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Revision: 3.51
Committed: Thu Aug 5 19:20:10 1999 UTC (24 years, 9 months ago) by gwlarson
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.50: +28 -10 lines
Log Message:
added -r option for read-only holodecks

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1999 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * Radiance holodeck generation controller
9 */
11 #include "rholo.h"
12 #include "random.h"
13 #include <signal.h>
14 #include <sys/stat.h>
16 #ifndef FRAGWARN
17 #define FRAGWARN 20 /* fragmentation for warning (%) */
18 #endif
19 #ifndef MAXQTIME
20 #define MAXQTIME 5 /* target maximum seconds in queue */
21 #endif
22 /* manual cache flushing frequency */
23 #ifndef RTFLUSH
25 #define RTFLUSH (300/MAXQTIME*totqlen) /* <= 5 minutes */
26 #else
27 #define RTFLUSH (50*totqlen) /* just guess */
28 #endif
29 #endif
30 /* the following must be consistent with rholo.h */
31 int NVARS = NRHVARS; /* total number of variables */
33 VARIABLE vv[] = RHVINIT; /* variable-value pairs */
35 char *progname; /* our program name */
36 char *hdkfile; /* holodeck file name */
37 char froot[256]; /* root file name */
39 int ncprocs = 0; /* desired number of compute processes */
41 char *outdev = NULL; /* output device name */
43 int readinp = 0; /* read commands from stdin */
45 int force = 0; /* allow overwrite of holodeck (-1 == read-only) */
47 time_t starttime; /* time we got started */
48 time_t endtime; /* time we should end by */
49 time_t reporttime; /* time for next report */
51 long maxdisk; /* maximum file space (bytes) */
53 int rtargc = 1; /* rtrace command */
54 char *rtargv[128] = {"rtrace", NULL};
56 int orig_mode = -1; /* original file mode (-1 if unchanged) */
58 long nraysdone = 0L; /* number of rays done */
59 long npacksdone = 0L; /* number of packets done */
61 PACKET *freepacks; /* available packets */
62 int totqlen; /* maximum queue length (number of packets) */
64 char *sigerr[NSIG]; /* signal error messages */
66 extern int nowarn; /* turn warnings off? */
68 extern time_t time();
71 main(argc, argv)
72 int argc;
73 char *argv[];
74 {
75 int i;
77 initurand(16384); /* initialize urand */
78 progname = argv[0]; /* get arguments */
79 for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++)
80 switch (argv[i][1]) {
81 case 'w': /* turn off warnings */
82 nowarn++;
83 break;
84 case 'f': /* force overwrite */
85 force = 1;
86 break;
87 case 'r': /* read-only mode */
88 force = -1;
89 break;
90 case 'i': /* read input from stdin */
91 readinp++;
92 break;
93 case 'n': /* compute processes */
94 if (i >= argc-2)
95 goto userr;
96 ncprocs = atoi(argv[++i]);
97 break;
98 case 'o': /* output display */
99 if (i >= argc-2)
100 goto userr;
101 outdev = argv[++i];
102 break;
103 default:
104 goto userr;
105 }
106 /* get root file name */
107 if (i >= argc)
108 goto userr;
109 rootname(froot, hdkfile=argv[i++]);
110 /* load variables? */
111 if (i < argc)
112 if (argv[i][0] != '-' && argv[i][0] != '+')
113 loadvars(argv[i]); /* load variables from file */
115 if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '+')
116 loadholo(); /* load existing holodeck */
118 while (++i < argc) /* get command line settings */
119 if (setvariable(argv[i], matchvar) < 0) {
120 sprintf(errmsg, "unknown variable: %s", argv[i]);
121 error(USER, errmsg);
122 }
123 /* check settings */
124 checkvalues();
125 /* load rad input file */
126 getradfile();
128 if (hdlist[0] == NULL) { /* create new holodeck */
129 HDGRID hdg[HDMAX];
130 /* set defaults */
131 setdefaults(hdg);
132 /* check read-only */
133 if (force < 0)
134 error(USER, "cannot create read-only holodeck");
135 /* holodeck exists? */
136 if (!force && access(hdkfile, R_OK|W_OK) == 0)
137 error(USER,
138 "holodeck file exists -- use -f to overwrite");
139 /* create holodeck */
140 creatholo(hdg);
141 } else /* else just set defaults */
142 setdefaults(NULL);
143 /* initialize */
144 initrholo();
145 /* main loop */
146 while (rholo())
147 ;
148 /* done */
149 quit(0);
150 userr:
151 fprintf(stderr,
152 "Usage: %s [-n nprocs][-o disp][-w][-r|-f] output.hdk [control.hif|+|- [VAR=val ..]]\n",
153 progname);
154 quit(1);
155 }
158 onsig(signo) /* fatal signal */
159 int signo;
160 {
161 static int gotsig = 0;
163 if (gotsig > 1) /* we're going as fast as we can! */
164 return;
165 if (gotsig++) { /* two signals and we split */
166 hdsync(NULL, 0); /* don't leave w/o saying goodbye */
167 _exit(signo);
168 }
169 alarm(300); /* allow 5 minutes to clean up */
170 eputs("signal - ");
171 eputs(sigerr[signo]);
172 eputs("\n");
173 quit(3);
174 }
177 sigdie(signo, msg) /* set fatal signal */
178 int signo;
179 char *msg;
180 {
181 if (signal(signo, onsig) == SIG_IGN)
182 signal(signo, SIG_IGN);
183 sigerr[signo] = msg;
184 }
187 int
188 resfmode(fd, mod) /* restrict open file access mode */
189 int fd, mod;
190 {
191 struct stat stbuf;
192 /* get original mode */
193 if (fstat(fd, &stbuf) < 0)
194 error(SYSTEM, "cannot stat open holodeck file");
195 mod &= stbuf.st_mode; /* always more restrictive */
196 if (mod == (stbuf.st_mode & 0777))
197 return(-1); /* already set */
198 /* else change it */
199 if (fchmod(fd, mod) < 0) {
200 error(WARNING, "cannot change holodeck file access mode");
201 return(-1);
202 }
203 return(stbuf.st_mode); /* return original mode */
204 }
207 initrholo() /* get our holodeck running */
208 {
209 extern int global_packet();
210 register int i;
211 /* close holodeck on exec() */
212 fcntl(hdlist[0]->fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
214 if (outdev != NULL) /* open output device */
215 disp_open(outdev);
216 else if (ncprocs > 0) /* else use global ray feed */
217 init_global();
218 /* record disk space limit */
219 if (!vdef(DISKSPACE))
220 maxdisk = 0;
221 else
222 maxdisk = 1024.*1024.*vflt(DISKSPACE);
223 /* set up memory cache */
224 if (outdev == NULL)
225 hdcachesize = 0; /* manual flushing */
226 else if (vdef(CACHE))
227 hdcachesize = 1024.*1024.*vflt(CACHE);
228 /* open report file */
229 if (vdef(REPORT)) {
230 register char *s = sskip2(vval(REPORT), 1);
231 if (*s && freopen(s, "a", stderr) == NULL)
232 quit(2);
233 }
234 /* mark the starting time */
235 starttime = time(NULL);
236 /* compute end time */
237 if (!vdef(TIME) || vflt(TIME) <= FTINY)
238 endtime = 0;
239 else
240 endtime = starttime + vflt(TIME)*3600. + .5;
241 /* start rtrace */
242 if (ncprocs > 0) {
243 totqlen = i = start_rtrace();
244 if (i < 1)
245 error(USER, "cannot start rtrace process(es)");
246 if (vdef(REPORT)) { /* make first report */
247 printargs(rtargc, rtargv, stderr);
248 report(0);
249 }
250 /* allocate packets */
251 freepacks = (PACKET *)bmalloc(i*sizeof(PACKET));
252 if (freepacks == NULL)
253 goto memerr;
254 freepacks[--i].nr = 0;
255 freepacks[i].next = NULL;
256 if (!vdef(OBSTRUCTIONS) || !vbool(OBSTRUCTIONS)) {
257 freepacks[i].offset = (float *)bmalloc(
258 RPACKSIZ*sizeof(float)*(i+1) );
259 if (freepacks[i].offset == NULL)
260 goto memerr;
261 } else
262 freepacks[i].offset = NULL;
263 while (i--) {
264 freepacks[i].nr = 0;
265 freepacks[i].offset = freepacks[i+1].offset == NULL ?
266 NULL : freepacks[i+1].offset+RPACKSIZ ;
267 freepacks[i].next = &freepacks[i+1];
268 }
269 }
270 /* set up signal handling */
271 sigdie(SIGINT, "Interrupt");
272 sigdie(SIGHUP, "Hangup");
273 sigdie(SIGTERM, "Terminate");
274 sigdie(SIGPIPE, "Broken pipe");
275 sigdie(SIGALRM, "Alarm clock");
276 #ifdef SIGXCPU
277 sigdie(SIGXCPU, "CPU limit exceeded");
278 sigdie(SIGXFSZ, "File size exceeded");
279 #endif
280 /* protect holodeck file */
281 orig_mode = resfmode(hdlist[0]->fd, ncprocs>0 ? 0 : 0444);
282 return;
283 memerr:
284 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in initrholo");
285 }
288 rholo() /* holodeck main loop */
289 {
290 static long nextfragwarn = 100*(1L<<20);
291 static int idle = 0;
292 PACKET *pl = NULL, *plend;
293 long fsiz;
294 int pksiz;
295 register PACKET *p;
296 time_t t;
297 /* check display */
298 if (nprocs <= 0)
299 idle = 1;
300 if (outdev != NULL) {
301 if (!disp_check(idle))
302 return(0); /* quit request */
303 if (nprocs <= 0)
304 return(1);
305 } else if (idle)
306 return(0); /* all done */
307 fsiz = hdfilen(hdlist[0]->fd); /* check file size */
308 if (maxdisk > 0 && fsiz >= maxdisk) {
309 error(WARNING, "file limit exceeded");
310 done_rtrace();
311 return(1); /* comes back */
312 }
313 #if FRAGWARN
314 if (fsiz >= nextfragwarn &&
315 (fsiz-hdfiluse(hdlist[0]->fd,0))/(fsiz/100) > FRAGWARN) {
316 sprintf(errmsg, "holodeck file fragmentation is %.0f%%",
317 100.*(fsiz-hdfiluse(hdlist[0]->fd,1))/fsiz);
318 error(WARNING, errmsg);
319 nextfragwarn = fsiz + (fsiz>>2); /* decent interval */
320 }
321 #endif
322 t = time(NULL); /* check time */
323 if (endtime > 0 && t >= endtime) {
324 error(WARNING, "time limit exceeded");
325 done_rtrace();
326 return(1); /* comes back */
327 }
328 if (reporttime > 0 && t >= reporttime)
329 report(t);
330 /* figure out good packet size */
331 pksiz = RPACKSIZ;
332 #if MAXQTIME
333 if (!chunkycmp) {
334 pksiz = nraysdone*MAXQTIME/(totqlen*(t - starttime + 1L));
335 if (pksiz < 1) pksiz = 1;
336 else if (pksiz > RPACKSIZ) pksiz = RPACKSIZ;
337 }
338 #endif
339 idle = 0; /* get packets to process */
340 while (freepacks != NULL) {
341 p = freepacks; freepacks = p->next; p->next = NULL;
342 if (!next_packet(p, pksiz)) {
343 p->next = freepacks; freepacks = p;
344 idle = 1;
345 break;
346 }
347 if (pl == NULL) pl = p;
348 else plend->next = p;
349 plend = p;
350 }
351 /* process packets */
352 done_packets(do_packets(pl));
353 return(1); /* and continue */
354 }
357 setdefaults(gp) /* set default values */
358 register HDGRID *gp;
359 {
360 extern char *atos();
361 register int i;
362 int n;
363 double len[3], d;
364 char buf[64];
366 if (!vdef(SECTION)) {
367 sprintf(errmsg, "%s must be defined", vnam(SECTION));
368 error(USER, errmsg);
369 }
370 if (!vdef(OCTREE)) {
371 if ((vval(OCTREE) = bmalloc(strlen(froot)+5)) == NULL)
372 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory");
373 sprintf(vval(OCTREE), "%s.oct", froot);
374 vdef(OCTREE)++;
375 }
376 if (!vdef(VDIST)) {
377 vval(VDIST) = "F";
378 vdef(VDIST)++;
379 }
380 /* append rendering options */
381 if (vdef(RENDER))
382 rtargc += wordstring(rtargv+rtargc, vval(RENDER));
384 if (gp == NULL) /* already initialized? */
385 return;
386 /* set grid parameters */
387 for (n = 0; n < vdef(SECTION); n++, gp++) {
388 gp->grid[0] = gp->grid[1] = gp->grid[2] = 0;
389 if (sscanf(nvalue(SECTION, n),
390 "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %hd %hd %hd",
391 &gp->orig[0], &gp->orig[1], &gp->orig[2],
392 &gp->xv[0][0], &gp->xv[0][1], &gp->xv[0][2],
393 &gp->xv[1][0], &gp->xv[1][1], &gp->xv[1][2],
394 &gp->xv[2][0], &gp->xv[2][1], &gp->xv[2][2],
395 &gp->grid[0], &gp->grid[1], &gp->grid[2]) < 12)
396 badvalue(SECTION);
397 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
398 len[i] = VLEN(gp->xv[i]);
399 if (!vdef(GRID)) {
400 d = 2/2e5*( len[0]*len[0]*(len[1]*len[1] +
401 len[2]*len[2] + 4*len[1]*len[2])
402 + len[1]*len[1]*len[2]*(len[2] + 4*len[0])
403 + 4*len[0]*len[1]*len[2]*len[2] );
404 d = sqrt(sqrt(d));
405 } else if ((d = vflt(GRID)) <= FTINY)
406 badvalue(GRID);
407 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
408 if (gp->grid[i] <= 0)
409 gp->grid[i] = len[i]/d + (1.-FTINY);
410 }
411 }
414 creatholo(gp) /* create a holodeck output file */
415 HDGRID *gp;
416 {
417 extern char VersionID[];
418 int4 lastloc, nextloc;
419 int n;
420 int fd;
421 FILE *fp;
422 /* open & truncate file */
423 if ((fp = fopen(hdkfile, "w+")) == NULL) {
424 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open \"%s\" for writing", hdkfile);
425 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
426 }
427 /* write information header */
428 newheader("RADIANCE", fp);
429 fprintf(fp, "SOFTWARE= %s\n", VersionID);
430 printvars(fp);
431 fputformat(HOLOFMT, fp);
432 fputc('\n', fp);
433 putw(HOLOMAGIC, fp); /* put magic number */
434 fd = dup(fileno(fp));
435 fclose(fp); /* flush and close stdio stream */
436 lastloc = lseek(fd, 0L, 2);
437 for (n = vdef(SECTION); n--; gp++) { /* initialize each section */
438 nextloc = 0L;
439 write(fd, (char *)&nextloc, sizeof(nextloc));
440 hdinit(fd, gp); /* writes beam index */
441 if (!n)
442 break;
443 nextloc = hdfilen(fd); /* write section pointer */
444 if (lseek(fd, (long)lastloc, 0) < 0)
445 error(SYSTEM,
446 "cannot seek on holodeck file in creatholo");
447 write(fd, (char *)&nextloc, sizeof(nextloc));
448 lseek(fd, (long)(lastloc=nextloc), 0);
449 }
450 }
453 int
454 headline(s) /* process information header line */
455 char *s;
456 {
457 extern char FMTSTR[];
458 register char *cp;
459 char fmt[32];
461 if (formatval(fmt, s)) {
462 if (strcmp(fmt, HOLOFMT)) {
463 sprintf(errmsg, "%s file \"%s\" has %s%s",
464 HOLOFMT, hdkfile, FMTSTR, fmt);
465 error(USER, errmsg);
466 }
467 return(0);
468 }
469 for (cp = s; *cp; cp++) /* take off any comments */
470 if (*cp == '#') {
471 *cp = '\0';
472 break;
473 }
474 setvariable(s, matchvar); /* don't flag errors */
475 return(0);
476 }
479 loadholo() /* start loading a holodeck from fname */
480 {
481 extern long ftell();
482 FILE *fp;
483 int fd;
484 int n;
485 int4 nextloc;
487 if (ncprocs > 0 & force >= 0)
488 fp = fopen(hdkfile, "r+");
489 else
490 fp = NULL;
491 if (fp == NULL) {
492 if ((fp = fopen(hdkfile, "r")) == NULL) {
493 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open \"%s\"", hdkfile);
494 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
495 }
496 if (ncprocs > 0) {
497 sprintf(errmsg,
498 "\"%s\" opened read-only; new rays will be discarded",
499 hdkfile);
500 error(WARNING, errmsg);
501 force = -1;
502 }
503 }
504 /* load variables from header */
505 getheader(fp, headline, NULL);
506 /* check magic number */
507 if (getw(fp) != HOLOMAGIC) {
508 sprintf(errmsg, "bad magic number in holodeck file \"%s\"",
509 hdkfile);
510 error(USER, errmsg);
511 }
512 nextloc = ftell(fp); /* get stdio position */
513 fd = dup(fileno(fp));
514 fclose(fp); /* done with stdio */
515 for (n = 0; nextloc > 0L; n++) { /* initialize each section */
516 lseek(fd, (long)nextloc, 0);
517 read(fd, (char *)&nextloc, sizeof(nextloc));
518 hdinit(fd, NULL);
519 }
520 if (n != vdef(SECTION)) {
521 sprintf(errmsg, "number of sections does not match %s setting",
522 vnam(SECTION));
523 error(WARNING, errmsg);
524 }
525 }
528 done_packets(pl) /* handle finished packets */
529 PACKET *pl;
530 {
531 static int n2flush = 0;
532 register PACKET *p;
534 while (pl != NULL) {
535 p = pl; pl = p->next; p->next = NULL;
536 if (p->nr > 0) { /* add to holodeck */
537 bcopy((char *)p->ra,
538 (char *)hdnewrays(hdlist[p->hd],p->bi,p->nr),
539 p->nr*sizeof(RAYVAL));
540 if (outdev != NULL) /* display it */
541 disp_packet((PACKHEAD *)p);
542 if (hdcachesize <= 0)
543 n2flush++;
544 nraysdone += p->nr;
545 npacksdone++;
546 p->nr = 0;
547 }
548 p->next = freepacks; /* push onto free list */
549 freepacks = p;
550 }
551 if (n2flush >= RTFLUSH) {
552 if (outdev != NULL)
553 hdsync(NULL, 1);
554 else
555 hdflush(NULL);
556 n2flush = 0;
557 }
558 }
561 rootname(rn, fn) /* remove tail from end of fn */
562 register char *rn, *fn;
563 {
564 char *tp, *dp;
566 for (tp = NULL, dp = rn; *rn = *fn++; rn++)
567 if (*rn == '/')
568 dp = rn;
569 else if (*rn == '.')
570 tp = rn;
571 if (tp != NULL && tp > dp)
572 *tp = '\0';
573 }
576 badvalue(vc) /* report bad variable value and exit */
577 int vc;
578 {
579 sprintf(errmsg, "bad value for variable '%s'", vnam(vc));
580 error(USER, errmsg);
581 }
584 eputs(s) /* put error message to stderr */
585 register char *s;
586 {
587 static int midline = 0;
589 if (!*s)
590 return;
591 if (!midline++) { /* prepend line with program name */
592 fputs(progname, stderr);
593 fputs(": ", stderr);
594 }
595 fputs(s, stderr);
596 if (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n') {
597 fflush(stderr);
598 midline = 0;
599 }
600 }
603 quit(ec) /* exit program gracefully */
604 int ec;
605 {
606 int status = 0;
608 if (hdlist[0] != NULL) { /* close holodeck */
609 if (nprocs > 0)
610 status = done_rtrace(); /* calls hdsync() */
611 if (ncprocs > 0 & force >= 0 && vdef(REPORT)) {
612 long fsiz, fuse;
613 fsiz = hdfilen(hdlist[0]->fd);
614 fuse = hdfiluse(hdlist[0]->fd, 1);
615 fprintf(stderr,
616 "%s: %.1f Mbyte holodeck file, %.1f%% fragmentation\n",
617 hdkfile, fsiz/(1024.*1024.),
618 100.*(fsiz-fuse)/fsiz);
619 }
620 }
621 if (orig_mode >= 0) /* reset holodeck access mode */
622 fchmod(hdlist[0]->fd, orig_mode);
623 if (outdev != NULL) /* close display */
624 disp_close();
625 exit(ec ? ec : status); /* exit */
626 }