#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rhd_odraw.c,v 3.19 2018/10/05 19:19:16 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for drawing samples using depth buffer checks. */ #include "standard.h" #include #include #include "rhd_odraw.h" #ifndef DEPTHEPS #define DEPTHEPS 0.02 /* depth epsilon */ #endif #ifndef SAMPSPERBLOCK #define SAMPSPERBLOCK 1024 /* target samples per image block */ #endif #ifndef SFREEFRAC #define SFREEFRAC 0.2 /* fraction to free at a time */ #endif #ifndef REDRAWTHRESH #define REDRAWTHRESH 10240 /* number of samples for dissolve */ #endif #ifndef MAXFAN #define MAXFAN 32 /* maximum arms in a triangle fan */ #endif #ifndef MINFAN #define MINFAN 4 /* minimum arms in a triangle fan */ #endif #ifndef FANSIZE #define FANSIZE 3.5 /* fan sizing factor */ #endif #define NEWMAP 01 /* need to recompute mapping */ #define NEWRGB 02 /* need to remap RGB values */ #define NEWHIST 04 /* clear histogram as well */ struct ODview *odView; /* our view list */ int odNViews; /* number of views in our list */ struct ODsamp odS; /* sample values */ static int needmapping; /* what needs doing with tone map */ #define SAMP32 (32*(2*sizeof(short)+sizeof(union ODfunion)+sizeof(TMbright)+\ 6*sizeof(uby8))+sizeof(int32)) static int sampcmp(const void *s0, const void *s1); static int odAllocBlockSamp(int vn, int hh, int vh, double prox); static int make_arms(GLshort ar[MAXFAN][3], short cp[2], struct ODview *vp, double sz); static int depthchange(struct ODview *vp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); static void clip_edge(GLshort p[3], short o[2], struct ODview *vp); static int getblock(struct ODview *vp, int h, int v); static int blockedge(struct ODview *vp, int bi0, int bi1); static void odDrawSamp(int vn, int id); int odInit( /* initialize drawing routines */ int n ) { int nbytes, i, j, k, nextsamp, count, blockdiv; int res[2]; if (odNViews > 0) { /* deallocate view structures */ for (i = odNViews; i--; ) { free((void *)odView[i].bmap); free((void *)odView[i].pmap); if (odView[i].emap != NULL) free((void *)odView[i].emap); } free((void *)odView); odView = NULL; odNViews = 0; } if (n && n != odS.nsamp) { /* round space up to nearest power of 2 */ nbytes = (n+31)/32 * SAMP32; for (i = 1024; nbytes > i-8; i <<= 1) ; n = (i-8)/SAMP32 * 32; needmapping = NEWHIST; } if (n != odS.nsamp) { /* (re)allocate sample array */ if (odS.nsamp) free(odS.base); odS.nsamp = 0; if (!n) return(0); nbytes = (n+31)/32 * SAMP32; odS.base = (char *)malloc(nbytes); if (odS.base == NULL) return(0); /* assign larger alignment types earlier */ odS.f = (union ODfunion *)odS.base; odS.redraw = (int32 *)(odS.f + n); odS.ip = (short (*)[2])(odS.redraw + n/32); odS.brt = (TMbright *)(odS.ip + n); odS.chr = (uby8 (*)[3])(odS.brt + n); odS.rgb = (uby8 (*)[3])(odS.chr + n); odS.nsamp = n; } if (!n) return(0); /* allocate view information */ count = 0; /* count pixels */ for (i = 0; dev_auxview(i, res) != NULL; i++) count += res[0]*res[1]; odView = (struct ODview *)malloc(i*sizeof(struct ODview)); if (odView == NULL) return(0); odNViews = i; blockdiv = sqrt(count/(n/SAMPSPERBLOCK)) + 0.5; if (blockdiv < 8) blockdiv = 8; nextsamp = 0; count /= blockdiv*blockdiv; /* # blocks */ while (i--) { /* initialize each view */ dev_auxview(i, res); odView[i].hhi = res[0]; odView[i].hlow = (res[0] + blockdiv/2) / blockdiv; if (odView[i].hlow < 1) odView[i].hlow = 1; odView[i].vhi = res[1]; odView[i].vlow = (res[1] + blockdiv/2) / blockdiv; if (odView[i].vlow < 1) odView[i].vlow = 1; odView[i].emap = NULL; odView[i].dmap = NULL; odView[i].pmap = (int32 *)calloc(FL4NELS(res[0]*res[1]), sizeof(int32)); if (odView[i].pmap == NULL) return(0); j = odView[i].hlow*odView[i].vlow; odView[i].bmap = (struct ODblock *)malloc( j * sizeof(struct ODblock)); if (odView[i].bmap == NULL) return(0); DCHECK(count<=0 | nextsamp>=n, CONSISTENCY, "counter botch in odInit"); if (!i) count = j; odView[i].sfirst = nextsamp; while (j--) { /* initialize blocks & free lists */ odView[i].bmap[j].pthresh = FHUGE; odView[i].bmap[j].first = k = nextsamp; nextsamp += odView[i].bmap[j].nsamp = (n - nextsamp)/count--; odView[i].bmap[j].free = k; while (++k < nextsamp) odS.nextfree(k-1) = k; odS.nextfree(k-1) = ENDFREE; odView[i].bmap[j].nused = 0; } odView[i].snext = nextsamp; odView[i].n2redraw = 0; } CLR4ALL(odS.redraw, odS.nsamp); /* clear redraw flags */ for (i = odS.nsamp; i--; ) { /* clear values */ odS.ip[i][0] = odS.ip[i][1] = -1; odS.brt[i] = TM_NOBRT; } needmapping |= NEWMAP; /* compute new map on update */ return(odS.nsamp); /* return number of samples */ } #undef SAMP32 int sampcmp( /* sample order, descending proximity */ const void *s0, const void *s1 ) { double diff = odS.closeness(*(int*)s1) - odS.closeness(*(int*)s0); return (diff > FTINY ? 1 : diff < -FTINY ? -1 : 0); } int odAllocBlockSamp( /* allocate sample from block */ int vn, int hh, int vh, double prox ) { int si[SAMPSPERBLOCK+SAMPSPERBLOCK/4]; int hl, vl; VIEW *vw; int res[2]; struct ODblock *bp; int i, j; /* get block */ hl = hh*odView[vn].hlow/odView[vn].hhi; vl = vh*odView[vn].vlow/odView[vn].vhi; bp = odView[vn].bmap + vl*odView[vn].hlow + hl; if (prox > bp->pthresh) return(-1); /* worse than free list occupants */ /* check for duplicate pixel */ if (CHK4(odView[vn].pmap, vh*odView[vn].hhi + hh)) i = bp->first + bp->nsamp; else i = 0; while (i-- > bp->first) if (hh == odS.ip[i][0] && vh == odS.ip[i][1]) { /* found it! */ /* search free list for it */ if (i == bp->free) break; /* special case */ if (bp->free != ENDFREE) for (j = bp->free; odS.nextfree(j) != ENDFREE; j = odS.nextfree(j)) if (odS.nextfree(j) == i) { odS.nextfree(j) = odS.nextfree(i); bp->nused++; goto gotit; } if (prox >= 0.99*odS.closeness(i)) return(-1); /* previous sample is fine */ goto gotit; } if (bp->free != ENDFREE) { /* allocate from free list */ i = bp->free; if ((odS.ip[i][0] >= 0) & (odS.ip[i][1] >= 0)) CLR4(odView[vn].pmap, odS.ip[i][1]*odView[vn].hhi + odS.ip[i][0]); bp->free = odS.nextfree(i); bp->nused++; goto gotit; } DCHECK(bp->nsamp<=0, CONSISTENCY, "no available samples in odAllocBlockSamp"); DCHECK(bp->nsamp > sizeof(si)/sizeof(si[0]), CONSISTENCY, "too many samples in odAllocBlockSamp"); /* free some samples */ if ((vw = dev_auxview(vn, res)) == NULL) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad view number in odAllocBlockSamp"); for (i = bp->nsamp; i--; ) /* figure out which are worse */ si[i] = bp->first + i; qsort((char *)si, bp->nsamp, sizeof(int), sampcmp); i = bp->nsamp*SFREEFRAC + .5; /* put them into free list */ if (i >= bp->nsamp) i = bp->nsamp-1; /* paranoia */ bp->pthresh = odS.closeness(si[i]); /* new proximity threshold */ while (--i > 0) { odS.nextfree(si[i]) = bp->free; bp->free = si[i]; bp->nused--; } i = si[0]; /* use worst sample */ CLR4(odView[vn].pmap, odS.ip[i][1]*odView[vn].hhi + odS.ip[i][0]); gotit: odS.ip[i][0] = hh; odS.ip[i][1] = vh; odS.closeness(i) = prox; SET4(odView[vn].pmap, vh*odView[vn].hhi + hh); return(i); } void odSample( /* add a sample value */ COLR c, FVECT d, FVECT p ) { FVECT disp; double d0, d1, h, v, prox; VIEW *vw; int hh, vh; int res[2]; int i, id; DCHECK(odS.nsamp<=0, CONSISTENCY, "no samples allocated in odSample"); /* add value to each view */ for (i = 0; (vw = dev_auxview(i, res)) != NULL; i++) { DCHECK(i>=odNViews, CONSISTENCY, "too many views in odSample"); CHECK(vw->type!=VT_PER, INTERNAL, "cannot handle non-perspective views"); if (p != NULL) { /* compute view position */ VSUB(disp, p, vw->vp); d0 = DOT(disp, vw->vdir); if (d0 <= vw->vfore+FTINY) continue; /* too close */ } else { VCOPY(disp, d); d0 = DOT(disp, vw->vdir); if (d0 <= FTINY) /* behind view */ continue; } h = DOT(disp,vw->hvec)/(d0*vw->hn2) + 0.5 - vw->hoff; if (h < 0. || h >= 1.) continue; /* left or right */ v = DOT(disp,vw->vvec)/(d0*vw->vn2) + 0.5 - vw->voff; if (v < 0. || v >= 1.) continue; /* above or below */ hh = h * res[0]; vh = v * res[1]; if (odView[i].dmap != NULL) { /* check depth */ d1 = odView[i].dmap[vh*res[0] + hh]; if (d1 < 0.99*FHUGE && (d0 > (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d1 || (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d0 < d1)) continue; /* occlusion error */ } if (p != NULL) { /* compute closeness (sin^2) */ d1 = DOT(disp, d); prox = 1. - d1*d1/DOT(disp,disp); } else prox = 0.; /* allocate sample */ id = odAllocBlockSamp(i, hh, vh, prox); if (id < 0) continue; /* not good enough */ /* convert color */ tmCvColrs(tmGlobal, &odS.brt[id], odS.chr[id], (COLR *)c, 1); if (imm_mode | needmapping) /* if immediate mode */ needmapping |= NEWRGB; /* map it later */ else /* else map it now */ tmMapPixels(tmGlobal, odS.rgb[id], &odS.brt[id], odS.chr[id], 1); SET4(odS.redraw, id); /* mark for redraw */ odView[i].n2redraw++; } } void odRemap( /* recompute tone mapping */ int newhist ) { needmapping |= NEWMAP|NEWRGB; if (newhist) needmapping |= NEWHIST; } void odRedrawAll(void) /* mark all samples for redraw */ { int i; if ((needmapping&(NEWMAP|NEWRGB)) == (NEWMAP|NEWRGB)) return; /* will be called later, anyway */ for (i = odS.nsamp; i--; ) if (odS.ip[i][0] >= 0) SET4(odS.redraw, i); /* not right, but not important */ for (i = 0; i < odNViews; i++) odView[i].n2redraw = odView[i].snext - odView[i].sfirst; } void odRedraw( /* redraw view region */ int vn, int hmin, int vmin, int hmax, int vmax ) { int i, j; struct ODblock *bp; int k; if ((vn<0) | (vn>=odNViews)) return; /* check view limits */ if (hmin < 0) hmin = 0; if (hmax >= odView[vn].hhi) hmax = odView[vn].hhi-1; if (vmin < 0) vmin = 0; if (vmax >= odView[vn].vhi) vmax = odView[vn].vhi-1; if ((hmax <= hmin) | (vmax <= vmin)) return; /* convert to low resolution */ hmin = hmin * odView[vn].hlow / odView[vn].hhi; hmax = hmax * odView[vn].hlow / odView[vn].hhi; vmin = vmin * odView[vn].vlow / odView[vn].vhi; vmax = vmax * odView[vn].vlow / odView[vn].vhi; /* mark block samples for redraw, inclusive */ for (i = hmin; i <= hmax; i++) for (j = vmin; j <= vmax; j++) { bp = odView[vn].bmap + j*odView[vn].hlow + i; for (k = bp->nsamp; k--; ) if (odS.ip[bp->first+k][0] >= 0) { SET4(odS.redraw, bp->first+k); odView[vn].n2redraw++; } } } void odDepthMap( /* assign depth map for view */ int vn, GLfloat *dm ) { double d0, d1; int i, j, hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax; int k, l; if (dm == NULL) { /* free edge map */ if ((vn<0) | (vn>=odNViews)) return; /* too late -- they're gone! */ if (odView[vn].emap != NULL) free((void *)odView[vn].emap); odView[vn].emap = NULL; odView[vn].dmap = NULL; return; } DCHECK(vn<0 | vn>=odNViews, CONSISTENCY, "bad view number in odDepthMap"); odView[vn].dmap = dm; /* initialize edge map */ if (odView[vn].emap == NULL) { odView[vn].emap = (int32 *)malloc( FL4NELS(odView[vn].hlow*odView[vn].vlow)*sizeof(int32)); if (odView[vn].emap == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in odDepthMap"); } CLR4ALL(odView[vn].emap, odView[vn].hlow*odView[vn].vlow); /* compute edge map */ vmin = odView[vn].vhi; /* enter loopsville */ for (j = odView[vn].vlow; j--; ) { vmax = vmin; vmin = j*odView[vn].vhi/odView[vn].vlow; hmin = odView[vn].hhi; for (i = odView[vn].hlow; i--; ) { hmax = hmin; hmin = i*odView[vn].hhi/odView[vn].hlow; for (l = vmin; l < vmax; l++) { /* vertical edges */ d1 = dm[l*odView[vn].hhi+hmin]; for (k = hmin+1; k < hmax; k++) { d0 = d1; d1 = dm[l*odView[vn].hhi+k]; if (d0 > (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d1 || (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d0 < d1) { SET4(odView[vn].emap, j*odView[vn].hlow + i); break; } } if (k < hmax) break; } if (l < vmax) continue; for (k = hmin; k < hmax; k++) { /* horizontal edges */ d1 = dm[vmin*odView[vn].hhi+k]; for (l = vmin+1; l < vmax; l++) { d0 = d1; d1 = dm[l*odView[vn].hhi+k]; if (d0 > (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d1 || (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d0 < d1) { SET4(odView[vn].emap, j*odView[vn].hlow + i); break; } } if (l < vmax) break; } } } } void odUpdate( /* update this view */ int vn ) { static short primes[] = {9431,6803,4177,2659,1609,887,587,251,47,1}; int myprime; int i, n; DCHECK(vn<0 | vn>=odNViews, CONSISTENCY, "bad view number in odUpdate"); /* need to do some tone mapping? */ if (needmapping & NEWRGB) { if (needmapping & NEWMAP) { if (needmapping & NEWHIST) tmClearHisto(tmGlobal); needmapping &= ~NEWHIST; if (tmAddHisto(tmGlobal, odS.brt,odS.nsamp,1) != TM_E_OK) return; if (tmComputeMapping(tmGlobal, 0.,0.,0.) != TM_E_OK) return; needmapping &= ~NEWMAP; odRedrawAll(); /* redraw everything */ } if (tmMapPixels(tmGlobal, (uby8 *)(odS.rgb), odS.brt, (uby8 *)(odS.chr), odS.nsamp) != TM_E_OK) return; needmapping &= ~NEWRGB; } if (odView[vn].n2redraw <= 0) return; #if REDRAWTHRESH if (odView[vn].n2redraw < REDRAWTHRESH) goto quickdraw; /* pick a good prime step size */ n = odView[vn].snext - odView[vn].sfirst; for (i = 0; primes[i]<<5 >= n; i++) ; while ((myprime = primes[i++]) > 1) if (n % myprime) break; /* dissolve in new samples */ for (i = odView[vn].sfirst; n-- > 0; i += myprime) { if (i >= odView[vn].snext) i -= odView[vn].snext - odView[vn].sfirst; if (CHK4(odS.redraw, i)) { odDrawSamp(vn, i); CLR4(odS.redraw, i); } } odView[vn].n2redraw = 0; return; quickdraw: /* quicker sparse flag checking */ #endif /* redraw samples at end */ for (i = odView[vn].snext-31; i < odView[vn].snext; i++) if (CHK4(odS.redraw, i)) { odDrawSamp(vn, i); CLR4(odS.redraw, i); } /* faster flag checks in middle */ for (n = odView[vn].snext>>5; n-- > (odView[vn].sfirst+0x1f)>>5; ) for (i = 0; odS.redraw[n]; i++) /* skips faster */ if (odS.redraw[n] & 1L<= vp->hhi) { p[1] = (vp->hhi-1-o[0])*(p[1]-o[1])/(p[0]-o[0]) + o[1]; p[2] = (vp->hhi-1-o[0])*p[2]/(p[0]-o[0]); p[0] = vp->hhi-1; } if (p[1] < 0) { p[0] = -o[1]*(p[0]-o[0])/(p[1]-o[1]) + o[0]; p[2] = -o[1]*p[2]/(p[1]-o[1]); p[1] = 0; } else if (p[1] >= vp->vhi) { p[0] = (vp->vhi-1-o[1])*(p[0]-o[0])/(p[1]-o[1]) + o[0]; p[2] = (vp->vhi-1-o[1])*p[2]/(p[1]-o[1]); p[1] = vp->vhi-1; } } #endif static int make_arms( /* make arms for triangle fan */ GLshort ar[MAXFAN][3], short cp[2], struct ODview *vp, double sz ) { int na, dv; double hrad, vrad, phi; int i; DCHECK(sz > 1, CONSISTENCY, "super-unary size in make_arms"); na = MAXFAN*sz + 0.5; /* keep arc length constant */ if (na < MINFAN) na = MINFAN; hrad = FANSIZE*sz*vp->hhi/vp->hlow; vrad = FANSIZE*sz*vp->vhi/vp->vlow; if (hrad*vrad < 2.25) hrad = vrad = 1.5; dv = OMAXDEPTH*sz + 0.5; for (i = 0; i < na; i++) { phi = (2.*PI)*i/na; ar[i][0] = cp[0] + tcos(phi)*hrad + 0.5; ar[i][1] = cp[1] + tsin(phi)*vrad + 0.5; ar[i][2] = dv; /* clip_end(ar[i], cp, vp); */ } return(na); } static int depthchange( /* check depth discontinuity */ struct ODview *vp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { double d0, d1; DCHECK(x0<0 | x0>=vp->hhi | y0<0 | y0>=vp->vhi, CONSISTENCY, "coordinates off view in depthchange"); if ((x1<0) | (x1>=vp->hhi) | (y1<0) | (y1>=vp->vhi)) return(1); d0 = vp->dmap[y0*vp->hhi + x0]; d1 = vp->dmap[y1*vp->hhi + x1]; return((1.+DEPTHEPS)*d0 < d1 || d0 > (1.+DEPTHEPS)*d1); } static void clip_edge( /* clip line segment to depth edge */ GLshort p[3], short o[2], struct ODview *vp ) { int x, y, xstep, ystep, rise, rise2, run, run2, n; DCHECK(vp->dmap==NULL, CONSISTENCY, "clip_edge called with no depth map"); x = o[0]; y = o[1]; run = p[0] - x; xstep = run > 0 ? 1 : -1; run *= xstep; rise = p[1] - y; ystep = rise > 0 ? 1 : -1; rise *= ystep; rise2 = run2 = 0; if (rise > run) rise2 = 1; else run2 = 1; n = rise + run; while (n--) /* run out arm, checking depth */ if (run2 > rise2) { x += xstep; rise2 += rise; if (depthchange(vp, x-xstep, y, x, y)) break; } else { y += ystep; run2 += run; if (depthchange(vp, x, y-ystep, x, y)) break; } if (n < 0) /* found something? */ return; if (run > rise) p[2] = (x - o[0])*p[2]/(p[0] - o[0]); else p[2] = (y - o[1])*p[2]/(p[1] - o[1]); p[0] = x; p[1] = y; } static int getblock( /* get block index */ struct ODview *vp, int h, int v ) { if ((h<0) | (h>=vp->hhi) | (v<0) | (v>=vp->vhi)) return(-1); return(h*vp->hlow/vp->hhi + v*vp->vlow/vp->vhi*vp->hlow); } static int blockedge( /* check for edge between blocks? */ struct ODview *vp, int bi0, int bi1 ) { if (bi1 == bi0) return(0); /* same block */ if (bi1 < 0) return(1); /* end off view */ if (CHK4(vp->emap, bi1)) return(1); /* end block has edges */ if (bi1 == bi0+1 || bi1 == bi0-1 || bi1 == bi0+vp->hlow || bi1 == bi0-vp->hlow) return(0); /* end in adjacent block -- no edges */ return(1); /* conservative for rarer case */ } static void odDrawSamp( /* draw view sample */ int vn, int id ) { GLshort arm[MAXFAN][3]; int narms, blockindex; struct ODview *vp; double size; int home_edges; int i; vp = odView + vn; blockindex = getblock(vp, odS.ip[id][0], odS.ip[id][1]); DCHECK(blockindex<0, CONSISTENCY, "bad sample handed to odDrawSamp"); DCHECK(vp->bmap[blockindex].nused <= 0, CONSISTENCY, "bad in-use count in odDrawSamp"); /* create triangle fan */ size = 1./sqrt((double)vp->bmap[blockindex].nused); narms = make_arms(arm, odS.ip[id], vp, size); if (vp->emap != NULL) { /* check for edge collisions */ home_edges = CHK4(vp->emap, blockindex); for (i = 0; i < narms; i++) if (home_edges || blockedge(vp, blockindex, getblock(vp, arm[i][0], arm[i][1]))) clip_edge(arm[i], odS.ip[id], vp); } /* draw triangle fan */ glColor3ub(odS.rgb[id][0], odS.rgb[id][1], odS.rgb[id][2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex3s((GLshort)odS.ip[id][0], (GLshort)odS.ip[id][1], (GLshort)0); for (i = 0; i < narms; i++) glVertex3sv(arm[i]); glVertex3sv(arm[0]); /* connect last to first */ glEnd(); }