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Revision: 2.2
Committed: Mon Jun 30 18:12:24 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad5R4, rad5R2, rad4R2P2, rad5R0, rad5R1, rad3R7P2, rad3R7P1, rad4R2, rad4R1, rad4R0, rad3R6, rad3R6P1, rad3R8, rad3R9, rad4R2P1, rad5R3, HEAD
Changes since 2.1: +2 -2 lines
Log Message:
Updated Fresnel approximation

File Contents

# Content
1 { RCSid: $Id:,v 2.1 2003/02/22 02:07:23 greg Exp $ }
2 {
3 - double-pane fritted and low-E glazings
5 Uses BRTDfunc type to get correct behavior.
6 Oct. 2002 Greg Ward
8 We only provide support functions for the nasty expressions
9 spat out for dual-glazings by glaze.csh.
10 }
11 { Fresnel approximation }
12 fresne = exp(-5.85*abs(Rdot)) - exp(-5.85);
13 fr(r) = r + fresne*(1 - r);
14 ft(t) = t*(1 - fresne);
15 { glass reflectance and transmittance }
16 rclr = fr(0.076);
17 tclr = ft(0.883);
18 { combined double-pane reflectance }
19 cr(rf,t,rb) : rf + t*t*rb;