/* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Routines to do the actual calcultion and output for mkillum */ #include "mkillum.h" #include "face.h" #include "cone.h" #include "random.h" printobj(mod, obj) /* print out an object */ char *mod; register OBJREC *obj; { register int i; printf("\n%s %s %s", mod, ofun[obj->otype].funame, obj->oname); printf("\n%d", obj->oargs.nsargs); for (i = 0; i < obj->oargs.nsargs; i++) printf(" %s", obj->oargs.sarg[i]); #ifdef IARGS printf("\n%d", obj->oargs.niargs); for (i = 0; i < obj->oargs.niargs; i++) printf(" %d", obj->oargs.iarg[i]); #else printf("\n0"); #endif printf("\n%d", obj->oargs.nfargs); for (i = 0; i < obj->oargs.nfargs; i++) { if (i%3 == 0) putchar('\n'); printf(" %18.12g", obj->oargs.farg[i]); } putchar('\n'); } o_default(ob, il, rt, nm) /* default illum action */ OBJREC *ob; struct illum_args *il; struct rtproc *rt; char *nm; { sprintf(errmsg, "(%s): cannot make illum for %s \"%s\"", nm, ofun[ob->otype].funame, ob->oname); error(WARNING, errmsg); if (!(il->flags & IL_LIGHT)) printobj(il->altname, ob); } o_face(ob, il, rt, nm) /* make an illum face */ OBJREC *ob; struct illum_args *il; struct rtproc *rt; char *nm; { #define MAXMISS (5*n*il->nsamps) int dim[4]; int n, nalt, nazi; float *distarr; double r1, r2; FVECT dn, pos, dir; FVECT u, v; double ur[2], vr[2]; int nmisses; register FACE *fa; register int i, j; /* get/check arguments */ fa = getface(ob); if (fa->area == 0.0) { freeface(ob); o_default(ob, il, rt, nm); return; } /* set up sampling */ n = PI * il->sampdens; nalt = sqrt(n/PI) + .5; nazi = PI*nalt + .5; n = nalt*nazi; distarr = (float *)calloc(n, 3*sizeof(float)); if (distarr == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in o_face"); mkaxes(u, v, fa->norm); ur[0] = vr[0] = FHUGE; ur[1] = vr[1] = -FHUGE; for (i = 0; i < fa->nv; i++) { r1 = DOT(VERTEX(fa,i),u); if (r1 < ur[0]) ur[0] = r1; if (r1 > ur[1]) ur[1] = r1; r2 = DOT(VERTEX(fa,i),v); if (r2 < vr[0]) vr[0] = r2; if (r2 > vr[1]) vr[1] = r2; } dim[0] = random(); /* sample polygon */ nmisses = 0; for (dim[1] = 0; dim[1] < nalt; dim[1]++) for (dim[2] = 0; dim[2] < nazi; dim[2]++) for (i = 0; i < il->nsamps; i++) { /* random direction */ dim[3] = 1; r1 = (dim[1]+urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)))/nalt; dim[3] = 2; r2 = (dim[2]+urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)))/nalt; flatdir(dn, r1, r2); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) dir[j] = dn[0]*u[j] + dn[1]*v[j] - dn[2]*fa->norm[j]; /* random location */ do { dim[3] = 3; r1 = ur[0] + (ur[1]-ur[0])*urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)); dim[3] = 4; r2 = vr[0] + (vr[1]-vr[0])*urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) org[j] = r1*u[j] + r2*v[j] + fa->offset*fa->norm[j]; } while (!inface(org, fa) && nmisses++ < MAXMISS); if (nmisses > MAXMISS) { objerror(ob, WARNING, "bad aspect"); rt->nrays = 0; freeface(ob); free((char *)distarr); o_default(ob, il, rt, nm); return; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) org[j] += .001*fa->norm[j]; /* send sample */ raysamp(distarr+dim[1]*nazi+dim[2], org, dir, rt); } rayflush(rt); /* write out the distribution */ flatdist(distarr, nalt, nazi, il, ob); /* clean up */ freeface(ob); free((char *)distarr); #undef MAXMISS } o_sphere(ob, il, rt, nm) /* make an illum sphere */ register OBJREC *ob; struct illum_args *il; struct rtproc *rt; char *nm; { int dim[4]; int n, nalt, nazi; float *distarr; double r1, r2; FVECT pos, dir; FVECT u, v; register int i, j; /* check arguments */ if (ob->oargs.nfargs != 4) objerror(ob, USER, "bad # of arguments"); /* set up sampling */ n = 4.*PI * il->sampdens; nalt = sqrt(n/PI) + .5; nazi = PI*nalt + .5; n = nalt*nazi; distarr = (float *)calloc(n, 3*sizeof(float)); if (distarr == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in o_sphere"); dim[0] = random(); /* sample sphere */ for (dim[1] = 0; dim[1] < nalt; dim[1]++) for (dim[2] = 0; dim[2] < nazi; dim[2]++) for (i = 0; i < il->nsamps; i++) { /* random direction */ dim[3] = 1; r1 = (dim[1]+urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)))/nalt; dim[3] = 2; r2 = (dim[2]+urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)))/nalt; rounddir(dir, r1, r2); /* random location */ mkaxes(u, v, dir); /* yuck! */ dim[3] = 3; r1 = sqrt(urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i))); dim[3] = 4; r2 = 2.*PI*urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) org[j] = obj->oargs.farg[j] + obj->oargs.farg[3] * ( r1*cos(r2)*u[j] + r1*sin(r2)*v[j] - sqrt(1.01-r1*r1)*dir[j] ); /* send sample */ raysamp(distarr+dim[1]*nazi+dim[2], org, dir, rt); } rayflush(rt); /* write out the distribution */ rounddist(distarr, nalt, nazi, il, ob); /* clean up */ free((char *)distarr); } o_ring(ob, il, rt, nm) /* make an illum ring */ OBJREC *ob; struct illum_args *il; struct rtproc *rt; char *nm; { int dim[4]; int n, nalt, nazi; float *distarr; double r1, r2; FVECT dn, pos, dir; FVECT u, v; register CONE *co; register int i, j; /* get/check arguments */ co = getcone(ob, 0); /* set up sampling */ n = PI * il->sampdens; nalt = sqrt(n/PI) + .5; nazi = PI*nalt + .5; n = nalt*nazi; distarr = (float *)calloc(n, 3*sizeof(float)); if (distarr == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in o_ring"); mkaxes(u, v, co->ad); dim[0] = random(); /* sample disk */ for (dim[1] = 0; dim[1] < nalt; dim[1]++) for (dim[2] = 0; dim[2] < nazi; dim[2]++) for (i = 0; i < il->nsamps; i++) { /* random direction */ dim[3] = 1; r1 = (dim[1]+urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)))/nalt; dim[3] = 2; r2 = (dim[2]+urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)))/nalt; flatdir(dn, r1, r2); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) dir[j] = dn[0]*u[j] + dn[1]*v[j] - dn[2]*co->ad[j]; /* random location */ dim[3] = 3; r1 = sqrt(CO_R0(co)*CO_R0(co) + urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i))* (CO_R1(co)*CO_R1(co) - CO_R0(co)*CO_R0(co))); dim[3] = 4; r2 = 2.*PI*urand(urind(ilhash(dim,4),i)); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) org[j] = CO_P0(co)[j] + r1*cos(r2)*u[j] + r1*sin(r2)*v[j] + .001*co->ad[j]; /* send sample */ raysamp(distarr+dim[1]*nazi+dim[2], org, dir, rt); } rayflush(rt); /* write out the distribution */ flatdist(distarr, nalt, nazi, il, ob); /* clean up */ freecone(ob); free((char *)distarr); } raysamp(res, org, dir, rt) /* compute a ray sample */ float res[3]; FVECT org, dir; register struct rtproc *rt; { register float *fp; if (rt->nrays == rt->bsiz) rayflush(rt); rt->dest[rt->nrays] = res; fp = rt->buf + 6*rt->nrays++; *fp++ = org[0]; *fp++ = org[1]; *fp++ = org[2]; *fp++ = dir[0]; *fp++ = dir[1]; *fp = dir[2]; } rayflush(rt) /* flush buffered rays */ register struct rtproc *rt; { register int i; if (rt->nrays <= 0) return; i = 6*rt->nrays + 3; rt->buf[i++] = 0.; rt->buf[i++] = 0.; rt->buf[i] = 0.; if ( process(rt->pd, (char *)rt->buf, (char *)rt->buf, 3*sizeof(float)*rt->nrays, 6*sizeof(float)*(rt->nrays+1)) < 3*sizeof(float)*rt->nrays ) error(SYSTEM, "error reading from rtrace process"); i = rt->nrays; while (i--) { rt->dest[i][0] += rt->buf[3*i]; rt->dest[i][1] += rt->buf[3*i+1]; rt->dest[i][2] += rt->buf[3*i+2]; } rt->nrays = 0; }