#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: mksource.c,v 2.9 2021/01/15 20:56:50 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Generate distant sources corresponding to the given environment map */ #include "ray.h" #include "random.h" #include "resolu.h" #define NTRUNKBR 4 /* number of branches at trunk */ #define NTRUNKVERT 4 /* number of vertices at trunk */ #define DEF_NSAMPS 262144L /* default # sphere samples */ #define DEF_MAXANG 15. /* maximum source angle (deg.) */ /* Data structure for geodesic samples */ typedef struct tritree { int32 gdv[3]; /* spherical triangle vertex direc. */ int32 sd; /* sample direction if leaf */ struct tritree *kid; /* 4 children if branch node */ COLR val; /* sampled color value */ } TRITREE; typedef struct lostlight { struct lostlight *next; /* next in list */ int32 sd; /* lost source direction */ COLOR intens; /* output times solid angle */ } LOSTLIGHT; extern char *progname; FVECT scene_cent; /* center of octree cube */ RREAL scene_rad; /* radius to get outside cube from center */ const COLR blkclr = BLKCOLR; #define isleaf(node) ((node)->kid == NULL) /* Compute signum of signed volume for three vectors */ int vol_sign(const FVECT v1, const FVECT v2, const FVECT v3) { double vol; vol = v1[0]*(v2[1]*v3[2] - v2[2]*v3[1]); vol += v1[1]*(v2[2]*v3[0] - v2[0]*v3[2]); vol += v1[2]*(v2[0]*v3[1] - v2[1]*v3[0]); if (vol > .0) return(1); if (vol < .0) return(-1); return(0); } /* Is the given direction contained within the specified spherical triangle? */ int intriv(const int32 trid[3], const FVECT sdir) { int sv[3]; FVECT tri[3]; decodedir(tri[0], trid[0]); decodedir(tri[1], trid[1]); decodedir(tri[2], trid[2]); sv[0] = vol_sign(sdir, tri[0], tri[1]); sv[1] = vol_sign(sdir, tri[1], tri[2]); sv[2] = vol_sign(sdir, tri[2], tri[0]); if ((sv[0] == sv[1]) & (sv[1] == sv[2])) return(1); return(!sv[0] | !sv[1] | !sv[2]); } /* Find leaf containing the given sample direction */ TRITREE * findleaf(TRITREE *node, const FVECT sdir) { int i; if (isleaf(node)) return(intriv(node->gdv,sdir) ? node : (TRITREE *)NULL); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { TRITREE *chknode = &node->kid[i]; if (intriv(chknode->gdv, sdir)) return(isleaf(chknode) ? chknode : findleaf(chknode, sdir)); } return(NULL); } /* Initialize leaf with random sample inside the given spherical triangle */ void leafsample(TRITREE *leaf) { RAY myray; RREAL wt[3]; FVECT sdir; int i, j; /* random point on triangle */ i = random() % 3; wt[i] = frandom(); j = random() & 1; wt[(i+2-j)%3] = 1. - wt[i] - (wt[(i+1+j)%3] = (1.-wt[i])*frandom()); sdir[0] = sdir[1] = sdir[2] = .0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { FVECT vt; decodedir(vt, leaf->gdv[i]); VSUM(sdir, sdir, vt, wt[i]); } normalize(sdir); /* record sample direction */ leaf->sd = encodedir(sdir); /* evaluate at inf. */ VSUM(myray.rorg, scene_cent, sdir, scene_rad); VCOPY(myray.rdir, sdir); myray.rmax = 0.; ray_trace(&myray); setcolr(leaf->val, colval(myray.rcol,RED), colval(myray.rcol,GRN), colval(myray.rcol,BLU)); } /* Initialize a branch node contained in the given spherical triangle */ void subdivide(TRITREE *branch, const int32 dv[3]) { FVECT dvv[3], sdv[3]; int32 sd[3]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* copy spherical triangle */ branch->gdv[i] = dv[i]; decodedir(dvv[i], dv[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* create new vertices */ int j = (i+1)%3; VADD(sdv[i], dvv[i], dvv[j]); normalize(sdv[i]); sd[i] = encodedir(sdv[i]); } /* allocate leaves */ branch->kid = (TRITREE *)calloc(4, sizeof(TRITREE)); if (branch->kid == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in subdivide()"); /* assign subtriangle directions */ branch->kid[0].gdv[0] = dv[0]; branch->kid[0].gdv[1] = sd[0]; branch->kid[0].gdv[2] = sd[2]; branch->kid[1].gdv[0] = sd[0]; branch->kid[1].gdv[1] = dv[1]; branch->kid[1].gdv[2] = sd[1]; branch->kid[2].gdv[0] = sd[1]; branch->kid[2].gdv[1] = dv[2]; branch->kid[2].gdv[2] = sd[2]; branch->kid[3].gdv[0] = sd[0]; branch->kid[3].gdv[1] = sd[1]; branch->kid[3].gdv[2] = sd[2]; } /* Recursively subdivide the given node to the specified quadtree depth */ void branchsample(TRITREE *node, int depth) { int i; if (depth <= 0) return; if (isleaf(node)) { /* subdivide leaf node */ TRITREE branch, *moved_leaf; FVECT sdir; subdivide(&branch, node->gdv); decodedir(sdir, node->sd); moved_leaf = findleaf(&branch, sdir); if (moved_leaf != NULL) { /* bequeath old sample */ moved_leaf->sd = node->sd; copycolr(moved_leaf->val, node->val); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) /* compute new samples */ if (&branch.kid[i] != moved_leaf) leafsample(&branch.kid[i]); *node = branch; /* replace leaf with branch */ } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) /* subdivide children */ branchsample(&node->kid[i], depth-1); } /* Sample sphere using triangular geodesic mesh */ TRITREE * geosample(int nsamps) { int depth; TRITREE *tree; FVECT trunk[NTRUNKVERT]; int i, j; /* figure out depth */ if ((nsamps -= 4) < 0) error(USER, "minimum number of samples is 4"); nsamps = nsamps*3/NTRUNKBR; /* round up */ for (depth = 0; nsamps > 1; depth++) nsamps >>= 2; /* make base tetrahedron */ tree = (TRITREE *)malloc(sizeof(TRITREE)); if (tree == NULL) goto memerr; trunk[0][0] = trunk[0][1] = 0; trunk[0][2] = 1; trunk[1][0] = 0; trunk[1][2] = cos(2.*asin(sqrt(2./3.))); trunk[1][1] = sqrt(1. - trunk[1][2]*trunk[1][2]); spinvector(trunk[2], trunk[1], trunk[0], 2.*PI/3.); spinvector(trunk[3], trunk[1], trunk[0], 4.*PI/3.); tree->gdv[0] = tree->gdv[1] = tree->gdv[2] = encodedir(trunk[0]); tree->kid = (TRITREE *)calloc(NTRUNKBR, sizeof(TRITREE)); if (tree->kid == NULL) goto memerr; /* grow our tree from trunk */ for (i = 0; i < NTRUNKBR; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) /* XXX works for tetra only */ tree->kid[i].gdv[j] = encodedir(trunk[(i+j)%NTRUNKVERT]); leafsample(&tree->kid[i]); branchsample(&tree->kid[i], depth); } return(tree); memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in geosample()"); return NULL; /* dummy return */ } /* Compute leaf exponent histogram */ void get_ehisto(const TRITREE *node, long exphisto[256]) { int i; if (isleaf(node)) { ++exphisto[node->val[EXP]]; return; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) get_ehisto(&node->kid[i], exphisto); } /* Get reasonable source threshold */ double get_threshold(const TRITREE *tree) { long samptotal = 0; long exphisto[256]; int i; /* compute sample histogram */ memset(exphisto, 0, sizeof(exphisto)); for (i = 0; i < NTRUNKBR; i++) get_ehisto(&tree->kid[i], exphisto); /* use 98th percentile */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) samptotal += exphisto[i]; samptotal /= 50; for (i = 256; (--i > 0) & (samptotal > 0); ) samptotal -= exphisto[i]; return(ldexp(.75, i-COLXS)); } /* Find leaf containing the maximum exponent */ TRITREE * findemax(TRITREE *node, int *expp) { if (!isleaf(node)) { TRITREE *maxleaf; TRITREE *rleaf; maxleaf = findemax(&node->kid[0], expp); rleaf = findemax(&node->kid[1], expp); if (rleaf != NULL) maxleaf = rleaf; rleaf = findemax(&node->kid[2], expp); if (rleaf != NULL) maxleaf = rleaf; rleaf = findemax(&node->kid[3], expp); if (rleaf != NULL) maxleaf = rleaf; return(maxleaf); } if (node->val[EXP] <= *expp) return(NULL); *expp = node->val[EXP]; return(node); } /* Compute solid angle of spherical triangle (approx.) */ double tri_omegav(const int32 vd[3]) { FVECT v[3], e1, e2, vcross; decodedir(v[0], vd[0]); decodedir(v[1], vd[1]); decodedir(v[2], vd[2]); VSUB(e1, v[1], v[0]); VSUB(e2, v[2], v[1]); fcross(vcross, e1, e2); return(.5*VLEN(vcross)); } /* Sum intensity times direction for above-threshold perimiter within radius */ void vector_sum(FVECT vsum, TRITREE *node, FVECT cent, double maxr2, int ethresh) { if (isleaf(node)) { double intens; FVECT sdir; if (node->val[EXP] < ethresh) return; /* below threshold */ if (fdir2diff(node->sd,cent) > maxr2) return; /* too far away */ intens = colrval(node->val,GRN) * tri_omegav(node->gdv); decodedir(sdir, node->sd); VSUM(vsum, vsum, sdir, intens); return; } if (dir2diff(node->gdv[0],node->gdv[1]) > maxr2 && fdir2diff(node->gdv[0],cent) < maxr2 && fdir2diff(node->gdv[1],cent) < maxr2 && fdir2diff(node->gdv[2],cent) < maxr2) return; /* containing node */ vector_sum(vsum, &node->kid[0], cent, maxr2, ethresh); vector_sum(vsum, &node->kid[1], cent, maxr2, ethresh); vector_sum(vsum, &node->kid[2], cent, maxr2, ethresh); vector_sum(vsum, &node->kid[3], cent, maxr2, ethresh); } /* Claim source contributions within the given solid angle */ void claimlight(COLOR intens, TRITREE *node, FVECT cent, double maxr2) { int remaining; int i; if (isleaf(node)) { /* claim contribution */ COLOR contrib; if (node->val[EXP] <= 0) return; /* already claimed */ if (fdir2diff(node->sd,cent) > maxr2) return; /* too far away */ colr_color(contrib, node->val); scalecolor(contrib, tri_omegav(node->gdv)); addcolor(intens, contrib); copycolr(node->val, blkclr); return; } if (dir2diff(node->gdv[0],node->gdv[1]) > maxr2 && fdir2diff(node->gdv[0],cent) < maxr2 && fdir2diff(node->gdv[1],cent) < maxr2 && fdir2diff(node->gdv[2],cent) < maxr2) return; /* previously claimed node */ remaining = 0; /* recurse on children */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { claimlight(intens, &node->kid[i], cent, maxr2); if (!isleaf(&node->kid[i]) || node->kid[i].val[EXP] != 0) ++remaining; } if (remaining) return; /* consolidate empties */ free(node->kid); node->kid = NULL; copycolr(node->val, blkclr); node->sd = node->gdv[0]; /* doesn't really matter */ } /* Add lost light contribution to the given list */ void add2lost(LOSTLIGHT **llp, COLOR intens, FVECT cent) { LOSTLIGHT *newll = (LOSTLIGHT *)malloc(sizeof(LOSTLIGHT)); if (newll == NULL) return; copycolor(newll->intens, intens); newll->sd = encodedir(cent); newll->next = *llp; *llp = newll; } /* Check lost light list for contributions */ void getlost(LOSTLIGHT **llp, COLOR intens, FVECT cent, double omega) { const double maxr2 = omega/PI; LOSTLIGHT lhead, *lastp, *thisp; lhead.next = *llp; lastp = &lhead; while ((thisp = lastp->next) != NULL) if (fdir2diff(thisp->sd,cent) <= maxr2) { LOSTLIGHT *mynext = thisp->next; addcolor(intens, thisp->intens); free(thisp); lastp->next = mynext; } else lastp = thisp; *llp = lhead.next; } /* Create & print distant sources */ void mksources(TRITREE *samptree, double thresh, double maxang) { #define MAXITER 100 const int ethresh = (int)(log(thresh)/log(2.) + (COLXS+.5)); const double maxomega = 2.*PI*(1. - cos(PI/180./2.*maxang)); const double minintens = .05*thresh*maxomega; int niter = MAXITER; int nsrcs = 0; LOSTLIGHT *lostlightlist = NULL; int emax; TRITREE *startleaf; double growstep; FVECT curcent; double currad; double curomega; COLOR curintens; double thisthresh; int thisethresh; int i; /* * General algorithm: * 1) Start with brightest unclaimed pixel * 2) Grow source toward brightest unclaimed perimeter until: * a) Source exceeds maximum size, or * b) Perimeter values all below threshold, or * c) Source average drops below threshold * 3) Loop until nothing over threshold * * Complexity added to absorb insignificant sources in larger ones. */ if (thresh <= FTINY) return; while (niter--) { emax = ethresh; /* find brightest unclaimed */ startleaf = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NTRUNKBR; i++) { TRITREE *bigger = findemax(&samptree->kid[i], &emax); if (bigger != NULL) startleaf = bigger; } if (startleaf == NULL) break; /* claim it */ decodedir(curcent, startleaf->sd); curomega = tri_omegav(startleaf->gdv); currad = sqrt(curomega/PI); growstep = 3.*currad; colr_color(curintens, startleaf->val); thisthresh = .15*bright(curintens); if (thisthresh < thresh) thisthresh = thresh; thisethresh = (int)(log(thisthresh)/log(2.) + (COLXS+.5)); scalecolor(curintens, curomega); copycolr(startleaf->val, blkclr); do { /* grow source */ FVECT vsum; double movedist; vsum[0] = vsum[1] = vsum[2] = .0; for (i = 0; i < NTRUNKBR; i++) vector_sum(vsum, &samptree->kid[i], curcent, 2.-2.*cos(currad+growstep), thisethresh); if (normalize(vsum) == .0) break; movedist = Acos(DOT(vsum,curcent)); if (movedist > growstep) { VSUB(vsum, vsum, curcent); movedist = growstep/VLEN(vsum); VSUM(curcent, curcent, vsum, movedist); normalize(curcent); } else VCOPY(curcent, vsum); currad += growstep; curomega = 2.*PI*(1. - cos(currad)); for (i = 0; i < NTRUNKBR; i++) claimlight(curintens, &samptree->kid[i], curcent, 2.-2.*cos(currad)); } while (curomega < maxomega && bright(curintens)/curomega > thisthresh); if (bright(curintens) < minintens) { add2lost(&lostlightlist, curintens, curcent); continue; } /* absorb lost contributions */ getlost(&lostlightlist, curintens, curcent, curomega); ++nsrcs; /* output source */ scalecolor(curintens, 1./curomega); printf("\nvoid illum IBLout\n"); printf("0\n0\n3 %f %f %f\n", colval(curintens,RED), colval(curintens,GRN), colval(curintens,BLU)); printf("\nIBLout source IBLsrc%d\n", nsrcs); printf("0\n0\n4 %f %f %f %f\n", curcent[0], curcent[1], curcent[2], 2.*180./PI*currad); niter = MAXITER; } #undef MAXITER } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long nsamps = DEF_NSAMPS; double maxang = DEF_MAXANG; TRITREE *samptree; double thresh = 0; int i; progname = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'd': /* number of samples */ if (i >= argc-1) goto userr; nsamps = atol(argv[++i]); break; case 't': /* manual threshold */ if (i >= argc-1) goto userr; thresh = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'a': /* maximum source angle */ if (i >= argc-1) goto userr; maxang = atof(argv[++i]); if (maxang <= FTINY) goto userr; if (maxang > 180.) maxang = 180.; break; default: goto userr; } if (i < argc-1) goto userr; /* start our ray calculation */ directvis = 0; ray_init(i == argc-1 ? argv[i] : (char *)NULL); VCOPY(scene_cent, thescene.cuorg); scene_cent[0] += 0.5*thescene.cusize; scene_cent[1] += 0.5*thescene.cusize; scene_cent[2] += 0.5*thescene.cusize; scene_rad = 0.86603*thescene.cusize; /* sample geodesic mesh */ samptree = geosample(nsamps); /* get source threshold */ if (thresh <= FTINY) thresh = get_threshold(samptree); /* done with ray samples */ ray_done(1); /* print header */ printf("# "); printargs(argc, argv, stdout); /* create & print sources */ mksources(samptree, thresh, maxang); /* all done, no need to clean up */ return(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-d nsamps][-t thresh][-a maxang] [octree]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } void eputs(char *s) { static int midline = 0; if (!*s) return; if (!midline++) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": ", stderr); } fputs(s, stderr); if (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n') { fflush(stderr); midline = 0; } } void wputs(char *s) { /* no warnings */ }