#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rhd_qtree2c.c,v 3.5 2018/10/05 19:19:16 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Quadtree display support routines for cone output. */ #include "standard.h" #include "rhd_qtree.h" static void redraw(RTREE *tp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int l[2][2]); static void cpaint(uby8 rgb[3], float *p, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); static void update(uby8 ca[3], RTREE *tp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); static void redraw( /* mark portion of a tree for redraw */ RTREE *tp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int l[2][2] ) { int quads = CH_ANY; int mx, my; int i; /* compute midpoint */ mx = (x0 + x1) >> 1; my = (y0 + y1) >> 1; /* see what to do */ if (l[0][0] > mx) quads &= ~(CHF(UL)|CHF(DL)); else if (l[0][1] < mx) quads &= ~(CHF(UR)|CHF(DR)); if (l[1][0] > my) quads &= ~(CHF(DR)|CHF(DL)); else if (l[1][1] < my) quads &= ~(CHF(UR)|CHF(UL)); tp->flgs |= quads; /* mark quadrants for update */ /* climb the branches */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (tp->flgs & BRF(i) && quads & CHF(i)) redraw(tp->k[i].b, i&01 ? mx : x0, i&02 ? my : y0, i&01 ? x1 : mx, i&02 ? y1 : my, l); } static void cpaint( /* paint a cone within a rectangle */ uby8 rgb[3], float *p, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { static FVECT ip, wp; double rad; /* compute base radius */ rad = (double)(y1 - y0 + x1 - x0)/(odev.hres + odev.vres); /* approximate apex pos? */ if (p == NULL || y1-y0 <= qtMinNodesiz || x1-x0 <= qtMinNodesiz) { ip[0] = (double)(x0 + x1)/(odev.hres<<1); ip[1] = (double)(y0 + y1)/(odev.vres<<1); if (p != NULL) { wp[0] = p[0] - odev.v.vp[0]; wp[1] = p[1] - odev.v.vp[1]; wp[2] = p[2] - odev.v.vp[2]; if (odev.v.type == VT_PER) ip[2] = DOT(wp,odev.v.vdir); else ip[2] = VLEN(wp); } else ip[2] = FHUGE; } else if (odev.v.type == VT_PER) { /* special case (faster) */ wp[0] = p[0] - odev.v.vp[0]; wp[1] = p[1] - odev.v.vp[1]; wp[2] = p[2] - odev.v.vp[2]; ip[2] = DOT(wp,odev.v.vdir); ip[0] = DOT(wp,odev.v.hvec)/(ip[2]*odev.v.hn2) + 0.5 - odev.v.hoff; ip[1] = DOT(wp,odev.v.vvec)/(ip[2]*odev.v.vn2) + 0.5 - odev.v.voff; } else { /* general case */ VCOPY(wp, p); viewloc(ip, &odev.v, wp); } dev_cone(rgb, ip, rad); } static void update( /* update tree display as needed */ uby8 ca[3], /* returned average color */ RTREE *tp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { int csm[3], nc; uby8 *cp; uby8 rgb[3]; int gaps = 0; int mx, my; int i; /* compute midpoint */ mx = (x0 + x1) >> 1; my = (y0 + y1) >> 1; /* draw leaves */ csm[0] = csm[1] = csm[2] = nc = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (tp->flgs & LFF(i)) { cp = qtL.rgb[tp->k[i].li]; csm[0] += cp[0]; csm[1] += cp[1]; csm[2] += cp[2]; nc++; if (tp->flgs & CHF(i)) cpaint(cp, qtL.wp[tp->k[i].li], i&01 ? mx : x0, i&02 ? my : y0, i&01 ? x1 : mx, i&02 ? y1 : my); } else if ((tp->flgs & CHBRF(i)) == CHF(i)) gaps |= 1<flgs & CHBRF(i)) == CHBRF(i)) { update(rgb, tp->k[i].b, i&01 ? mx : x0, i&02 ? my : y0, i&01 ? x1 : mx, i&02 ? y1 : my); csm[0] += rgb[0]; csm[1] += rgb[1]; csm[2] += rgb[2]; nc++; } if (nc > 1) { ca[0] = csm[0]/nc; ca[1] = csm[1]/nc; ca[2] = csm[2]/nc; } else { ca[0] = csm[0]; ca[1] = csm[1]; ca[2] = csm[2]; } /* fill in gaps with average */ for (i = 0; gaps && i < 4; gaps >>= 1, i++) if (gaps & 01) cpaint(ca, (float *)NULL, i&01 ? mx : x0, i&02 ? my : y0, i&01 ? x1 : mx, i&02 ? y1 : my); tp->flgs &= ~CH_ANY; /* all done */ } void qtRedraw( /* redraw part or all of our screen */ int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { int lim[2][2]; if (is_stump(&qtrunk)) return; if (!(qtMapLeaves((lim[0][0]=x0) <= 0) & ((lim[1][0]=y0) <= 0) & ((lim[0][1]=x1) >= odev.hres-1) & ((lim[1][1]=y1) >= odev.vres-1))) return; redraw(&qtrunk, 0, 0, odev.hres, odev.vres, lim); } void qtUpdate(void) /* update our tree display */ { uby8 ca[3]; if (is_stump(&qtrunk)) return; if (!qtMapLeaves(0)) return; update(ca, &qtrunk, 0, 0, odev.hres, odev.vres); }