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Revision: 3.2
Committed: Mon Jul 21 22:30:18 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R6P1, rad3R6
Changes since 3.1: +4 -4 lines
Log Message:
Eliminated copystruct() macro, which is unnecessary in ANSI.
Reduced ambiguity warnings for nested if/if/else clauses.

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rhd_x11dbg.c,v 3.1 2003/02/22 02:07:24 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * X11 driver for holodeck display.
6 * Based on rview driver.
7 */
9 #include "standard.h"
10 #include "rhd_qtree.h"
12 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
13 #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
14 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
16 #include "x11icon.h"
18 #ifndef FEQ
19 #define FEQ(a,b) ((a)-(b) <= FTINY && (a)-(b) >= -FTINY)
20 #endif
22 #define CTRL(c) ((c)-'@')
24 #define GAMMA 2.2 /* default gamma correction */
26 #define MOVPCT 10 /* percent distance to move */
27 #define MOVDIR(b) ((b)==Button1 ? 1 : (b)==Button2 ? 0 : -1)
29 #define MINWIDTH 480 /* minimum graphics window width */
30 #define MINHEIGHT 400 /* minimum graphics window height */
32 #define VIEWDIST 356 /* assumed viewing distance (mm) */
34 #define BORWIDTH 5 /* border width */
36 #define ourscreen DefaultScreen(ourdisplay)
37 #define ourroot RootWindow(ourdisplay,ourscreen)
38 #define ourmask (StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|\
39 ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask)
41 #define levptr(etype) ((etype *)&currentevent)
43 struct driver odev; /* global device driver structure */
45 static XEvent currentevent; /* current event */
47 static int ncolors = 0; /* color table size */
48 static int mapped = 0; /* window is mapped? */
49 static unsigned long *pixval = NULL; /* allocated pixels */
50 static unsigned long ourblack=0, ourwhite=1;
52 static Display *ourdisplay = NULL; /* our display */
53 static XVisualInfo ourvinfo; /* our visual information */
54 static Window gwind = 0; /* our graphics window */
55 static GC ourgc = 0; /* our graphics context for drawing */
56 static Colormap ourmap = 0; /* our color map */
58 static double pwidth, pheight; /* pixel dimensions (mm) */
60 static int inpresflags; /* input result flags */
62 static int headlocked = 0; /* lock vertical motion */
64 static int getpixels(), xnewcolr(), freepixels(), resizewindow(),
65 getevent(), getkey(), moveview(), getmove(), fixwindow();
66 static unsigned long true_pixel();
69 static int
70 mytmflags() /* figure out tone mapping flags */
71 {
72 extern char *progname;
73 register char *cp, *tail;
74 /* find basic name */
75 for (cp = tail = progname; *cp; cp++)
76 if (*cp == '/')
77 tail = cp+1;
78 for (cp = tail; *cp && *cp != '.'; cp++)
79 ;
80 if (cp-tail == 3 && !strncmp(tail, "x11", 3))
81 return(TM_F_CAMERA);
82 if (cp-tail == 4 && !strncmp(tail, "x11h", 4))
83 return(TM_F_HUMAN);
84 error(USER, "illegal driver name");
85 }
88 dev_open(id) /* initialize X11 driver */
89 char *id;
90 {
91 extern char *getenv();
92 char *gv;
93 double gamval = GAMMA;
94 int nplanes;
95 XSetWindowAttributes ourwinattr;
96 XWMHints ourxwmhints;
97 XSizeHints oursizhints;
98 /* set quadtree globals */
99 qtMinNodesiz = 2;
100 /* open display server */
101 ourdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
102 if (ourdisplay == NULL)
103 error(USER, "cannot open X-windows; DISPLAY variable set?\n");
104 /* find a usable visual */
105 nplanes = DisplayPlanes(ourdisplay, ourscreen);
106 if (XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
107 nplanes>12?nplanes:24,TrueColor,&ourvinfo) ||
108 XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
109 nplanes>12?nplanes:24,DirectColor,&ourvinfo)) {
110 ourblack = 0;
111 ourwhite = ourvinfo.red_mask |
112 ourvinfo.green_mask |
113 ourvinfo.blue_mask ;
114 } else {
115 if (nplanes < 4)
116 error(INTERNAL, "not enough colors\n");
117 if (!XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
118 nplanes,PseudoColor,&ourvinfo) &&
119 !XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen,
120 nplanes,GrayScale,&ourvinfo))
121 error(INTERNAL, "unsupported visual type\n");
122 ourblack = BlackPixel(ourdisplay,ourscreen);
123 ourwhite = WhitePixel(ourdisplay,ourscreen);
124 }
125 /* set gamma and tone mapping */
126 if ((gv = XGetDefault(ourdisplay, "radiance", "gamma")) != NULL
127 || (gv = getenv("DISPLAY_GAMMA")) != NULL)
128 gamval = atof(gv);
129 if (tmInit(mytmflags(), stdprims, gamval) == NULL)
130 error(SYSTEM, "not enough memory in dev_open");
131 /* open window */
132 ourwinattr.background_pixel = ourblack;
133 ourwinattr.border_pixel = ourblack;
134 ourwinattr.event_mask = ourmask;
135 /* this is stupid */
136 ourwinattr.colormap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay, ourroot,
137 ourvinfo.visual, AllocNone);
138 gwind = XCreateWindow(ourdisplay, ourroot, 0, 0,
139 DisplayWidth(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH,
140 DisplayHeight(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH,
141 BORWIDTH, ourvinfo.depth, InputOutput, ourvinfo.visual,
142 CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap|CWEventMask, &ourwinattr);
143 if (gwind == 0)
144 error(SYSTEM, "cannot create window\n");
145 XStoreName(ourdisplay, gwind, id);
146 /* get graphics context */
147 ourgc = XCreateGC(ourdisplay, gwind, 0, NULL);
148 /* set window manager hints */
149 ourxwmhints.flags = InputHint|IconPixmapHint;
150 ourxwmhints.input = True;
151 ourxwmhints.icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(ourdisplay,
152 gwind, x11icon_bits, x11icon_width, x11icon_height);
153 XSetWMHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &ourxwmhints);
154 oursizhints.min_width = MINWIDTH;
155 oursizhints.min_height = MINHEIGHT;
156 oursizhints.flags = PMinSize;
157 XSetNormalHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &oursizhints);
158 /* map the window and get its size */
159 XMapWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
160 dev_input();
161 /* allocate our leaf pile */
162 if (!qtAllocLeaves(DisplayWidth(ourdisplay,ourscreen) *
163 DisplayHeight(ourdisplay,ourscreen) /
164 (qtMinNodesiz*qtMinNodesiz)))
165 error(SYSTEM, "insufficient memory for leaf storage");
167 /* figure out sensible view */
168 pwidth = (double)DisplayWidthMM(ourdisplay, ourscreen) /
169 DisplayWidth(ourdisplay, ourscreen);
170 pheight = (double)DisplayHeightMM(ourdisplay, ourscreen) /
171 DisplayHeight(ourdisplay, ourscreen);
172 odev.v = stdview;
173 = id;
174 odev.v.type = VT_PER;
175 odev.v.horiz = 2.*180./PI * atan(0.5/VIEWDIST*pwidth*odev.hres);
176 odev.v.vert = 2.*180./PI * atan(0.5/VIEWDIST*pheight*odev.vres);
177 odev.ifd = ConnectionNumber(ourdisplay);
178 }
181 dev_close() /* close our display */
182 {
183 freepixels();
184 XFreeGC(ourdisplay, ourgc);
185 XDestroyWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
186 gwind = 0;
187 ourgc = 0;
188 XCloseDisplay(ourdisplay);
189 ourdisplay = NULL;
190 qtFreeLeaves();
191 tmDone(NULL);
192 odev.v.type = 0;
193 odev.hres = odev.vres = 0;
194 odev.ifd = -1;
195 }
198 dev_view(nv) /* assign new driver view */
199 VIEW *nv;
200 {
201 if (nv != &odev.v) {
202 if (!FEQ(nv->horiz,odev.v.horiz) || /* resize window? */
203 !FEQ(nv->vert,odev.v.vert)) {
204 odev.hres = 2.*VIEWDIST/pwidth *
205 tan(PI/180./2.*nv->horiz);
206 odev.vres = 2.*VIEWDIST/pheight *
207 tan(PI/180./2.*nv->vert);
208 XResizeWindow(ourdisplay, gwind, odev.hres, odev.vres);
209 }
210 odev.v = *nv;
211 }
212 qtReplant();
213 }
216 dev_auxcom(cmd, args) /* process an auxiliary command */
217 char *cmd, *args;
218 {
219 sprintf(errmsg, "%s: unknown command", cmd);
220 error(COMMAND, errmsg);
221 }
224 VIEW *
225 dev_auxview(n, hvres) /* return nth auxiliary view */
226 int n;
227 int hvres[2];
228 {
229 if (n)
230 return(NULL);
231 hvres[0] = odev.hres; hvres[1] = odev.vres;
232 return(&odev.v);
233 }
236 int
237 dev_input() /* get X11 input */
238 {
239 inpresflags = 0;
241 do
242 getevent();
244 while (XQLength(ourdisplay) > 0);
246 return(inpresflags);
247 }
250 dev_paintr(rgb, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) /* fill a rectangle */
251 BYTE rgb[3];
252 int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
253 {
254 unsigned long pixel;
256 if (!mapped)
257 return;
258 if (ncolors > 0)
259 pixel = pixval[get_pixel(rgb, xnewcolr)];
260 else
261 pixel = true_pixel(rgb);
262 XSetForeground(ourdisplay, ourgc, pixel);
263 /* XFillRectangle(ourdisplay, gwind,
264 ourgc, xmin, odev.vres-ymax, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin);
265 */
266 xmin = (xmin+xmax)>>1;
267 ymin = (ymin+ymax)>>1;
268 XDrawPoint(ourdisplay, gwind, ourgc, xmin, odev.vres-ymin);
269 }
272 int
273 dev_flush() /* flush output */
274 {
275 qtUpdate();
276 return(XPending(ourdisplay));
277 }
280 static
281 xnewcolr(ndx, r, g, b) /* enter a color into hardware table */
282 int ndx;
283 int r, g, b;
284 {
285 XColor xcolor;
287 xcolor.pixel = pixval[ndx];
288 = r << 8;
289 = g << 8;
290 = b << 8;
291 xcolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
293 XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &xcolor);
294 }
297 static int
298 getpixels() /* get the color map */
299 {
300 XColor thiscolor;
301 register int i, j;
303 if (ncolors > 0)
304 return(ncolors);
305 if (ourvinfo.visual == DefaultVisual(ourdisplay,ourscreen)) {
306 ourmap = DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen);
307 goto loop;
308 }
309 newmap:
310 ourmap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay,gwind,ourvinfo.visual,AllocNone);
311 loop:
312 for (ncolors = ourvinfo.colormap_size;
313 ncolors > ourvinfo.colormap_size/3;
314 ncolors = ncolors*.937) {
315 pixval = (unsigned long *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(unsigned long));
316 if (pixval == NULL)
317 return(ncolors = 0);
318 if (XAllocColorCells(ourdisplay,ourmap,0,NULL,0,pixval,ncolors))
319 break;
320 free((void *)pixval);
321 pixval = NULL;
322 }
323 if (pixval == NULL) {
324 if (ourmap == DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen))
325 goto newmap; /* try it with our map */
326 else
327 return(ncolors = 0); /* failed */
328 }
329 if (ourmap != DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen))
330 for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { /* reset black and white */
331 if (pixval[i] != ourblack && pixval[i] != ourwhite)
332 continue;
333 thiscolor.pixel = pixval[i];
334 thiscolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
335 XQueryColor(ourdisplay,
336 DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen),
337 &thiscolor);
338 XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &thiscolor);
339 for (j = i; j+1 < ncolors; j++)
340 pixval[j] = pixval[j+1];
341 ncolors--;
342 i--;
343 }
344 XSetWindowColormap(ourdisplay, gwind, ourmap);
345 return(ncolors);
346 }
349 static
350 freepixels() /* free our pixels */
351 {
352 if (ncolors == 0)
353 return;
354 XFreeColors(ourdisplay,ourmap,pixval,ncolors,0L);
355 free((void *)pixval);
356 pixval = NULL;
357 ncolors = 0;
358 if (ourmap != DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen))
359 XFreeColormap(ourdisplay, ourmap);
360 ourmap = 0;
361 }
364 static unsigned long
365 true_pixel(rgb) /* return true pixel value for color */
366 register BYTE rgb[3];
367 {
368 register unsigned long rval;
370 rval = ourvinfo.red_mask*rgb[RED]/255 & ourvinfo.red_mask;
371 rval |= ourvinfo.green_mask*rgb[GRN]/255 & ourvinfo.green_mask;
372 rval |= ourvinfo.blue_mask*rgb[BLU]/255 & ourvinfo.blue_mask;
373 return(rval);
374 }
377 static
378 getevent() /* get next event */
379 {
380 XNextEvent(ourdisplay, levptr(XEvent));
381 switch (levptr(XEvent)->type) {
382 case ConfigureNotify:
383 resizewindow(levptr(XConfigureEvent));
384 break;
385 case UnmapNotify:
386 mapped = 0;
387 freepixels();
388 break;
389 case MapNotify:
390 if (ourvinfo.class == PseudoColor ||
391 ourvinfo.class == GrayScale) {
392 if (getpixels() == 0)
393 error(SYSTEM, "cannot allocate colors\n");
394 new_ctab(ncolors);
395 }
396 mapped = 1;
397 break;
398 case Expose:
399 fixwindow(levptr(XExposeEvent));
400 break;
401 case KeyPress:
402 getkey(levptr(XKeyPressedEvent));
403 break;
404 case ButtonPress:
405 getmove(levptr(XButtonPressedEvent));
406 break;
407 }
408 }
411 static
412 ilclip(dp, wp) /* clip world coordinates to device */
413 int dp[2][2];
414 FVECT wp[2];
415 {
416 static FVECT vmin = {0.,0.,0.}, vmax = {1.,1.,FHUGE};
417 FVECT ip[2];
418 /* not exactly right, but who cares? */
419 viewloc(ip[0], &odev.v, wp[0]);
420 viewloc(ip[1], &odev.v, wp[1]);
421 if (!clip(ip[0], ip[1], vmin, vmax))
422 return(0);
423 dp[0][0] = ip[0][0]*odev.hres;
424 dp[0][1] = ip[0][1]*odev.vres;
425 dp[1][0] = ip[1][0]*odev.hres;
426 dp[1][1] = ip[1][1]*odev.vres;
427 return(1);
428 }
431 static
432 draw3dline(wp) /* draw 3d line in world coordinates */
433 FVECT wp[2];
434 {
435 int dp[2][2];
437 if (!ilclip(dp, wp))
438 return;
439 XDrawLine(ourdisplay, gwind, ourgc,
440 dp[0][0], odev.vres-1 - dp[0][1],
441 dp[1][0], odev.vres-1 - dp[1][1]);
442 }
445 static
446 draw_grids() /* draw holodeck section grids */
447 {
448 static BYTE gridrgb[3] = {0x0, 0xff, 0xff};
449 unsigned long pixel;
451 if (!mapped || odev.v.type != VT_PER)
452 return;
453 if (ncolors > 0)
454 pixel = pixval[get_pixel(gridrgb, xnewcolr)];
455 else
456 pixel = true_pixel(gridrgb);
457 XSetForeground(ourdisplay, ourgc, pixel);
458 /* draw each grid line */
459 gridlines(draw3dline);
460 }
463 static
464 moveview(dx, dy, move) /* move our view */
465 int dx, dy, move;
466 {
467 VIEW nv;
468 double d;
469 register int i, li;
470 /* start with old view */
471 nv = odev.v;
472 /* change view direction */
473 if (move) {
474 if ((li = qtFindLeaf(dx, dy)) < 0)
475 return(0); /* not on window */
476 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
477 nv.vdir[i] = qtL.wp[li][i] - nv.vp[i];
478 } else {
479 if (viewray(nv.vp, nv.vdir, &odev.v,
480 (dx+.5)/odev.hres, (dy+.5)/odev.vres) < -FTINY)
481 return(0); /* outside view */
482 }
483 /* move viewpoint */
484 if (move > 0)
485 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
486 nv.vp[i] += MOVPCT/100. * nv.vdir[i];
487 else if (move < 0)
488 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
489 nv.vp[i] -= MOVPCT/100. * nv.vdir[i];
490 if (move && headlocked) {
491 d = 0; /* bring head back to same height */
492 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
493 d += odev.v.vup[i] * (odev.v.vp[i] - nv.vp[i]);
494 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
495 nv.vp[i] += d * odev.v.vup[i];
496 }
497 if (setview(&nv) != NULL)
498 return(0); /* illegal view */
499 dev_view(&nv);
500 inpresflags |= DEV_NEWVIEW;
501 return(1);
502 }
505 static
506 getmove(ebut) /* get view change */
507 XButtonPressedEvent *ebut;
508 {
509 int whichbutton = ebut->button;
510 int oldnodesiz = qtMinNodesiz;
511 Window rootw, childw;
512 int rootx, rooty, wx, wy;
513 unsigned int statemask;
515 qtMinNodesiz = 16; /* for quicker update */
516 XNoOp(ourdisplay);
518 while (!XCheckMaskEvent(ourdisplay,
519 ButtonReleaseMask, levptr(XEvent))) {
521 if (!XQueryPointer(ourdisplay, gwind, &rootw, &childw,
522 &rootx, &rooty, &wx, &wy, &statemask))
523 break; /* on another screen */
525 if (!moveview(wx, odev.vres-1-wy, MOVDIR(whichbutton))) {
526 sleep(1);
527 continue;
528 }
529 XClearWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
530 qtUpdate();
531 draw_grids();
532 }
533 if (!(inpresflags & DEV_NEWVIEW)) { /* do final motion */
534 whichbutton = levptr(XButtonReleasedEvent)->button;
535 wx = levptr(XButtonReleasedEvent)->x;
536 wy = levptr(XButtonReleasedEvent)->y;
537 moveview(wx, odev.vres-1-wy, MOVDIR(whichbutton));
538 }
539 dev_flush();
541 qtMinNodesiz = oldnodesiz; /* restore quadtree resolution */
542 }
545 static
546 getkey(ekey) /* get input key */
547 register XKeyPressedEvent *ekey;
548 {
549 int n;
550 char buf[8];
552 n = XLookupString(ekey, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
553 if (n != 1)
554 return;
555 switch (buf[0]) {
556 case 'h': /* turn on height motion lock */
557 headlocked = 1;
558 return;
559 case 'H': /* turn off height motion lock */
560 headlocked = 0;
561 return;
562 case CTRL('S'):
563 case 'p': /* pause computation */
564 inpresflags |= DEV_WAIT;
565 return;
566 case 'v': /* spit out view */
567 inpresflags |= DEV_PUTVIEW;
568 return;
569 case CTRL('Q'):
570 case '\n':
571 case '\r': /* resume computation */
572 inpresflags |= DEV_RESUME;
573 return;
574 case CTRL('R'): /* redraw screen */
575 if (ncolors > 0)
576 new_ctab(ncolors);
577 qtRedraw(0, 0, odev.hres, odev.vres);
578 return;
579 case CTRL('L'): /* refresh from server */
580 if (inpresflags & DEV_REDRAW)
581 return;
582 XClearWindow(ourdisplay, gwind);
583 draw_grids();
584 XFlush(ourdisplay);
585 qtCompost(100); /* unload the old tree */
586 if (ncolors > 0)
587 new_ctab(ncolors);
588 inpresflags |= DEV_REDRAW; /* resend values from server */
589 return;
590 case CTRL('D'):
591 case 'Q':
592 case 'q': /* quit the program */
593 inpresflags |= DEV_SHUTDOWN;
594 return;
595 default:
596 XBell(ourdisplay, 0);
597 return;
598 }
599 }
602 static
603 fixwindow(eexp) /* repair damage to window */
604 register XExposeEvent *eexp;
605 {
606 if (odev.hres == 0 || odev.vres == 0) { /* first exposure */
607 odev.hres = eexp->width;
608 odev.vres = eexp->height;
609 inpresflags |= DEV_NEWSIZE;
610 }
611 qtRedraw(eexp->x, odev.vres - eexp->y - eexp->height,
612 eexp->x + eexp->width, odev.vres - eexp->y);
613 }
616 static
617 resizewindow(ersz) /* resize window */
618 register XConfigureEvent *ersz;
619 {
620 if (ersz->width == odev.hres && ersz->height == odev.vres)
621 return;
623 odev.hres = ersz->width;
624 odev.vres = ersz->height;
626 odev.v.horiz = 2.*180./PI * atan(0.5/VIEWDIST*pwidth*odev.hres);
627 odev.v.vert = 2.*180./PI * atan(0.5/VIEWDIST*pheight*odev.vres);
629 inpresflags |= DEV_NEWSIZE|DEV_NEWVIEW;
630 }