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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Tue Jul 23 12:00:29 1991 UTC (33 years, 7 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Log Message:
Initial revision

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * Make illum sources for optimizing rendering process
9 */
11 #include "standard.h"
13 #include "object.h"
15 #include "otypes.h"
17 /* default parameters */
18 #define SAMPDENS 128 /* points per projected steradian */
19 #define NSAMPS 32 /* samples per point */
20 #define DFLMAT "illum_mat" /* material name */
21 /* selection options */
22 #define S_NONE 0 /* select none */
23 #define S_ELEM 1 /* select specified element */
24 #define S_COMPL 2 /* select all but element */
25 #define S_ALL 3 /* select all */
27 /* rtrace command and defaults */
28 char *rtargv[64] = { "rtrace", "-dj", ".25", "-dr", "3", "-ab", "2",
29 "-ad", "256", "-as", "128", "-aa", ".15" };
30 int rtargc = 13;
31 /* overriding rtrace options */
32 char *myrtopts[] = { "-I-", "-i-", "-di+", "-ov", "-h-", "-fff", NULL };
34 /* illum flags */
35 #define IL_FLAT 0x1 /* flat surface */
36 #define IL_LIGHT 0x2 /* light rather than illum */
37 #define IL_COLDST 0x4 /* colored distribution */
38 #define IL_COLAVG 0x8 /* compute average color */
39 #define IL_DATCLB 0x10 /* OK to clobber data file */
41 struct illum_args {
42 int flags; /* flags from list above */
43 char matname[MAXSTR]; /* illum material name */
44 char datafile[MAXSTR]; /* distribution data file name */
45 int dfnum; /* data file number */
46 char altmatname[MAXSTR]; /* alternate material name */
47 int nsamps; /* # of samples in each direction */
48 int nalt, nazi; /* # of altitude and azimuth angles */
49 FVECT orient; /* coordinate system orientation */
50 } thisillum = { /* default values */
51 0,
54 0,
57 };
59 int sampdens = SAMPDENS; /* sample point density */
60 char matcheck[MAXSTR]; /* current material to include or exclude */
61 int matselect = S_ALL; /* selection criterion */
63 int rt_pd[3]; /* rtrace pipe descriptors */
64 float *rt_buf; /* rtrace i/o buffer */
65 int rt_bsiz; /* maximum rays for rtrace buffer */
66 int rt_nrays; /* current length of rtrace buffer */
68 int gargc; /* global argc */
69 char **gargv; /* global argv */
70 #define progname gargv[0]
72 int doneheader = 0; /* printed header yet? */
74 extern char *fgetline(), *fgetword(), *sskip(),
75 *atos(), *iskip(), *fskip();
76 extern FILE *popen();
79 main(argc, argv) /* compute illum distributions using rtrace */
80 int argc;
81 char *argv[];
82 {
83 extern char *getenv(), *getpath();
84 char *rtpath;
85 register int i;
86 /* set global arguments */
87 gargc = argc; gargv = argv;
88 /* set up rtrace command */
89 if (argc < 2)
90 error(USER, "too few arguments");
91 for (i = 1; i < argc-1; i++)
92 rtargv[rtargc++] = argv[i];
93 for (i = 0; myrtopts[i] != NULL; i++)
94 rtargv[rtargc++] = myrtopts[i];
95 rtargv[rtargc++] = argv[argc-1];
96 rtargv[rtargc] = NULL;
97 /* just asking for defaults? */
98 if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-defaults")) {
99 rtpath = getpath(rtargv[0], getenv("PATH"), X_OK);
100 if (rtpath == NULL) {
101 eputs(rtargv[0]);
102 eputs(": command not found\n");
103 exit(1);
104 }
105 execv(rtpath, rtargv);
106 perror(rtpath);
107 exit(1);
108 }
109 /* else initialize and run our calculation */
110 init();
111 mkillum(stdin, "standard input");
112 exit(cleanup()); /* cleanup returns rtrace status */
113 }
116 init() /* start rtrace and set up buffers */
117 {
118 int maxbytes;
120 maxbytes = open_process(rt_pd, rtargv);
121 if (maxbytes == 0) {
122 eputs(rtargv[0]);
123 eputs(": command not found\n");
124 exit(1);
125 }
126 if (maxbytes < 0)
127 error(SYSTEM, "cannot start rtrace process");
128 rt_bsiz = maxbytes/(6*sizeof(float));
129 rt_buf = (float *)malloc(rt_bsiz*(6*sizeof(float)));
130 if (rt_buf == NULL)
131 error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in init");
132 rt_bsiz--; /* allow for flush ray */
133 rt_nrays = 0;
134 }
137 int
138 cleanup() /* close rtrace process and return status */
139 {
140 int status;
142 free((char *)rt_buf);
143 rt_bsiz = 0;
144 status = close_process(rt_pd);
145 if (status < 0)
146 return(0); /* unknown status */
147 return(status);
148 }
151 eputs(s) /* put string to stderr */
152 register char *s;
153 {
154 static int midline = 0;
156 if (!*s) return;
157 if (!midline) {
158 fputs(progname, stderr);
159 fputs(": ", stderr);
160 }
161 fputs(s, stderr);
162 midline = s[strlen(s)-1] != '\n';
163 }
166 mkillum(infp, name) /* process stream */
167 register FILE *infp;
168 char *name;
169 {
170 char buf[512];
171 FILE *pfp;
172 register int c;
174 while ((c = getc(infp)) != EOF) {
175 if (isspace(c))
176 continue;
177 if (c == '#') { /* comment/options */
178 buf[0] = c;
179 fgets(buf+1, sizeof(buf)-1, infp);
180 fputs(buf, stdout);
181 getoptions(buf, name);
182 } else if (c == '!') { /* command */
183 buf[0] = c;
184 fgetline(buf+1, sizeof(buf)-1, infp);
185 if ((pfp = popen(buf+1, "r")) == NULL) {
186 sprintf(errmsg, "cannot execute \"%s\"", buf);
187 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
188 }
189 mkillum(pfp, buf);
190 pclose(pfp);
191 } else { /* object */
192 ungetc(c, infp);
193 xobject(infp, name);
194 }
195 }
196 }
199 getoptions(s, nm) /* get options from string s */
200 char *s;
201 char *nm;
202 {
203 extern FILE *freopen();
204 char buf[64];
205 int nerrs = 0;
206 register char *cp;
208 if (strncmp(s, "#@mkillum", 9) || !isspace(s[9]))
209 return;
210 cp = s+10;
211 while (*cp) {
212 switch (*cp) {
213 case ' ':
214 case '\t':
215 case '\n':
216 cp++;
217 continue;
218 case 'm': /* material name */
219 cp++;
220 if (*cp != '=')
221 break;
222 cp++;
223 atos(thisillum.matname, MAXSTR, cp);
224 cp = sskip(cp);
225 if (!(thisillum.flags & IL_DATCLB)) {
226 strcpy(thisillum.datafile, thisillum.matname);
227 thisillum.dfnum = 0;
228 }
229 continue;
230 case 'f': /* data file name */
231 cp++;
232 if (*cp != '=')
233 break;
234 cp++;
235 if (*cp == '\0') {
236 thisillum.flags &= ~IL_DATCLB;
237 continue;
238 }
239 atos(thisillum.datafile, MAXSTR, cp);
240 cp = sskip(cp);
241 thisillum.dfnum = 0;
242 thisillum.flags |= IL_DATCLB;
243 continue;
244 case 'i': /* include material */
245 case 'e': /* exclude material */
246 matselect = (*cp++ == 'i') ? S_ELEM : S_COMPL;
247 if (*cp != '=')
248 break;
249 cp++;
250 atos(matcheck, MAXSTR, cp);
251 cp = sskip(cp);
252 continue;
253 case 'a': /* use everything */
254 cp = sskip(cp);
255 matselect = S_ALL;
256 continue;
257 case 'n': /* use nothing (passive) */
258 cp = sskip(cp);
259 matselect = S_NONE;
260 continue;
261 case 'c': /* color calculation */
262 cp++;
263 if (*cp != '=')
264 break;
265 cp++;
266 switch (*cp) {
267 case 'a': /* average */
268 thisillum.flags |= IL_COLAVG;
269 thisillum.flags &= ~IL_COLDST;
270 break;
271 case 'd': /* distribution */
272 thisillum.flags |= IL_COLDST;
273 thisillum.flags &= ~IL_COLAVG;
274 break;
275 case 'n': /* none */
276 thisillum.flags &= ~(IL_COLAVG|IL_COLDST);
277 break;
278 default:
279 goto opterr;
280 }
281 cp = sskip(cp);
282 continue;
283 case 'd': /* point sample density */
284 cp++;
285 if (*cp != '=')
286 break;
287 cp++;
288 if (!isintd(cp, " \t\n"))
289 break;
290 sampdens = atoi(cp);
291 cp = sskip(cp);
292 continue;
293 case 's': /* point super-samples */
294 cp++;
295 if (*cp != '=')
296 break;
297 cp++;
298 if (!isintd(cp, " \t\n"))
299 break;
300 thisillum.nsamps = atoi(cp);
301 cp = sskip(cp);
302 continue;
303 case 'o': /* output file */
304 cp++;
305 if (*cp != '=')
306 break;
307 cp++;
308 atos(buf, sizeof(buf), cp);
309 cp = sskip(cp);
310 if (freopen(buf, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
311 sprintf(errmsg,
312 "cannot open output file \"%s\"", buf);
313 error(SYSTEM, errmsg);
314 }
315 doneheader = 0;
316 continue;
317 }
318 opterr: /* skip faulty option */
319 cp = sskip(cp);
320 nerrs++;
321 }
322 if (nerrs) {
323 sprintf(errmsg, "(%s): %d error(s) in option line:",
324 nm, nerrs);
325 error(WARNING, errmsg);
326 eputs(s);
327 }
328 }