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Revision: 3.21
Committed: Fri Aug 2 18:46:27 2024 UTC (6 weeks, 6 days ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.20: +3 -4 lines
Log Message:
refactor: removed out-dated casts to (char *)

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rholo2l.c,v 3.20 2023/12/16 18:33:55 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Routines for local rtrace execution
6 */
8 #include <signal.h>
9 #include <sys/time.h>
10 #include <string.h>
12 #include "rholo.h"
13 #include "random.h"
14 #include "paths.h"
15 #include "selcall.h"
16 #include "rtprocess.h"
18 #ifndef MAXPROC
19 #define MAXPROC 64
20 #endif
22 int nprocs = 0; /* running process count */
24 static char pfile[] = TEMPLATE; /* persist file name */
26 static SUBPROC rtpd[MAXPROC]; /* process descriptors */
27 static float *rtbuf = NULL; /* allocated i/o buffer */
28 static int maxqlen = 0; /* maximum packets per queue */
30 static PACKET *pqueue[MAXPROC]; /* packet queues */
31 static int pqlen[MAXPROC]; /* packet queue lengths */
33 static int bestout(void);
34 static int slots_avail(void);
35 static void queue_packet(PACKET *p);
36 static PACKET * get_packets(int poll);
37 static void killpersist(void);
40 int
41 start_rtrace(void) /* start rtrace process */
42 {
43 static char buf1[8];
44 int rmaxpack = 0;
45 int psiz, n;
46 /* get number of processes */
47 if (ncprocs <= 0 || nprocs > 0)
48 return(0);
49 if (ncprocs > MAXPROC) {
50 sprintf(errmsg,
51 "number of rtrace processes reduced from %d to %d",
52 ncprocs, MAXPROC);
53 error(WARNING, errmsg);
54 ncprocs = MAXPROC;
55 }
56 if (rtargv[rtargc-1] != vval(OCTREE)) {
57 /* add compulsory options */
58 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-i-";
59 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-I-";
60 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-h-";
61 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-ld-";
62 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-co-";
63 sprintf(buf1, "%d", RPACKSIZ);
64 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-x"; rtargv[rtargc++] = buf1;
65 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-y"; rtargv[rtargc++] = "0";
66 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-fff";
67 rtargv[rtargc++] = vbool(VDIST) ? "-ovl" : "-ovL";
68 if (nowarn)
69 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-w-";
70 if (ncprocs > 1) {
71 mktemp(pfile);
72 rtargv[rtargc++] = "-PP"; rtargv[rtargc++] = pfile;
73 }
74 rtargv[rtargc++] = vval(OCTREE);
75 rtargv[rtargc] = NULL;
76 }
77 maxqlen = 0;
78 for (nprocs = 0; nprocs < ncprocs; nprocs++) { /* spawn children */
79 psiz = open_process(&rtpd[nprocs], rtargv);
80 if (psiz <= 0)
81 error(SYSTEM, "cannot start rtrace process");
82 n = psiz/(RPACKSIZ*6*sizeof(float));
83 if (maxqlen == 0) {
84 if (!(maxqlen = n))
85 error(INTERNAL,
86 "bad pipe buffer size assumption");
87 sleep(2);
88 } else if (n != maxqlen)
89 error(INTERNAL, "varying pipe buffer size!");
90 rmaxpack += n;
91 }
92 rtbuf = (float *)malloc(RPACKSIZ*6*sizeof(float)*maxqlen);
93 if (rtbuf == NULL)
94 error(SYSTEM, "malloc failure in start_rtrace");
95 return(rmaxpack);
96 }
99 static int
100 bestout(void) /* get best process to process packet */
101 {
102 int cnt;
103 int pn, i;
105 pn = 0; /* find shortest queue */
106 for (i = 1; i < nprocs; i++)
107 if (pqlen[i] < pqlen[pn])
108 pn = i;
109 /* sanity check */
110 if (pqlen[pn] == maxqlen)
111 return(-1);
112 cnt = 0; /* count number of ties */
113 for (i = pn; i < nprocs; i++)
114 if (pqlen[i] == pqlen[pn])
115 cnt++;
116 /* break ties fairly */
117 if ((cnt = irandom(cnt)))
118 for (i = pn; i < nprocs; i++)
119 if (pqlen[i] == pqlen[pn] && !cnt--)
120 return(i);
121 return(pn);
122 }
125 static int
126 slots_avail(void) /* count packet slots available */
127 {
128 int nslots = 0;
129 int i;
131 for (i = nprocs; i--; )
132 nslots += maxqlen - pqlen[i];
133 return(nslots);
134 }
137 static void
138 queue_packet( /* queue up a beam packet */
139 PACKET *p
140 )
141 {
142 int pn, n;
143 /* determine process to write to */
144 if ((pn = bestout()) < 0)
145 error(INTERNAL, "rtrace input queues are full!");
146 /* write out the packet */
147 packrays(rtbuf, p);
148 if ((n = p->nr) < RPACKSIZ) /* add flush block? */
149 memset((char *)(rtbuf+6*n++), '\0', 6*sizeof(float));
150 if (writebuf(rtpd[pn].w, rtbuf, 6*sizeof(float)*n) < 0)
151 error(SYSTEM, "write error in queue_packet");
152 p->next = NULL;
153 if (!pqlen[pn]++) /* add it to the end of the queue */
154 pqueue[pn] = p;
155 else {
156 PACKET *rpl = pqueue[pn];
157 while (rpl->next != NULL)
158 rpl = rpl->next;
159 rpl->next = p;
160 }
161 }
164 static PACKET *
165 get_packets( /* read packets from rtrace processes */
166 int poll
167 )
168 {
169 static struct timeval tpoll; /* zero timeval struct */
170 fd_set readset, errset;
171 PACKET *pldone = NULL, *plend;
172 PACKET *p;
173 int n, nr;
174 int pn;
175 float *bp;
176 /* prepare select call */
177 FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_ZERO(&errset); n = 0;
178 for (pn = nprocs; pn--; ) {
179 if (pqlen[pn])
180 FD_SET(rtpd[pn].r, &readset);
181 FD_SET(rtpd[pn].r, &errset);
182 if (rtpd[pn].r >= n)
183 n = rtpd[pn].r + 1;
184 }
185 /* make the call */
186 n = select(n, &readset, (fd_set *)NULL, &errset,
187 poll ? &tpoll : (struct timeval *)NULL);
188 if (n < 0) {
189 if (errno == EINTR) /* interrupted select call */
190 return(NULL);
191 error(SYSTEM, "select call failure in get_packets");
192 }
193 if (n == 0) /* is nothing ready? */
194 return(NULL);
195 /* make read call(s) */
196 for (pn = 0; pn < nprocs; pn++) {
197 if (!FD_ISSET(rtpd[pn].r, &readset) &&
198 !FD_ISSET(rtpd[pn].r, &errset))
199 continue;
200 reread:
201 n = read(rtpd[pn].r, (char *)rtbuf,
202 4*sizeof(float)*RPACKSIZ*pqlen[pn]);
203 if (n < 0) {
204 if ((errno == EINTR) | (errno == EAGAIN))
205 goto reread;
206 error(SYSTEM, "read error in get_packets");
207 }
208 if (n == 0)
209 goto eoferr;
210 bp = rtbuf; /* finish processing */
211 for (p = pqueue[pn]; n && p != NULL; p = p->next) {
212 if ((nr = p->nr) < RPACKSIZ)
213 nr++; /* add flush block */
214 n -= 4*sizeof(float)*nr;
215 if (n < 0) { /* get remainder */
216 n += readbuf(rtpd[pn].r,
217 (char *)(bp+4*nr)+n, -n);
218 if (n)
219 goto eoferr;
220 }
221 donerays(p, bp);
222 bp += 4*nr;
223 pqlen[pn]--;
224 }
225 if (n) /* read past end? */
226 error(INTERNAL, "packet sync error in get_packets");
227 /* take from queue */
228 if (pldone == NULL)
229 pldone = plend = pqueue[pn];
230 else
231 plend->next = pqueue[pn];
232 while (plend->next != p)
233 plend = plend->next;
234 plend->next = NULL;
235 pqueue[pn] = p;
236 }
237 return(pldone); /* return finished packets */
238 eoferr:
239 error(USER, "rtrace process died");
240 return NULL; /* pro forma return */
241 }
244 PACKET *
245 do_packets( /* queue a packet list, return finished */
246 PACKET *pl
247 )
248 {
249 PACKET *p;
250 /* consistency check */
251 if (nprocs < 1)
252 error(CONSISTENCY, "do_packets called with no active process");
253 /* queue each new packet */
254 while (pl != NULL) {
255 p = pl; pl = p->next; p->next = NULL;
256 queue_packet(p);
257 }
258 return(get_packets(slots_avail())); /* return processed packets */
259 }
262 PACKET *
263 flush_queue(void) /* empty all rtrace queues */
264 {
265 PACKET *rpdone = NULL;
266 PACKET *rpl = NULL;
267 float *bp;
268 PACKET *p;
269 int i, n, nr;
271 for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
272 if (pqlen[i]) {
273 if (rpdone == NULL) { /* tack on queue */
274 rpdone = rpl = pqueue[i];
275 if ((nr = rpl->nr) < RPACKSIZ) nr++;
276 } else {
277 rpl->next = pqueue[i];
278 nr = 0;
279 }
280 while (rpl->next != NULL) {
281 nr += (rpl = rpl->next)->nr;
282 if (rpl->nr < RPACKSIZ)
283 nr++; /* add flush block */
284 }
285 n = readbuf(rtpd[i].r, rtbuf, 4*sizeof(float)*nr);
286 if (n < 0)
287 error(SYSTEM, "read failure in flush_queue");
288 bp = rtbuf; /* process packets */
289 for (p = pqueue[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
290 if ((nr = p->nr) < RPACKSIZ)
291 nr++; /* add flush block */
292 n -= 4*sizeof(float)*nr;
293 if (n >= 0)
294 donerays(p, bp);
295 else
296 p->nr = 0; /* short data error */
297 bp += 4*nr;
298 }
299 pqueue[i] = NULL; /* zero this queue */
300 pqlen[i] = 0;
301 }
302 return(rpdone); /* return all packets completed */
303 }
306 static void
307 killpersist(void) /* kill persistent process */
308 {
309 FILE *fp;
310 int pid;
312 if ((fp = fopen(pfile, "r")) == NULL)
313 return;
314 if (fscanf(fp, "%*s %d", &pid) != 1 || kill(pid, SIGALRM) < 0)
315 unlink(pfile);
316 fclose(fp);
317 }
320 int
321 end_rtrace(void) /* close rtrace process(es) */
322 {
323 int status = 0, rv;
325 if (nprocs > 1)
326 killpersist();
327 status = close_processes(rtpd, nprocs);
328 nprocs = 0;
329 free((void *)rtbuf);
330 rtbuf = NULL;
331 maxqlen = 0;
332 return(status);
333 }