/* Copyright (c) 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI"; #endif /* * Rtrace support routines for holodeck rendering */ #include "rholo.h" #include "paths.h" #include "random.h" packrays(rod, p) /* pack ray origins and directions */ register float *rod; register PACKET *p; { static FVECT ro, rd; GCOORD gc[2]; int ila[2], hsh; double d, sl[4]; register int i; if (!hdbcoord(gc, hdlist[p->hd], p->bi)) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad beam index in packrays"); ila[0] = p->hd; ila[1] = p->bi; hsh = ilhash(ila,2) + p->nc; for (i = 0; i < p->nr; i++) { multisamp(sl, 4, urand(hsh+i)); p->ra[i].r[0][0] = sl[0] * 256.; p->ra[i].r[0][1] = sl[1] * 256.; p->ra[i].r[1][0] = sl[2] * 256.; p->ra[i].r[1][1] = sl[3] * 256.; d = hdray(ro, rd, hdlist[p->hd], gc, p->ra[i].r); if (!vdef(OBSTRUCTIONS)) d *= frandom(); /* random offset */ if (p->offset != NULL) { VSUM(ro, ro, rd, d); /* advance ray */ p->offset[i] = d; } VCOPY(rod, ro); rod += 3; VCOPY(rod, rd); rod += 3; } } donerays(p, rvl) /* encode finished ray computations */ register PACKET *p; register float *rvl; { double d; register int i; for (i = 0; i < p->nr; i++) { setcolr(p->ra[i].v, rvl[0], rvl[1], rvl[2]); d = rvl[3]; if (p->offset != NULL) d += p->offset[i]; p->ra[i].d = hdcode(hdlist[p->hd], d); rvl += 4; } p->nc += p->nr; } int done_rtrace() /* clean up and close rtrace calculation */ { int status; /* already closed? */ if (!nprocs) return; /* flush beam queue */ done_packets(flush_queue()); /* sync holodeck */ hdsync(NULL, 1); /* close rtrace */ if ((status = end_rtrace())) error(WARNING, "bad exit status from rtrace"); if (vdef(REPORT)) { /* report time */ eputs("rtrace process closed\n"); report(0); } return(status); /* return status */ } new_rtrace() /* restart rtrace calculation */ { char combuf[128]; if (nprocs > 0) /* already running? */ return; starttime = time(NULL); /* reset start time and counts */ npacksdone = nraysdone = 0L; if (vdef(TIME)) /* reset end time */ endtime = starttime + vflt(TIME)*3600. + .5; if (vdef(RIF)) { /* rerun rad to update octree */ sprintf(combuf, "rad -v 0 -s -w %s", vval(RIF)); if (system(combuf)) error(WARNING, "error running rad"); } if (start_rtrace() < 1) /* start rtrace */ error(WARNING, "cannot restart rtrace"); else if (vdef(REPORT)) { eputs("rtrace process restarted\n"); report(0); } } getradfile() /* run rad and get needed variables */ { static short mvar[] = {OCTREE,-1}; static char tf1[] = TEMPLATE; char tf2[64]; char combuf[256]; char *pippt; register int i; register char *cp; /* check if rad file specified */ if (!vdef(RIF)) return(0); /* create rad command */ mktemp(tf1); sprintf(tf2, "%s.rif", tf1); sprintf(combuf, "rad -v 0 -s -e -w %s OPTFILE=%s | egrep '^[ \t]*(NOMATCH", vval(RIF), tf1); cp = combuf; while (*cp){ if (*cp == '|') pippt = cp; cp++; } /* match unset variables */ for (i = 0; mvar[i] >= 0; i++) if (!vdef(mvar[i])) { *cp++ = '|'; strcpy(cp, vnam(mvar[i])); while (*cp) cp++; pippt = NULL; } if (pippt != NULL) strcpy(pippt, "> /dev/null"); /* nothing to match */ else sprintf(cp, ")[ \t]*=' > %s", tf2); if (system(combuf)) { unlink(tf2); /* clean up */ unlink(tf1); error(WARNING, "error executing rad command"); return(-1); } if (pippt == NULL) { loadvars(tf2); /* load variables */ unlink(tf2); } rtargc += wordfile(rtargv+rtargc, tf1); /* get rtrace options */ unlink(tf1); /* clean up */ return(1); } report(t) /* report progress so far */ time_t t; { static time_t seconds2go = 1000000; if (t == 0L) t = time(NULL); sprintf(errmsg, "%ld packets (%ld rays) done after %.2f hours\n", npacksdone, nraysdone, (t-starttime)/3600.); eputs(errmsg); if (seconds2go == 1000000) seconds2go = vdef(REPORT) ? (long)(vflt(REPORT)*60. + .5) : 0L; if (seconds2go) reporttime = t + seconds2go; }