/* Copyright (c) 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI"; #endif /* * X11 driver for holodeck display. * Based on rview driver. */ #include "standard.h" #include "rhd_qtree.h" #include #include #include #include "x11icon.h" #define GAMMA 2.2 /* default gamma correction */ #define MINWIDTH 480 /* minimum graphics window width */ #define MINHEIGHT 400 /* minimum graphics window height */ #define VIEWDIST 356 /* assumed viewing distance (mm) */ #define BORWIDTH 5 /* border width */ #define ourscreen DefaultScreen(ourdisplay) #define ourroot RootWindow(ourdisplay,ourscreen) #define ourmask (StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|\ ButtonPressMask) #define levptr(etype) ((etype *)¤tevent) struct driver odev; /* global device driver structure */ static XEvent currentevent; /* current event */ static int ncolors = 0; /* color table size */ static int mapped = 0; /* window is mapped? */ static unsigned long *pixval = NULL; /* allocated pixels */ static unsigned long ourblack=0, ourwhite=1; static Display *ourdisplay = NULL; /* our display */ static XVisualInfo ourvinfo; /* our visual information */ static Window gwind = 0; /* our graphics window */ static GC ourgc = 0; /* our graphics context for drawing */ static Colormap ourmap = 0; /* our color map */ static double pwidth, pheight; /* pixel dimensions (mm) */ static int inpresflags; /* input result flags */ static int heightlocked = 0; /* lock vertical motion */ static int getpixels(), xnewcolr(), freepixels(), resizewindow(), getevent(), getkey(), fixwindow(); static unsigned long true_pixel(); static int mytmflags() /* figure out tone mapping flags */ { extern char *progname; register char *cp, *tail; /* find basic name */ for (cp = tail = progname; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == '/') tail = cp+1; for (cp = tail; *cp && *cp != '.'; cp++) ; if (cp-tail == 3 && !strncmp(tail, "x11", 3)) return(TM_F_CAMERA); if (cp-tail == 4 && !strncmp(tail, "x11h", 4)) return(TM_F_HUMAN); error(USER, "illegal driver name"); } dev_open(id) /* initialize X11 driver */ char *id; { extern char *getenv(); char *gv; double gamval = GAMMA; int nplanes; int n; XSetWindowAttributes ourwinattr; XWMHints ourxwmhints; XSizeHints oursizhints; /* open display server */ ourdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (ourdisplay == NULL) error(USER, "cannot open X-windows; DISPLAY variable set?\n"); /* find a usable visual */ nplanes = DisplayPlanes(ourdisplay, ourscreen); if (XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen, nplanes>12?nplanes:24,TrueColor,&ourvinfo) || XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen, nplanes>12?nplanes:24,DirectColor,&ourvinfo)) { ourblack = 0; ourwhite = ourvinfo.red_mask | ourvinfo.green_mask | ourvinfo.blue_mask ; } else { if (nplanes < 4) error(INTERNAL, "not enough colors\n"); if (!XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen, nplanes,PseudoColor,&ourvinfo) && !XMatchVisualInfo(ourdisplay,ourscreen, nplanes,GrayScale,&ourvinfo)) error(INTERNAL, "unsupported visual type\n"); ourblack = BlackPixel(ourdisplay,ourscreen); ourwhite = WhitePixel(ourdisplay,ourscreen); } /* set gamma and tone mapping */ if ((gv = XGetDefault(ourdisplay, "radiance", "gamma")) != NULL || (gv = getenv("DISPLAY_GAMMA")) != NULL) gamval = atof(gv); if (tmInit(mytmflags(), stdprims, gamval) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "not enough memory in dev_open"); /* open window */ ourwinattr.background_pixel = ourblack; ourwinattr.border_pixel = ourblack; ourwinattr.event_mask = ourmask; /* this is stupid */ ourwinattr.colormap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay, ourroot, ourvinfo.visual, AllocNone); gwind = XCreateWindow(ourdisplay, ourroot, 0, 0, DisplayWidth(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH, DisplayHeight(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH, BORWIDTH, ourvinfo.depth, InputOutput, ourvinfo.visual, CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap|CWEventMask, &ourwinattr); if (gwind == 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot create window\n"); XStoreName(ourdisplay, gwind, id); /* get graphics context */ ourgc = XCreateGC(ourdisplay, gwind, 0, NULL); /* set window manager hints */ ourxwmhints.flags = InputHint|IconPixmapHint; ourxwmhints.input = True; ourxwmhints.icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(ourdisplay, gwind, x11icon_bits, x11icon_width, x11icon_height); XSetWMHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &ourxwmhints); oursizhints.min_width = MINWIDTH; oursizhints.min_height = MINHEIGHT; oursizhints.flags = PMinSize; XSetNormalHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &oursizhints); /* map the window and get its size */ XMapWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); dev_input(); /* figure out sensible view */ pwidth = (double)DisplayWidthMM(ourdisplay, ourscreen) / DisplayWidth(ourdisplay, ourscreen); pheight = (double)DisplayHeightMM(ourdisplay, ourscreen) / DisplayHeight(ourdisplay, ourscreen); copystruct(&odev.v, &stdview); odev.name = id; odev.v.type = VT_PER; odev.v.horiz = 2.*180./PI * atan(0.5/VIEWDIST*pwidth*odev.hres); odev.v.vert = 2.*180./PI * atan(0.5/VIEWDIST*pheight*odev.vres); odev.ifd = ConnectionNumber(ourdisplay); /* allocate our leaf pile */ qtDepthEps = 0.02; n = odev.hres < odev.vres ? odev.hres : odev.vres; qtMinNodesiz = 1; if (!qtAllocLeaves(n*n/(qtMinNodesiz*qtMinNodesiz))) error(SYSTEM, "insufficient memory for leaf storage"); } dev_close() /* close our display */ { freepixels(); XFreeGC(ourdisplay, ourgc); XDestroyWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); gwind = 0; ourgc = 0; XCloseDisplay(ourdisplay); ourdisplay = NULL; qtFreeLeaves(); tmDone(NULL); odev.v.type = 0; odev.hres = odev.vres = 0; odev.ifd = -1; } dev_view(nv) /* assign new driver view */ VIEW *nv; { if (nv != &odev.v) copystruct(&odev.v, nv); qtReplant(); } int dev_input() /* get X11 input */ { inpresflags = 0; do getevent(); while (XQLength(ourdisplay) > 0); return(inpresflags); } dev_paintr(rgb, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) /* fill a rectangle */ BYTE rgb[3]; int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; { unsigned long pixel; if (!mapped) return; if (ncolors > 0) pixel = pixval[get_pixel(rgb, xnewcolr)]; else pixel = true_pixel(rgb); XSetForeground(ourdisplay, ourgc, pixel); XFillRectangle(ourdisplay, gwind, ourgc, xmin, odev.vres-ymax, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin); } int dev_flush() /* flush output */ { qtUpdate(); return(XPending(ourdisplay)); } static xnewcolr(ndx, r, g, b) /* enter a color into hardware table */ int ndx; int r, g, b; { XColor xcolor; xcolor.pixel = pixval[ndx]; xcolor.red = r << 8; xcolor.green = g << 8; xcolor.blue = b << 8; xcolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &xcolor); } static int getpixels() /* get the color map */ { XColor thiscolor; register int i, j; if (ncolors > 0) return(ncolors); if (ourvinfo.visual == DefaultVisual(ourdisplay,ourscreen)) { ourmap = DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen); goto loop; } newmap: ourmap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay,gwind,ourvinfo.visual,AllocNone); loop: for (ncolors = ourvinfo.colormap_size; ncolors > ourvinfo.colormap_size/3; ncolors = ncolors*.937) { pixval = (unsigned long *)malloc(ncolors*sizeof(unsigned long)); if (pixval == NULL) return(ncolors = 0); if (XAllocColorCells(ourdisplay,ourmap,0,NULL,0,pixval,ncolors)) break; free((char *)pixval); pixval = NULL; } if (pixval == NULL) { if (ourmap == DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen)) goto newmap; /* try it with our map */ else return(ncolors = 0); /* failed */ } if (ourmap != DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen)) for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { /* reset black and white */ if (pixval[i] != ourblack && pixval[i] != ourwhite) continue; thiscolor.pixel = pixval[i]; thiscolor.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XQueryColor(ourdisplay, DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen), &thiscolor); XStoreColor(ourdisplay, ourmap, &thiscolor); for (j = i; j+1 < ncolors; j++) pixval[j] = pixval[j+1]; ncolors--; i--; } XSetWindowColormap(ourdisplay, gwind, ourmap); return(ncolors); } static freepixels() /* free our pixels */ { if (ncolors == 0) return; XFreeColors(ourdisplay,ourmap,pixval,ncolors,0L); free((char *)pixval); pixval = NULL; ncolors = 0; if (ourmap != DefaultColormap(ourdisplay,ourscreen)) XFreeColormap(ourdisplay, ourmap); ourmap = 0; } static unsigned long true_pixel(rgb) /* return true pixel value for color */ register BYTE rgb[3]; { register unsigned long rval; rval = ourvinfo.red_mask*rgb[RED]/255 & ourvinfo.red_mask; rval |= ourvinfo.green_mask*rgb[GRN]/255 & ourvinfo.green_mask; rval |= ourvinfo.blue_mask*rgb[BLU]/255 & ourvinfo.blue_mask; return(rval); } static getevent() /* get next event */ { XNextEvent(ourdisplay, levptr(XEvent)); switch (levptr(XEvent)->type) { case ConfigureNotify: resizewindow(levptr(XConfigureEvent)); break; case UnmapNotify: mapped = 0; freepixels(); break; case MapNotify: if (ourvinfo.class == PseudoColor || ourvinfo.class == GrayScale) { if (getpixels() == 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot allocate colors\n"); new_ctab(ncolors); } mapped = 1; break; case Expose: fixwindow(levptr(XExposeEvent)); break; case KeyPress: getkey(levptr(XKeyPressedEvent)); break; case ButtonPress: /* getmove(levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)); */ break; } } static getkey(ekey) /* get input key */ register XKeyPressedEvent *ekey; { int n; char buf[8]; n = XLookupString(ekey, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL); if (n != 1) return; switch (buf[0]) { case 'h': /* turn on height motion lock */ heightlocked = 1; return; case 'H': /* turn off height motion lock */ heightlocked = 0; return; case 'Q': case 'q': /* quit the program */ inpresflags |= DEV_SHUTDOWN; return; default: XBell(ourdisplay, 0); return; } } static fixwindow(eexp) /* repair damage to window */ register XExposeEvent *eexp; { if (odev.hres == 0 || odev.vres == 0) { /* first exposure */ eputs("Resizing window in fixwindow\n"); odev.hres = eexp->width; odev.vres = eexp->height; inpresflags |= DEV_NEWSIZE; } qtRedraw(eexp->x, odev.vres - eexp->y - eexp->height, eexp->x + eexp->width, odev.vres - eexp->y); } static resizewindow(ersz) /* resize window */ register XConfigureEvent *ersz; { if (ersz->width == odev.hres && ersz->height == odev.vres) return; if (odev.hres != 0 && odev.vres != 0) { odev.v.horiz = 2.*180./PI * atan( tan(PI/180./2.*odev.v.horiz) * ersz->width/odev.hres ); odev.v.vert = 2.*180./PI * atan( tan(PI/180./2.*odev.v.vert) * ersz->height/odev.vres ); inpresflags |= DEV_NEWVIEW; } odev.hres = ersz->width; odev.vres = ersz->height; inpresflags |= DEV_NEWSIZE; }