/* Copyright (c) 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI"; #endif /* * Holodeck beam tracking for display process */ #include "rholo.h" #include "rhdisp.h" #include "rhdriver.h" #ifndef MAXDIST #define MAXDIST 13 /* maximum distance outside section */ #endif extern GCOORD *getviewcells(); static VIEW dvw; /* current view corresponding to beam list */ typedef struct { int hd; /* holodeck section number (-1 if inactive) */ int i[3]; /* voxel index (may be outside section) */ } VOXL; /* a voxel */ static VOXL voxel[8] = { /* current voxel list */ {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1} }; #define CBEAMBLK 1024 /* cbeam allocation block size */ static struct beamcomp { short wants; /* flags telling which voxels want us */ short hd; /* holodeck section number */ int bi; /* beam index */ } *cbeam = NULL; /* current beam list */ static int ncbeams = 0; /* number of sorted beams in cbeam */ static int xcbeams = 0; /* extra (unregistered) beams past ncbeams */ static int maxcbeam = 0; /* size of cbeam array */ struct cellact { short vi; /* voxel index */ short add; /* zero means delete */ short rev; /* reverse ray direction? */ }; /* action for cell */ struct beamact { struct cellact ca; /* cell action */ GCOORD gc; /* grid coordinate */ }; /* beam origin and action */ int newcbeam() /* allocate new entry at end of cbeam array */ { int i; if ((i = ncbeams + xcbeams++) >= maxcbeam) { /* grow array */ maxcbeam += CBEAMBLK; if (cbeam == NULL) cbeam = (struct beamcomp *)malloc( maxcbeam*sizeof(struct beamcomp) ); else cbeam = (struct beamcomp *)realloc( (char *)cbeam, maxcbeam*sizeof(struct beamcomp) ); if (cbeam == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in newcbeam"); } return(i); } int cbeamcmp(cb1, cb2) /* compare two cbeam entries for sort: keep orphans */ register struct beamcomp *cb1, *cb2; { register int c; if ((c = cb1->bi - cb2->bi)) /* sort on beam index first */ return(c); return(cb1->hd - cb2->hd); /* use hd to resolve matches */ } int cbeamcmp2(cb1, cb2) /* compare two cbeam entries for sort: no orphans */ register struct beamcomp *cb1, *cb2; { register int c; if (!cb1->wants) /* put orphans at the end, unsorted */ return(cb2->wants); if ((c = cb1->bi - cb2->bi)) /* sort on beam index first */ return(c); return(cb1->hd - cb2->hd); /* use hd to resolve matches */ } int findcbeam(hd, bi) /* find the specified beam in our sorted list */ int hd, bi; { struct beamcomp cb; register struct beamcomp *p; if (ncbeams <= 0) return(-1); cb.wants = 0; cb.hd = hd; cb.bi = bi; p = (struct beamcomp *)bsearch((char *)&cb, (char *)cbeam, ncbeams, sizeof(struct beamcomp), cbeamcmp); if (p == NULL) return(-1); return(p - cbeam); } int getcbeam(hd, bi) /* get the specified beam, allocating as necessary */ register int hd; int bi; { register int n; /* first, look in sorted list */ if ((n = findcbeam(hd, bi)) >= 0) return(n); /* linear search through xcbeams to be sure */ for (n = ncbeams+xcbeams; n-- > ncbeams; ) if (cbeam[n].bi == bi && cbeam[n].hd == hd) return(n); /* check legality */ if (hd < 0 | hd >= HDMAX || hdlist[hd] == NULL) error(INTERNAL, "illegal holodeck number in getcbeam"); if (bi < 1 | bi > nbeams(hdlist[hd])) error(INTERNAL, "illegal beam index in getcbeam"); n = newcbeam(); /* allocate and assign */ cbeam[n].wants = 0; cbeam[n].hd = hd; cbeam[n].bi = bi; return(n); } cbeamsort(adopt) /* sort our beam list, possibly turning out orphans */ int adopt; { register int i; if (!(ncbeams += xcbeams)) return; xcbeams = 0; qsort((char *)cbeam, ncbeams, sizeof(struct beamcomp), adopt ? cbeamcmp : cbeamcmp2); if (adopt) return; for (i = ncbeams; i--; ) /* identify orphans */ if (cbeam[i].wants) break; xcbeams = ncbeams - ++i; /* put orphans after ncbeams */ ncbeams = i; } cbeamadj(v, hr, vr) /* adjust our beam list */ VIEW *v; int hr, vr; { register PACKHEAD *pa; register int i; int n; /* first handle additions */ pa = (PACKHEAD *)malloc(xcbeams*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); if (xcbeams && pa == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = xcbeams; i--; ) { pa[i].hd = cbeam[ncbeams+i].hd; pa[i].bi = cbeam[ncbeams+i].bi; pa[i].nr = npixels(v, hr, vr, hdlist[pa[i].hd], pa[i].bi) + 1; } n = xcbeams; /* now sort list for deletions */ cbeamsort(0); pa = (PACKHEAD *)realloc((char *)pa, (n+xcbeams)*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); if (n+xcbeams && pa == NULL) goto memerr; for (i = xcbeams; i--; ) { pa[n+i].hd = cbeam[ncbeams+i].hd; pa[n+i].bi = cbeam[ncbeams+i].bi; pa[n+i].nr = 0; } n += xcbeams; xcbeams = 0; /* delete orphans */ serv_request(DR_ADJSET, n*sizeof(PACKHEAD), (char *)pa); free((char *)pa); return; memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in cbeamadj"); } cbeamop(op, bl, n, v, hr, vr) /* update beams on server list */ int op; register struct beamcomp *bl; int n; VIEW *v; int hr, vr; { register PACKHEAD *pa; register int i; if (n <= 0) return; pa = (PACKHEAD *)malloc(n*sizeof(PACKHEAD)); if (pa == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in cbeamadd"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pa[i].hd = bl[i].hd; pa[i].bi = bl[i].bi; pa[i].nr = v==NULL ? 0 : npixels(v, hr, vr, hdlist[bl[i].hd], bl[i].bi); } serv_request(op, n*sizeof(PACKHEAD), (char *)pa); free((char *)pa); } int set_voxels(vl, n) /* set new voxel array */ VOXL vl[8]; int n; { short wmap[256]; int vmap[8]; int comn = 0; int no; register int i, j; /* find common voxels */ for (j = 0; j < 8 && voxel[j].hd >= 0; j++) { vmap[j] = -1; for (i = n; i--; ) if (!bcmp((char *)(vl+i), (char *)(voxel+j), sizeof(VOXL))) { vmap[j] = i; comn |= 1<= 0 && i & 1<>k & 1); if (d < 0.) dist += -(vox.i[k] = (int)d - 1); else if ((vox.i[k] = d) >= hdlist[i]->grid[k]) dist += vox.i[k] - hdlist[i]->grid[k] + 1; } if (dist > bestd) /* others were closer */ continue; if (dist < bestd) { /* start closer list */ n = 0; bestd = dist; } vox.hd = i; /* add this voxel */ copystruct(&vl[n], &vox); n++; } } /* check for really stupid move */ if (bestd > MAXDIST) { error(COMMAND, "move past outer limits"); return(0); } /* warn of dangerous moves */ if (n < lastn && bestd >= lastd) error(WARNING, "moving outside holodeck section"); else if (n > lastn && bestd <= lastd) error(WARNING, "moving inside holodeck section"); lastd = bestd; return(lastn = n); } int dobeam(gcp, bp) /* express interest or disintrest in a beam */ GCOORD *gcp; register struct beamact *bp; { GCOORD gc[2]; int bi, i; /* compute beam index */ if (bp->ca.rev) { copystruct(gc, &bp->gc); copystruct(gc+1, gcp); } else { copystruct(gc, gcp); copystruct(gc+1, &bp->gc); } if ((bi = hdbindex(hdlist[voxel[bp->ca.vi].hd], gc)) <= 0) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad grid coordinate in dobeam"); if (bp->ca.add) { /* add it in */ i = getcbeam(voxel[bp->ca.vi].hd, bi); cbeam[i].wants |= 1<ca.vi; /* say we want it */ return(i == ncbeams+xcbeams-1); /* return 1 if totally new */ } /* else delete it */ i = findcbeam(voxel[bp->ca.vi].hd, bi); if (i >= 0 && cbeam[i].wants & 1<ca.vi) { cbeam[i].wants &= ~(1<ca.vi); /* we don't want it */ return(1); /* indicate change */ } return(0); } int docell(gcp, cap) /* find beams corresponding to cell and voxel */ GCOORD *gcp; register struct cellact *cap; { register HOLO *hp = hdlist[voxel[cap->vi].hd]; FVECT org, dir[4]; FVECT vgp, cgp, vc; FVECT v1, v2; struct beamact bo; int axmax, j; double d, avmax; register int i; /* compute cell center */ cgp[gcp->w>>1] = gcp->w&1 ? hp->grid[gcp->w>>1] : 0 ; cgp[((gcp->w>>1)+1)%3] = gcp->i[0] + .5; cgp[((gcp->w>>1)+2)%3] = gcp->i[1] + .5; hdworld(org, hp, cgp); /* compute direction to voxel center */ for (i = 3; i--; ) vgp[i] = voxel[cap->vi].i[i] + .5; hdworld(vc, hp, vgp); for (i = 3; i--; ) vc[i] -= org[i]; /* compute maximum area axis */ axmax = -1; avmax = 0; for (i = 3; i--; ) { d = vgp[i] - cgp[i]; if (d < 0.) d = -d; if (d > avmax) { avmax = d; axmax = i; } } #ifdef DEBUG if (axmax < 0.) error(CONSISTENCY, "botched axis computation in docell"); #endif /* compute offset vectors */ d = 0.5/hp->grid[j=(axmax+1)%3]; for (i = 3; i--; ) v1[i] = hp->xv[j][i] * d; d = 0.5/hp->grid[j=(axmax+2)%3]; if (DOT(hp->wn[axmax], vc) < 0.) d = -d; /* reverse vertex ordering */ for (i = 3; i--; ) v2[i] = hp->xv[j][i] * d; /* compute voxel pyramid */ for (i = 3; i--; ) { dir[0][i] = vc[i] - v1[i] - v2[i]; dir[1][i] = vc[i] + v1[i] - v2[i]; dir[2][i] = vc[i] + v1[i] + v2[i]; dir[3][i] = vc[i] - v1[i] + v2[i]; } /* visit beams for opposite cells */ copystruct(&bo.ca, cap); copystruct(&bo.gc, gcp); return(visit_cells(org, dir, hp, dobeam, &bo)); } int doview(cap, vp) /* visit cells for a given view */ struct cellact *cap; VIEW *vp; { int orient; FVECT org, dir[4]; /* compute view pyramid */ orient = viewpyramid(org, dir, hdlist[voxel[cap->vi].hd], vp); if (!orient) error(INTERNAL, "unusable view in doview"); cap->rev = orient < 0; /* visit cells within pyramid */ return(visit_cells(org, dir, hdlist[voxel[cap->vi].hd], docell, cap)); } mvview(voxi, vold, vnew) /* move view for a voxel */ int voxi; VIEW *vold, *vnew; { int netchange = 0; struct cellact oca, nca; int ocnt, ncnt; int c; GCOORD *ogcl, *ngcl; register GCOORD *ogcp, *ngcp; /* get old and new cell lists */ ogcp = ogcl = getviewcells(&ocnt, hdlist[voxel[voxi].hd], vold); ngcp = ngcl = getviewcells(&ncnt, hdlist[voxel[voxi].hd], vnew); /* set up actions */ oca.vi = nca.vi = voxi; oca.add = 0; nca.add = 1; if ((oca.rev = ocnt < 0)) ocnt = -ocnt; if ((nca.rev = ncnt < 0)) ncnt = -ncnt; if (nca.rev == oca.rev) /* add and delete cells in order */ while (ocnt > 0 & ncnt > 0) if ((c = cellcmp(ogcp, ngcp)) > 0) { /* new cell */ netchange += docell(ngcp++, &nca); ncnt--; } else if (c < 0) { /* old cell */ netchange -= docell(ogcp++, &oca); ocnt--; } else { /* same cell */ ogcp++; ocnt--; ngcp++; ncnt--; } /* take care of list tails */ for ( ; ncnt > 0; ncnt--) netchange += docell(ngcp++, &nca); for ( ; ocnt > 0; ocnt--) netchange -= docell(ogcp++, &oca); /* clean up */ if (ogcl != NULL) free((char *)ogcl); if (ngcl != NULL) free((char *)ngcl); return(netchange); } int beam_sync() /* synchronize beams on server */ { cbeamop(DR_NEWSET, cbeam, ncbeams, &odev.v, odev.hres, odev.vres); return(ncbeams); } beam_view(vn) /* change beam view (if advisable) */ VIEW *vn; { struct cellact ca; VOXL vlnew[8]; int n, comn; if (vn == NULL || !vn->type) { /* clear our beam list */ set_voxels(vlnew, 0); cbeamop(DR_DELSET, cbeam, ncbeams, NULL, 0, 0); ncbeams = 0; dvw.type = 0; return(1); } /* find our new voxels */ n = get_voxels(vlnew, vn->vp); if (dvw.type && !n) { copystruct(vn, &dvw); /* cancel move */ return(0); } /* set the new voxels */ comn = set_voxels(vlnew, n); if (!dvw.type) comn = 0; ca.add = 1; /* update our beam list */ for (ca.vi = n; ca.vi--; ) if (comn & 1<