/* Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Convert MGF to Inventor file. * * December 1995 Greg Ward */ #include #include #include #include "parser.h" #include "lookup.h" #define O_INV1 1 /* Inventor 1.0 output */ #define O_INV2 2 /* Inventor 2.0 output */ #define O_VRML 3 /* VRML output */ #define MAXID 48 /* maximum identifier length */ #define VERTFMT "%+16.9e %+16.9e %+16.9e\n%+6.3f %+6.3f %+6.3f" #define VZVECT "+0.000 +0.000 +0.000" #define VFSEPPOS 50 /* position of newline in above */ #define VFLEN 72 /* total vertex string length */ #define MAXVERT 10240 /* maximum cached vertices */ #define setvkey(k,v) sprintf(k,VERTFMT,(v)->p[0],(v)->p[1],(v)->p[2],\ (v)->n[0],(v)->n[1],(v)->n[2]); char vlist[MAXVERT][VFLEN]; /* our vertex cache */ int nverts; /* current cache size */ LUTAB vert_tab = LU_SINIT(NULL,NULL); struct face { struct face *next; /* next face in list */ short nv; /* number of vertices */ short vl[3]; /* vertex index list (variable) */ } *flist, *flast; /* our face cache */ #define newface(n) (struct face *)malloc(sizeof(struct face) + \ ((n) > 3 ? (n)-3 : 0)*sizeof(short)) #define freeface(f) free((MEM_PTR)f) #define TABSTOP 8 /* assumed number of characters per tab */ #define SHIFTW 2 /* nesting shift width */ #define MAXIND 15 /* maximum indent level */ char tabs[MAXIND*SHIFTW+1]; /* current tab-in string */ #define curmatname (c_cmname == NULL ? "mat" : to_id(c_cmname)) int outtype = O_INV2; /* output format */ extern int i_comment(), i_object(), i_xf(), i_cyl(), i_face(), i_sph(); extern char *to_id(); main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; /* initialize dispatch table */ mg_ehand[MG_E_COMMENT] = i_comment; /* we pass comments */ mg_ehand[MG_E_COLOR] = c_hcolor; /* they get color */ mg_ehand[MG_E_CMIX] = c_hcolor; /* they mix colors */ mg_ehand[MG_E_CSPEC] = c_hcolor; /* they get spectra */ mg_ehand[MG_E_CXY] = c_hcolor; /* they get chromaticities */ mg_ehand[MG_E_CCT] = c_hcolor; /* they get color temp's */ mg_ehand[MG_E_CYL] = i_cyl; /* we do cylinders */ mg_ehand[MG_E_ED] = c_hmaterial; /* they get emission */ mg_ehand[MG_E_FACE] = i_face; /* we do faces */ mg_ehand[MG_E_MATERIAL] = c_hmaterial; /* they get materials */ mg_ehand[MG_E_NORMAL] = c_hvertex; /* they get normals */ mg_ehand[MG_E_OBJECT] = i_object; /* we track object names */ mg_ehand[MG_E_POINT] = c_hvertex; /* they get points */ mg_ehand[MG_E_RD] = c_hmaterial; /* they get diffuse refl. */ mg_ehand[MG_E_RS] = c_hmaterial; /* they get specular refl. */ mg_ehand[MG_E_SIDES] = c_hmaterial; /* they get # sides */ mg_ehand[MG_E_SPH] = i_sph; /* we do spheres */ mg_ehand[MG_E_TD] = c_hmaterial; /* they get diffuse trans. */ mg_ehand[MG_E_TS] = c_hmaterial; /* they get specular trans. */ mg_ehand[MG_E_VERTEX] = c_hvertex; /* they get vertices */ mg_ehand[MG_E_XF] = i_xf; /* we track transforms */ mg_init(); /* initialize the parser */ /* get options and print format line */ for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vrml")) outtype = O_VRML; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-1")) outtype = O_INV1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-2")) outtype = O_INV2; else goto userr; switch (outtype) { case O_INV1: printf("#Inventor V1.0 ascii\n"); break; case O_INV2: printf("#Inventor V2.0 ascii\n"); break; case O_VRML: printf("#VRML 1.0 ascii\n"); break; } printf("## Translated from MGF Version %d.%d\n", MG_VMAJOR, MG_VMINOR); printf("Separator {\n"); /* begin root node */ /* general properties */ printf("MaterialBinding { value OVERALL }\n"); printf("NormalBinding { value PER_VERTEX_INDEXED }\n"); if (outtype != O_INV1) { printf("ShapeHints {\n"); printf("\tvertexOrdering CLOCKWISE\n"); printf("\tfaceType UNKNOWN_FACE_TYPE\n"); printf("}\n"); } if (i == argc) { /* load standard input */ if (mg_load(NULL) != MG_OK) exit(1); if (mg_nunknown) printf("## %s: %u unknown entities\n", argv[0], mg_nunknown); } /* load MGF files */ for ( ; i < argc; i++) { printf("## %s %s ##############################\n", argv[0], argv[i]); mg_nunknown = 0; if (mg_load(argv[i]) != MG_OK) exit(1); if (mg_nunknown) printf("## %s %s: %u unknown entities\n", argv[0], argv[i], mg_nunknown); } flush_cache(); /* flush face cache, just in case */ printf("}\n"); /* close root node */ exit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "%s: [-1|-2|-vrml] [file] ..\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } indent(deeper) /* indent in or out */ int deeper; { static int level; /* current nesting level */ register int i; register char *cp; if (deeper) level++; /* in or out? */ else if (level > 0) level--; /* compute actual shift */ if ((i = level) > MAXIND) i = MAXIND; cp = tabs; for (i *= SHIFTW; i >= TABSTOP; i -= TABSTOP) *cp++ = '\t'; while (i--) *cp++ = ' '; *cp = '\0'; } int i_comment(ac, av) /* transfer comment as is */ int ac; char **av; { fputs(tabs, stdout); putchar('#'); /* Inventor comment character */ while (--ac > 0) { putchar(' '); fputs(*++av, stdout); } putchar('\n'); return(MG_OK); } int i_object(ac, av) /* group object name */ int ac; char **av; { static int objnest; flush_cache(); /* flush cached objects */ if (ac == 2) { /* start group */ printf("%sDEF %s Group {\n", tabs, to_id(av[1])); indent(1); objnest++; return(MG_OK); } if (ac == 1) { /* end group */ if (--objnest < 0) return(MG_ECNTXT); indent(0); fputs(tabs, stdout); fputs("}\n", stdout); return(MG_OK); } return(MG_EARGC); } int i_xf(ac, av) /* transform object(s) */ int ac; char **av; { static long xfid; register XF_SPEC *spec; flush_cache(); /* flush cached objects */ if (ac == 1) { /* end of transform */ if ((spec = xf_context) == NULL) return(MG_ECNTXT); indent(0); /* close original segment */ printf("%s}\n", tabs); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); if (spec->xarr != NULL) { /* check for iteration */ register struct xf_array *ap = spec->xarr; register int n; ap->aarg[ap->ndim-1].i = 1; /* iterate array */ for ( ; ; ) { n = ap->ndim-1; while (ap->aarg[n].i < ap->aarg[n].n) { sprintf(ap->aarg[n].arg, "%d", ap->aarg[n].i); printf("%sSeparator {\n", tabs); indent(1); (void)put_xform(spec); printf("%sUSE _xf%ld\n", tabs, spec->xid); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); ++ap->aarg[n].i; } ap->aarg[n].i = 0; (void)strcpy(ap->aarg[n].arg, "0"); while (n-- && ++ap->aarg[n].i >= ap->aarg[n].n) { ap->aarg[n].i = 0; (void)strcpy(ap->aarg[n].arg, "0"); } if (n < 0) break; sprintf(ap->aarg[n].arg, "%d", ap->aarg[n].i); } } /* pop transform */ xf_context = spec->prev; free_xf(spec); return(MG_OK); } /* else allocate new transform */ if ((spec = new_xf(ac-1, av+1)) == NULL) return(MG_EMEM); spec->xid = ++xfid; /* assign unique ID */ spec->prev = xf_context; /* push onto stack */ xf_context = spec; /* translate xf specification */ printf("%sSeparator {\n", tabs); indent(1); if (put_xform(spec) < 0) return(MG_ETYPE); printf("%sDEF _xf%ld Group {\n", tabs, spec->xid); /* begin */ indent(1); return(MG_OK); } int put_xform(spec) /* translate and print transform */ register XF_SPEC *spec; { register char **av; register int n; n = xf_ac(spec) - xf_ac(spec->prev); if (xf(&spec->xf, n, av=xf_av(spec)) != n) return(-1); printf("%sMatrixTransform {\n", tabs); indent(1); printf("%s# xf", tabs); /* put out original as comment */ while (n--) { putchar(' '); fputs(*av++, stdout); } putchar('\n'); /* put out computed matrix */ printf("%smatrix %13.9g %13.9g %13.9g %13.9g\n", tabs, spec->xf.xfm[0][0], spec->xf.xfm[0][1], spec->xf.xfm[0][2], spec->xf.xfm[0][3]); for (n = 1; n < 4; n++) printf("%s %13.9g %13.9g %13.9g %13.9g\n", tabs, spec->xf.xfm[n][0], spec->xf.xfm[n][1], spec->xf.xfm[n][2], spec->xf.xfm[n][3]); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); return(0); } int put_material() /* put out current material */ { char *mname = curmatname; float rgbval[3]; if (!c_cmaterial->clock) { /* current, just use it */ printf("%sUSE %s\n", tabs, mname); return(0); } /* else update definition */ printf("%sDEF %s Group {\n", tabs, mname); indent(1); printf("%sMaterial {\n", tabs); indent(1); mgf2rgb(&c_cmaterial->rd_c, c_cmaterial->rd, rgbval); printf("%sambientColor %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", tabs, rgbval[0], rgbval[1], rgbval[2]); printf("%sdiffuseColor %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", tabs, rgbval[0], rgbval[1], rgbval[2]); if (c_cmaterial->rs > FTINY) { mgf2rgb(&c_cmaterial->rs_c, c_cmaterial->rs, rgbval); printf("%sspecularColor %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", tabs, rgbval[0], rgbval[1], rgbval[2]); printf("%sshininess %.3f\n", tabs, 1.-c_cmaterial->rs_a); } if (c_cmaterial->ed > FTINY) { mgf2rgb(&c_cmaterial->ed_c, 1.0, rgbval); printf("%semissiveColor %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", tabs, rgbval[0], rgbval[1], rgbval[2]); } if (c_cmaterial->ts > FTINY) printf("%stransparency %.4f\n", tabs, c_cmaterial->ts + c_cmaterial->td); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); if (outtype != O_INV1) printf("%sShapeHints { shapeType %s }\n", tabs, c_cmaterial->sided ? "SOLID" : "UNKNOWN_SHAPE_TYPE"); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); c_cmaterial->clock = 0; return(0); } int i_face(ac, av) /* translate an N-sided face */ int ac; char **av; { static char lastmat[MAXID]; struct face *newf; register C_VERTEX *vp; register LUENT *lp; register int i; if (ac < 4) return(MG_EARGC); if ( strcmp(lastmat, curmatname) || c_cmaterial->clock || nverts == 0 || nverts+ac-1 >= MAXVERT) { flush_cache(); /* new cache */ lu_init(&vert_tab, MAXVERT); printf("%sSeparator {\n", tabs); indent(1); if (put_material() < 0) /* put out material */ return(MG_EBADMAT); (void)strcpy(lastmat, curmatname); } /* allocate new face */ if ((newf = newface(ac-1)) == NULL) return(MG_EMEM); newf->nv = ac-1; /* get vertex references */ for (i = 0; i < newf->nv; i++) { if ((vp = c_getvert(av[i+1])) == NULL) return(MG_EUNDEF); setvkey(vlist[nverts], vp); lp = lu_find(&vert_tab, vlist[nverts]); if (lp == NULL) return(MG_EMEM); if (lp->key == NULL) lp->key = (char *)vlist[nverts++]; newf->vl[i] = ((char (*)[VFLEN])lp->key - vlist); } /* add to face list */ newf->next = NULL; if (flist == NULL) flist = newf; else flast->next = newf; flast = newf; return(MG_OK); /* we'll actually put it out later */ } int i_sph(ac, av) /* translate sphere description */ int ac; char **av; { register C_VERTEX *cent; if (ac != 3) return(MG_EARGC); flush_cache(); /* flush vertex cache */ printf("%sSeparator {\n", tabs); indent(1); /* put out current material */ if (put_material() < 0) return(MG_EBADMAT); /* get center */ if ((cent = c_getvert(av[1])) == NULL) return(MG_EUNDEF); /* get radius */ if (!isflt(av[2])) return(MG_ETYPE); printf("%sTranslation { translation %13.9g %13.9g %13.9g }\n", tabs, cent->p[0], cent->p[1], cent->p[2]); printf("%sSphere { radius %s }\n", tabs, av[2]); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); return(MG_OK); } int i_cyl(ac, av) /* translate a cylinder description */ int ac; char **av; { register C_VERTEX *v1, *v2; FVECT va; double length, angle; if (ac != 4) return(MG_EARGC); flush_cache(); /* flush vertex cache */ printf("%sSeparator {\n", tabs); indent(1); /* put out current material */ if (put_material() < 0) return(MG_EBADMAT); /* get endpoints */ if ((v1 = c_getvert(av[1])) == NULL | (v2 = c_getvert(av[3])) == NULL) return(MG_EUNDEF); /* get radius */ if (!isflt(av[2])) return(MG_ETYPE); /* compute transform */ va[0] = v2->p[0] - v1->p[0]; va[1] = v2->p[1] - v1->p[1]; va[2] = v2->p[2] - v1->p[2]; length = sqrt(DOT(va,va)); angle = acos(va[1]/length); printf("%sTranslation { translation %13.9g %13.9g %13.9g }\n", tabs, .5*(v1->p[0]+v2->p[0]), .5*(v1->p[1]+v2->p[1]), .5*(v1->p[2]+v2->p[2])); printf("%sRotation { rotation %.9g %.9g %.9g %.9g }\n", tabs, va[2], 0., -va[0], angle); /* open-ended */ printf("%sCylinder { parts SIDES height %13.9g radius %s }\n", tabs, length, av[2]); indent(0); printf("%s}\n", tabs); return(MG_OK); } char * to_id(name) /* make sure a name is a valid Inventor ID */ register char *name; { static char id[MAXID]; register char *cp; for (cp = id; *name && cp < MAXID-1+id; name++) if (isalnum(*name) || *name == '_') *cp++ = *name; else *cp++ = '_'; *cp = '\0'; return(id); } flush_cache() /* put out cached faces */ { int donorms = 0; register struct face *f; register int i; if (nverts == 0) return; /* put out coordinates */ printf("%sCoordinate3 {\n", tabs); indent(1); vlist[0][VFSEPPOS] = '\0'; printf("%spoint [ %s", tabs, vlist[0]); for (i = 1; i < nverts; i++) { vlist[i][VFSEPPOS] = '\0'; printf(",\n%s %s", tabs, vlist[i]); if (strcmp(VFSEPPOS+1+vlist[i], VZVECT)) donorms++; } indent(0); printf(" ]\n%s}\n", tabs); if (donorms) { /* put out normals */ printf("%sNormal {\n", tabs); indent(1); printf("%svector [ %s", tabs, VFSEPPOS+1+vlist[0]); for (i = 1; i < nverts; i++) printf(",\n%s %s", tabs, VFSEPPOS+1+vlist[i]); indent(0); printf(" ]\n%s}\n", tabs); } /* put out faces */ printf("%sIndexedFaceSet {\n", tabs); indent(1); f = flist; /* coordinate indices */ printf("%scoordIndex [ %d", tabs, f->vl[0]); for (i = 1; i < f->nv; i++) printf(", %d", f->vl[i]); for (f = f->next; f != NULL; f = f->next) { printf(", -1,\n%s %d", tabs, f->vl[0]); for (i = 1; i < f->nv; i++) printf(", %d", f->vl[i]); } printf(" ]\n"); if (donorms) { f = flist; /* normal indices */ printf("%snormalIndex [ %d", tabs, f->vl[0]); for (i = 1; i < f->nv; i++) printf(", %d", f->vl[i]); for (f = f->next; f != NULL; f = f->next) { printf(", -1,\n%s %d", tabs, f->vl[0]); for (i = 1; i < f->nv; i++) printf(", %d", f->vl[i]); } printf(" ]\n"); } indent(0); /* close IndexedFaceSet */ printf("%s}\n", tabs); indent(0); /* close face group */ printf("%s}\n", tabs); while ((f = flist) != NULL) { /* free face list */ flist = f->next; freeface(f); } lu_done(&vert_tab); /* clear lookup table */ nverts = 0; }