#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: mkillum4.c,v 2.2 2007/09/21 05:53:21 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Routines for handling BSDF data within mkillum */ #include "mkillum.h" #include "paths.h" #include "ezxml.h" struct BSDF_data * load_BSDF( /* load BSDF data from file */ char *fname ) { char *path; ezxml_t fl, wld, wdb; struct BSDF_data *dp; path = getpath(fname, getrlibpath(), R_OK); if (path == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot find BSDF file \"%s\"", fname); error(WARNING, errmsg); return(NULL); } fl = ezxml_parse_file(path); if (fl == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open BSDF \"%s\"", path); error(WARNING, errmsg); return(NULL); } dp = (struct BSDF_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct BSDF_data)); if (dp == NULL) goto memerr; for (wld = ezxml_child(fl, "WavelengthData"); fl != NULL; fl = fl->next) { if (strcmp(ezxml_child(wld, "Wavelength")->txt, "Visible")) continue; wdb = ezxml_child(wld, "WavelengthDataBlock"); if (wdb == NULL) continue; if (strcmp(ezxml_child(wdb, "WavelengthDataDirection")->txt, "Transmission Front")) continue; } /* etc... */ ezxml_free(fl); return(dp); memerr: error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in load_BSDF"); return NULL; /* pro forma return */ } void free_BSDF( /* free BSDF data structure */ struct BSDF_data *b ) { if (b == NULL) return; free(b->inc_dir); free(b->inc_rad); free(b->out_dir); free(b->out_rad); free(b->bsdf); free(b); } void r_BSDF_incvec( /* compute random input vector at given location */ FVECT v, struct BSDF_data *b, int i, double rv, MAT4 xm ) { FVECT pert; double rad; int j; getBSDF_incvec(v, b, i); rad = getBSDF_incrad(b, i); multisamp(pert, 3, rv); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += rad*(2.*pert[j] - 1.); if (xm != NULL) multv3(v, v, xm); normalize(v); } void r_BSDF_outvec( /* compute random output vector at given location */ FVECT v, struct BSDF_data *b, int o, double rv, MAT4 xm ) { FVECT pert; double rad; int j; getBSDF_outvec(v, b, o); rad = getBSDF_outrad(b, o); multisamp(pert, 3, rv); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += rad*(2.*pert[j] - 1.); if (xm != NULL) multv3(v, v, xm); normalize(v); } #define FEQ(a,b) ((a)-(b) <= 1e-7 && (b)-(a) <= 1e-7) static int addrot( /* compute rotation (x,y,z) => (xp,yp,zp) */ char *xfarg[], FVECT xp, FVECT yp, FVECT zp ) { static char bufs[3][16]; int bn = 0; char **xfp = xfarg; double theta; theta = atan2(yp[2], zp[2]); if (!FEQ(theta,0.0)) { *xfp++ = "-rx"; sprintf(bufs[bn], "%f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; } theta = asin(-xp[2]); if (!FEQ(theta,0.0)) { *xfp++ = "-ry"; sprintf(bufs[bn], " %f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; } theta = atan2(xp[1], xp[0]); if (!FEQ(theta,0.0)) { *xfp++ = "-rz"; sprintf(bufs[bn], "%f", theta*(180./PI)); *xfp++ = bufs[bn++]; } *xfp = NULL; return(xfp - xfarg); } int getBSDF_xfm( /* compute transform for the given surface */ MAT4 xm, FVECT nrm, UpDir ud ) { char *xfargs[7]; XF myxf; FVECT updir, xdest, ydest; updir[0] = updir[1] = updir[2] = 0.; switch (ud) { case UDzneg: updir[2] = -1.; break; case UDyneg: updir[1] = -1.; break; case UDxneg: updir[0] = -1.; break; case UDxpos: updir[0] = 1.; break; case UDypos: updir[1] = 1.; break; case UDzpos: updir[2] = 1.; break; case UDunknown: error(WARNING, "unspecified up direction"); return(0); } fcross(xdest, updir, nrm); if (normalize(xdest) == 0.0) return(0); fcross(ydest, nrm, xdest); xf(&myxf, addrot(xfargs, xdest, ydest, nrm), xfargs); copymat4(xm, myxf.xfm); return(1); } void redistribute( /* pass distarr ray sums through BSDF */ struct BSDF_data *b, int nalt, int nazi, FVECT u, FVECT v, FVECT w, MAT4 xm ) { MAT4 mymat; COLORV *outarr; float *inpcoef; COLORV *cp, *csum; uint16 *distcnt; FVECT dv; double oom, wt; int i, j, o; int cnt; COLOR col; /* allocate temporary memory */ outarr = (COLORV *)malloc(b->nout * sizeof(COLOR)); distcnt = (uint16 *)calloc(nalt*nazi, sizeof(uint16)); inpcoef = (float *)malloc(b->ninc * sizeof(float)); if ((outarr == NULL) | (distcnt == NULL) | (inpcoef == NULL)) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in redistribute"); /* compose matrix */ for (i = 3; i--; ) { mymat[i][0] = u[i]; mymat[i][1] = v[i]; mymat[i][2] = w[i]; mymat[i][3] = 0.; } mymat[3][0] = mymat[3][1] = mymat[3][2] = 0.; mymat[3][3] = 1.; if (xm != NULL) multmat4(mymat, xm, mymat); for (i = 3; i--; ) { /* make sure it's normalized */ wt = 1./sqrt( mymat[0][i]*mymat[0][i] + mymat[1][i]*mymat[1][i] + mymat[2][i]*mymat[2][i] ); for (j = 3; j--; ) mymat[j][i] *= wt; } /* pass through BSDF */ for (i = b->ninc; i--; ) { /* get input coefficients */ getBSDF_incvec(dv, b, i); multv3(dv, dv, mymat); wt = getBSDF_incrad(b, i); inpcoef[i] = PI*wt*wt * dv[2]; /* solid_angle*cosine(theta) */ } for (o = b->nout; o--; ) { csum = &outarr[3*o]; setcolor(csum, 0., 0., 0.); oom = getBSDF_outrad(b, o); oom *= oom * PI; for (i = b->ninc; i--; ) { wt = BSDF_data(b,i,o) * inpcoef[i] / oom; cp = &distarr[3*i]; copycolor(col, cp); scalecolor(col, wt); addcolor(csum, col); } wt = 1./b->ninc; scalecolor(csum, wt); } free(inpcoef); newdist(nalt*nazi); /* resample distribution */ for (o = b->nout; o--; ) { getBSDF_outvec(dv, b, o); multv3(dv, dv, mymat); j = (.5 + atan2(dv[1],dv[0])*(.5/PI))*nazi + .5; if (j >= nazi) j = 0; i = (0.9999 - dv[2]*dv[2])*nalt; csum = &distarr[3*(i*nazi + j)]; cp = &outarr[3*o]; addcolor(csum, cp); ++distcnt[i*nazi + j]; } free(outarr); /* fill in missing bits */ for (i = nalt; i--; ) for (j = nazi; j--; ) { int ii, jj, alt, azi; if (distcnt[i*nazi + j]) continue; csum = &distarr[3*(i*nazi + j)]; setcolor(csum, 0., 0., 0.); cnt = 0; for (o = 0; !cnt; o++) for (ii = -o; ii <= o; ii++) { alt = i + ii; if (alt < 0) continue; if (alt >= nalt) break; for (jj = -o; jj <= o; jj++) { if (ii*ii + jj*jj != o*o) continue; azi = j + jj; if (azi >= nazi) azi -= nazi; else if (azi < 0) azi += nazi; if (!distcnt[alt*nazi + azi]) continue; cp = &distarr[3*(alt*nazi + azi)]; addcolor(csum, cp); cnt += distcnt[alt*nazi + azi]; } } wt = 1./cnt; scalecolor(csum, wt); } /* finish averages */ for (i = nalt; i--; ) for (j = nazi; j--; ) { if ((cnt = distcnt[i*nazi + j]) <= 1) continue; csum = &distarr[3*(i*nazi + j)]; wt = 1./cnt; scalecolor(csum, wt); } free(distcnt); }