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Revision: 3.10
Committed: Mon Jul 14 22:24:00 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R6P1, rad3R6
Changes since 3.9: +12 -2 lines
Log Message:
Instrumented headers against multiple inclusion and for use from C++.
Moved includes in headers out of "C" scope.

File Contents

# Content
1 /* RCSid: $Id: rhd_sample.h,v 3.9 2003/06/20 00:25:49 greg Exp $ */
2 /*
3 * Sample data structures for holodeck display drivers.
4 *
5 * Include after "standard.h"
6 */
7 #ifndef _RAD_RHD_SAMPLE_H_
8 #define _RAD_RHD_SAMPLE_H_
10 #include "color.h"
11 #include "tonemap.h"
12 #include "rhdriver.h"
13 #include "object.h"
15 #ifdef __cplusplus
16 extern "C" {
17 #endif
19 #ifndef INVALID
20 #define INVALID -1
21 #endif
23 #define SFLOAT float
25 typedef OBJECT S_ID;
27 #define S_ID_MAX ((1 << ((sizeof(S_ID)<<3)-1))-1)
29 typedef struct samp {
30 SFLOAT (*wp)[3]; /* world intersection point array */
31 int32 *wd; /* world direction array */
32 TMbright *brt; /* encoded brightness array */
33 BYTE (*chr)[3]; /* encoded chrominance array */
34 BYTE (*rgb)[3]; /* tone-mapped color array */
35 int *info; /* Extra sample info */
36 int *info1; /* Extra sample info */
37 int max_samp; /* maximum number of samples */
38 int max_base_pt; /* maximum number of aux points */
39 S_ID next_base_pt; /* next auxilliary point to add */
40 S_ID replace_samp; /* next sample to free */
41 int num_samp; /* current number of samples */
42 S_ID tone_map; /* pointer to next value(s)t tonemap*/
43 S_ID free_samp; /* next free sample */
44 char *base; /* base of allocated memory */
45 } SAMP;
47 /* Sample field access macros */
48 #define S_W_PT(s) ((s)->wp)
49 #define S_W_DIR(s) ((s)->wd)
50 #define S_BRT(s) ((s)->brt)
51 #define S_CHR(s) ((s)->chr)
52 #define S_RGB(s) ((s)->rgb)
53 #define S_INFO(s) ((s)->info)
54 #define S_INFO1(s) ((s)->info1)
55 #define S_MAX_SAMP(s) ((s)->max_samp)
56 #define S_MAX_BASE_PT(s) ((s)->max_base_pt)
57 #define S_NEXT_BASE_PT(s) ((s)->next_base_pt)
58 #define S_REPLACE_SAMP(s) ((s)->replace_samp)
59 #define S_NUM_SAMP(s) ((s)->num_samp)
60 #define S_TONE_MAP(s) ((s)->tone_map)
61 #define S_FREE_SAMP(s) ((s)->free_samp)
62 #define S_BASE(s) ((s)->base)
64 #define S_MAX_POINTS(s) ((s)->max_base_pt)
65 #define S_NTH_W_PT(s,n) (S_W_PT(s)[(n)])
66 #define S_NTH_W_DIR(s,n) (S_W_DIR(s)[(n)])
67 #define S_NTH_RGB(s,n) (S_RGB(s)[(n)])
68 #define S_NTH_CHR(s,n) (S_CHR(s)[(n)])
69 #define S_NTH_INFO(s,n) (S_INFO(s)[(n)])
70 #define S_NTH_INFO1(s,n) (S_INFO1(s)[(n)])
71 #define S_NTH_BRT(s,n) (S_BRT(s)[(n)])
73 /* Sample Flag macros */
74 #define S_IS_FLAG(s) IS_FLAG(samp_flag,s)
75 #define S_SET_FLAG(s) SET_FLAG(samp_flag,s)
76 #define S_CLR_FLAG(s) CLR_FLAG(samp_flag,s)
78 #define S_NTH_NEXT(s,n) S_NTH_W_DIR(s,n)
79 #define sUnalloc_samp(s,n) (S_NTH_NEXT(s,n)=S_FREE_SAMP(s),S_FREE_SAMP(s)=n)
80 #define sClear_base_points(s) (S_NEXT_BASE_PT(s) = S_MAX_SAMP(s))
81 #define sClear(s) sInit(s)
82 /* MAXDIFF2 Max allowed cos angle squared of sample dir from current view */
83 /* In terms of cos: if angle is 30: MAXDIFF2 = cos(30)^2, if difference
84 is greater than this point not accepted on rebuild
85 */
86 #define MAXDIFF2 0.75
87 /* Max difference in direction for points at infinity: if over 45degrees
88 not accepted on rebuild cos(45)
89 */
90 #define MAXDIR 0.70710678
91 #define MAXQUALITY 10000 /* Maximum quality for rendering rep */
93 extern SAMP rsL;
94 extern double sDepthEps; /* epsilon to compare depths (z fraction) */
95 extern int32 encodedir(); /* Encodes FVECT direction */
96 extern void decodedir(); /* Decodes dir-> FVECT */
97 extern double fdir2diff(), dir2diff(); /* Compare dir and FVECT */
98 extern int32 *samp_flag; /* Per/sample flags s */
100 /* These values are set by the driver, and used in the OGL call for glFrustum*/
101 extern double dev_zmin,dev_zmax;
102 extern S_ID sAdd_base_point();
103 extern SAMP *sAlloc();
104 extern S_ID sAlloc_samp();
105 /*
106 * int
107 * smInit(n) : Initialize/clear data structures for n entries
108 * int n;
109 *
110 * Initialize sampL and other data structures for at least n samples.
111 * If n is 0, then free data structures. Return number actually allocated.
112 *
113 *
114 * int
115 * smNewSamp(c, p, v) : register new sample point and return index
116 * COLR c; : pixel color (RGBE)
117 * FVECT p; : world intersection point
118 * FVECT v; : ray direction vector
119 *
120 * Add new sample point to data structures, removing old values as necessary.
121 * New sample representation will be output in next call to smUpdate().
122 *
123 *
124 * int
125 * smFindSamp(orig, dir): intersect ray with 3D rep. and find closest sample
126 * FVECT orig, dir;
127 *
128 * Find the closest sample to the given ray. Return -1 on failure.
129 *
130 *
131 * smClean() : display has been wiped clean
132 *
133 * Called after display has been effectively cleared, meaning that all
134 * geometry must be resent down the pipeline in the next call to smUpdate().
135 *
136 *
137 * smUpdate(vp, qua) : update OpenGL output geometry for view vp
138 * VIEW *vp; : desired view
139 * int qua; : quality level (percentage on linear time scale)
140 *
141 * Draw new geometric representation using OpenGL calls. Assume that the
142 * view has already been set up and the correct frame buffer has been
143 * selected for drawing. The quality level is on a linear scale, where 100%
144 * is full (final) quality. It is not necessary to redraw geometry that has
145 * been output since the last call to smClean(). (The last view drawn will
146 * be vp==&odev.v each time.)
147 */
150 #ifdef __cplusplus
151 }
152 #endif
153 #endif /* _RAD_RHD_SAMPLE_H_ */