ static int lastin= -1; /* last ordered position in list */ static void sortcomplist(void); static void mergeclists(PACKHEAD *cdest, PACKHEAD *cl1, int n1, PACKHEAD *cl2, int n2); static void view_list(FILE *fp); static void ambient_list(void); static double beamvolume(HOLO *hp, int bi); static void dispbeam(BEAM *b, HDBEAMI *hb); static int beamcmp(b0, b1) /* comparison for compute order */ PACKHEAD *b0, *b1; { BEAMI *bip0, *bip1; long c; /* first check desired quantities */ if (chunkycmp) c = rchunk(b1->nr)*(rchunk(b0->nc)+1L) - rchunk(b0->nr)*(rchunk(b1->nc)+1L); else c = b1->nr*(b0->nc+1L) - b0->nr*(b1->nc+1L); if (c > 0) return(1); if (c < 0) return(-1); /* only one file, so skip the following: */ #if 0 /* next, check file descriptors */ c = hdlist[b0->hd]->fd - hdlist[b1->hd]->fd; if (c) return(c); #endif /* finally, check file positions */ bip0 = &hdlist[b0->hd]->bi[b0->bi]; bip1 = &hdlist[b1->hd]->bi[b1->bi]; /* put diskless beams last */ if (!bip0->nrd) return(bip1->nrd > 0); if (!bip1->nrd) return(-1); c = bip0->fo - bip1->fo; return(c < 0 ? -1 : c > 0); } int beamidcmp(b0, b1) /* comparison for beam searching */ PACKHEAD *b0, *b1; { int c = b0->hd - b1->hd; if (c) return(c); return(b0->bi - b1->bi); } static void dispbeam( /* display a holodeck beam */ BEAM *b, HDBEAMI *hb ) { static int n = 0; static PACKHEAD *p = NULL; if (b == NULL) return; if (b->nrm > n) { /* (re)allocate packet holder */ n = b->nrm; if (p == NULL) p = (PACKHEAD *)malloc(packsiz(n)); else p = (PACKHEAD *)realloc((void *)p, packsiz(n)); CHECK(p==NULL, SYSTEM, "out of memory in dispbeam"); } /* assign packet fields */ memcpy((void *)packra(p), (void *)hdbray(b), b->nrm*sizeof(RAYVAL)); p->nr = p->nc = b->nrm; for (p->hd = 0; hdlist[p->hd] != hb->h; p->hd++) if (hdlist[p->hd] == NULL) error(CONSISTENCY, "unregistered holodeck in dispbeam"); p->bi = hb->b; disp_packet(p); /* display it */ if (n >= 1024) { /* free ridiculous packets */ free((void *)p); p = NULL; n = 0; } } void bundle_set( /* bundle set operation */ int op, PACKHEAD *clist, int nents ) { int oldnr, n; HDBEAMI *hbarr; PACKHEAD *csm; int i; /* search for common members */ for (csm = clist+nents; csm-- > clist; ) csm->nc = -1; qsort((void *)clist, nents, sizeof(PACKHEAD), beamidcmp); for (i = 0; i < complen; i++) { csm = (PACKHEAD *)bsearch((void *)(complist+i), (void *)clist, nents, sizeof(PACKHEAD), beamidcmp); if (csm == NULL) continue; oldnr = complist[i].nr; csm->nc = complist[i].nc; switch (op) { case BS_ADD: /* add to count */ complist[i].nr += csm->nr; csm->nr = 0; break; case BS_MAX: /* maximum of counts */ if (csm->nr > complist[i].nr) complist[i].nr = csm->nr; csm->nr = 0; break; case BS_ADJ: /* reset count */ complist[i].nr = csm->nr; csm->nr = 0; break; case BS_DEL: /* delete count */ if (csm->nr == 0 || csm->nr >= complist[i].nr) complist[i].nr = 0; else complist[i].nr -= csm->nr; break; } if (complist[i].nr != oldnr) lastin = -1; /* flag sort */ } /* record computed rays for uncommon beams */ for (csm = clist+nents; csm-- > clist; ) if (csm->nc < 0) csm->nc = bnrays(hdlist[csm->hd], csm->bi); /* complete list operations */ switch (op) { case BS_NEW: /* new computation set */ listpos = 0; lastin = -1; if (complen) /* free old list */ free((void *)complist); complist = NULL; if (!(complen = nents)) return; complist = (PACKHEAD *)malloc(nents*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); if (complist == NULL) goto memerr; memcpy((void *)complist, (void *)clist, nents*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); break; case BS_ADD: /* add to computation set */ case BS_MAX: /* maximum of quantities */ case BS_ADJ: /* adjust set quantities */ if (nents <= 0) return; sortcomplist(); /* sort updated list & new entries */ qsort((void *)clist, nents, sizeof(PACKHEAD), beamcmp); /* what can't we satisfy? */ for (i = nents, csm = clist; i-- && csm->nr > csm->nc; csm++) ; n = csm - clist; if (op != BS_ADD) { /* don't regenerate adjusted beams */ for (++i; i-- && csm->nr > 0; csm++) ; nents = csm - clist; } if (n) { /* allocate space for merged list */ PACKHEAD *newlist; newlist = (PACKHEAD *)malloc( (complen+n)*sizeof(PACKHEAD) ); if (newlist == NULL) goto memerr; /* merge lists */ mergeclists(newlist, clist, n, complist, complen); if (complen) free((void *)complist); complist = newlist; complen += n; } listpos = 0; lastin = complen-1; /* list is now sorted */ break; case BS_DEL: /* delete from computation set */ return; /* already done */ default: error(CONSISTENCY, "bundle_set called with unknown operation"); } if (outdev == NULL || !nents) /* nothing to display? */ return; /* load and display beams we have */ hbarr = (HDBEAMI *)malloc(nents*sizeof(HDBEAMI)); for (i = nents; i--; ) { hbarr[i].h = hdlist[clist[i].hd]; hbarr[i].b = clist[i].bi; } hdloadbeams(hbarr, nents, dispbeam); free((void *)hbarr); if (hdfragflags&FF_READ) { listpos = 0; lastin = -1; /* need to re-sort list */ } return; memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in bundle_set"); } static double beamvolume( /* compute approximate volume of a beam */ HOLO *hp, int bi ) { GCOORD gc[2]; FVECT cp[4], edgeA, edgeB, cent[2]; FVECT crossp[2], diffv; double vol[2]; int i; /* get grid coordinates */ if (!hdbcoord(gc, hp, bi)) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad beam index in beamvolume"); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* compute cell area vectors */ hdcell(cp, hp, gc+i); VSUM(edgeA, cp[1], cp[0], -1.0); VSUM(edgeB, cp[3], cp[1], -1.0); fcross(crossp[i], edgeA, edgeB); /* compute center */ cent[i][0] = 0.5*(cp[0][0] + cp[2][0]); cent[i][1] = 0.5*(cp[0][1] + cp[2][1]); cent[i][2] = 0.5*(cp[0][2] + cp[2][2]); } /* compute difference vector */ VSUM(diffv, cent[1], cent[0], -1.0); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* compute volume contributions */ vol[i] = 0.5*DOT(crossp[i], diffv); if (vol[i] < 0.) vol[i] = -vol[i]; } return(vol[0] + vol[1]); /* return total volume */ } static void ambient_list(void) /* compute ambient beam list */ { int32 wtotal, minrt; double frac; int i; int j, k; complen = 0; for (j = 0; hdlist[j] != NULL; j++) complen += nbeams(hdlist[j]); complist = (PACKHEAD *)malloc(complen*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); CHECK(complist==NULL, SYSTEM, "out of memory in ambient_list"); /* compute beam weights */ k = 0; wtotal = 0; for (j = 0; hdlist[j] != NULL; j++) { /* 512. arbitrary -- adjusted below */ frac = 512. * VLEN(hdlist[j]->wg[0]) * VLEN(hdlist[j]->wg[1]) * VLEN(hdlist[j]->wg[2]); for (i = nbeams(hdlist[j]); i > 0; i--) { complist[k].hd = j; complist[k].bi = i; complist[k].nr = frac*beamvolume(hdlist[j], i) + 0.5; complist[k].nc = bnrays(hdlist[j], i); wtotal += complist[k++].nr; } } /* adjust sample weights */ if (vdef(DISKSPACE)) frac = 1024.*1024.*vflt(DISKSPACE) / (wtotal*sizeof(RAYVAL)); else frac = 1024.*1024.*MAXADISK / (wtotal*sizeof(RAYVAL)); minrt = .02*frac*wtotal/complen + .5; /* heuristic mimimum */ if (minrt > RPACKSIZ) minrt = RPACKSIZ; for (k = complen; k--; ) if ((complist[k].nr = frac*complist[k].nr + 0.5) < minrt) complist[k].nr = minrt; listpos = 0; lastin = -1; /* flag initial sort */ } static void view_list( /* assign beam priority from view list */ FILE *fp ) { double pa = 1.; VIEW curview; int xr, yr; char *err; BEAMLIST blist; curview = stdview; while (nextview(&curview, fp) != EOF) { if ((err = setview(&curview)) != NULL) { error(WARNING, err); continue; } xr = yr = 1024; normaspect(viewaspect(&curview), &pa, &xr, &yr); viewbeams(&curview, xr, yr, &blist); bundle_set(BS_MAX, blist.bl, blist.nb); free((void *)blist.bl); } } void init_global(void) /* initialize global ray computation */ { /* free old list and empty queue */ if (complen > 0) { free((void *)complist); done_packets(flush_queue()); } /* reseed random number generator */ srandom(time(NULL)); /* allocate beam list */ if (readinp) view_list(stdin); else ambient_list(); /* no view vicinity */ myeye.rng = 0; } static void mergeclists( /* merge two sorted lists */ PACKHEAD *cdest, PACKHEAD *cl1, int n1, PACKHEAD *cl2, int n2 ) { int cmp; while (n1 | n2) { if (!n1) cmp = 1; else if (!n2) cmp = -1; else cmp = beamcmp(cl1, cl2); if (cmp > 0) { *cdest = *cl2; cl2++; n2--; } else { *cdest = *cl1; cl1++; n1--; } cdest++; } } static void sortcomplist(void) /* fix our list order */ { PACKHEAD *list2; int listlen; int i; if (complen <= 0) /* check to see if there is even a list */ return; if (!chunkycmp) /* check to see if fragment list is full */ if (!hdfragOK(hdlist[0]->fd, &listlen, NULL) #if NFRAG2CHUNK || listlen >= NFRAG2CHUNK #endif ) { chunkycmp++; /* use "chunky" comparison */ lastin = -1; /* need to re-sort list */ #ifdef DEBUG error(WARNING, "using chunky comparison mode"); #endif } if (lastin < 0 || listpos*4 >= complen*3) qsort((void *)complist, complen, sizeof(PACKHEAD), beamcmp); else if (listpos) { /* else sort and merge sublist */ list2 = (PACKHEAD *)malloc(listpos*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); CHECK(list2==NULL, SYSTEM, "out of memory in sortcomplist"); memcpy((void *)list2,(void *)complist,listpos*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); qsort((void *)list2, listpos, sizeof(PACKHEAD), beamcmp); mergeclists(complist, list2, listpos, complist+listpos, complen-listpos); free((void *)list2); } /* drop satisfied requests */ for (i = complen; i-- && complist[i].nr <= complist[i].nc; ) ; if (i < 0) { free((void *)complist); complist = NULL; complen = 0; } else if (i < complen-1) { list2 = (PACKHEAD *)realloc((void *)complist, (i+1)*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); if (list2 != NULL) complist = list2; complen = i+1; } listpos = 0; lastin = i; } /* * The following routine works on the assumption that the bundle weights are * more or less evenly distributed, such that computing a packet causes * a given bundle to move way down in the computation order. We keep * track of where the computed bundle with the highest priority would end * up, and if we get further in our compute list than this, we re-sort the * list and start again from the beginning. Since * a merge sort is used, the sorting costs are minimal. */ int next_packet( /* prepare packet for computation */ PACKET *p, int n ) { if (listpos > lastin) /* time to sort the list */ sortcomplist(); if (complen <= 0) return(0); p->hd = complist[listpos].hd; p->bi = complist[listpos].bi; p->nc = complist[listpos].nc; p->nr = complist[listpos].nr - p->nc; if (p->nr <= 0) return(0); DCHECK(n < 1 | n > RPACKSIZ, CONSISTENCY, "next_packet called with bad n value"); if (p->nr > n) p->nr = n; complist[listpos].nc += p->nr; /* find where this one would go */ if (hdgetbeam(hdlist[p->hd], p->bi) != NULL) hdfreefrag(hdlist[p->hd], p->bi); while (lastin > listpos && beamcmp(complist+lastin, complist+listpos) > 0) lastin--; listpos++; return(1); }