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Revision: 2.1
Committed: Fri Jun 4 15:08:46 1993 UTC (30 years, 10 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Log Message:
Initial revision

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1993 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL";
5 #endif
7 /*****************************************************************************
8 This program is to make series of right triangles forming hyperbolic cosin
9 (ie, cosh) curve in between of 2 points.
10 ^
11 f(h)|
12 |
13 | 0\ pc:(hc, fc)
14 | | \
15 | | \
16 | | \
17 | pa:(ha, fa) 0-------------0 pb:(hb, fb)
18 |
19 0------------------------------------------------> h
21 Given arguments:
22 material
23 name
24 (x0, y0, z0), (x1, y1, z1)
25 k const. value K
26 d distant length desired between 2 points
28 ******************************************************************************/
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <math.h>
33 char *cmtype, *cname;
34 double z0, z1;
35 double k, D;
36 double d;
37 double z, h;
39 #ifdef notdef
40 double Newton( b)
41 double b;
42 {
43 if (fabs(cosh(k*D+b)-cosh(b)-(z1-z0)/k) < .001)
44 return (b);
45 else {
46 b = b - (cosh(k*D+b)-cosh(b)-(z1-z0)/k)/(sinh(k*D+b)-sinh(b));
47 Newton (b);
48 }
49 }
50 #endif
52 double Newton(bl)
53 double bl;
54 {
55 double b;
56 int n = 10000;
58 while (n--) {
59 b = bl- (cosh(k*D+bl)-cosh(bl)-(z1-z0)/k)/(sinh(k*D+bl)-sinh(bl));
60 if (fabs(b-bl) < .00001)
61 return(b);
62 bl = b;
63 }
64 fprintf(stderr, "Interation limit exceeded -- invalid K value\n");
65 exit(1);
66 }
69 main (argc, argv)
70 int argc;
71 char *argv[];
72 {
73 double x0, y0;
74 double x1, y1;
75 double b;
76 double delh;
77 double f, fprim;
78 double hb, hc, fb, fc;
79 int n;
81 if (argc != 11) {
82 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: gencat material name x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 k d\n");
83 exit(1);
84 }
86 cmtype = argv[1];
87 cname = argv[2];
88 x0 = atof(argv[3]); y0 = atof(argv[4]); z0 = atof(argv[5]);
89 x1 = atof(argv[6]); y1 = atof(argv[7]); z1 = atof(argv[8]);
90 k = atof(argv[9]); d = atof(argv[10]);
91 D = sqrt((x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0));
92 b = Newton(0.0);
93 z = z0 - k * cosh(b);
94 printhead(argc, argv);
96 n = 0;
97 for (h=0; h<=D; ) {
98 f = k * cosh(k*h+b) + z;
99 fprim = k* k * sinh(k*h+b);
100 delh = d / sqrt(1+fprim*fprim);
101 fprim = k * k * sinh(k*(h+delh/2)+b);
102 hb = sqrt(.01*fprim*fprim/(1+fprim*fprim));
103 fb = sqrt(.01/(1+(fprim*fprim)));
104 hc = sqrt(.04/(1+fprim*fprim));
105 fc = sqrt(.04*fprim*fprim/(1+fprim*fprim));
107 printf("\n%s polygon %s.%d\n", cmtype, cname, ++n);
108 printf("0\n0\n9\n");
109 printf("%f %f %f\n", h*(x1-x0)/D+x0, h*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f);
110 if (fprim < 0)
111 {
112 printf("%f %f %f\n", (h+hc)*(x1-x0)/D+x0, (h+hc)*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f-fc);
113 printf("%f %f %f\n", (h+hb)*(x1-x0)/D+x0, (h+hb)*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f+fb);
114 }
115 else if (fprim > 0)
116 {
117 printf("%f %f %f\n", (h+hc)*(x1-x0)/D+x0, (h+hc)*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f+fc);
118 printf("%f %f %f\n", (h-hb)*(x1-x0)/D+x0, (h-hb)*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f+fb);
119 }
120 else
121 {
122 printf("%f %f %f\n", (h+.2)*(x1-x0)/D+x0, (h+.2)*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f);
123 printf("%f %f %f\n", h*(x1-x0)/D+x0, h*(y1-y0)/D+y0, f+.1);
124 }
125 h += delh;
126 }
127 }
130 printhead(ac, av) /* print command header */
131 register int ac;
132 register char **av;
133 {
134 putchar('#');
135 while (ac--) {
136 putchar(' ');
137 fputs(*av++, stdout);
138 }
139 putchar('\n');
140 }