/* Copyright (c) 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI"; #endif /* * Copy data into a holodeck file */ #include "holo.h" #include "view.h" #include "resolu.h" int checkdepth = 1; /* check depth (!-f option)? */ int checkrepeats = 0; /* check for repeats (-c option)? */ int frompicz; /* input from pictures & depth-buffers? */ int noutsects; /* number of output sections */ char obstr, unobstr; /* flag pointer values */ char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; progname = argv[0]; frompicz = -1; for (i = 2; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': checkrepeats = 1; break; case 'f': checkdepth = 0; break; case 'h': frompicz = 0; break; case 'p': frompicz = 1; break; default: goto userr; } if (i >= argc || frompicz < 0) goto userr; if (frompicz && (argc-i)%2) goto userr; noutsects = openholo(argv[1], 1); if (frompicz) for ( ; i < argc; i += 2) addpicz(argv[i], argv[i+1]); else for ( ; i < argc; i++) addholo(argv[i]); quit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s output.hdk [-c][-f] -h inp1.hdk ..\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, " Or: %s output.hdk [-c][-f] -pz inp1.pic inp1.zbf ..\n", progname); exit(1); } #define H_BADF 01 #define H_OBST 02 #define H_OBSF 04 holheadline(s, hf) /* check holodeck header line */ register char *s; int *hf; { char fmt[32]; if (formatval(fmt, s)) { if (strcmp(fmt, HOLOFMT)) *hf |= H_BADF; else *hf &= ~H_BADF; return; } if (!strncmp(s, "OBSTRUCTIONS=", 13)) { s += 13; while (*s == ' ') s++; if (*s == 't' | *s == 'T') *hf |= H_OBST; else if (*s == 'f' | *s == 'F') *hf |= H_OBSF; else error(WARNING, "bad OBSTRUCTIONS value in holodeck"); return; } } int openholo(fname, append) /* open existing holodeck file for i/o */ char *fname; int append; { extern long ftell(); FILE *fp; int fd; int hflags = 0; long nextloc; int n; /* open holodeck file */ if ((fp = fopen(fname, append ? "r+" : "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open \"%s\" for %s", fname, append ? "appending" : "reading"); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } /* check header and magic number */ if (getheader(fp, holheadline, &hflags) < 0 || hflags&H_BADF || getw(fp) != HOLOMAGIC) { sprintf(errmsg, "file \"%s\" not in holodeck format", fname); error(USER, errmsg); } fd = dup(fileno(fp)); /* dup file handle */ nextloc = ftell(fp); /* get stdio position */ fclose(fp); /* done with stdio */ for (n = 0; nextloc > 0L; n++) { /* initialize each section */ lseek(fd, nextloc, 0); read(fd, (char *)&nextloc, sizeof(nextloc)); hdinit(fd, NULL)->priv = hflags&H_OBST ? &obstr : hflags&H_OBSF ? &unobstr : (char *)NULL; } return(n); } #undef H_BADF #undef H_OBST #undef H_OBSF addray(ro, rd, d, cv) /* add a ray to our output holodeck */ FVECT ro, rd; double d; COLR cv; { int sn, bi, n; register HOLO *hp; GCOORD gc[2]; BYTE rr[2][2]; BEAM *bp; double d0, d1; unsigned dc; register RAYVAL *rv; /* check each output section */ for (sn = noutsects; sn--; ) { hp = hdlist[sn]; d0 = hdinter(gc, rr, &d1, hp, ro, rd); if (d <= d0 || d1 < -0.001) continue; /* missed section */ if (checkdepth) { /* check depth */ if (hp->priv == &obstr && d0 < -0.001) continue; /* ray starts too late */ if (hp->priv == &unobstr && d < 0.999*d1) continue; /* ray ends too soon */ } dc = hdcode(hp, d-d0); bi = hdbindex(hp, gc); /* check for duplicates */ if (checkrepeats && (bp = hdgetbeam(hp, bi)) != NULL) { for (n = bp->nrm, rv = hdbray(bp); n--; rv++) if (rv->d == dc && rv->r[0][0] == rr[0][0] && rv->r[0][1] == rr[0][1] && rv->r[1][0] == rr[1][0] && rv->r[1][1] == rr[1][1]) break; if (n >= 0) continue; /* found a matching ray */ } rv = hdnewrays(hp, bi, 1); rv->d = dc; rv->r[0][0] = rr[0][0]; rv->r[0][1] = rr[0][1]; rv->r[1][0] = rr[1][0]; rv->r[1][1] = rr[1][1]; copycolr(rv->v, cv); } } addholo(hdf) /* add a holodeck file */ char *hdf; { int fd; register HOLO *hp; register BEAM *bp; register HDBEAMI *hbl; GCOORD gc[2]; FVECT ro, rd; double d; int i, j; register int k; /* open the holodeck for reading */ openholo(hdf, 0); fd = hdlist[noutsects]->fd; /* remember the file handle */ while ((hp = hdlist[noutsects]) != NULL) { /* load each section */ hbl = (HDBEAMI *)malloc(nbeams(hp)*sizeof(HDBEAMI)); if (hbl == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in addholo"); for (j = nbeams(hp); j > 0; j--) { /* sort the beams */ hbl[j].h = hp; hbl[j].b = j; } qsort((char *)hbl, nbeams(hp), sizeof(HDBEAMI), hdfilord); for (j = 0; j < nbeams(hp); j++) /* load each beam */ if ((bp = hdgetbeam(hp, hbl[j].b)) != NULL) { hdbcoord(gc, hp, hbl[j].b); for (k = bp->nrm; k--; ) { d = hdray(ro, rd, hp, gc, hdbray(bp)[k].r); if (hp->priv == &unobstr) VSUM(ro, ro, rd, d); else d = 0.; d = hddepth(hp, hdbray(bp)[k].d) - d; addray(ro, rd, d, hdbray(bp)[k].v); } hdfreebeam(hp, hbl[j].b); /* free beam */ } free((char *)hbl); /* free beam list */ hddone(hp); /* free the section */ } close(fd); /* close the file */ } struct phead { VIEW vw; double expos; short gotview; short badfmt; short altprims; }; picheadline(s, ph) /* process picture header line */ char *s; struct phead *ph; { char fmt[32]; if (formatval(fmt, s)) { ph->badfmt = strcmp(fmt, COLRFMT); return; } if (isprims(s)) { ph->altprims++; /* don't want to deal with this */ return; } if (isexpos(s)) { ph->expos *= exposval(s); return; } if (isview(s)) { ph->gotview += sscanview(&ph->vw, s); return; } } addpicz(pcf, zbf) /* add a picture + depth-buffer */ char *pcf, *zbf; { FILE *pfp; int zfd; COLR *cscn; float *zscn; struct phead phd; int eshft; double emult; RESOLU prs; FLOAT vl[2]; FVECT ro, rd; double aftd; COLOR ctmp; int j; register int i; /* open files */ if ((pfp = fopen(pcf, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open picture file \"%s\"", pcf); error(SYSTEM, pcf); } if ((zfd = open(zbf, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open depth file \"%s\"", zbf); error(SYSTEM, pcf); } /* load picture header */ copystruct(&phd.vw, &stdview); phd.expos = 1.0; phd.badfmt = phd.gotview = phd.altprims = 0; if (getheader(pfp, picheadline, &phd) < 0 || phd.badfmt || !fgetsresolu(&prs, pfp)) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad format for picture file \"%s\"", pcf); error(USER, errmsg); } if (!phd.gotview || setview(&phd.vw) != NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "missing/illegal view in picture \"%s\"", pcf); error(USER, errmsg); } if (phd.altprims) { sprintf(errmsg, "ignoring primary values in picture \"%s\"", pcf); error(WARNING, errmsg); } /* figure out what to do about exposure */ if (phd.expos < 0.99 | phd.expos > 1.01) { emult = -log(phd.expos)/log(2.); eshft = emult >= 0. ? emult+.5 : emult-.5; emult -= (double)eshft; if (emult <= 0.01 & emult >= -0.01) emult = -1.; else { emult = 1./phd.expos; eshft = 0; } } else { emult = -1.; eshft = 0; } /* allocate buffers */ cscn = (COLR *)malloc(scanlen(&prs)*sizeof(COLR)); zscn = (float *)malloc(scanlen(&prs)*sizeof(float)); if (cscn == NULL | zscn == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in addpicz"); /* read and process each scanline */ for (j = 0; j < numscans(&prs); j++) { i = scanlen(&prs); /* read colrs */ if (freadcolrs(cscn, i, pfp) < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "error reading picture \"%s\"", pcf); error(USER, errmsg); } if (eshft) /* shift exposure */ shiftcolrs(cscn, i, eshft); i *= sizeof(float); /* read depth */ if (read(zfd, (char *)zscn, i) != i) { sprintf(errmsg, "error reading depth file \"%s\"", zbf); error(USER, errmsg); } for (i = scanlen(&prs); i--; ) { /* do each pixel */ pix2loc(vl, &prs, i, j); aftd = viewray(ro, rd, &phd.vw, vl[0], vl[1]); if (aftd < -FTINY) continue; /* off view */ if (aftd > FTINY && zscn[i] > aftd) continue; /* aft clipped */ if (emult > 0.) { /* whatta pain */ colr_color(ctmp, cscn[i]); scalecolor(ctmp, emult); setcolr(cscn[i], colval(ctmp,RED), colval(ctmp,GRN), colval(ctmp,BLU)); } addray(ro, rd, (double)zscn[i], cscn[i]); } } /* clean up */ free((char *)cscn); free((char *)zscn); fclose(pfp); close(zfd); } eputs(s) /* put error message to stderr */ register char *s; { static int midline = 0; if (!*s) return; if (!midline++) { /* prepend line with program name */ fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": ", stderr); } fputs(s, stderr); if (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n') { fflush(stderr); midline = 0; } } quit(code) /* exit the program gracefully */ int code; { hdsync(NULL, 1); /* write out any buffered data */ exit(code); }