#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rayopt.c,v 1.4 2007/09/05 01:36:37 greg Exp $"; #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triangle Bounder/Smoother for POV-Ray by Steve Anger 1993 A number of C routines that can be used to generate POV-Ray ray tracer files from triangle data. Supports generation of smooth triangles and an optimal set of bounding shapes for much faster traces. Output files are compatible with POV-Ray v1.0. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __TURBOC__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "vect.h" #include "rayopt.h" #if defined(applec) || defined(THINK_C) #include "RAW2POV.mac.h" #else #define COOPERATE #endif #define HASHSIZE 1000 /* Size of hash table for vertex lookup */ #define DEGEN_TOL (1e-8) /* float comparison tolerance for checking */ /* for degenerate triangles */ #define MAX_TEX 500 /* Maximum allowable number of texture */ /* declarations */ #define POV10 0 #define POV20 1 #define VIVID 2 #define POLYRAY 3 #define MGF 4 #ifndef MAXFLOAT #define MAXFLOAT (1e37) #endif /* computed luminances for RGB */ #define CIE_Y_r 0.265 #define CIE_Y_g 0.670 #define CIE_Y_b 0.065 typedef struct { float red; float green; float blue; } Palette; typedef char *Texture; typedef struct { unsigned vert[3]; unsigned text_index; char text_type; char flag; } Triangle; /* Linked list of triangles */ typedef struct TList { Triangle *tri; struct TList *next; } TriList; /* Double linked list of triangles */ typedef struct TList2 { Triangle *tri; struct TList2 *prev; struct TList2 *next; } TriList2; /* List of triangle vertices */ typedef struct VList { unsigned vert; struct VList *next; } VertList; /* List of triangle groups */ typedef struct GTree { TriList2 *index[3]; /* Triangles indexed by x, y, and z coord */ Vector vmin; /* min/max extents of triangle vertices */ Vector vmax; /* " " " " " */ float area; /* Total surface area of bounding region */ unsigned obj_cnt; /* Total number of triangles in group */ int child_cnt; /* Number of children */ int split_cnt; /* Number of times this node has been split */ struct GTree *parent; /* Parent of this node */ struct GTree *next; /* Next node at this level */ struct GTree *child; /* First child of this ndoe */ } GroupTree; static Palette *ptable; /* Palette table */ static unsigned pmax; /* Maximum size of table */ static unsigned psize; /* Current size */ static Texture *ttable; /* Named texture table */ static unsigned tmax; /* Maximum size of table */ static unsigned tsize; /* Current size */ static Vector *vtable; /* Vertice table */ static unsigned vmax; /* Maximum size of table */ static unsigned vsize; /* Current size */ static Vector gmin = {+MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT}; static Vector gmax = {-MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT}; static Matrix trans_matrix; static int use_transform = 0; static VertList **vert_hash; /* Hash table for looking up vertices */ static TriList **tri_index; /* Index for smooth triangle generation */ static GroupTree *groot; /* Tree representing the object hierarchy */ static int initialized = 0; static int quiet_mode = 0; static int bound_mode = 0; static float smooth_angle = 0.0; static unsigned vert_init = 0; static int dec_point = 4; static int out_format = POV10; static char out_file[64] = "rayopt.pov"; static char inc_file[64] = "rayopt.inc"; static unsigned tot_bounds = 0; static unsigned object_cnt = 0; static Vector last_vmin = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; static Vector last_vmax = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; static unsigned last_vert_cnt = 0; static unsigned last_tri_cnt = 0; static float last_index = 0.0; static unsigned last_bounds = 0; static Palette last_pal; static char last_texture[64] = ""; static unsigned texture_index; static char texture_type; static char object_name[64] = ""; static float orig_tpr; /* Number of Tests Per Ray before optimization */ static float final_tpr; /* " " " " " after optimization */ static float bound_cost; /* Cost of testing a bound relative to testing */ /* a triangle */ /* Function prototypes */ void init_object (void); void cleanup_object (void); float calc_tpr (GroupTree *gnode); GroupTree *create_group (void); void delete_tree (GroupTree *gnode); void optimize_tree (GroupTree *gnode); void test_split (GroupTree *gnode, int axis, float *best_rtpr, TriList2 ** best_loc); void split_group (GroupTree *gnode, int axis, TriList2 *split_loc, GroupTree * *group_a, GroupTree **group_b); void write_file (void); void write_box (Vector v1, Vector v2, Triangle *tri); void write_pov10_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode, int level); void write_pov10_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_pov10_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix); void write_pov10_header (FILE *f); void write_pov10_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri, int one_texture); void write_pov10_bound (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode); void write_pov20_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode, int level); void write_pov20_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_pov20_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix); void write_pov20_header (FILE *f); void write_pov20_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri, int one_texture); void write_pov20_bound (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode); void write_vivid_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode); void write_vivid_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix); void write_vivid_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_vivid_header (FILE *f); void write_vivid_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_polyray_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode); void write_polyray_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix); void write_polyray_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_polyray_header (FILE *f); void write_polyray_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_mgf_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode, int level); void write_mgf_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void write_mgf_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix); void write_mgf_header (FILE *f); void write_mgf_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri); void update_node (GroupTree *gnode); void sort_indexes (GroupTree *gnode); void quick_sort (TriList2 *start, TriList2 *end, int axis); float surf_area (float a, float b, float c); float max_vertex (Triangle *tri, int axis); float min_vertex (Triangle *tri, int axis); float avg_vertex (Triangle *tri, int axis); void build_tri_index (void); void dump_tri_index (void); void vert_normal (Triangle *t, Vector *norm); void tri_normal (Triangle *t, Vector normal); unsigned pal_lookup (float red, float green, float blue); unsigned texture_lookup (char *texture_name); unsigned vert_lookup (float x, float y, float z); int degen_tri (float ax, float ay, float az, float bx, float by, float bz, float cx, float cy, float cz); void abortmsg (char *msg, int exit_code); float fltmin (float a, float b); float fltmax (float a, float b); void add_ext (char *fname, char *ext, int force); void cleanup_name (char *name); void opt_set_format (int format) { if (format != POV10 && format != POV20 && format != VIVID && format != POLYRAY && format != MGF) abortmsg ("ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to opt_set_format.", 1); out_format = format; } void opt_set_fname (char *out_name, char *inc_name) { FILE *f; strcpy (out_file, out_name); if (strlen(inc_name) > 0) strcpy (inc_file, inc_name); else { strcpy (inc_file, out_file); switch (out_format) { case POV10: case POV20: add_ext (inc_file, "inc", 1); break; case VIVID: add_ext (inc_file, "vo", 1); break; case POLYRAY: add_ext (inc_file, "inc", 1); break; case MGF: add_ext (inc_file, "inc", 1); break; } } if (strcmp (out_file, inc_file) == 0) abortmsg ("Main file and include file cannot have the same name", 1); if ((f = fopen (out_file, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open output file %s\n", out_file); exit (1); } fclose (f); if ((f = fopen (inc_file, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open output file %s\n", inc_file); exit (1); } fclose (f); } void opt_set_quiet (int quiet) { if (quiet != 0 && quiet != 1) abortmsg ("ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to opt_set_quiet.", 1); quiet_mode = quiet; } void opt_set_bound (int bound) { if (bound != 0 && bound != 1 && bound != 2) abortmsg ("ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to opt_set_bound.", 1); bound_mode = bound; } void opt_set_smooth (float smooth) { if (smooth < 0.0 || smooth > 180.0) abortmsg ("ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to opt_set_smooth.", 1); smooth_angle = smooth; } void opt_set_vert (unsigned vert) { vert_init = vert; } void opt_set_dec (int dec) { if (dec < 0 || dec > 9) abortmsg ("ERROR: Invalid parameter passed to opt_set_dec.", 1); dec_point = dec; } void opt_set_color (float red, float green, float blue) { if (!initialized) init_object(); if (last_pal.red != red || last_pal.green != green || last_pal.blue != blue || psize == 0) { last_pal.red = red; last_pal.green = green; last_pal.blue = blue; texture_index = pal_lookup (red, green, blue); } texture_type = 0; /* An RGB texture */ } void opt_set_texture (char *texture_name) { char new_texture[64]; if (!initialized) init_object(); strcpy (new_texture, texture_name); cleanup_name (new_texture); if (strcmp (last_texture, new_texture) != 0) { strcpy (last_texture, new_texture); texture_index = texture_lookup (new_texture); } texture_type = 1; /* A named texture */ } /* Set a transformation matrix for the next object */ void opt_set_transform (Matrix mat) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) trans_matrix[i][j] = mat[i][j]; } use_transform = 1; } void opt_clear_transform() { use_transform = 0; } /* Add a new triangle to the database */ int opt_add_tri (float ax, float ay, float az, float bx, float by, float bz, float cx, float cy, float cz) { TriList2 *new_node; Triangle *new_tri; int i; /* Check if the triangle is degenerate (zero area), if so return -1 */ if (degen_tri (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)) return -1; if (!initialized) init_object(); /* Allocate memory for the new triangle */ new_tri = malloc (sizeof(Triangle)); if (new_tri == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for new triangles.", 1); /* Look up the vertex and texture indexes */ new_tri->vert[0] = vert_lookup (ax, ay, az); new_tri->vert[1] = vert_lookup (bx, by, bz); new_tri->vert[2] = vert_lookup (cx, cy, cz); new_tri->text_index = texture_index; new_tri->text_type = texture_type; new_tri->flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* Create a new index node */ new_node = malloc (sizeof(TriList2)); if (new_node == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for triangles.", 1); /* Point the index entry to the new triangle */ new_node->tri = new_tri; /* Insert the new index node into the list */ new_node->next = groot->index[i]; new_node->prev = groot->index[i]->prev; groot->index[i]->prev->next = new_node; groot->index[i]->prev = new_node; } ++(groot->obj_cnt); return 0; } /* For compatability */ void opt_write_pov (char *obj_name) { opt_write_file (obj_name); } /* Optimize and write file */ void opt_write_file (char *obj_name) { VertList *temp; int i; if (out_format != POV10 && out_format != POV20) bound_mode = 2; if (!initialized || groot->obj_cnt == 0) { orig_tpr = 1.0; final_tpr = 0.0; tot_bounds = 0; return; /* No triangles where ever added, nothing to write */ } strcpy (object_name, obj_name); cleanup_name (object_name); ++object_cnt; /* Dump the hash table, don't need it any more */ for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { while (vert_hash[i] != NULL) { temp = vert_hash[i]; vert_hash[i] = vert_hash[i]->next; free (temp); } } /* Build the vertice index */ build_tri_index(); if (bound_mode != 2) { if (!quiet_mode) printf ("Building indexes\n"); sort_indexes (groot); } update_node (groot); if (!quiet_mode) { printf ("Adding bounds (1)\r"); fflush(stdout);; } /* Optimize the tree */ orig_tpr = calc_tpr (groot); if (bound_mode != 2) optimize_tree (groot); final_tpr = calc_tpr (groot); /* Write the file */ write_file(); /* Free up the vertex index */ dump_tri_index(); cleanup_object(); } void opt_write_box (char *obj_name) { VertList *temp; int i; if (!initialized || groot->obj_cnt == 0) { orig_tpr = 1.0; final_tpr = 0.0; tot_bounds = 0; return; /* No triangles where ever added, nothing to write */ } strcpy (object_name, obj_name); cleanup_name (object_name); ++object_cnt; /* Dump the hash table, don't need it any more */ for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { while (vert_hash[i] != NULL) { temp = vert_hash[i]; vert_hash[i] = vert_hash[i]->next; free (temp); } } orig_tpr = final_tpr = 1.0; update_node (groot); write_box (groot->vmin, groot->vmax, groot->index[0]->next->tri); cleanup_object(); } void opt_finish() { FILE *f; f = fopen (out_file, "a"); switch (out_format) { case POV10: if (object_cnt > 2 && bound_mode == 0) fprintf (f, "composite { /* All Objects */\n "); fprintf (f, "#include \"%s\"\n", inc_file); if (object_cnt > 2 && bound_mode == 0) { fprintf (f, "\n"); fprintf (f, " bounded_by {\n"); fprintf (f, " box { <%.4f %.4f %.4f> <%.4f %.4f %.4f> }\n", gmin[X], gmin[Y], gmin[Z], gmax[X], gmax[Y], gmax[Z]); fprintf (f, " }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } break; case POV20: if (object_cnt > 2 && bound_mode == 0) fprintf (f, "union {\n "); fprintf (f, "#include \"%s\"\n", inc_file); if (object_cnt > 2 && bound_mode == 0) { fprintf (f, "\n"); fprintf (f, " bounded_by {\n"); fprintf (f, " box { <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f> }\n", gmin[X], gmin[Y], gmin[Z], gmax[X], gmax[Y], gmax[Z]); fprintf (f, " }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } break; case VIVID: fprintf (f, "#include %s\n\n", inc_file); break; case POLYRAY: fprintf (f, "include \"%s\"\n\n", inc_file); break; case MGF: fprintf (f, "i %s\n", inc_file); break; } fclose (f); } void opt_get_limits (float *min_x, float *min_y, float *min_z, float *max_x, float *max_y, float *max_z) { *min_x = last_vmin[X]; *min_y = last_vmin[Y]; *min_z = last_vmin[Z]; *max_x = last_vmax[X]; *max_y = last_vmax[Y]; *max_z = last_vmax[Z]; } void opt_get_glimits (float *min_x, float *min_y, float *min_z, float *max_x, float *max_y, float *max_z) { *min_x = gmin[X]; *min_y = gmin[Y]; *min_z = gmin[Z]; *max_x = gmax[X]; *max_y = gmax[Y]; *max_z = gmax[Z]; } unsigned opt_get_vert_cnt() { return last_vert_cnt; } unsigned opt_get_tri_cnt() { return last_tri_cnt; } float opt_get_index() { return last_index; } unsigned opt_get_bounds() { return last_bounds; } void init_object() { int i; last_pal.red = 0.0; last_pal.green = 0.0; last_pal.blue = 0.0; strcpy (last_texture, ""); bound_cost = 1.6; /* Allocate memory for palette lookup table */ pmax = 10; psize = 0; ptable = malloc (pmax * sizeof(Palette)); if (ptable == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for palette.", 1); /* Allocate memory for texture table */ tmax = 10; tsize = 0; ttable = malloc (tmax * sizeof(Texture)); if (ttable == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for textures.", 1); /* Allocate memory for vertex lookup table */ vmax = (vert_init > 0) ? vert_init : 1000; vsize = 0; vtable = malloc (vmax * sizeof(Vector)); if (vtable == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for vertices.", 1); /* Allocate memory for vertex hash table */ vert_hash = malloc (sizeof(VertList*)*HASHSIZE); if (vert_hash == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for vertex hash table.", 1); /* Initialize the vertex lookup hash table */ for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) vert_hash[i] = NULL; /* Start with an empty root node */ groot = create_group(); tot_bounds = 1; initialized = 1; } void cleanup_object() { int i; Vector corners[8]; /* Corners of box */ last_vert_cnt = vsize; last_tri_cnt = groot->obj_cnt; last_index = orig_tpr/final_tpr; last_bounds = tot_bounds; vect_copy (last_vmin, groot->vmin); vect_copy (last_vmax, groot->vmax); /* Calculate the corners of the bounding box */ corners[0][X] = groot->vmin[X]; corners[0][Y] = groot->vmin[Y]; corners[0][Z] = groot->vmin[Z]; corners[1][X] = groot->vmin[X]; corners[1][Y] = groot->vmin[Y]; corners[1][Z] = groot->vmax[Z]; corners[2][X] = groot->vmax[X]; corners[2][Y] = groot->vmin[Y]; corners[2][Z] = groot->vmin[Z]; corners[3][X] = groot->vmax[X]; corners[3][Y] = groot->vmin[Y]; corners[3][Z] = groot->vmax[Z]; corners[4][X] = groot->vmin[X]; corners[4][Y] = groot->vmax[Y]; corners[4][Z] = groot->vmin[Z]; corners[5][X] = groot->vmax[X]; corners[5][Y] = groot->vmax[Y]; corners[5][Z] = groot->vmin[Z]; corners[6][X] = groot->vmin[X]; corners[6][Y] = groot->vmax[Y]; corners[6][Z] = groot->vmax[Z]; corners[7][X] = groot->vmax[X]; corners[7][Y] = groot->vmax[Y]; corners[7][Z] = groot->vmax[Z]; /* Include any transformation in the box calcs */ if (use_transform) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) vect_transform (corners[i], corners[i], trans_matrix); } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { gmin[X] = (corners[i][X] < gmin[X]) ? corners[i][X] : gmin[X]; gmin[Y] = (corners[i][Y] < gmin[Y]) ? corners[i][Y] : gmin[Y]; gmin[Z] = (corners[i][Z] < gmin[Z]) ? corners[i][Z] : gmin[Z]; gmax[X] = (corners[i][X] > gmax[X]) ? corners[i][X] : gmax[X]; gmax[Y] = (corners[i][Y] > gmax[Y]) ? corners[i][Y] : gmax[Y]; gmax[Z] = (corners[i][Z] > gmax[Z]) ? corners[i][Z] : gmax[Z]; } free (ptable); free (vtable); free (vert_hash); for (i = 0; i < tsize; i++) free (ttable[i]); free (ttable); delete_tree (groot); initialized = 0; } /* Calculate the number of Tests Per Ray (tpr) required for this group */ float calc_tpr (GroupTree *gnode) { GroupTree *g; float tpr; if (gnode->child_cnt == 0) return gnode->obj_cnt; tpr = bound_cost * gnode->child_cnt; for (g = gnode->child; g != NULL; g = g->next) tpr = tpr + (g->area/gnode->area) * calc_tpr(g); return tpr; } /* Create an empty group node */ GroupTree *create_group() { GroupTree *new_group; int i; new_group = malloc (sizeof(GroupTree)); if (new_group == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for group list.", 1); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { new_group->index[i] = malloc (sizeof(TriList2)); if (new_group->index[i] == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for tree.", 1); new_group->index[i]->tri = NULL; new_group->index[i]->prev = new_group->index[i]; new_group->index[i]->next = new_group->index[i]; } vect_init (new_group->vmin, +MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT); vect_init (new_group->vmax, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT); new_group->area = 0.0; new_group->obj_cnt = 0; new_group->child_cnt = 0; new_group->split_cnt = 0; new_group->parent = NULL; new_group->next = NULL; new_group->child = NULL; return new_group; } /* Delete this node and all sub-nodes of tree */ void delete_tree (GroupTree *gnode) { GroupTree *g, *g_temp; TriList2 *t, *t_temp; int i; for (g = gnode->child; g != NULL; ) { g_temp = g->next; delete_tree (g); g = g_temp; } /* Free the indexes for this node (if any exist) */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ((gnode->index[i] != NULL) && (gnode->index[i]->prev != NULL)) { /* Drop a link so the list isn't circular any more */ gnode->index[i]->prev->next = NULL; /* Delete the list */ for (t = gnode->index[i]; t != NULL; ) { if (i == 0 && (t->tri != NULL)) free (t->tri); t_temp = t; t = t->next; free (t_temp); } } } /* And finally free the root node */ free (gnode); } /* Optimize the bounds for this sub-tree */ void optimize_tree (GroupTree *gnode) { GroupTree *group_a, *group_b; int axis, best_axis; float best_rtpr, new_rtpr; TriList2 *best_loc, *new_loc; best_rtpr = 0.0; best_loc = NULL; best_axis = -1; /* Try splitting the group in each of the three axis' (x,y,z) */ for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { test_split (gnode, axis, &new_rtpr, &new_loc); if (new_rtpr < best_rtpr) { best_rtpr = new_rtpr; best_loc = new_loc; best_axis = axis; } } if (best_axis != -1) { /* Split this node into two nodes */ split_group (gnode, best_axis, best_loc, &group_a, &group_b); optimize_tree (group_a); optimize_tree (group_b); } } /* Test the effectiveness of splitting this group (but don't do it yet) */ void test_split (GroupTree *gnode, int axis, float *best_rtpr, TriList2 **best_loc) { float dim1, dim2; float area1, area2, p_area; float new_min1, new_max1, new_min2, new_max2; float best_index, new_index; TriList2 *t; int cnt, best_cnt; *best_loc = NULL; best_index = +MAXFLOAT ; best_cnt = 0; cnt = 0; dim1 = gnode->vmax[(axis+1) % 3] - gnode->vmin[(axis+1) % 3]; dim2 = gnode->vmax[(axis+2) % 3] - gnode->vmin[(axis+2) % 3]; for (t = gnode->index[axis]->next; t != gnode->index[axis]; t = t->next) { if (t->next == gnode->index[axis]) break; ++cnt; /* Make an estimate of the new min/max limits, doing the full */ /* calculation is just tooooo slooowww. */ new_min1 = gnode->vmin[axis]; new_max1 = max_vertex (t->tri, axis); new_min2 = min_vertex (t->next->tri, axis); new_max2 = gnode->vmax[axis]; /* Calculate the surface area of the new groups */ area1 = surf_area (dim1, dim2, new_max1 - new_min1); area2 = surf_area (dim1, dim2, new_max2 - new_min2); new_index = (cnt * area1) + ((gnode->obj_cnt - cnt) * area2); /* Keep track of the best one */ if (new_index < best_index) { best_index = new_index; *best_loc = t->next; best_cnt = cnt; } } /* The former was just an estimate, verify the numbers */ if (*best_loc != NULL) { new_min1 = gnode->vmin[axis]; new_max1 = -MAXFLOAT; new_min2 = +MAXFLOAT; new_max2 = gnode->vmax[axis]; for (t = gnode->index[axis]->next; t != *best_loc; t = t->next) new_max1 = fltmax (new_max1, max_vertex (t->tri, axis)); for (t = *best_loc; t != gnode->index[axis]; t = t->next) new_min2 = fltmin (new_min2, min_vertex (t->tri, axis)); area1 = surf_area (dim1, dim2, new_max1 - new_min1); area2 = surf_area (dim1, dim2, new_max2 - new_min2); best_index = (best_cnt * area1) + ((gnode->obj_cnt - best_cnt) * area2); } if (gnode->parent == NULL || gnode->split_cnt >= 2) { p_area = gnode->area; *best_rtpr = -1.0*((gnode->area/p_area) * gnode->obj_cnt) + (gnode->area/p_area) * ((best_index/p_area) + 2.0*bound_cost); } else { p_area = gnode->parent->area; *best_rtpr = -1.0*((gnode->area/p_area) * gnode->obj_cnt) + (best_index/p_area) + bound_cost; } } /* Split the group along the specified axis into two sub-groups */ void split_group (GroupTree *gnode, int axis, TriList2 *split_loc, GroupTree **group_a, GroupTree **group_b) { GroupTree *new_a, *new_b; TriList2 *t, *next_t, *new_index; char new_flag; int i; COOPERATE /* support multitasking */ /* Mark the triangles as to which group they will belong */ new_flag = 0; for (t = gnode->index[axis]->next; t != gnode->index[axis]; t = t->next) { if (t == split_loc) new_flag = 1; t->tri->flag = new_flag; } new_a = create_group(); new_b = create_group(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { t = gnode->index[i]->next; while (t != gnode->index[i]) { next_t = t->next; if (t->tri->flag == 0) new_index = new_a->index[i]; else new_index = new_b->index[i]; /* Remove this node from the list */ t->prev->next = t->next; t->next->prev = t->prev; /* Insert node into its new group */ t->prev = new_index->prev; t->next = new_index; new_index->prev->next = t; new_index->prev = t; t = next_t; } } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { free (gnode->index[i]); gnode->index[i] = NULL; } if (gnode->parent == NULL || gnode->split_cnt >= 2) { /* Add the new groups as children of original */ gnode->child = new_a; new_a->parent = gnode; new_a->next = new_b; new_b->parent = gnode; new_a->split_cnt = 0; new_b->split_cnt = 0; tot_bounds = tot_bounds + 2; } else { /* Remove the original group and replace with the new groups */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) gnode->index[i] = new_a->index[i]; free (new_a); new_a = gnode; new_b->next = new_a->next; new_a->next = new_b; new_a->parent = gnode->parent; new_b->parent = gnode->parent; new_a->split_cnt = gnode->split_cnt + 1; new_b->split_cnt = gnode->split_cnt + 1; tot_bounds = tot_bounds + 1; } update_node (new_a); update_node (new_b); if (new_a->parent != NULL) update_node (new_a->parent); if (!quiet_mode) { printf ("Adding bounds (%d)\r", tot_bounds); fflush(stdout); } *group_a = new_a; *group_b = new_b; } /* Write the optimized POV file */ void write_file() { FILE *f; if (!quiet_mode) printf ("\nWriting files %s and %s\n", out_file, inc_file); f = fopen (out_file, "a"); if (f == NULL) abortmsg ("Error opening output file.", 1); switch (out_format) { case POV10: write_pov10_header (f); break; case POV20: write_pov20_header (f); break; case VIVID: write_vivid_header (f); break; case POLYRAY: write_polyray_header (f); break; case MGF: write_mgf_header (f); break; } fclose (f); f = fopen (inc_file, "a"); if (f == NULL) abortmsg ("Error opening output file.", 1); switch (out_format) { case POV10: write_pov10_tree (f, groot, 1); break; case POV20: write_pov20_tree (f, groot, 1); break; case VIVID: write_vivid_tree (f, groot); break; case POLYRAY: write_polyray_tree (f, groot); break; case MGF: write_mgf_tree (f, groot, 1); break; } fclose (f); if (!quiet_mode) { printf ("Triangles: %u, ", groot->obj_cnt); printf ("Vertices: %u, ", vsize); printf ("Bounding index: %.2f\n\n", orig_tpr/final_tpr); } } void write_box (Vector v1, Vector v2, Triangle *tri) { FILE *f; if (!quiet_mode) printf ("\nWriting files %s and %s\n", out_file, inc_file); f = fopen (inc_file, "a"); if (f == NULL) abortmsg ("Error opening output file.", 1); switch (out_format) { case POV10: fprintf (f, "\n/* Object '%s' */\n", object_name); fprintf (f, "object {\n"); fprintf (f, "\tbox { <%.4f %.4f %.4f> <%.4f %.4f %.4f> }\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "\t"); write_pov10_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, "\n"); if (use_transform) write_pov10_transform (f, trans_matrix); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POV20: fprintf (f, "\n/* Object '%s' */\n", object_name); fprintf (f, "box {\n"); fprintf (f, "\t<%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "\t"); write_pov20_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, "\n"); if (use_transform) write_pov20_transform (f, trans_matrix); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case VIVID: fprintf (f, "\n/* Object '%s' */\n", object_name); if (use_transform) write_vivid_transform (f, trans_matrix); write_vivid_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, "polygon { points 4 vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f }\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v1[Z], v1[X], v2[Y], v1[Z]); fprintf (f, "polygon { points 4 vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f }\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v1[X], v2[Y], v1[Z], v1[X], v2[Y], v2[Z], v1[X], v1[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "polygon { points 4 vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f }\n", v1[X], v2[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[Z], v1[X], v2[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "polygon { points 4 vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f }\n", v2[X], v2[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v1[Y], v2[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "polygon { points 4 vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f }\n", v2[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v1[X], v1[Y], v2[Z], v2[X], v1[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "polygon { points 4 vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f vertex %.4f %.4f %.4f }\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v2[Z], v1[X], v2[Y], v2[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[Z], v2[X], v1[Y], v2[Z]); if (use_transform) fprintf (f, "transform_pop\n\n"); break; case POLYRAY: fprintf (f, "\n// Object '%s'\n", object_name); fprintf (f, "object {\n"); fprintf (f, "\tbox <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[Z]); fprintf (f, "\t"); write_polyray_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, "\n"); if (use_transform) write_polyray_transform (f, trans_matrix); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case MGF: if (object_name[0]) fprintf (f, "o %s\n", object_name); write_mgf_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, "v v1 =\n\tp %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", v1[X], v1[Y], v1[Z]); fprintf (f, "v v2 =\n\tp %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", v1[X], v2[Y], v1[Z]); fprintf (f, "v v3 =\n\tp %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", v2[X], v2[Y], v1[Z]); fprintf (f, "v v4 =\n\tp %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", v2[X], v1[Y], v1[Z]); fprintf (f, "prism v1 v2 v3 v4 %.4f\n", v2[Z]-v1[Z]); if (object_name[0]) fprintf (f, "o\n"); fprintf (f, "\n"); } fclose (f); } /* Write a sub-tree to file */ void write_pov10_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode, int level) { GroupTree *g; TriList2 *t; Triangle *first_tri; int one_texture; if (level == 1) fprintf (f, "\n/* Object '%s' */\n", object_name); fprintf (f, "composite {\n"); if (gnode->child != NULL) { for (g = gnode->child; g != NULL; g = g->next) write_pov10_tree (f, g, level+1); } else { first_tri = gnode->index[0]->next->tri; one_texture = 1; for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) { if (t->tri->text_index != first_tri->text_index || t->tri->text_type != first_tri->text_type) { one_texture = 0; break; } } if (one_texture) { fprintf (f, "\tobject {\n"); fprintf (f, "\t\tunion {\n"); } for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) write_pov10_triangle (f, t->tri, one_texture); if (one_texture) { fprintf (f, "\t\t}\n\n\t\t"); write_pov10_texture (f, first_tri); fprintf (f, "\n\t}\n"); } } if (bound_mode == 0) write_pov10_bound (f, gnode); if (level == 1 && use_transform) write_pov10_transform (f, trans_matrix); fprintf (f, "}\n"); } void write_pov10_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { if (tri->text_type == 1) fprintf (f, "texture { %s }", ttable[tri->text_index]); else if (psize < MAX_TEX) fprintf (f, "texture { %s_%u }", object_name, tri->text_index + 1); else fprintf (f, "texture { %s color red %.3f green %.3f blue %.3f }", object_name, ptable[tri->text_index].red, ptable[tri->text_index].green, ptable[tri->text_index].blue); } /* Writes a transformation matrix as separate POV-Ray scale< >, rotate< >, and translate< > commands */ void write_pov10_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix) { Vector scale, shear, rotate, transl; /* Decode the matrix into separate operations */ mat_decode (matrix, scale, shear, rotate, transl); fprintf (f, "\n\t/* Object transformation */\n"); if (fabs(scale[X] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Y] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Z] - 1.0) > 0.001) fprintf (f, "\tscale <%.3f %.3f %.3f>\n", scale[X], scale[Y], scale[Z]); if (fabs(rotate[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Z]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, "\trotate <%.2f %.2f %.2f>\n", rotate[X], rotate[Y], rotate[Z]); if (fabs(transl[X]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Y]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Z]) > 0.0001) fprintf (f, "\ttranslate <%.4f %.4f %.4f>\n", transl[X], transl[Y], transl[Z]); /* Can't handle shear but warn if it's there */ if (fabs(shear[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Z]) > 0.01) printf ("Warning: Significant shear in transformation (ignored)\n"); } /* Write the POV file header */ void write_pov10_header (FILE *f) { int i; if (psize >= MAX_TEX) { fprintf (f, "/* Too many textures, textures generated in-line */\n\n"); fprintf (f, "#declare %s = texture {\n", object_name); fprintf (f, " ambient 0.1\n"); fprintf (f, " diffuse 0.7\n"); fprintf (f, " phong 1.0\n"); fprintf (f, " phong_size 70.0\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } else { if (psize > 0) fprintf (f, "/* Texture declarations for object '%s' */\n", object_name); for (i = 0; i < psize; i++) { fprintf (f, "#declare %s_%u = texture {\n", object_name, i + 1); fprintf (f, " ambient 0.1\n"); fprintf (f, " diffuse 0.7\n"); fprintf (f, " phong 1.0\n"); fprintf (f, " phong_size 70.0\n"); fprintf (f, " color red %.3f green %.3f blue %.3f\n", ptable[i].red, ptable[i].green, ptable[i].blue); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } } } /* Write a triangle (smooth or regular) */ void write_pov10_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri, int one_texture) { Vector norm[3]; int no_smooth = 0; COOPERATE /* support multitasking */ if (one_texture) fprintf (f, "\t\t"); else fprintf (f, "\tobject { "); if (smooth_angle > 0.0) { vert_normal (tri, norm); if (vect_equal (norm[0], norm[1]) && vect_equal (norm[1], norm[2])) no_smooth = 1; } if (smooth_angle > 0.0 && !no_smooth) { fprintf (f, "smooth_triangle { <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[0]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, norm[0], 3, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[1]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, norm[1], 3, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[2]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, norm[2], 3, ' '); fprintf (f, "> }"); } else { fprintf (f, "triangle { <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[0]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[1]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[2]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, "> }"); } if (!one_texture) { fprintf (f, " "); write_pov10_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, " }"); } fprintf (f, "\n"); } /* Write a bounding shape */ void write_pov10_bound (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode) { if (gnode->obj_cnt > 1) { fprintf (f, "\n\tbounded_by { box { <"); vect_print (f, gnode->vmin, dec_point + 1, ' '); fprintf (f, "> <"); vect_print (f, gnode->vmax, dec_point + 1, ' '); fprintf (f, "> } }\n"); } } /* Write a sub-tree to file */ void write_pov20_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode, int level) { GroupTree *g; TriList2 *t; Triangle *first_tri; int one_texture; if (level == 1) fprintf (f, "\n/* Object '%s' */\n", object_name); if (gnode->obj_cnt > 1) fprintf (f, "union {\n"); else fprintf (f, "object {\n"); if (gnode->child != NULL) { for (g = gnode->child; g != NULL; g = g->next) write_pov20_tree (f, g, level+1); } else { first_tri = gnode->index[0]->next->tri; one_texture = 1; for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) { if (t->tri->text_index != first_tri->text_index || t->tri->text_type != first_tri->text_type) { one_texture = 0; break; } } for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) { fprintf (f, "\t"); write_pov20_triangle (f, t->tri, one_texture); } if (one_texture) { fprintf (f, "\n\t"); write_pov20_texture (f, first_tri); } } fprintf (f, "\n"); if (bound_mode == 0) write_pov20_bound (f, gnode); if (level == 1 && use_transform) write_pov20_transform (f, trans_matrix); fprintf (f, "}\n"); } void write_pov20_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { if (tri->text_type == 1) fprintf (f, "texture { %s }", ttable[tri->text_index]); else if (psize < MAX_TEX) fprintf (f, "texture { %s_%u }", object_name, tri->text_index + 1); else fprintf (f, "texture { %s pigment { color red %.3f green %.3f blue %.3f } }", object_name, ptable[tri->text_index].red, ptable[tri->text_index].green, ptable[tri->text_index].blue); } /* Writes a transformation matrix as separate POV-Ray scale< >, rotate< >, and translate< > commands */ void write_pov20_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix) { Vector scale, shear, rotate, transl; /* Decode the matrix into separate operations */ mat_decode (matrix, scale, shear, rotate, transl); fprintf (f, "\n\t/* Object transformation */\n"); if (fabs(scale[X] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Y] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Z] - 1.0) > 0.001) fprintf (f, "\tscale <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>\n", scale[X], scale[Y], scale[Z]); if (fabs(rotate[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Z]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, "\trotate <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f>\n", rotate[X], rotate[Y], rotate[Z]); if (fabs(transl[X]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Y]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Z]) > 0.0001) fprintf (f, "\ttranslate <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", transl[X], transl[Y], transl[Z]); /* Can't handle shear but warn if it's there */ if (fabs(shear[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Z]) > 0.01) printf ("Warning: Significant shear in transformation (ignored)\n"); } /* Write the POV file header */ void write_pov20_header (FILE *f) { int i; if (psize >= MAX_TEX) { fprintf (f, "/* Too many textures, textures generated in-line */\n\n"); fprintf (f, "#declare %s = texture {\n", object_name); fprintf (f, " finish { Shiny }\n"); fprintf (f, " pigment { White }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } else { if (psize > 0) fprintf (f, "/* Texture declarations for object '%s' */\n", object_name); for (i = 0; i < psize; i++) { fprintf (f, "#declare %s_%u = texture {\n", object_name, i + 1); fprintf (f, " finish { Shiny }\n"); fprintf (f, " pigment { color red %.3f green %.3f blue %.3f }\n", ptable[i].red, ptable[i].green, ptable[i].blue); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } } } /* Write a triangle (smooth or regular) */ void write_pov20_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri, int one_texture) { Vector norm[3]; int no_smooth = 0; COOPERATE /* support multitasking */ if (smooth_angle > 0.0) { vert_normal (tri, norm); if (vect_equal (norm[0], norm[1]) && vect_equal (norm[1], norm[2])) no_smooth = 1; } if (smooth_angle > 0.0 && !no_smooth) { fprintf (f, "smooth_triangle { <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[0]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, norm[0], 3, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[1]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, norm[1], 3, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[2]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, norm[2], 3, ','); fprintf (f, "> "); } else { fprintf (f, "triangle { <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[0]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[1]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[2]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, "> "); } if (!one_texture) write_pov20_texture (f, tri); fprintf (f, "}\n"); } /* Write a bounding shape */ void write_pov20_bound (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode) { if (gnode->obj_cnt > 1) { fprintf (f, "\tbounded_by { box { <"); vect_print (f, gnode->vmin, dec_point + 1, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, gnode->vmax, dec_point + 1, ','); fprintf (f, "> } }\n"); } } /* Write a sub-tree to file */ void write_vivid_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode) { TriList2 *t; int last_index, last_type; last_index = -1; last_type = -1; fprintf (f, "\n/* Object '%s' */\n", object_name); if (use_transform) write_vivid_transform (f, trans_matrix); if (gnode->child != NULL) abortmsg ("Internal error", 1); for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) { if (t->tri->text_index != last_index || t->tri->text_type != last_type) { write_vivid_texture (f, t->tri); last_index = t->tri->text_index; last_type = t->tri->text_type; } write_vivid_triangle (f, t->tri); } if (use_transform) fprintf (f, "transform_pop\n\n"); } /* Writes a transformation matrix as separate Vivid scale, rotate, and translate commands */ void write_vivid_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix) { Vector scale, shear, rotate, transl; /* Decode the matrix into separate operations */ mat_decode (matrix, scale, shear, rotate, transl); fprintf (f, "\n/* Object transformation */\n"); fprintf (f, "transform {\n"); if (fabs(scale[X] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Y] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Z] - 1.0) > 0.001) fprintf (f, "\tscale %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", scale[X], scale[Y], scale[Z]); if (fabs(rotate[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Z]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, "\trotate %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", rotate[X], rotate[Y], rotate[Z]); if (fabs(transl[X]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Y]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Z]) > 0.0001) fprintf (f, "\ttranslate %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", transl[X], transl[Y], transl[Z]); else fprintf (f, "\ttranslate 0 0 0 // Null transformation\n"); /* Can't handle shear but warn if it's there */ if (fabs(shear[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Z]) > 0.01) printf ("Warning: Significant shear in transformation (ignored)\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } void write_vivid_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { if (tri->text_type == 1) fprintf (f, "\n%s /* New texture */\n\n", ttable[tri->text_index]); else fprintf (f, "\n%s_%u /* New texture */\n\n", object_name, tri->text_index + 1); } /* Write the Vivid file header */ void write_vivid_header (FILE *f) { int i; if (psize > 0) fprintf (f, "/* Texture declarations for object '%s' */\n", object_name); for (i = 0; i < psize; i++) { fprintf (f, "#define %s_%u \\ \n", object_name, i + 1); fprintf (f, " surface { \\ \n"); fprintf (f, " diffuse %.3f %.3f %.3f \\ \n", ptable[i].red, ptable[i].green, ptable[i].blue); fprintf (f, " shine 70 white \\ \n"); fprintf (f, " }\n\n"); } } /* Write a Vivid triangle patch */ void write_vivid_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { Vector norm[3]; COOPERATE /* support multitasking */ vert_normal (tri, norm); fprintf (f, "patch {\n"); fprintf (f, "\tvertex "); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[0]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, " normal "); vect_print (f, norm[0], 3, ' '); fprintf (f, "\n"); fprintf (f, "\tvertex "); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[1]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, " normal "); vect_print (f, norm[1], 3, ' '); fprintf (f, "\n"); fprintf (f, "\tvertex "); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[2]], dec_point, ' '); fprintf (f, " normal "); vect_print (f, norm[2], 3, ' '); fprintf (f, "\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } /* Write a sub-tree to file */ void write_polyray_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode) { TriList2 *t; fprintf (f, "\n// Object '%s'\n\n", object_name); fprintf (f, "object {\n"); if (gnode->child != NULL) abortmsg ("Internal error", 1); for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) { if (t != gnode->index[0]->next) fprintf (f, "\t+\n"); write_polyray_triangle (f, t->tri); fprintf (f, "\t\t"); write_polyray_texture (f, t->tri); fprintf (f, "\n\t}\n\n"); } if (use_transform) write_polyray_transform (f, trans_matrix); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } /* Writes a transformation matrix as separate Polyray scale< >, rotate< >, and translate< > commands */ void write_polyray_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix) { Vector scale, shear, rotate, transl; /* Decode the matrix into separate operations */ mat_decode (matrix, scale, shear, rotate, transl); fprintf (f, "\n\t// Object transformation\n"); if (fabs(scale[X] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Y] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Z] - 1.0) > 0.001) fprintf (f, "\tscale <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>\n", scale[X], scale[Y], scale[Z]); if (fabs(rotate[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(rotate[Z]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, "\trotate <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f>\n", rotate[X], rotate[Y], rotate[Z]); if (fabs(transl[X]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Y]) > 0.0001 || fabs(transl[Z]) > 0.0001) fprintf (f, "\ttranslate <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", transl[X], transl[Y], transl[Z]); /* Can't handle shear but warn if it's there */ if (fabs(shear[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Z]) > 0.01) printf ("Warning: Significant shear in transformation (ignored)\n"); } void write_polyray_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { if (tri->text_type == 1) fprintf (f, "%s", ttable[tri->text_index]); else fprintf (f, "%s_%u", object_name, tri->text_index + 1); } /* Write the Polyray file header */ void write_polyray_header (FILE *f) { int i; if (psize > 0) fprintf (f, "// Texture declarations for object '%s'\n", object_name); for (i = 0; i < psize; i++) { fprintf (f, "define %s_%u\n", object_name, i + 1); fprintf (f, "texture {\n"); fprintf (f, " surface {\n"); fprintf (f, " ambient <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>, 0.1\n", ptable[i].red, ptable[i].green, ptable[i].blue); fprintf (f, " diffuse <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>, 0.7\n", ptable[i].red, ptable[i].green, ptable[i].blue); fprintf (f, " specular white, 1.0\n"); fprintf (f, " microfacet Reitz 10\n"); fprintf (f, " }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } } /* Write a Polyray triangle patch */ void write_polyray_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { Vector norm[3]; COOPERATE /* support multitasking */ vert_normal (tri, norm); fprintf (f, "\tobject {\n"); fprintf (f, "\t\tpatch\t <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[0]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, norm[0], 3, ','); fprintf (f, ">,\n"); fprintf (f, "\t\t\t <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[1]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, norm[1], 3, ','); fprintf (f, ">,\n"); fprintf (f, "\t\t\t <"); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[2]], dec_point, ','); fprintf (f, ">, <"); vect_print (f, norm[2], 3, ','); fprintf (f, ">\n"); } /* Write a sub-tree to file */ void write_mgf_tree (FILE *f, GroupTree *gnode, int level) { GroupTree *g; TriList2 *t; if (level == 1) { fprintf (f, "\no %s\n", object_name); if (use_transform) write_mgf_transform (f, trans_matrix); } if (gnode->child != NULL) { for (g = gnode->child; g != NULL; g = g->next) write_mgf_tree (f, g, level+1); } else { for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) write_mgf_triangle (f, t->tri); } fprintf (f, "\n"); if (level == 1) { if (use_transform) fprintf (f, "xf\n"); fprintf (f, "\no\n"); } fprintf (f, "\n"); } void write_mgf_texture (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { if (tri->text_type == 1) fprintf (f, "m %s\n", ttable[tri->text_index]); else if (psize < MAX_TEX) fprintf (f, "m %s_%u\n", object_name, tri->text_index + 1); else fprintf (f, "m\n\tc\n\t\tcmix %.3f R %.3f G %.3f B\n\trd %.3f\n", CIE_Y_r*ptable[tri->text_index].red, CIE_Y_g*ptable[tri->text_index].green, CIE_Y_b*ptable[tri->text_index].blue, CIE_Y_r*ptable[tri->text_index].red + CIE_Y_g*ptable[tri->text_index].green + CIE_Y_b*ptable[tri->text_index].blue); } /* Writes a transformation matrix as MGF transform entity */ void write_mgf_transform (FILE *f, Matrix matrix) { Vector scale, shear, rotate, transl; float ascale; /* Decode the matrix into separate operations */ mat_decode (matrix, scale, shear, rotate, transl); fprintf (f, "xf"); /* print scaling */ if (fabs(scale[X] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Y] - 1.0) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Z] - 1.0) > 0.001) { if (fabs(scale[X] - scale[Y]) > 0.001 || fabs(scale[Y] - scale[Z]) > 0.001) printf("Warning: Non-linear scaling in transformation (ignored)\n"); ascale = sqrt((scale[X]*scale[X] + scale[Y]*scale[Y] + scale[Z]*scale[Z])/3.0); fprintf (f, " -s %.3f\n", ascale); } /* add rotation */ if (fabs(rotate[X]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, " -rx %.2f", rotate[X]); if (fabs(rotate[Y]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, " -ry %.2f", rotate[Y]); if (fabs(rotate[Z]) > 0.01) fprintf (f, " -rz %.2f", rotate[Z]); /* final translation */ fprintf (f, " -t %.4f, %.4f, %.4f\n", transl[X], transl[Y], transl[Z]); /* Can't handle shear but warn if it's there */ if (fabs(shear[X]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Y]) > 0.01 || fabs(shear[Z]) > 0.01) printf ("Warning: Significant shear in transformation (ignored)\n"); } /* Write the MGF file header */ void write_mgf_header (FILE *f) { int i; if (psize >= MAX_TEX) { fprintf (f, "# Too many materials, materials generated in-line\n\n"); } else { if (psize > 0) fprintf (f, "# Material definitions for object '%s'\n", object_name); for (i = 0; i < psize; i++) { fprintf (f, "m %s_%u =\n", object_name, i + 1); fprintf (f, "\tc\n\t\tcmix %.3f R %.3f G %.3f B\n\trd %.3f\n", CIE_Y_r*ptable[i].red, CIE_Y_g*ptable[i].green, CIE_Y_b*ptable[i].blue, CIE_Y_r*ptable[i].red + CIE_Y_g*ptable[i].green + CIE_Y_b*ptable[i].blue); } } } /* Write a triangle (smooth or regular) */ void write_mgf_triangle (FILE *f, Triangle *tri) { Vector norm[3]; int i; int smooth; COOPERATE /* support multitasking */ write_mgf_texture (f, tri); if (smooth_angle > 0.0) { vert_normal (tri, norm); smooth = !vect_equal (norm[0], norm[1]) || !vect_equal (norm[1], norm[2]); } else smooth = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fprintf (f, "v v%d =\n\tp ", i+1); vect_print (f, vtable[tri->vert[i]], dec_point, ' '); if (smooth) { fprintf (f, "\n\tn "); vect_print (f, norm[i], 3, ' '); } fprintf (f, "\n"); } fprintf (f, "f v1 v2 v3\n"); } /* Update the stats (area, vmin/vmax, child_cnt, etc.) for this node */ void update_node (GroupTree *gnode) { GroupTree *g; TriList2 *t; int i; vect_init (gnode->vmin, +MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT); vect_init (gnode->vmax, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT); gnode->obj_cnt = 0; gnode->child_cnt = 0; if (gnode->index[0] == NULL) { /* Not a leaf node, calc the info from the child nodes */ for (g = gnode->child; g != NULL; g = g->next) { ++(gnode->child_cnt); gnode->obj_cnt += g->obj_cnt; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { gnode->vmin[i] = fltmin (gnode->vmin[i], g->vmin[i]); gnode->vmax[i] = fltmax (gnode->vmax[i], g->vmax[i]); } } } else { /* A leaf node, calc the info from the triangle list */ for (t = gnode->index[0]->next; t != gnode->index[0]; t = t->next) { ++(gnode->obj_cnt); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { gnode->vmin[i] = fltmin (gnode->vmin[i], min_vertex (t->tri, i)); gnode->vmax[i] = fltmax (gnode->vmax[i], max_vertex (t->tri, i)); } } } /* Update total surface area of region */ gnode->area = surf_area (gnode->vmax[X] - gnode->vmin[X], gnode->vmax[Y] - gnode->vmin[Y], gnode->vmax[Z] - gnode->vmin[Z]); } void sort_indexes (GroupTree *gnode) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) quick_sort (gnode->index[i]->next, gnode->index[i]->prev, i); } void quick_sort (TriList2 *start, TriList2 *end, int axis) { TriList2 *a, *b; Triangle *temp; float middle; if (start == end) return; a = start; b = end; middle = avg_vertex (a->tri, axis); do { while (avg_vertex (b->tri, axis) >= middle && a != b) b = b->prev; if (a != b) { temp = a->tri; a->tri = b->tri; b->tri = temp; while (avg_vertex (a->tri, axis) <= middle && a != b) a = a->next; if (a != b) { temp = a->tri; a->tri = b->tri; b->tri = temp; } } } while (a != b); if (a != start) quick_sort (start, a->prev, axis); if (b != end) quick_sort (b->next, end, axis); } /* Calculate the surface area of a box */ float surf_area (float a, float b, float c) { return 2.0*(a*b + b*c + c*a); } float max_vertex (Triangle *tri, int axis) { float max_v, val; int i; max_v = -MAXFLOAT; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val = vtable[tri->vert[i]][axis]; if (val > max_v) max_v = val; } return max_v; } float min_vertex (Triangle *tri, int axis) { float min_v, val; int i; min_v = +MAXFLOAT; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val = vtable[tri->vert[i]][axis]; if (val < min_v) min_v = val; } return min_v; } float avg_vertex (Triangle *tri, int axis) { float avg; avg = (vtable[tri->vert[0]][axis] + vtable[tri->vert[1]][axis] + vtable[tri->vert[2]][axis])/3.0; return avg; } /* Build an index of which triangles touch each vertex. Used to */ /* speed up smooth triangle normal calculations. */ void build_tri_index() { GroupTree *g; TriList *temp; TriList2 *t; unsigned i, vert_no; if (vsize == 0) return; tri_index = malloc (vsize * sizeof(TriList)); if (tri_index == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for smooth triangles.", 1); for (i = 0; i < vsize; i++) tri_index[i] = NULL; for (g = groot; g != NULL; g = g->next) { for (t = g->index[0]->next; t != g->index[0]; t = t->next) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vert_no = t->tri->vert[i]; temp = tri_index[vert_no]; tri_index[vert_no] = malloc (sizeof(TriList)); if (tri_index[vert_no] == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for smooth triangles.\n", 1); tri_index[vert_no]->tri = t->tri; tri_index[vert_no]->next = temp; } } } } void dump_tri_index() { TriList *temp; int i; for (i = 0; i < vsize; i++) { while (tri_index[i] != NULL) { temp = tri_index[i]; tri_index[i] = tri_index[i]->next; free (temp); } } free (tri_index); } /* Calculates the smooth triangle normal for this vertex */ void vert_normal (Triangle *t, Vector *norm) { Vector curr_norm, new_norm; TriList *p; int i; tri_normal (t, curr_norm); if (smooth_angle <= 0.0) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) vect_copy (norm[i], curr_norm); return; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vect_init (norm[i], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (p = tri_index[t->vert[i]]; p != NULL; p = p->next) { tri_normal (p->tri, new_norm); if (vect_angle (curr_norm, new_norm) < smooth_angle) vect_add (norm[i], norm[i], new_norm); } vect_normalize (norm[i]); } } /* Calculates the normal to the specified triangle */ void tri_normal (Triangle *t, Vector normal) { Vector ab, ac; vect_sub (ab, vtable[t->vert[1]], vtable[t->vert[0]]); vect_sub (ac, vtable[t->vert[2]], vtable[t->vert[0]]); vect_cross (normal, ac, ab); vect_normalize (normal); } /* Find the specified rgb values in the palette table */ unsigned pal_lookup (float red, float green, float blue) { int i; /* The palette table is usually small so just do a simple linear search */ for (i = psize-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ptable[i].red == red && ptable[i].green == green && ptable[i].blue == blue) break; } if (i >= 0) return i; /* found, return the table index */ /* not found, insert the new palette into the table */ ++psize; if (psize > pmax) { /* table not big enough, resize it */ pmax = pmax + 10; ptable = realloc (ptable, pmax * sizeof(Palette)); if (ptable == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory to expand palette table.", 1); } ptable[psize-1].red = red; ptable[psize-1].green = green; ptable[psize-1].blue = blue; return (psize-1); } /* Find the specified named texture in the texture table */ unsigned texture_lookup (char *texture_name) { int i; /* The texture table is usually small so just do a simple linear search */ for (i = tsize-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (strcmp (ttable[i], texture_name) == 0) break; } if (i >= 0) return i; /* found, return the table index */ /* not found, insert the new texture into the table */ ++tsize; if (tsize > tmax) { /* table not big enough, resize it */ tmax = tmax + 10; ttable = realloc (ttable, tmax * sizeof(Texture)); if (ttable == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory to expand palette table.", 1); } ttable[tsize-1] = malloc (strlen(texture_name) + 1); if (ttable[tsize-1] == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for texture name.", 1); strcpy (ttable[tsize-1], texture_name); return (tsize-1); } /* Find the specified vertex in the vertex table */ unsigned vert_lookup (float x, float y, float z) { VertList *p, *new_node; unsigned hash; /* Vertex table is usually very large, use hash lookup */ hash = (unsigned)((int)(326.4*x) ^ (int)(694.7*y) ^ (int)(1423.6*z)) % HASHSIZE; for (p = vert_hash[hash]; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (vtable[p->vert][0] == x && vtable[p->vert][1] == y && vtable[p->vert][2] == z) break; } if (p != NULL) return (p->vert); /* found, return the table index */ /* not found, insert the new vertex into the table */ ++vsize; if (vsize > vmax) { /* table not big enough, expand it */ vmax = vmax + 100; vtable = realloc (vtable, vmax * sizeof(Vector)); if (vtable == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for vertices.\n", 1); } vect_init (vtable[vsize-1], x, y, z); new_node = malloc (sizeof(VertList)); if (new_node == NULL) abortmsg ("Insufficient memory for hash table.", 1); new_node->vert = vsize-1; new_node->next = vert_hash[hash]; vert_hash[hash] = new_node; return (vsize-1); } /* Checks if triangle is degenerate (zero area) */ int degen_tri (float ax, float ay, float az, float bx, float by, float bz, float cx, float cy, float cz) { Vector ab, ac, norm; double mag, fact; fact = pow (10.0, dec_point); /* Round the coords off to the output precision before checking */ ax = floor((ax*fact) + 0.5)/fact; ay = floor((ay*fact) + 0.5)/fact; az = floor((az*fact) + 0.5)/fact; bx = floor((bx*fact) + 0.5)/fact; by = floor((by*fact) + 0.5)/fact; bz = floor((bz*fact) + 0.5)/fact; cx = floor((cx*fact) + 0.5)/fact; cy = floor((cy*fact) + 0.5)/fact; cz = floor((cz*fact) + 0.5)/fact; vect_init (ab, ax-bx, ay-by, az-bz); vect_init (ac, ax-cx, ay-cy, az-cz); vect_cross (norm, ab, ac); mag = vect_mag(norm); return (mag < DEGEN_TOL); } void abortmsg (char *msg, int exit_code) { printf ("\n%s\n", msg); exit (exit_code); } float fltmin (float a, float b) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; } float fltmax (float a, float b) { if (a > b) return a; else return b; } void add_ext (char *fname, char *ext, int force) { int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(fname); i++) if (fname[i] == '.') break; if (fname[i] == '\0' || force) { if (strlen(ext) > 0) fname[i++] = '.'; strcpy (&fname[i], ext); } } void cleanup_name (char *name) { char *tmp = malloc (strlen(name)+1); int i; /* Remove any leading blanks or quotes */ i = 0; while ((name[i] == ' ' || name[i] == '"') && name[i] != '\0') i++; strcpy (tmp, &name[i]); /* Remove any trailing blanks or quotes */ for (i = strlen(tmp)-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isprint(tmp[i]) && !isspace(tmp[i]) && tmp[i] != '"') break; else tmp[i] = '\0'; } strcpy (name, tmp); /* Prefix the letter 'N' to materials that begin with a digit */ if (!isdigit (name[0])) strcpy (tmp, name); else { tmp[0] = 'N'; strcpy (&tmp[1], name); } /* Replace all illegal charaters in name with underscores */ for (i = 0; tmp[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (!isalnum(tmp[i])) tmp[i] = '_'; } strcpy (name, tmp); free (tmp); }