{ SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" } { Coordinate computations for mkillum output. For the spherical case, A1-A3 is the value at the positive pole, A4-A6 is the value at the negative pole, and A7 is the pole influence: il_alt - Altitude (1 to -1) for spherical coordinates il_azi - Azimuth (0 to 2*PI) for sphere For the hemispherical case, A1-A3 and A4 are the pole value and influence, respectively, and A5-A13 are the unit vectors for the hemisphere's coordinate system: il_alth - Altitude (1 to 0) for hemispherical coordinates il_azih - Azimuth (0 to 2*PI) for hemisphere } norm_rad(r) : if( r, r, r+2*PI ); { sphere coordinates } il_alt = Dz; il_azi = norm_rad(atan2(Dy, Dx)); s_val(v, vN, vS) = if( il_alt-A7, linterp((il_alt-A7)/(1-A7), v, vN), if ( -il_alt-A7, linterp((-il_alt-A7)/(1-A7), v, vS), v ), v ); { sphere values } s_red(r,g,b) = s_val(r, A1, A4); s_grn(r,g,b) = s_val(g, A2, A5); s_blu(r,g,b) = s_val(b, A3, A6); s_gry(r,g,b) = s_val(grey(r,g,b), grey(A1,A2,A3), grey(A4,A5,A6)); { hemisphere coordinates } il_alth = sq(-Dx*arg(11)-Dy*arg(12)-Dz*arg(13)); il_azih = norm_rad(atan2(-Dx*arg(8)-Dy*arg(9)-Dz*arg(10), -Dx*arg(5)-Dy*arg(6)-Dz*arg(7))); h_val(v, vN) = if( il_alth-A4, linterp((il_alth-A4)/(1-A4), v, vN), v ); { hemisphere values } h_red(r,g,b) = h_val(r, A1); h_grn(r,g,b) = h_val(g, A2); h_blu(r,g,b) = h_val(b, A3); h_gry(r,g,b) = h_val(grey(r,g,b), grey(A1,A2,A3));