#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rhdisp2.c,v 3.33 2003/02/22 02:07:24 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Holodeck beam tracking for display process */ #include "rholo.h" #include "rhdisp.h" #include "rhdriver.h" #ifndef MEYERNG #define MEYERNG 0.2 /* target mean eye range (rel. to grid) */ #endif #define CBEAMBLK 1024 /* cbeam allocation block size */ static PACKHEAD *cbeam = NULL; /* current beam list */ static int ncbeams = 0; /* number of sorted beams in cbeam */ static int xcbeams = 0; /* extra (unregistered) beams past ncbeams */ static int maxcbeam = 0; /* size of cbeam array */ VIEWPOINT cureye; /* current eye position */ int newcbeam() /* allocate new entry at end of cbeam array */ { int i; if ((i = ncbeams + xcbeams++) >= maxcbeam) { /* grow array */ maxcbeam += CBEAMBLK; if (cbeam == NULL) cbeam = (PACKHEAD *)malloc( maxcbeam*sizeof(PACKHEAD) ); else cbeam = (PACKHEAD *)realloc( (char *)cbeam, maxcbeam*sizeof(PACKHEAD) ); if (cbeam == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in newcbeam"); } return(i); } int cbeamcmp(cb1, cb2) /* compare two cbeam entries for sort: keep orphans */ register PACKHEAD *cb1, *cb2; { register int c; if ((c = cb1->bi - cb2->bi)) /* sort on beam index first */ return(c); return(cb1->hd - cb2->hd); /* use hd to resolve matches */ } int cbeamcmp2(cb1, cb2) /* compare two cbeam entries for sort: no orphans */ register PACKHEAD *cb1, *cb2; { register int c; if (!cb1->nr) /* put orphans at the end, unsorted */ return(cb2->nr); if (!cb2->nr) return(-1); if ((c = cb1->bi - cb2->bi)) /* sort on beam index first */ return(c); return(cb1->hd - cb2->hd); /* use hd to resolve matches */ } int findcbeam(hd, bi) /* find the specified beam in our sorted list */ int hd, bi; { PACKHEAD cb; register PACKHEAD *p; if (ncbeams <= 0) return(-1); cb.hd = hd; cb.bi = bi; cb.nr = cb.nc = 0; p = (PACKHEAD *)bsearch((char *)&cb, (char *)cbeam, ncbeams, sizeof(PACKHEAD), cbeamcmp); if (p == NULL) return(-1); return(p - cbeam); } int getcbeam(hd, bi) /* get the specified beam, allocating as necessary */ register int hd; int bi; { register int n; /* first, look in sorted list */ if ((n = findcbeam(hd, bi)) >= 0) return(n); /* linear search through xcbeams to be sure */ for (n = ncbeams+xcbeams; n-- > ncbeams; ) if (cbeam[n].bi == bi && cbeam[n].hd == hd) return(n); /* check legality */ if (hd < 0 | hd >= HDMAX || hdlist[hd] == NULL) error(INTERNAL, "illegal holodeck number in getcbeam"); if (bi < 1 | bi > nbeams(hdlist[hd])) error(INTERNAL, "illegal beam index in getcbeam"); n = newcbeam(); /* allocate and assign */ cbeam[n].hd = hd; cbeam[n].bi = bi; cbeam[n].nr = cbeam[n].nc = 0; return(n); } cbeamsort(adopt) /* sort our beam list, possibly turning out orphans */ int adopt; { register int i; if (!(ncbeams += xcbeams)) return; xcbeams = 0; qsort((char *)cbeam, ncbeams, sizeof(PACKHEAD), adopt ? cbeamcmp : cbeamcmp2); if (adopt) return; for (i = ncbeams; i--; ) /* identify orphans */ if (cbeam[i].nr) break; xcbeams = ncbeams - ++i; /* put orphans after ncbeams */ ncbeams = i; } beam_init(fresh) /* clear beam list for new view(s) */ int fresh; { register int i; if (fresh) /* discard old beams? */ ncbeams = xcbeams = 0; else /* else clear sample requests */ for (i = ncbeams+xcbeams; i--; ) cbeam[i].nr = 0; cureye.rng = 0.; } int2 * beam_view(vn, hr, vr) /* add beam view (if advisable) */ VIEW *vn; int hr, vr; { int2 *slist; BEAMLIST blist; double eravg, d; register HOLO *hp; register int i, n; /* compute beams for view */ slist = viewbeams(vn, hr, vr, &blist); if (*slist < 0) { error(COMMAND, "no sections visible from this view"); return(NULL); } /* sort current beam list */ cbeamsort(1); /* add new beams to list */ for (i = blist.nb; i--; ) { n = getcbeam(blist.bl[i].hd, blist.bl[i].bi); if (blist.bl[i].nr > cbeam[n].nr) cbeam[n].nr = blist.bl[i].nr; } free((void *)blist.bl); /* free list */ if (MEYERNG <= FTINY) return(slist); /* compute average eye range */ eravg = 0.; for (n = 0; slist[n] >= 0; n++) { hp = hdlist[slist[n]]; eravg += MEYERNG/3. / VLEN(hp->wg[0]) + MEYERNG/3. / VLEN(hp->wg[1]) + MEYERNG/3. / VLEN(hp->wg[2]) ; } eravg /= (double)n; /* add to current eye position */ if (cureye.rng <= FTINY) { VCOPY(cureye.vpt, vn->vp); cureye.rng = eravg; } else if ((d = sqrt(dist2(vn->vp,cureye.vpt))) + eravg > cureye.rng) { for (i = 3; i--; ) cureye.vpt[i] = 0.5*(cureye.vpt[i] + vn->vp[i]); cureye.rng = 0.5*(cureye.rng + eravg + d); } return(slist); } int beam_sync(all) /* update beam list on server */ int all; { /* set new eye position */ serv_request(DR_VIEWPOINT, sizeof(VIEWPOINT), (char *)&cureye); /* sort list (put orphans at end) */ cbeamsort(all < 0); /* send beam request */ if (all) { if (ncbeams > 0) serv_request(DR_NEWSET, ncbeams*sizeof(PACKHEAD), cbeam); } else { if (ncbeams+xcbeams > 0) serv_request(DR_ADJSET, (ncbeams+xcbeams)*sizeof(PACKHEAD), cbeam); } xcbeams = 0; /* truncate our list */ return(ncbeams); } gridlines(f) /* run through holodeck section grid lines */ int (*f)(); { register int hd, w, i; int g0, g1; FVECT wp[2], mov; double d; /* do each wall on each section */ for (hd = 0; hdlist[hd] != NULL; hd++) for (w = 0; w < 6; w++) { g0 = hdwg0[w]; g1 = hdwg1[w]; d = 1.0/hdlist[hd]->grid[g0]; mov[0] = d * hdlist[hd]->xv[g0][0]; mov[1] = d * hdlist[hd]->xv[g0][1]; mov[2] = d * hdlist[hd]->xv[g0][2]; if (w & 1) { VSUM(wp[0], hdlist[hd]->orig, hdlist[hd]->xv[w>>1], 1.); VSUM(wp[0], wp[0], mov, 1.); } else VCOPY(wp[0], hdlist[hd]->orig); VSUM(wp[1], wp[0], hdlist[hd]->xv[g1], 1.); for (i = hdlist[hd]->grid[g0]; ; ) { /* g0 lines */ (*f)(wp); if (!--i) break; wp[0][0] += mov[0]; wp[0][1] += mov[1]; wp[0][2] += mov[2]; wp[1][0] += mov[0]; wp[1][1] += mov[1]; wp[1][2] += mov[2]; } d = 1.0/hdlist[hd]->grid[g1]; mov[0] = d * hdlist[hd]->xv[g1][0]; mov[1] = d * hdlist[hd]->xv[g1][1]; mov[2] = d * hdlist[hd]->xv[g1][2]; if (w & 1) VSUM(wp[0], hdlist[hd]->orig, hdlist[hd]->xv[w>>1], 1.); else VSUM(wp[0], hdlist[hd]->orig, mov, 1.); VSUM(wp[1], wp[0], hdlist[hd]->xv[g0], 1.); for (i = hdlist[hd]->grid[g1]; ; ) { /* g1 lines */ (*f)(wp); if (!--i) break; wp[0][0] += mov[0]; wp[0][1] += mov[1]; wp[0][2] += mov[2]; wp[1][0] += mov[0]; wp[1][1] += mov[1]; wp[1][2] += mov[2]; } } }