{ RCSid $Id: perezlum.cal,v 1.2 2018/01/12 23:48:09 greg Exp $ } { All-weather Angular Sky Luminance Distribution . Additional arguments required for calculation of skybright: A1 - diffus normalization A2 - ground brightness A3,A4,A5,A6,A7 - coefficients for the Perez model A8,A9,A10 - sun direction } skybright = wmean((Dz+1.01)^10, intersky, (Dz+1.01)^-10, A2 ); wmean(a, x, b, y) = (a*x+b*y)/(a+b); intersky = if( (Dz-0.01), A1 * (1 + A3*Exp(A4/Dz) ) * ( 1 + A5*Exp(A6*gamma) + A7*cosgamma*cosgamma ), A1 * (1 + A3*Exp(A4/0.01) ) * ( 1 + A5*Exp(A6*gamma) + A7*cosgamma*cosgamma ) ); cosgamma = Dx*A8 + Dy*A9 + Dz*A10; gamma = Acos(cosgamma); { angle from sun to this point in sky } zt = Acos(A10); { angle from zenith to sun } eta = Acos(Dz); { angle from zenith to this point in sky }