#!/bin/csh -f # RCSid: $Id: markpath.csh,v 2.1 2003/02/22 02:07:23 greg Exp $ # # Put right trianglar markers down a path at the given intervals. # Use with replmarks to place regular-sized objects along a path. # Shorter (y-side) of triangles is always horizontal (perp. to z). # # Input is an ordered list of 3-D points defining the path. # We interpolate the path and align our markers with it. # Triangles are sized and aligned so tip of one meets butt of next # if ($#argv < 2) then echo "Usage: $0 3d.pts spacing [markmat]" exit 1 endif set pts=$1 set step=$2 set mat=mark if ($#argv > 2) set mat=$3 set npts=`wc -l < $pts` (head -1 $pts ; cat $pts) | lam - $pts \ | rcalc -e '$1=d($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)' -e "cond=$npts+.5-recno" \ -e 's(x):x*x;d(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1):sqrt(s(x1-x0)+s(y1-y0)+s(z1-z0))' \ | total -1 -r > /tmp/run$$.dat lam /tmp/run$$.dat $pts | tabfunc -i xp yp zp > /tmp/path$$.cal set tmax=`tail -1 /tmp/run$$.dat` set nsteps=`ev "floor($tmax/$step)"` echo $mat > /tmp/tri$$.fmt cat >> /tmp/tri$$.fmt << '_EOF_' polygon marker.${recno} 0 0 9 ${ x0 } ${ y0 } ${ z0 } ${ x1 } ${ y1 } ${ z1 } ${ x2 } ${ y2 } ${ z2 } '_EOF_' cnt $nsteps | rcalc -o /tmp/tri$$.fmt -f /tmp/path$$.cal -e st=$step \ -e 't=$1*st;x0=xp(t);y0=yp(t);z0=zp(t)' \ -e 'x1=xp(t+st);y1=yp(t+st);z1=zp(t+st)' \ -e 'x2=x0+.5*(y0-y1);y2=y0+.5*(x1-x0);z2=z0' rm /tmp/run$$.dat /tmp/path$$.cal /tmp/tri$$.fmt