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Revision: 3.31
Committed: Thu Apr 21 22:31:42 2022 UTC (2 years, 5 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, HEAD
Changes since 3.30: +9 -13 lines
Log Message:
refactor: Switched to using irandom() where appropriate

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rholo2.c,v 3.30 2018/10/05 19:19:16 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Rtrace support routines for holodeck rendering
6 */
8 #include <time.h>
10 #include "rholo.h"
11 #include "paths.h"
12 #include "random.h"
15 VIEWPOINT myeye; /* target view position */
17 struct gclim {
18 HOLO *hp; /* holodeck pointer */
19 GCOORD gc; /* grid cell */
20 FVECT egp; /* eye grid point */
21 double erg2; /* mean square eye grid range */
22 double gmin[2], gmax[2]; /* grid coordinate limits */
23 }; /* a grid coordinate range */
25 static void initeyelim(struct gclim *gcl, HOLO *hp, GCOORD *gc);
26 static void groweyelim(struct gclim *gcl, GCOORD *gc,
27 double r0, double r1, int tight);
28 static int clipeyelim(short rrng[2][2], struct gclim *gcl);
31 static void
32 initeyelim( /* initialize grid coordinate limits */
33 struct gclim *gcl,
34 HOLO *hp,
35 GCOORD *gc
36 )
37 {
38 RREAL *v;
39 int i;
41 if (hp != NULL) {
42 hdgrid(gcl->egp, gcl->hp = hp, myeye.vpt);
43 gcl->erg2 = 0;
44 for (i = 0, v = hp->wg[0]; i < 3; i++, v += 3)
45 gcl->erg2 += DOT(v,v);
46 gcl->erg2 *= (1./3.) * myeye.rng*myeye.rng;
47 }
48 if (gc != NULL)
49 gcl->gc = *gc;
50 gcl->gmin[0] = gcl->gmin[1] = FHUGE;
51 gcl->gmax[0] = gcl->gmax[1] = -FHUGE;
52 }
55 static void
56 groweyelim( /* grow grid limits about eye point */
57 struct gclim *gcl,
58 GCOORD *gc,
59 double r0,
60 double r1,
61 int tight
62 )
63 {
64 FVECT gp, ab;
65 double ab2, od, cfact;
66 double sqcoef[3], ctcoef[3], licoef[3], cnst;
67 int gw, gi[2];
68 double wallpos, a, b, c, d, e, f;
69 double root[2], yex;
70 int n, i, j, nex;
71 /* point/view cone */
72 i = gc->w>>1;
73 gp[i] = gc->w&1 ? gcl->hp->grid[i] : 0;
74 gp[hdwg0[gc->w]] = gc->i[0] + r0;
75 gp[hdwg1[gc->w]] = gc->i[1] + r1;
76 VSUB(ab, gcl->egp, gp);
77 ab2 = DOT(ab, ab);
78 gw = gcl->gc.w>>1;
79 if ((i==gw ? ab[gw]*ab[gw] : ab2) <= gcl->erg2 + FTINY) {
80 gcl->gmin[0] = gcl->gmin[1] = -FHUGE;
81 gcl->gmax[0] = gcl->gmax[1] = FHUGE;
82 return; /* too close (to wall) */
83 }
84 ab2 = 1./ab2; /* 1/norm2(ab) */
85 od = DOT(gp, ab); /* origin dot direction */
86 cfact = 1./(1. - ab2*gcl->erg2); /* tan^2 + 1 of cone angle */
87 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* compute cone equation */
88 sqcoef[i] = ab[i]*ab[i]*cfact*ab2 - 1.;
89 ctcoef[i] = 2.*ab[i]*ab[(i+1)%3]*cfact*ab2;
90 licoef[i] = 2.*(gp[i] - ab[i]*cfact*od*ab2);
91 }
92 cnst = cfact*od*od*ab2 - DOT(gp,gp);
93 /*
94 * CONE: sqcoef[0]*x*x + sqcoef[1]*y*y + sqcoef[2]*z*z
95 * + ctcoef[0]*x*y + ctcoef[1]*y*z + ctcoef[2]*z*x
96 * + licoef[0]*x + licoef[1]*y + licoef[2]*z + cnst == 0
97 */
98 /* equation for conic section in plane */
99 gi[0] = hdwg0[gcl->gc.w];
100 gi[1] = hdwg1[gcl->gc.w];
101 wallpos = gcl->gc.w&1 ? gcl->hp->grid[gw] : 0;
102 a = sqcoef[gi[0]]; /* x2 */
103 b = ctcoef[gi[0]]; /* xy */
104 c = sqcoef[gi[1]]; /* y2 */
105 d = ctcoef[gw]*wallpos + licoef[gi[0]]; /* x */
106 e = ctcoef[gi[1]]*wallpos + licoef[gi[1]]; /* y */
107 f = wallpos*(wallpos*sqcoef[gw] + licoef[gw]) + cnst;
108 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
109 if (i) { /* swap x and y coefficients */
110 double t;
111 t = a; a = c; c = t;
112 t = d; d = e; e = t;
113 }
114 nex = 0; /* check global extrema */
115 n = quadratic(root, a*(4.*a*c-b*b), 2.*a*(2.*c*d-b*e),
116 d*(c*d-b*e) + f*b*b);
117 while (n-- > 0) {
118 if (gc->w>>1 == gi[i] &&
119 (gc->w&1) ^ (root[n] < gp[gc->w>>1])) {
120 if (gc->w&1)
121 gcl->gmin[i] = -FHUGE;
122 else
123 gcl->gmax[i] = FHUGE;
124 nex++;
125 continue; /* hyperbolic */
126 }
127 if (tight) {
128 yex = (-2.*a*root[n] - d)/b;
129 if (yex < gcl->gc.i[1-i] ||
130 yex > gcl->gc.i[1-i]+1)
131 continue; /* outside cell */
132 }
133 if (root[n] < gcl->gmin[i])
134 gcl->gmin[i] = root[n];
135 if (root[n] > gcl->gmax[i])
136 gcl->gmax[i] = root[n];
137 nex++;
138 }
139 /* check local extrema */
140 for (j = nex < 2 ? 2 : 0; j--; ) {
141 yex = gcl->gc.i[1-i] + j;
142 n = quadratic(root, a, b*yex+d, yex*(yex*c+e)+f);
143 while (n-- > 0) {
144 if (gc->w>>1 == gi[i] &&
145 (gc->w&1) ^ (root[n] < gp[gc->w>>1]))
146 continue;
147 if (root[n] < gcl->gmin[i])
148 gcl->gmin[i] = root[n];
149 if (root[n] > gcl->gmax[i])
150 gcl->gmax[i] = root[n];
151 }
152 }
153 }
154 }
157 static int
158 clipeyelim( /* clip eye limits to grid cell */
159 short rrng[2][2],
160 struct gclim *gcl
161 )
162 {
163 int incell = 1;
164 int i;
166 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
167 if (gcl->gmin[i] < gcl->gc.i[i])
168 gcl->gmin[i] = gcl->gc.i[i];
169 if (gcl->gmax[i] > gcl->gc.i[i]+1)
170 gcl->gmax[i] = gcl->gc.i[i]+1;
171 if (gcl->gmax[i] > gcl->gmin[i]) {
172 rrng[i][0] = 256.*(gcl->gmin[i] - gcl->gc.i[i]) +
173 (1.-FTINY);
174 rrng[i][1] = 256.*(gcl->gmax[i] - gcl->gc.i[i]) +
175 (1.-FTINY) - rrng[i][0];
176 } else
177 rrng[i][0] = rrng[i][1] = 0;
178 incell &= rrng[i][1] > 0;
179 }
180 return(incell);
181 }
184 void
185 packrays( /* pack ray origins and directions */
186 float *rod,
187 PACKET *p
188 )
189 {
190 #if 0
191 double dist2sum = 0.;
192 FVECT vt;
193 #endif
194 int nretries = p->nr + 2;
195 struct gclim eyelim;
196 short rrng0[2][2], rrng1[2][2];
197 int useyelim;
198 GCOORD gc[2];
199 FVECT ro, rd;
200 double d;
201 int i;
203 if (!hdbcoord(gc, hdlist[p->hd], p->bi))
204 error(CONSISTENCY, "bad beam index in packrays");
205 if ((useyelim = myeye.rng > FTINY)) {
206 initeyelim(&eyelim, hdlist[p->hd], gc);
207 groweyelim(&eyelim, gc+1, 0., 0., 0);
208 groweyelim(&eyelim, gc+1, 1., 1., 0);
209 useyelim = clipeyelim(rrng0, &eyelim);
210 #ifdef DEBUG
211 if (!useyelim)
212 error(WARNING, "no eye overlap in packrays");
213 #endif
214 }
215 for (i = 0; i < p->nr; i++) {
216 retry:
217 if (useyelim) {
218 initeyelim(&eyelim, NULL, gc+1);
219 p->ra[i].r[0][0] = irandom(rrng0[0][1]) + rrng0[0][0];
220 p->ra[i].r[0][1] = irandom(rrng0[1][1]) + rrng0[1][0];
221 groweyelim(&eyelim, gc,
222 (1./256.)*(p->ra[i].r[0][0]+.5),
223 (1./256.)*(p->ra[i].r[0][1]+.5), 1);
224 if (!clipeyelim(rrng1, &eyelim)) {
225 useyelim = nretries-- > 0;
226 #ifdef DEBUG
227 if (!useyelim)
228 error(WARNING,
229 "exceeded retry limit in packrays");
230 #endif
231 goto retry;
232 }
233 p->ra[i].r[1][0] = irandom(rrng1[0][1]) + rrng1[0][0];
234 p->ra[i].r[1][1] = irandom(rrng1[1][1]) + rrng1[1][0];
235 } else {
236 p->ra[i].r[0][0] = random() & 0xff;
237 p->ra[i].r[0][1] = random() & 0xff;
238 p->ra[i].r[1][0] = random() & 0xff;
239 p->ra[i].r[1][1] = random() & 0xff;
240 }
241 d = hdray(ro, rd, hdlist[p->hd], gc, p->ra[i].r);
242 #if 0
243 VSUM(vt, ro, rd, d);
244 dist2sum += dist2line(myeye.vpt, ro, vt);
245 #endif
246 if (p->offset != NULL) {
247 if (!vdef(OBSTRUCTIONS))
248 d *= frandom(); /* random offset */
249 VSUM(ro, ro, rd, d); /* advance ray */
250 p->offset[i] = d;
251 }
252 VCOPY(rod, ro);
253 rod += 3;
254 VCOPY(rod, rd);
255 rod += 3;
256 }
257 #if 0
258 fprintf(stderr, "%f RMS (%d retries)\t", sqrt(dist2sum/p->nr),
259 p->nr + 2 - nretries);
260 #endif
261 }
264 void
265 donerays( /* encode finished ray computations */
266 PACKET *p,
267 float *rvl
268 )
269 {
270 double d;
271 int i;
273 for (i = 0; i < p->nr; i++) {
274 setcolr(p->ra[i].v, rvl[0], rvl[1], rvl[2]);
275 d = rvl[3];
276 if (p->offset != NULL)
277 d += p->offset[i];
278 p->ra[i].d = hdcode(hdlist[p->hd], d);
279 rvl += 4;
280 }
281 p->nc += p->nr;
282 }
285 int
286 done_rtrace(void) /* clean up and close rtrace calculation */
287 {
288 int status;
289 /* already closed? */
290 if (!nprocs)
291 return(0);
292 /* flush beam queue */
293 done_packets(flush_queue());
294 /* sync holodeck */
295 hdsync(NULL, 1);
296 /* close rtrace */
297 if ((status = end_rtrace()))
298 error(WARNING, "bad exit status from rtrace");
299 if (vdef(REPORT)) { /* report time */
300 eputs("rtrace process closed\n");
301 report(0);
302 }
303 return(status); /* return status */
304 }
307 void
308 new_rtrace(void) /* restart rtrace calculation */
309 {
310 char combuf[128];
312 if (nprocs > 0) /* already running? */
313 return;
314 starttime = time(NULL); /* reset start time and counts */
315 npacksdone = nraysdone = 0L;
316 if (vdef(TIME)) /* reset end time */
317 endtime = starttime + vflt(TIME)*3600. + .5;
318 if (vdef(RIF)) { /* rerun rad to update octree */
319 sprintf(combuf, "rad -v 0 -s -w %s", vval(RIF));
320 if (system(combuf))
321 error(WARNING, "error running rad");
322 }
323 if (start_rtrace() < 1) /* start rtrace */
324 error(WARNING, "cannot restart rtrace");
325 else if (vdef(REPORT)) {
326 eputs("rtrace process restarted\n");
327 report(0);
328 }
329 }
332 int
333 getradfile(void) /* run rad and get needed variables */
334 {
335 static short mvar[] = {OCTREE,EYESEP,-1};
336 static char tf1[] = TEMPLATE;
337 char tf2[64];
338 char combuf[256];
339 char *pippt = NULL;
340 int i;
341 char *cp;
342 /* check if rad file specified */
343 if (!vdef(RIF))
344 return(0);
345 /* create rad command */
346 mktemp(tf1);
347 sprintf(tf2, "%s.rif", tf1);
348 sprintf(combuf,
349 "rad -v 0 -s -e -w %s OPTFILE=%s | egrep '^[ \t]*(NOMATCH",
350 vval(RIF), tf1);
351 cp = combuf;
352 while (*cp){
353 if (*cp == '|') pippt = cp;
354 cp++;
355 } /* match unset variables */
356 for (i = 0; mvar[i] >= 0; i++)
357 if (!vdef(mvar[i])) {
358 *cp++ = '|';
359 strcpy(cp, vnam(mvar[i]));
360 while (*cp) cp++;
361 pippt = NULL;
362 }
363 if (pippt != NULL)
364 strcpy(pippt, "> " NULL_DEVICE); /* nothing to match */
365 else
366 sprintf(cp, ")[ \t]*=' > %s", tf2);
367 #ifdef DEBUG
368 wputs(combuf); wputs("\n");
369 #endif
370 system(combuf); /* ignore exit code */
371 if (pippt == NULL) {
372 loadvars(tf2); /* load variables */
373 unlink(tf2);
374 }
375 /* get rtrace options */
376 rtargc += wordfile(rtargv+rtargc, MAXRTARGC-rtargc, tf1);
377 unlink(tf1); /* clean up */
378 return(1);
379 }
382 void
383 report( /* report progress so far */
384 time_t t
385 )
386 {
387 static time_t seconds2go = 1000000;
389 if (t == 0L)
390 t = time(NULL);
391 sprintf(errmsg, "%ld packets (%ld rays) done after %.2f hours\n",
392 npacksdone, nraysdone, (t-starttime)/3600.);
393 eputs(errmsg);
394 if (seconds2go == 1000000)
395 seconds2go = vdef(REPORT) ? (long)(vflt(REPORT)*60. + .5) : 0L;
396 if (seconds2go)
397 reporttime = t + seconds2go;
398 }