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Revision: 3.7
Committed: Wed Oct 22 02:06:34 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.6: +2 -2 lines
Log Message:
Fewer complaints if "platform.h" precedes "standard.h"

File Contents

# Content
1 #ifndef lint
2 static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: genrhgrid.c,v 3.6 2003/10/20 16:01:55 greg Exp $";
3 #endif
4 /*
5 * Generate renderable grids from a holodeck file
6 */
8 #include "platform.h"
9 #include "holo.h"
11 char *progname; /* global argv[0] */
13 char *mat, *name; /* material and object id */
14 double rad; /* grid line radius */
17 main(argc, argv)
18 int argc;
19 char *argv[];
20 {
21 int sect;
23 progname = argv[0];
24 if ((argc < 5) | (argc > 6))
25 goto userr;
26 mat = argv[1];
27 name = argv[2];
28 rad = atof(argv[3]);
29 sect = argc==5 ? -1 : atoi(argv[5]);
30 fputs("# ", stdout);
31 printargs(argc, argv, stdout);
32 gridsect(argv[4], sect);
33 quit(0);
34 userr:
35 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s mat name rad input.hdk [section]\n",
36 progname);
37 exit(1);
38 }
41 gridsect(fname, sect) /* get specified section(s) and print grids */
42 char *fname;
43 int sect;
44 {
45 FILE *fp;
46 HOLO hdsect;
47 int fd;
48 int32 nextloc;
49 int n;
50 /* open holodeck file */
51 if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
52 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open \"%s\"", fname);
53 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
54 }
55 /* check header and magic number */
56 if (checkheader(fp, HOLOFMT, NULL) < 0 || getw(fp) != HOLOMAGIC) {
57 sprintf(errmsg, "file \"%s\" not in holodeck format", fname);
58 error(USER, errmsg);
59 }
60 fd = dup(fileno(fp)); /* dup file handle */
61 nextloc = ftell(fp); /* get stdio position */
62 fclose(fp); /* done with stdio */
63 for (n = 0; nextloc > 0L; n++) { /* get the section(s) */
64 lseek(fd, (off_t)nextloc, SEEK_SET);
65 read(fd, (char *)&nextloc, sizeof(nextloc));
66 if ((sect < 0) | (n == sect)) {
67 read(fd, (char *)&hdsect, sizeof(HDGRID));
68 hdcompgrid(&hdsect);
69 putgrid(&hdsect); /* print grid */
70 }
71 }
72 }
75 putgrid(hp) /* run through holodeck section grid lines */
76 register HOLO *hp;
77 {
78 register int w, i;
79 int g0, g1;
80 FVECT wp[2], mov;
81 double d;
82 /* do each wall on this section */
83 for (w = 0; w < 6; w++) {
84 g0 = hdwg0[w];
85 g1 = hdwg1[w];
86 d = 1.0/hp->grid[g0];
87 mov[0] = d * hp->xv[g0][0];
88 mov[1] = d * hp->xv[g0][1];
89 mov[2] = d * hp->xv[g0][2];
90 if (w & 1) {
91 VSUM(wp[0], hp->orig, hp->xv[w>>1], 1.);
92 VSUM(wp[0], wp[0], mov, 1.);
93 } else
94 VCOPY(wp[0], hp->orig);
95 VSUM(wp[1], wp[0], hp->xv[g1], 1.);
96 for (i = hp->grid[g0]; ; ) { /* g0 lines */
97 putline(wp);
98 if (!--i) break;
99 wp[0][0] += mov[0]; wp[0][1] += mov[1];
100 wp[0][2] += mov[2]; wp[1][0] += mov[0];
101 wp[1][1] += mov[1]; wp[1][2] += mov[2];
102 }
103 d = 1.0/hp->grid[g1];
104 mov[0] = d * hp->xv[g1][0];
105 mov[1] = d * hp->xv[g1][1];
106 mov[2] = d * hp->xv[g1][2];
107 if (w & 1)
108 VSUM(wp[0], hp->orig, hp->xv[w>>1], 1.);
109 else
110 VSUM(wp[0], hp->orig, mov, 1.);
111 VSUM(wp[1], wp[0], hp->xv[g0], 1.);
112 for (i = hp->grid[g1]; ; ) { /* g1 lines */
113 putline(wp);
114 if (!--i) break;
115 wp[0][0] += mov[0]; wp[0][1] += mov[1];
116 wp[0][2] += mov[2]; wp[1][0] += mov[0];
117 wp[1][1] += mov[1]; wp[1][2] += mov[2];
118 }
119 }
120 }
123 putline(wp) /* put out a line */
124 register FVECT wp[2];
125 {
126 static int cnt = 0;
128 printf("\n%s cylinder %s.%d\n0\n0\n7\n", mat, name, ++cnt);
129 printf("\t%.4e %.4e %.4e\n", wp[0][0], wp[0][1], wp[0][2]);
130 printf("\t%.4e %.4e %.4e\n", wp[1][0], wp[1][1], wp[1][2]);
131 printf("\t%.4e\n", rad);
132 }