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Revision: 2.9
Committed: Sat Feb 22 02:07:23 2003 UTC (21 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: rad3R7P2, rad3R7P1, rad3R5, rad3R6, rad3R6P1, rad3R8
Changes since 2.8: +3 -4 lines
Log Message:
Changes and check-in for 3.5 release
Includes new source files and modifications not recorded for many years
See ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes for notes between 3.1 and 3.5 release

File Contents

# Content
1 { RCSid: $Id$ }
2 {
3 Source distribution coordinates (degrees).
5 Theta is measured from the negative z-axis.
6 Phi is measured from the positive x-axis (0 degrees)
7 towards the negative y-axis (90 degrees).
9 srcB_vert and srcB_horiz are angles
10 used in type B photometry.
12 boxcorr function corrects for distribution modeled
13 with a rectangular box. lboxcorr provides a more
14 accurate calculation for nearby surfaces, but requires
15 that the source box be centered at the origin.
16 The dimensions of the box, which must be aligned with
17 the x,y,z axes, are given in meters regardless of the
18 units being used in the scene file.
20 cylcorr function provides the same correction for a
21 cylinder whose central axis is aligned with the Z-axis.
23 A1 - optional multipier
24 A2,A3,A4 - X,Y,Z dimensions of axis-aligned box (in meters!)
25 or
26 A2,A3 - diameter and height of Z-aligned cylinder (meters)
27 }
28 { local definitions }
29 boxprojection = abs(Dx)*A3*A4 + abs(Dy)*A2*A4 + abs(Dz)*A2*A3;
30 lboxprojection = ( noneg(abs(Px-Dx*Ts)-A2/2)*A3*A4 +
31 noneg(abs(Py-Dy*Ts)-A3/2)*A2*A4 +
32 noneg(abs(Pz-Dz*Ts)-A4/2)*A2*A3 ) / Ts;
33 cylprojection = A2*A3*sqrt(1-Dz*Dz) + PI/4*A2*A2*abs(Dz);
35 flatcorr(v) = corr(v) / Rdot; { correction for flat sources }
36 corr(v) = if(AC-.5, A1*v, v); { multiplier correction }
37 boxcorr(v) = A1 * v / boxprojection; { correction for emitting box }
38 lboxcorr(v) = A1 * v / lboxprojection; { local box correction }
39 cylcorr(v) = A1 * v / cylprojection; { cylinder correction }
41 src_theta = Acos(Dz) / DEGREE; { 0-180 }
42 src_phi = mod( Atan2(Dy, -Dx) / DEGREE, 360 ); { 0-360 }
43 { bilateral symmetry }
44 src_phi2 = tri( src_phi, 180 ); { 0-180 }
45 { quadrilateral symmetry }
46 src_phi4 = tri( src_phi, 90 ); { 0-90 }
48 { Type B photometry coordinates }
49 srcB_vert = atan2( -Dx, Dz ) / DEGREE;
50 srcB_horiz = atan2( Dy, Dz ) / DEGREE;
51 { w/ symmetry }
52 srcB_vert2 = abs( srcB_vert );
53 srcB_horiz2 = abs( srcB_horiz );