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Revision: 1.2
Committed: Wed Jun 22 15:33:42 1994 UTC (29 years, 10 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +32 -19 lines
Log Message:
various enhancements and fixes

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1994 Regents of the University of California */
3 /* SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" */
5 /*
6 * Header file for MGF interpreter
7 */
9 /* must include stdio.h before us */
11 /* Entities (order doesn't really matter) */
12 #define MG_E_COMMENT 0
13 #define MG_E_COLOR 1
14 #define MG_E_CONE 2
15 #define MG_E_CXY 3
16 #define MG_E_CYL 4
17 #define MG_E_ED 5
18 #define MG_E_FACE 6
19 #define MG_E_INCLUDE 7
20 #define MG_E_IES 8
21 #define MG_E_MATERIAL 9
22 #define MG_E_NORMAL 10
23 #define MG_E_OBJECT 11
24 #define MG_E_POINT 12
25 #define MG_E_RD 13
26 #define MG_E_RING 14
27 #define MG_E_RS 15
28 #define MG_E_SPH 16
29 #define MG_E_TD 17
30 #define MG_E_TORUS 18
31 #define MG_E_TS 19
32 #define MG_E_VERTEX 20
33 #define MG_E_XF 21
35 #define MG_NENTITIES 22
37 #define MG_NAMELIST {"#","c","cone","cxy","cyl","ed","f","i","ies",\
38 "m","n","o","p","rd","ring","rs","sph","td","torus","ts","v","xf"}
40 #define MG_MAXELEN 6
42 extern char mg_ename[MG_NENTITIES][MG_MAXELEN];
44 /* Handler routines for each entity */
46 #ifdef NOPROTO
47 extern int (*mg_ehand[MG_NENTITIES])();
48 #else
49 extern int (*mg_ehand[MG_NENTITIES])(int argc, char **argv);
50 #endif
52 /* Error codes */
53 #define MG_OK 0 /* normal return value */
54 #define MG_EUNK 1 /* unknown entity */
55 #define MG_EARGC 2 /* wrong number of arguments */
56 #define MG_ETYPE 3 /* argument type error */
57 #define MG_EILL 4 /* illegal argument value */
58 #define MG_EUNDEF 5 /* undefined reference */
59 #define MG_ENOFILE 6 /* cannot open input file */
60 #define MG_EINCL 7 /* error in included file */
61 #define MG_EMEM 8 /* out of memory */
62 #define MG_ESEEK 9 /* file seek error */
63 #define MG_EBADMAT 10 /* bad material specification */
65 #define MG_NERRS 11
67 extern char *mg_err[MG_NERRS];
69 /*
70 * The general process for running the parser is to fill in the mg_ehand
71 * array with handlers for each entity you know how to handle.
72 * Then, call mg_init to fill in the rest. This function will report
73 * an error and quit if you try to support an inconsistent set of entities.
74 * For each file you want to parse, call mg_load with the file name.
75 * To read from standard input, use NULL as the file name.
76 * For additional control over error reporting and file management,
77 * use mg_open, mg_read, mg_parse and mg_close instead of mg_load.
78 * To free any data structures and clear the parser, use mg_clear.
79 * If there is an error, mg_load, mg_open, mg_parse, and mg_rewind
80 * will return an error from the list above. In addition, mg_load
81 * will report the error to stderr. The mg_read routine returns 0
82 * when the end of file has been reached.
83 */
85 #define MG_MAXLINE 512 /* maximum input line length */
86 #define MG_MAXARGC (MG_MAXLINE/4) /* maximum argument count */
88 typedef struct mg_fctxt {
89 char *fname; /* file name */
90 FILE *fp; /* stream pointer */
91 char inpline[MG_MAXLINE]; /* input line */
92 int lineno; /* line number */
93 struct mg_fctxt *prev; /* previous context */
94 } MG_FCTXT;
96 extern MG_FCTXT *mg_file; /* current file context */
98 #ifdef NOPROTO
99 extern void mg_init(); /* fill in mg_ehand array */
100 extern int mg_load(); /* parse a file */
101 extern int mg_open(); /* open new input file */
102 extern int mg_read(); /* read next line */
103 extern int mg_parse(); /* parse current line */
104 extern int mg_rewind(); /* rewind input file */
105 extern void mg_close(); /* close input file */
106 extern void mg_clear(); /* clear parser */
107 extern int mg_iterate();
108 #else
109 extern void mg_init(void); /* fill in mg_ehand array */
110 extern int mg_load(char *); /* parse a file */
111 extern int mg_open(MG_FCTXT *, char *); /* open new input file */
112 extern int mg_read(void); /* read next line */
113 extern int mg_parse(void); /* parse current line */
114 extern int mg_rewind(void); /* rewind input file */
115 extern void mg_close(void); /* close input file */
116 extern void mg_clear(void); /* clear parser */
117 extern int mg_iterate(int, char **, int (*)(void));
118 #endif
120 #ifndef MG_NQCD
121 #define MG_NQCD 5 /* default number of divisions */
122 #endif
124 extern int mg_nqcdivs; /* divisions per quarter circle */
126 /*
127 * The following library routines are included for your convenience:
128 */
130 #ifdef NOPROTO
131 extern int mg_entity(); /* get entity number from its name */
132 extern int isint(); /* non-zero if integer format */
133 extern int isflt(); /* non-zero if floating point format */
134 #else
135 extern int mg_entity(char *); /* get entity number from its name */
136 extern int isint(char *); /* non-zero if integer format */
137 extern int isflt(char *); /* non-zero if floating point format */
138 #endif
140 /************************************************************************
141 * Definitions for 3-d vector manipulation functions
142 */
144 #ifdef SMLFLT
145 #define FLOAT float
146 #else
147 #define FLOAT double
148 #endif
150 typedef FLOAT FVECT[3];
152 #ifdef NOPROTO
153 extern double normalize(); /* normalize a vector */
154 #else
155 extern double normalize(FVECT); /* normalize a vector */
156 #endif
158 /************************************************************************
159 * Definitions for context handling routines
160 * (materials, colors, vectors)
161 */
163 typedef struct {
164 float cx, cy; /* XY chromaticity coordinates */
165 } C_COLOR; /* color context */
167 typedef struct {
168 char *name; /* material name */
169 int clock; /* incremented each change -- resettable */
170 float rd; /* diffuse reflectance */
171 C_COLOR rd_c; /* diffuse reflectance color */
172 float td; /* diffuse transmittance */
173 C_COLOR td_c; /* diffuse transmittance color */
174 float ed; /* diffuse emittance */
175 C_COLOR ed_c; /* diffuse emittance color */
176 float rs; /* specular reflectance */
177 C_COLOR rs_c; /* specular reflectance color */
178 float rs_a; /* specular reflectance roughness */
179 float ts; /* specular transmittance */
180 C_COLOR ts_c; /* specular transmittance color */
181 float ts_a; /* specular transmittance roughness */
182 } C_MATERIAL; /* material context */
184 typedef struct {
185 FVECT p, n; /* point and normal */
186 } C_VERTEX; /* vertex context */
188 #define C_DEFCOLOR {.333,.333}
190 0.,C_DEFCOLOR,0.,0.,C_DEFCOLOR,0.}
191 #define C_DEFVERTEX {{0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.}}
193 extern C_COLOR *c_ccolor; /* the current color */
194 extern C_MATERIAL *c_cmaterial; /* the current material */
195 extern C_VERTEX *c_cvertex; /* the current vertex */
197 #ifdef NOPROTO
198 extern int c_hcolor(); /* handle color entity */
199 extern int c_hmaterial(); /* handle material entity */
200 extern int c_hvertex(); /* handle vertex entity */
201 extern void c_clearall(); /* clear context tables */
202 extern C_VERTEX *c_getvert(); /* get a named vertex */
203 #else
204 extern int c_hcolor(int, char **); /* handle color entity */
205 extern int c_hmaterial(int, char **); /* handle material entity */
206 extern int c_hvertex(int, char **); /* handle vertex entity */
207 extern void c_clearall(void); /* clear context tables */
208 extern C_VERTEX *c_getvert(char *); /* get a named vertex */
209 #endif
211 /*************************************************************************
212 * Definitions for hierarchical object name handler
213 */
215 extern int obj_nnames; /* depth of name hierarchy */
216 extern char **obj_name; /* names in hierarchy */
218 #ifdef NOPROTO
219 extern int obj_handler(); /* handle an object entity */
220 extern void obj_clear(); /* clear object stack */
221 #else
222 extern int obj_handler(int, char **); /* handle an object entity */
223 extern void obj_clear(void); /* clear object stack */
224 #endif
226 /**************************************************************************
227 * Definitions for hierarchical transformation handler
228 */
230 typedef FLOAT MAT4[4][4];
232 #ifdef BSD
233 #define copymat4(m4a,m4b) bcopy((char *)m4b,(char *)m4a,sizeof(MAT4))
234 #else
235 #define copymat4(m4a,m4b) (void)memcpy((char *)m4a,(char *)m4b,sizeof(MAT4))
236 extern char *memcpy();
237 #endif
239 #define MAT4IDENT { {1.,0.,0.,0.}, {0.,1.,0.,0.}, \
240 {0.,0.,1.,0.}, {0.,0.,0.,1.} }
242 extern MAT4 m4ident;
244 #define setident4(m4) copymat4(m4, m4ident)
246 /* regular transformation */
247 typedef struct {
248 MAT4 xfm; /* transform matrix */
249 FLOAT sca; /* scalefactor */
250 } XF;
252 #define identxf(xp) (void)(setident4((xp)->xfm),(xp)->sca=1.0)
254 typedef struct xf_spec {
255 short xac; /* transform argument count */
256 short xav0; /* zeroeth argument in xf_argv array */
257 XF xf; /* cumulative transformation */
258 struct xf_spec *prev; /* previous transformation context */
259 } XF_SPEC;
261 extern int xf_argc; /* total # transform args. */
262 extern char **xf_argv; /* transform arguments */
263 extern XF_SPEC *xf_context; /* current context */
265 /*
266 * The transformation handler should do most of the work that needs
267 * doing. Just pass it any xf entities, then use the associated
268 * functions to transform and translate points, transform vectors
269 * (without translation), rotate vectors (without scaling) and scale
270 * values appropriately.
271 *
272 * The routines xf_xfmpoint, xf_xfmvect and xf_rotvect take two
273 * 3-D vectors (which may be identical), transforms the second and
274 * puts the result into the first.
275 */
277 #ifdef NOPROTO
279 extern int xf_handler(); /* handle xf entity */
280 extern void xf_xfmpoint(); /* transform point */
281 extern void xf_xfmvect(); /* transform vector */
282 extern void xf_rotvect(); /* rotate vector */
283 extern double xf_scale(); /* scale a value */
284 extern void xf_clear(); /* clear xf stack */
286 /* The following are support routines you probably won't call directly */
288 extern void multmat4(); /* m4a = m4b X m4c */
289 extern void multv3(); /* v3a = v3b X m4 (vectors) */
290 extern void multp3(); /* p3a = p3b X m4 (points) */
291 extern int xf(); /* interpret transform spec. */
293 #else
295 extern int xf_handler(int, char **); /* handle xf entity */
296 extern void xf_xfmpoint(FVECT, FVECT); /* transform point */
297 extern void xf_xfmvect(FVECT, FVECT); /* transform vector */
298 extern void xf_rotvect(FVECT, FVECT); /* rotate vector */
299 extern double xf_scale(double); /* scale a value */
300 extern void xf_clear(void); /* clear xf stack */
302 /* The following are support routines you probably won't call directly */
304 extern void multmat4(MAT4, MAT4, MAT4); /* m4a = m4b X m4c */
305 extern void multv3(FVECT, FVECT, MAT4); /* v3a = v3b X m4 (vectors) */
306 extern void multp3(FVECT, FVECT, MAT4); /* p3a = p3b X m4 (points) */
307 extern int xf(XF, int, char **); /* interpret transform spec. */
309 #endif
311 /************************************************************************
312 * Miscellaneous definitions
313 */
315 #ifdef M_PI
316 #define PI M_PI
317 #else
318 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846
319 #endif
321 #ifdef DCL_ATOF
322 extern double atof();
323 #endif
325 #ifndef MEM_PTR
326 #define MEM_PTR void *
327 #endif
329 extern MEM_PTR malloc();
330 extern MEM_PTR calloc();
331 extern MEM_PTR realloc();