#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: 3ds2mgf.c,v 1.7 2003/11/15 17:54:06 schorsch Exp $"; #endif /* 3DS2POV.C Copyright (c) 1996 Steve Anger and Jeff Bowermaster MGF output added by Greg Ward Reads a 3D Studio .3DS file and writes a POV-Ray, Vivid, Polyray, MGF or raw scene file. Version 2.0 Written Feb/96 Compiled with MSDOS GNU C++ 2.4.1 or generic ANSI-C compiler */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "vect.h" #include "rayopt.h" #ifdef __TURBOC__ #include extern unsigned _stklen = 16384; #endif #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 /* Internal bounding modes */ #define OFF 0 #define ON 1 #define AUTO 2 #define MAX_LIB 10 #define ASPECT 1.333 /* Output formats */ #define POV10 0 #define POV20 1 #define VIVID 2 #define POLYRAY 3 #define MGF 4 #define RAW 99 #define DEG(x) ((double)(180.0/M_PI)*(x)) #define RAD(x) ((double)(M_PI/180.0)*(x)) #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI (3.14159265358979323846) #endif #ifndef MAXFLOAT #define MAXFLOAT (1e37) #endif /* RGB chromaticity definitions for MGF */ #define CIE_x_r 0.640 #define CIE_y_r 0.330 #define CIE_x_g 0.290 #define CIE_y_g 0.600 #define CIE_x_b 0.150 #define CIE_y_b 0.060 /* computed luminances from above */ #define CIE_Y_r 0.265 #define CIE_Y_g 0.670 #define CIE_Y_b 0.065 /* A generic list type */ #define LIST_INSERT(root, node) list_insert ((List **)&root, (List *)node) #define LIST_FIND(root, name) list_find ((List **)&root, name) #define LIST_DELETE(root, node) list_delete ((List **)&root, (List *)node) #define LIST_KILL(root) list_kill ((List **)&root) #define LIST_FIELDS \ char name[80]; \ void *next; typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short word; typedef unsigned long dword; typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS } List; typedef struct { int a, b, c; } Face; typedef struct { float red, green, blue; } Colour; /* Transformation command */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS Matrix matrix; } Transform; /* Morph command */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS int count; /* Number of objects in morph */ char names[4][80]; /* Name of n'th object in average */ float weight[4]; /* Weight applied to n'th object */ Matrix matrix; } Morph; /* Omni light command */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS Vector pos; /* Light position */ Colour col; /* Light colour */ } OmniLight; /* Spotlight command */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS Vector pos; /* Spotlight position */ Vector target; /* Spotlight target location */ Colour col; /* Spotlight colour */ float hotspot; /* Hotspot angle (degrees) */ float falloff; /* Falloff angle (degrees) */ int shadow_flag; /* Shadow flag (not used) */ } Spotlight; /* Camera command */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS Vector pos; /* Camera location */ Vector target; /* Camera target */ float bank; /* Banking angle (degrees) */ float lens; /* Camera lens size (mm) */ } Camera; /* Material list */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS int external; /* Externally defined material? */ } Material; /* Object summary */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS Vector center; /* Min value of object extents */ Vector lengths; /* Max value of object extents */ } Summary; /* Material property */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS Colour ambient; Colour diffuse; Colour specular; float shininess; float transparency; float reflection; int self_illum; int two_side; char tex_map[40]; float tex_strength; char bump_map[40]; float bump_strength; } MatProp; /* Default material property */ MatProp DefaultMaterial = { "Default", NULL, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, 70.0, 0.0, 0.0, FALSE, FALSE }; /* A mesh object */ typedef struct { LIST_FIELDS int vertices; /* Number of vertices */ Vector *vertex; /* List of object vertices */ int faces; /* Number of faces */ Face *face; /* List of object faces */ Material **mtl; /* Materials for each face */ Matrix matrix; /* Local mesh matrix */ Matrix invmatrix; Vector center; /* Center of object */ Vector lengths; /* Dimensions of object */ int hidden; /* Hidden flag */ int shadow; /* Shadow flag */ } Mesh; typedef struct { dword start; dword end; dword length; word tag; } Chunk; typedef struct { byte red; byte green; byte blue; } Colour_24; Colour Black = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; OmniLight *omni_list = NULL; Spotlight *spot_list = NULL; Camera *cam_list = NULL; Mesh *mesh_list = NULL; Transform *trans_list = NULL; Morph *morph_list = NULL; Material *mtl_list = NULL; List *excl_list = NULL; List *box_list = NULL; MatProp *mprop_list = NULL; Summary *summary = NULL; FILE *in; FILE *out; char inname[80]; char outname[80]; char vuename[80]; char obj_name[80] = ""; Colour fog_colour = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; Colour col = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; Colour global_amb = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}; Vector pos = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; Vector target = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float fog_distance = 0.0; float hotspot = -1; float falloff = -1; Mesh *mesh = NULL; int frame = -1; char libname[MAX_LIB][80]; float smooth = 60.0; int bound = 0; int verbose = 0; int format = POV20; int internal_bounding = AUTO; int box_all = FALSE; int cameras = 0; int libs = 0; float vue_version = 1.0; Matrix *ani_matrix = NULL; int no_opt = FALSE; FILE *meshf = NULL; void process_args (int argc, char *argv[]); void parse_option (char *option); void list_insert (List **root, List *new_node); void *list_find (List **root, char *name); void list_delete (List **root, List *node); void list_kill (List **root); Material *update_materials (char *new_material, int ext); MatProp *create_mprop (void); void read_library (char *fname); void write_intro (FILE *f); void write_summary (FILE *f); void write_bgsolid (FILE *f, Colour col); void write_light (FILE *f, char *name, Vector pos, Colour col); void write_spot (FILE *f, char *name, Vector pos, Vector target, Colour col, float hotspot, float falloff); void write_fog (FILE *f, Colour col, float dist); void write_camera (FILE *f, char *name, Vector pos, Vector target, float lens, float bank); void write_material (FILE *f, char *mat); void write_pov10_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m); void write_pov20_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m); void write_vivid_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m); void write_polyray_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m); void write_mgf_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m); void write_mesh (FILE *f, Mesh *mesh); Transform *parse_transform (char *string); Morph *parse_morph (char *string); OmniLight *parse_omnilight (char *string); Spotlight *parse_spotlight (char *string); Camera *parse_camera (char *string); void read_frame (char *filename, int frame_no); void find_frame (FILE *f, int frame_no); void save_animation (void); Mesh *create_mesh (char *name, int vertices, int faces); Mesh *copy_mesh (Mesh *mesh); void free_mesh_data (Mesh *mesh); void update_limits (Mesh *mesh); char *before (char *str, char *target); char *after (char *str, char *target); char *between (char *str, char *target1, char *target2); char *parse_string (char *str); char upcase (char c); float colour_intens (Colour *colour); void parse_file (void); void parse_3ds (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_mdata (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_fog (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_fog_bgnd (void); void parse_mat_entry (Chunk *mainchunk); char *parse_mapname (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_named_object (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_n_tri_object (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_point_array (void); void parse_face_array (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_msh_mat_group (void); void parse_smooth_group (void); void parse_mesh_matrix (void); void parse_n_direct_light (Chunk *mainchunk); void parse_dl_spotlight (void); void parse_n_camera (void); void parse_colour (Colour *colour); void parse_colour_f (Colour *colour); void parse_colour_24 (Colour_24 *colour); float parse_percentage (void); short parse_int_percentage (void); float parse_float_percentage (void); void start_chunk (Chunk *chunk); void end_chunk (Chunk *chunk); byte read_byte (void); word read_word (void); dword read_dword (void); float read_float (void); void read_point (Vector v); char *read_string (void); float findfov (float lens); int read_mgfmatname (char *s, int n, FILE *f); char *progname; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char meshfname[128]; Material *m; int i; process_args (argc, argv); if (!no_opt) { opt_set_format (format); opt_set_dec (4); opt_set_bound (bound); opt_set_smooth (smooth); opt_set_quiet (!verbose); opt_set_fname (outname, ""); } else if (format == MGF) { strcpy(meshfname, outname); add_ext(meshfname, "inc", 1); if (!strcmp(meshfname, outname)) { printf ("Output and mesh file names are identical!\n"); exit (1); } if ((meshf = fopen (meshfname, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open mesh output file %s!\n", meshfname); exit (1); } } if ((in = fopen (inname, "rb")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open input file %s!\n", inname); exit (1); } if ((out = fopen (outname, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open output file %s!\n", outname); exit (1); } /* Load the names of pre-defined materials */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIB; i++) { if (strlen(libname[i]) > 0) read_library (libname[i]); } /* Load the instructions for the current frame */ if (strlen(vuename) > 0) read_frame (vuename, frame); printf("Output to: %s\n", outname); if (frame >= 0) printf ("Generating frame #%d\n", frame); printf("\nPlease wait; Processing...\n"); write_intro(out); parse_file(); fclose(in); for (m = mtl_list; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (!m->external) write_material (out, m->name); } if (frame >= 0) save_animation(); if (!no_opt) { write_summary (out); fflush (out); opt_finish(); } else if (meshf != NULL) { fclose(meshf); fprintf (out, "i %s\n", meshfname); } fclose (out); LIST_KILL (omni_list); LIST_KILL (spot_list); LIST_KILL (cam_list); LIST_KILL (mesh_list); LIST_KILL (trans_list); LIST_KILL (morph_list); LIST_KILL (mtl_list); LIST_KILL (excl_list); LIST_KILL (box_list); LIST_KILL (mprop_list); LIST_KILL (summary); return 0; } /* Handle the command line args */ void process_args (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *env_opt, *option; printf("\n\nAutodesk 3D Studio to Raytracer file Translator. Feb/96\n"); printf("Version 2.0 Copyright (c) 1996 Steve Anger and Jeff Bowermaster\n"); #ifdef __GNUC__ printf ("32 bit version. DOS extender Copyright (c) 1991 DJ Delorie\n"); #endif printf ("\n"); if (argc < 2) { printf ("Usage: %s inputfile[.3ds] [outputfile] [options]\n\n", argv[0]); printf ("Options: -snnn - Smooth triangles with angles < nnn\n"); printf (" -l - Specifies native material library\n"); printf (" -a - Use animation information in specified file\n"); printf (" -fnnn - Generate frame nnn of animation\n"); printf (" -x - Exclude this object from conversion\n"); printf (" -b - Convert this object as a box\n"); printf (" +i, -i - Turn internal bounding on or off\n"); printf (" +v, -v - Turn verbose status messages on or off\n"); printf (" -op - Output to POV-Ray 2.0 format\n"); printf (" -op1 - Output to POV-Ray 1.0 format\n"); printf (" -ov - Output to Vivid format\n"); printf (" -ol - Output to poLyray format\n"); printf (" -om - Output to MGF\n"); printf (" -or - Output to RAW triangle format\n\n"); printf ("ex. %s birdshow +v -lmaterials.inc\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* figure default format from name */ progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (progname == NULL) progname = argv[0]; else progname++; if (!strcmp(progname, "3ds2pov")) format = POV20; else if (!strcmp(progname, "3ds2viv")) format = VIVID; else if (!strcmp(progname, "3ds2pi")) format = POLYRAY; else if (!strcmp(progname, "3ds2mgf")) format = MGF; else if (!strcmp(progname, "3ds2raw")) format = RAW; else format = POV20; /* default if program name strange */ strcpy (inname, ""); strcpy (outname, ""); strcpy (vuename, ""); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIB; i++) strcpy (libname[i], ""); frame = -1; smooth = 70.0; bound = 0; verbose = 0; internal_bounding = AUTO; box_all = FALSE; libs = 0; /* Parse the enviroment string options */ env_opt = getenv ("3DS2POV"); if (env_opt != NULL) { option = parse_string (env_opt); while (strlen(option) > 0) { parse_option (option); option = parse_string (NULL); } } /* Parse the command line options */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) parse_option (argv[i]); if (strlen(inname) == 0) abortmsg ("No input file specified", 1); if (strlen(outname) == 0) strcpy (outname, inname); switch (format) { case POV10: case POV20: add_ext (outname, "pov", 1); break; case VIVID: add_ext (outname, "v", 1); break; case POLYRAY: add_ext (outname, "pi", 1); break; case MGF: add_ext (outname, "mgf", 1); break; case RAW: add_ext (outname, "raw", 1); break; } switch (internal_bounding) { case OFF: bound = 2; break; case ON: bound = 0; break; case AUTO: bound = (format == POV10) ? 0 : 2; break; } if ((strlen(vuename) > 0) != (frame >= 0)) abortmsg ("The -a and -f parameters must be used together", 1); if (format == RAW || (format == MGF && smooth < 0.1)) no_opt = TRUE; } void parse_option (char *option) { List *excl, *box; char name[80]; if (option[0] == '-' || option[0] == '+') { switch (upcase(option[1])) { case 'A': strcpy (vuename, &option[2]); break; case 'B': strcpy (name, parse_string (&option[2])); if (strlen(name) == 0) box_all = TRUE; else { cleanup_name (name); box = malloc (sizeof (*box)); strcpy (box->name, name); LIST_INSERT (box_list, box); } break; case 'F': if (option[2] != '\0') frame = atoi (&option[2]); break; case 'I': if (option[0] == '-') internal_bounding = OFF; else internal_bounding = ON; break; case 'L': if (libs == MAX_LIB) abortmsg ("Too many libraries specified", 1); strcpy (libname[libs++], &option[2]); break; case 'O': switch (upcase(option[2])) { case 'P': if (option[3] == '1') format = POV10; else format = POV20; break; case 'V': format = VIVID; break; case 'L': format = POLYRAY; break; case 'R': format = RAW; break; case 'M': format = MGF; break; default: printf ("Invalid output format %s specified\n", option); exit(1); } break; case 'S': if (option[2] != '\0') smooth = atof (&option[2]); break; case 'U': printf ("Warning: -u parameter no long has any effect\n"); printf (" use +i or -i instead.\n"); break; case 'V': if (option[0] == '-') verbose = 0; else verbose = 1; break; case 'X': strcpy (name, parse_string (&option[2])); cleanup_name (name); excl = malloc (sizeof (*excl)); strcpy (excl->name, name); LIST_INSERT (excl_list, excl); break; default : printf ("\nInvalid option %s specified\n", option); exit (1); } } else if (strlen (inname) == 0) { strcpy (inname, option); add_ext (inname, "3ds", 0); } else if (strlen (outname) == 0) strcpy (outname, option); else abortmsg ("Too many file names specified.\n", 1); } /* Insert a new node into the list */ void list_insert (List **root, List *new_node) { new_node->next = *root; *root = new_node; } /* Find the node with the specified name */ void *list_find (List **root, char *name) { List *p; for (p = *root; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (strcmp (p->name, name) == 0) break; } return (void *)p; } /* Delete the indicated node from the list */ void list_delete (List **root, List *node) { List *prev; prev = *root; while (prev != NULL && prev->next != node) prev = prev->next; if (prev == NULL) *root = node->next; else prev->next = node->next; free (node); } /* Delete the entire list */ void list_kill (List **root) { List *temp; while (*root != NULL) { temp = *root; *root = (*root)->next; free (temp); } } /* Add a new material to the material list */ Material *update_materials (char *new_material, int ext) { Material *p; p = LIST_FIND (mtl_list, new_material); if (p == NULL) { p = malloc (sizeof (*p)); if (p == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory adding material", 1); strcpy (p->name, new_material); p->external = ext; LIST_INSERT (mtl_list, p); } return p; } MatProp *create_mprop() { MatProp *new_mprop; new_mprop = malloc (sizeof(*new_mprop)); if (new_mprop == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory adding material", 1); strcpy (new_mprop->name, ""); new_mprop->ambient = Black; new_mprop->diffuse = Black; new_mprop->specular = Black; new_mprop->shininess = 0.0; new_mprop->transparency = 0.0; new_mprop->reflection = 0.0; new_mprop->self_illum = FALSE; new_mprop->two_side = FALSE; strcpy (new_mprop->tex_map, ""); new_mprop->tex_strength = 0.0; strcpy (new_mprop->bump_map, ""); new_mprop->bump_strength = 0.0; return new_mprop; } /* Load in any predefined materials */ void read_library (char *fname) { FILE *lib; char string[256], name[80]; if ((lib = fopen (fname, "r")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open texture library file %s!\n", fname); exit(1); } switch (format) { case POV10: case POV20: while (fgets (string, 256, lib) != NULL) { if (strstr (string, "#declare")) { strcpy (name, between (string, "#declare", "=")); cleanup_name (name); (void)update_materials (name, TRUE); } } break; case VIVID: while (fgets (string, 256, lib) != NULL) { if (strstr (string, "#define")) { (void)parse_string (string); strcpy (name, parse_string (NULL)); cleanup_name (name); (void)update_materials (name, TRUE); } } break; case POLYRAY: while (fgets (string, 256, lib) != NULL) { if (strstr (string, "define")) { (void)parse_string (string); strcpy (name, parse_string (NULL)); cleanup_name (name); (void)update_materials (name, TRUE); } } break; case MGF: while (read_mgfmatname(name, 80, lib)) (void)update_materials (name, TRUE); break; } fclose (lib); } /* parse the next MGF material name from f, return FALSE if EOF */ int read_mgfmatname (char *s, int n, FILE *f) { char inpline[128]; register char *cp, *cp2; register int i; /* find material */ while (fgets(inpline, sizeof(inpline), f) != NULL) { for (cp = inpline; isspace(*cp); cp++) ; if (*cp++ != 'm' || !isspace(*cp++)) continue; while (isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (!*cp) continue; for (i=n, cp2=s; *cp && !isspace(*cp); cp++) /* get name */ if (--i > 0) *cp2++ = *cp; *cp2 = '\0'; while (isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (*cp++ != '=' || !isspace(*cp)) /* not defined? */ continue; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void write_intro (FILE *f) { int i; switch (format) { case POV10: case POV20: fprintf (f, "#include \"colors.inc\"\n"); fprintf (f, "#include \"shapes.inc\"\n"); fprintf (f, "#include \"textures.inc\"\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIB; i++) { if (strlen(libname[i]) > 0) fprintf (f, "#include \"%s\"\n", libname[i]); } fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case VIVID: fprintf (f, "#include color.vc\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIB; i++) { if (strlen(libname[i]) > 0) fprintf (f, "#include %s\n", libname[i]); } fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case POLYRAY: fprintf (f, "include \"colors.inc\"\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIB; i++) { if (strlen(libname[i]) > 0) fprintf (f, "include \"%s\"\n", libname[i]); } fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case MGF: fprintf (f, "c R =\n\tcxy %.3f %.3f\n", CIE_x_r, CIE_y_r); fprintf (f, "c G =\n\tcxy %.3f %.3f\n", CIE_x_g, CIE_y_g); fprintf (f, "c B =\n\tcxy %.3f %.3f\n", CIE_x_b, CIE_y_b); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIB; i++) { if (strlen(libname[i]) > 0) fprintf (f, "i %s\n", libname[i]); } fprintf (f, "\n"); break; } } /* Write the object summary */ void write_summary (FILE *f) { char *comstr; Summary *s; if (summary == NULL) return; switch (format) { case POV10: case POV20: case VIVID: case POLYRAY: comstr = "//"; break; case MGF: comstr = "# "; break; default: printf ("Illegal format in write_summary() '%c'\n", format); exit(1); } fprintf (f, "%s Object CenterX CenterY CenterZ LengthX LengthY LengthZ\n", comstr); fprintf (f, "%s ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n", comstr); for (s = summary; s != NULL; s = s->next) { fprintf (f, "%s %-10s%11.2f%11.2f%11.2f%11.2f%11.2f%11.2f\n", comstr, s->name, s->center[X], s->center[Y], s->center[Z], s->lengths[X], s->lengths[Y], s->lengths[Z]); } fprintf (f, "\n"); } /* Write background solid colour */ void write_bgsolid (FILE *f, Colour col) { switch (format) { case POV10: fprintf (f, "/* Background colour */\n"); fprintf (f, "object {\n"); fprintf (f, " sphere { <0.0 0.0 0.0> 1e6 }\n"); fprintf (f, " texture {\n"); fprintf (f, " ambient 1.0\n"); fprintf (f, " diffuse 0.0\n"); fprintf (f, " color red %4.2f green %4.2f blue %4.2f\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, " }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POV20: fprintf (f, "background { color red %4.2f green %4.2f blue %4.2f }\n\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue); break; case POLYRAY: fprintf (f, "background <%4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f>\n\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue); break; } } void write_light (FILE *f, char *name, Vector pos, Colour col) { switch (format) { case POV10: fprintf (f, "/* Light: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "object {\n"); fprintf (f, " light_source { <%.4f %.4f %.4f> color red %4.2f green %4.2f blue %4.2f }\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z], col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POV20: fprintf (f, "/* Light: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "light_source {\n"); fprintf (f, " <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f> color rgb <%4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f>\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z], col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case VIVID: fprintf (f, "/* Light: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "light {\n"); fprintf (f, " type point\n"); fprintf (f, " position %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " color %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POLYRAY: fprintf (f, "// Light: %s\n", name); fprintf (f, "light <%4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue, pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); break; case MGF: fprintf (f, "\n# Light\n"); if (name[0]) fprintf (f, "o %s\n", name); fprintf (f, "m\n\tsides 1\n\tc\n\t\t\tcmix %.3f R %.3f G %.3f B\n\ted %e\n", CIE_Y_r*col.red, CIE_Y_g*col.green, CIE_Y_b*col.blue, 100000.0*(CIE_Y_r*col.red + CIE_Y_g*col.green + CIE_Y_b*col.blue)); fprintf (f, "v c =\n\tp %.4f %.4f %.4f\nsph c .01\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); if (name[0]) fprintf (f, "o\n"); fprintf (f, "\n"); break; } } void write_spot (FILE *f, char *name, Vector pos, Vector target, Colour col, float hotspot, float falloff) { switch (format) { case POV10: fprintf (f, "/* Spotlight: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "object {\n"); fprintf (f, " light_source {\n"); fprintf (f, " <%.4f %.4f %.4f> color red %4.2f green %4.2f blue %4.2f\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z], col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, " spotlight\n"); fprintf (f, " point_at <%.4f %.4f %.4f>\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); fprintf (f, " tightness 0\n"); fprintf (f, " radius %.2f\n", 0.5*hotspot); fprintf (f, " falloff %.2f\n", 0.5*falloff); fprintf (f, " }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POV20: fprintf (f, "/* Spotlight: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "light_source {\n"); fprintf (f, " <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f> color rgb <%4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f>\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z], col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, " spotlight\n"); fprintf (f, " point_at <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); fprintf (f, " tightness 0\n"); fprintf (f, " radius %.2f\n", 0.5*hotspot); fprintf (f, " falloff %.2f\n", 0.5*falloff); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case VIVID: fprintf (f, "/* Spotlight: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "light {\n"); fprintf (f, " type spot\n"); fprintf (f, " position %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " at %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); fprintf (f, " color %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue); fprintf (f, " min_angle %.2f\n", hotspot); fprintf (f, " max_angle %.2f\n", falloff); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POLYRAY: fprintf (f, "// Spotlight: %s\n", name); fprintf (f, "spot_light <%4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>,\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue, pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, 0.0, %.2f, %.2f\n\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z], hotspot/2.0, falloff/2.0); break; case MGF: fprintf (f, "\n# Spotlight\n"); if (name[0]) fprintf (f, "o %s\n", name); fprintf (f, "# hotspot: %.2f\n# falloff: %.2f\n", hotspot, falloff); fprintf (f, "m\n\tsides 1\n\tc\n\t\t\tcmix %.3f R %.3f G %.3f B\n\ted %e\n", CIE_Y_r*col.red, CIE_Y_g*col.green, CIE_Y_b*col.blue, 100000.0*(CIE_Y_r*col.red + CIE_Y_g*col.green + CIE_Y_b*col.blue)); fprintf (f, "v c =\n\tp %.4f %.4f %.4f\n\tn %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z], target[X]-pos[X], target[Y]-pos[Y], target[Z]-pos[Z]); fprintf (f, "ring c 0 .01\n"); if (name[0]) fprintf (f, "o\n"); fprintf (f, "\n"); break; } } void write_fog (FILE *f, Colour col, float dist) { if (dist <= 0.0) return; switch (format) { case POV10: fprintf (f, "fog {\n"); fprintf (f, " color red %4.2f green %4.2f blue %4.2f %.4f\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue, dist/2.0); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; case POV20: fprintf (f, "fog {\n"); fprintf (f, " color red %4.2f green %4.2f blue %4.2f distance %.4f\n", col.red, col.green, col.blue, dist/2.0); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); break; } } void write_camera (FILE *f, char *name, Vector pos, Vector target, float lens, float bank) { float fov; cameras++; fov = findfov (lens); switch (format) { case POV10: /* Comment out multiple cameras */ if (cameras > 1) fprintf (f, "/*\n"); fprintf (f, "/* Camera: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "camera {\n"); fprintf (f, " location <%.4f %.4f %.4f>\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " direction <0 %.3f 0>\n", 0.60/tan(0.5*RAD(fov)) ); fprintf (f, " up <0 0 1>\n"); fprintf (f, " sky <0 0 1>\n"); fprintf (f, " right <%.3f 0 0>\n", ASPECT); fprintf (f, " look_at <%.4f %.4f %.4f>\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); if (bank != 0.0) fprintf (f, " /* Bank angle = %.2f */\n", bank); fprintf (f, "}\n"); if (cameras > 1) fprintf (f, "*/\n"); fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case POV20: /* Comment out multiple cameras */ if (cameras > 1) fprintf (f, "/*\n"); fprintf (f, "/* Camera: %s */\n", name); fprintf (f, "camera {\n"); fprintf (f, " location <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " direction <0, %.3f, 0>\n", 0.60/tan(0.5*RAD(fov)) ); fprintf (f, " up <0, 0, 1>\n"); fprintf (f, " sky <0, 0, 1>\n"); fprintf (f, " right <%.3f, 0, 0>\n", ASPECT); fprintf (f, " look_at <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); if (bank != 0.0) fprintf (f, " /* Bank angle = %.2f */\n", bank); fprintf (f, "}\n"); if (cameras > 1) fprintf (f, "*/\n"); fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case VIVID: fprintf (f, "/* Camera: %s */\n", name); if (cameras > 1) fprintf (f, "/*\n"); fprintf (f, "studio {\n"); fprintf (f, " from %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " at %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); fprintf (f, " up 0 0 1\n"); fprintf (f, " angle %.2f\n", 1.1*fov); fprintf (f, " aspect %.3f\n", ASPECT); fprintf (f, " resolution 320 200\n"); fprintf (f, " antialias none\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n"); if (cameras > 1) fprintf (f, "*/\n"); fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case POLYRAY: if (cameras == 1) { fprintf (f, "// Camera: %s\n", name); fprintf (f, "viewpoint {\n"); fprintf (f, " from <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, " at <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); fprintf (f, " up <0, 0, 1>\n"); fprintf (f, " angle %.2f\n", 0.85*fov); fprintf (f, " aspect %.3f\n", -(ASPECT)); fprintf (f, " resolution 320, 200\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n"); } fprintf (f, "\n"); break; case MGF: fprintf (f, "# Camera %s\n", name); fprintf (f, "# from: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", pos[X], pos[Y], pos[Z]); fprintf (f, "# to: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", target[X], target[Y], target[Z]); fprintf (f, "# lens length: %.2f\n", lens); fprintf (f, "# bank: %.2f\n", bank); break; } } void write_material (FILE *f, char *mat) { MatProp *mprop = LIST_FIND (mprop_list, mat); if (mprop == NULL) { mprop = &DefaultMaterial; (void)strcpy(mprop->name, mat); } switch (format) { case POV10: write_pov10_material (f, mprop); break; case POV20: write_pov20_material (f, mprop); break; case VIVID: write_vivid_material (f, mprop); break; case POLYRAY: write_polyray_material (f, mprop); break; case MGF: write_mgf_material (f, mprop); break; } } void write_pov10_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m) { float amb = 0.1, dif = 0.9, spec = 1.0; float dist_white, dist_diff, phong, phong_size; float red, green, blue; /* amb = get_ambient (m); */ if (m->self_illum) { amb = 0.9; dif = 0.1; } dist_white = fabs(1.0 - m->specular.red) + fabs(1.0 - m->specular.green) + fabs(1.0 - m->specular.blue); dist_diff = fabs(m->diffuse.red - m->specular.red) + fabs(m->diffuse.green - m->specular.green) + fabs(m->diffuse.blue - m->specular.blue); phong_size = 0.7*m->shininess; if (phong_size < 1.0) phong_size = 1.0; if (phong_size > 30.0) phong = 1.0; else phong = phong_size/30.0; fprintf (f, "#declare %s = texture {\n", m->name); fprintf (f, " ambient %.2f\n", amb); fprintf (f, " diffuse %.2f\n", dif); fprintf (f, " phong %.2f\n", phong); fprintf (f, " phong_size %.1f\n", phong_size); if (dist_diff < dist_white) fprintf (f, " metallic\n"); if (m->reflection > 0.0) { spec = (m->specular.red + m->specular.green + m->specular.blue)/3.0; fprintf (f, " reflection %.3f\n", spec * m->reflection); } if (m->transparency > 0.0) { red = m->diffuse.red; green = m->diffuse.green; blue = m->diffuse.blue; /* Saturate the colour towards white as the transparency increases */ red = ((1.0 - m->transparency) * red) + m->transparency; green = ((1.0 - m->transparency) * green) + m->transparency; blue = ((1.0 - m->transparency) * blue) + m->transparency; fprintf (f, " color red %.3f green %.3f blue %.3f alpha %.3f\n", red, green, blue, m->transparency); fprintf (f, " ior 1.1\n"); fprintf (f, " refraction 1.0\n"); } else fprintf (f, " color red %.3f green %.3f blue %.3f\n", m->diffuse.red, m->diffuse.green, m->diffuse.blue); if (strlen (m->tex_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " /* Image map: %s, Strength: %.2f */\n", m->tex_map, m->tex_strength); } if (strlen (m->bump_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " /* Bump map: %s, Strength: %.2f */\n", m->bump_map, m->bump_strength); } fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } void write_pov20_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m) { float amb = 0.1, dif = 0.9, spec = 1.0; float dist_white, dist_diff, phong, phong_size; float red, green, blue; /* amb = get_ambient (m); */ if (m->self_illum) { amb = 0.9; dif = 0.1; } dist_white = fabs(1.0 - m->specular.red) + fabs(1.0 - m->specular.green) + fabs(1.0 - m->specular.blue); dist_diff = fabs(m->diffuse.red - m->specular.red) + fabs(m->diffuse.green - m->specular.green) + fabs(m->diffuse.blue - m->specular.blue); phong_size = 0.7*m->shininess; if (phong_size < 1.0) phong_size = 1.0; if (phong_size > 30.0) phong = 1.0; else phong = phong_size/30.0; fprintf (f, "#declare %s = texture {\n", m->name); fprintf (f, " finish {\n"); fprintf (f, " ambient %.2f\n", amb); fprintf (f, " diffuse %.2f\n", dif); fprintf (f, " phong %.2f\n", phong); fprintf (f, " phong_size %.1f\n", phong_size); if (dist_diff < dist_white) fprintf (f, " metallic\n"); if (m->reflection > 0.0) { spec = (m->specular.red + m->specular.green + m->specular.blue)/3.0; fprintf (f, " reflection %.3f\n", spec * m->reflection); } if (m->transparency > 0.0) { fprintf (f, " ior 1.1\n"); fprintf (f, " refraction 1.0\n"); } fprintf (f, " }\n"); if (m->transparency > 0.0) { red = m->diffuse.red; green = m->diffuse.green; blue = m->diffuse.blue; /* Saturate the colour towards white as the transparency increases */ red = ((1.0 - m->transparency) * red) + m->transparency; green = ((1.0 - m->transparency) * green) + m->transparency; blue = ((1.0 - m->transparency) * blue) + m->transparency; fprintf (f, " pigment { rgbf <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f> }\n", red, green, blue, m->transparency); } else fprintf (f, " pigment { rgb <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f> }\n", m->diffuse.red, m->diffuse.green, m->diffuse.blue); if (strlen (m->tex_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " /* Image map: %s, Strength: %.2f */\n", m->tex_map, m->tex_strength); } if (strlen (m->bump_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " /* Bump map: %s, Strength: %.2f */\n", m->bump_map, m->bump_strength); } fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } void write_vivid_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m) { float amb = 0.1, dif = 0.9; /* amb = get_ambient (m); */ if (m->self_illum) { amb = 0.9; dif = 0.1; } if (m->transparency > 0.0) { dif = dif - m->transparency; if (dif < 0.0) dif = 0.0; } fprintf (f, "#define %s \\ \n", m->name); fprintf (f, " surface { \\ \n"); fprintf (f, " ambient %.3f %.3f %.3f \\ \n", amb*m->ambient.red, amb*m->ambient.green, amb*m->ambient.blue); fprintf (f, " diffuse %.3f %.3f %.3f \\ \n", dif*m->diffuse.red, dif*m->diffuse.green, dif*m->diffuse.blue); fprintf (f, " shine %.1f %.3f %.3f %.3f \\ \n", 0.7*m->shininess, m->specular.red, m->specular.green, m->specular.blue); if (m->transparency > 0.0) { fprintf (f, " transparent %.3f*white \\ \n", 1.0 - (1.0 - m->transparency)/14.0); fprintf (f, " ior 1.1 \\ \n"); } if (m->reflection > 0.0) fprintf (f, " specular %.3f*white \\ \n", m->reflection); if (strlen (m->tex_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " /* Image map: %s, Strength: %.2f */ \\ \n", m->tex_map, m->tex_strength); } if (strlen (m->bump_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " /* Bump map: %s, Strength: %.2f */ \\ \n", m->bump_map, m->bump_strength); } fprintf (f, " }\n\n"); } void write_polyray_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m) { float amb = 0.1, dif = 0.9, spec; /* amb = get_ambient (m); */ if (m->self_illum) { amb = 0.9; dif = 0.1; } if (m->transparency > 0.0) { dif = dif - m->transparency; if (dif < 0.0) dif = 0.0; } if (m->shininess == 0.0) m->shininess = 0.1; if (m->shininess > 40.0) spec = 1.0; else spec = m->shininess/40.0; fprintf (f, "define %s\n", m->name); fprintf (f, "texture {\n"); fprintf (f, " surface {\n"); fprintf (f, " ambient <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>, %.1f\n", m->ambient.red, m->ambient.green, m->ambient.blue, amb); fprintf (f, " diffuse <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>, %.1f\n", m->diffuse.red, m->diffuse.green, m->diffuse.blue, dif); fprintf (f, " specular <%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>, %.2f\n", m->specular.red, m->specular.green, m->specular.blue, spec); fprintf (f, " microfacet Reitz %.1f\n", 400.0/m->shininess); if (m->transparency > 0.0) fprintf (f, " transmission %.3f, 1.1\n", m->transparency); if (m->reflection > 0.0) fprintf (f, " reflection %.3f\n", m->reflection); if (strlen (m->tex_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " // Image map: %s, Strength: %.2f\n", m->tex_map, m->tex_strength); } if (strlen (m->bump_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, " // Bump map: %s, Strength: %.2f\n", m->bump_map, m->bump_strength); } fprintf (f, " }\n"); fprintf (f, "}\n\n"); } void write_mgf_material (FILE *f, MatProp *m) { float dmag, smag, rdmag, rsmag, tdmag, tsmag, total; fprintf (f, "m %s =\n", m->name); fprintf (f, "\tsides %d\n", m->two_side ? 2 : 1); dmag = CIE_Y_r*m->diffuse.red + CIE_Y_g*m->diffuse.green + CIE_Y_b*m->diffuse.blue; smag = CIE_Y_r*m->specular.red + CIE_Y_g*m->specular.green + CIE_Y_b*m->specular.blue; rdmag = dmag; rsmag = smag * m->reflection; tdmag = 0.0; tsmag = m->transparency; total = rdmag + rsmag + tdmag + tsmag; if (total > 0.99) { total = 0.9/total; dmag *= total; smag *= total; rdmag *= total; rsmag *= total; tdmag *= total; tsmag *= total; total = 0.9; } if (dmag > 0.005) { fprintf (f, "\tc\n\t\tcmix %.3f R %.3f G %.3f B\n", CIE_Y_r*m->diffuse.red, CIE_Y_g*m->diffuse.green, CIE_Y_b*m->diffuse.blue); if (rdmag > 0.005) fprintf (f, "\trd %.4f\n", rdmag); if (tdmag > 0.005) fprintf (f, "\ttd %.4f\n", tdmag); if (m->self_illum) fprintf (f, "\ted %.4f\n", dmag); } if (m->shininess > 1.1 && rsmag > 0.005) { fprintf (f, "\tc\n\t\tcmix %.3f R %.3f G %.3f B\n", CIE_Y_r*m->specular.red, CIE_Y_g*m->specular.green, CIE_Y_b*m->specular.blue); fprintf (f, "\trs %.4f %.4f\n", rsmag, 0.6/sqrt(m->shininess)); } if (tsmag > 0.005) fprintf (f, "\tc\n\tts %.4f 0\n", tsmag); if (strlen (m->tex_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, "# image map: %s, strength: %.2f\n", m->tex_map, m->tex_strength); } if (strlen (m->bump_map) > 0) { fprintf (f, "# bump map: %s, strength: %.2f\n", m->bump_map, m->bump_strength); } fprintf (f, "\n"); } /* Write a mesh file */ void write_mesh (FILE *f, Mesh *mesh) { int i; char curmat[80]; Vector va, vb, vc; Summary *new_summary; Matrix obj_matrix; if (mesh->hidden || LIST_FIND (excl_list, mesh->name)) return; /* Add this object's stats to the summary */ new_summary = malloc (sizeof(*new_summary)); if (new_summary == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory adding summary", 1); strcpy (new_summary->name, mesh->name); vect_copy (new_summary->center, mesh->center); vect_copy (new_summary->lengths, mesh->lengths); LIST_INSERT (summary, new_summary); /* Compute the object transformation matrix for animations */ if (ani_matrix != NULL) { mat_copy (obj_matrix, *ani_matrix); if (vue_version > 2.0) mat_mult (obj_matrix, mesh->invmatrix, obj_matrix); } switch (format) { case MGF: if (no_opt) { if (mesh->name[0]) fprintf (meshf, "o %s\n", mesh->name); for (i = 0; i < mesh->vertices; i++) { vect_copy(va, mesh->vertex[i]); if (ani_matrix != NULL) vect_transform (va, va, obj_matrix); fprintf (meshf, "v v%d =\n\tp %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", i, va[X], va[Y], va[Z]); } curmat[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < mesh->faces; i++) { if (strcmp(mesh->mtl[i]->name, curmat)) { strcpy(curmat, mesh->mtl[i]->name); fprintf (meshf, "m %s\n", curmat); } fprintf (meshf, "f v%d v%d v%d\n", mesh->face[i].a, mesh->face[i].b, mesh->face[i].c); } if (mesh->name[0]) fprintf (meshf, "o\n"); break; } /*FALL THROUGH*/ case POV10: case POV20: case VIVID: case POLYRAY: opt_set_vert (mesh->vertices); for (i = 0; i < mesh->faces; i++) { vect_copy (va, mesh->vertex[mesh->face[i].a]); vect_copy (vb, mesh->vertex[mesh->face[i].b]); vect_copy (vc, mesh->vertex[mesh->face[i].c]); opt_set_texture (mesh->mtl[i]->name); opt_add_tri (va[X], va[Y], va[Z], vc[X], vc[Y], vc[Z], vb[X], vb[Y], vb[Z]); } fflush (f); if (ani_matrix != NULL) opt_set_transform (obj_matrix); if (box_all || LIST_FIND (box_list, mesh->name)) opt_write_box (mesh->name); else opt_write_file (mesh->name); break; case RAW: fprintf (f, "%s\n", mesh->name); for (i = 0; i < mesh->faces; i++) { vect_copy (va, mesh->vertex[mesh->face[i].a]); vect_copy (vb, mesh->vertex[mesh->face[i].b]); vect_copy (vc, mesh->vertex[mesh->face[i].c]); if (ani_matrix != NULL) { vect_transform (va, va, obj_matrix); vect_transform (vb, vb, obj_matrix); vect_transform (vc, vc, obj_matrix); } fprintf (f, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", va[X], va[Y], va[Z], vb[X], vb[Y], vb[Z], vc[X], vc[Y], vc[Z]); } break; } } /* Parses an object transformation and returns a pointer to the newly allocated transformation */ Transform *parse_transform (char *string) { Transform *t; char *token; int token_no; t = (Transform *)malloc (sizeof(*t)); if (t == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating transform", 1); mat_identity (t->matrix); token = parse_string (string); token_no = 0; while (strlen(token) > 0) { switch (token_no) { case 0: break; case 1: strcpy (t->name, token); break; case 2: t->matrix[0][0] = atof(token); break; case 3: t->matrix[0][1] = atof(token); break; case 4: t->matrix[0][2] = atof(token); break; case 5: t->matrix[1][0] = atof(token); break; case 6: t->matrix[1][1] = atof(token); break; case 7: t->matrix[1][2] = atof(token); break; case 8: t->matrix[2][0] = atof(token); break; case 9: t->matrix[2][1] = atof(token); break; case 10: t->matrix[2][2] = atof(token); break; case 11: t->matrix[3][0] = atof(token); break; case 12: t->matrix[3][1] = atof(token); break; case 13: t->matrix[3][2] = atof(token); break; default: abortmsg ("Error parsing transform", 1); } token = parse_string (NULL); token_no++; } t->matrix[0][3] = 0.0; t->matrix[1][3] = 0.0; t->matrix[2][3] = 0.0; t->matrix[3][3] = 1.0; cleanup_name (t->name); return t; } /* Parses a morph command and returns a pointer to the newly allocated morph */ Morph *parse_morph (char *string) { Morph *m; char *token; int i, token_no; m = (Morph *)malloc (sizeof(*m)); if (m == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating morph", 1); mat_identity (m->matrix); token = parse_string (string); token = parse_string (NULL); strcpy (m->name, token); token = parse_string (NULL); m->count = atoi (token); if (strlen (m->name) == 0 || m->count < 1 || m->count > 4) abortmsg ("Error parsing morph command", 1); cleanup_name (m->name); for (i = 0; i < m->count; i++) { token = parse_string (NULL); strcpy (m->names[i], token); token = parse_string (NULL); m->weight[i] = atof (token); if (strlen (m->names[i]) == 0) abortmsg ("Error parsing morph command", 1); cleanup_name (m->names[i]); } token = parse_string (NULL); token_no = 0; while (strlen(token) > 0) { switch (token_no) { case 0: m->matrix[0][0] = atof(token); break; case 1: m->matrix[0][1] = atof(token); break; case 2: m->matrix[0][2] = atof(token); break; case 3: m->matrix[1][0] = atof(token); break; case 4: m->matrix[1][1] = atof(token); break; case 5: m->matrix[1][2] = atof(token); break; case 6: m->matrix[2][0] = atof(token); break; case 7: m->matrix[2][1] = atof(token); break; case 8: m->matrix[2][2] = atof(token); break; case 9: m->matrix[3][0] = atof(token); break; case 10: m->matrix[3][1] = atof(token); break; case 11: m->matrix[3][2] = atof(token); break; default: abortmsg ("Error parsing morph command", 1); } token = parse_string (NULL); token_no++; } m->matrix[0][3] = 0.0; m->matrix[1][3] = 0.0; m->matrix[2][3] = 0.0; m->matrix[3][3] = 1.0; return m; } /* Parses an omni light and returns a pointer to the newly allocated light */ OmniLight *parse_omnilight (char *string) { OmniLight *o; char *token; int token_no; o = (OmniLight *)malloc (sizeof(*o)); if (o == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating omnilight", 1); token = parse_string (string); token_no = 0; while (strlen(token) > 0) { switch (token_no) { case 0: break; case 1: strcpy (o->name, token); break; case 2: o->pos[X] = atof (token); break; case 3: o->pos[Y] = atof (token); break; case 4: o->pos[Z] = atof (token); break; case 5: o->col.red = atof (token); break; case 6: o->col.green = atof (token); break; case 7: o->col.blue = atof (token); break; default: abortmsg ("Error parsing omnilight", 1); } token = parse_string (NULL); token_no++; } cleanup_name (o->name); return o; } /* Parses a spotlight and returns a pointer to the newly allocated spotlight */ Spotlight *parse_spotlight (char *string) { Spotlight *s; char *token; int token_no; s = (Spotlight *)malloc (sizeof(*s)); if (s == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating spotlight", 1); token = parse_string (string); token_no = 0; while (strlen(token) > 0) { switch (token_no) { case 0: break; case 1: strcpy (s->name, token); break; case 2: s->pos[X] = atof (token); break; case 3: s->pos[Y] = atof (token); break; case 4: s->pos[Z] = atof (token); break; case 5: s->target[X] = atof (token); break; case 6: s->target[Y] = atof (token); break; case 7: s->target[Z] = atof (token); break; case 8: s->col.red = atof (token); break; case 9: s->col.green = atof (token); break; case 10: s->col.blue = atof (token); break; case 11: s->hotspot = atof (token); break; case 12: s->falloff = atof (token); break; case 13: break; default: abortmsg ("Error parsing spotlight", 1); } token = parse_string (NULL); token_no++; } cleanup_name (s->name); return s; } /* Parses a camera command and returns a pointer to the newly allocated camera */ Camera *parse_camera (char *string) { Camera *c; char *token; int token_no; c = (Camera *)malloc (sizeof(*c)); if (c == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating camera", 1); token = parse_string (string); token_no = 0; while (strlen(token) > 0) { switch (token_no) { case 0: break; case 1: c->pos[X] = atof (token); break; case 2: c->pos[Y] = atof (token); break; case 3: c->pos[Z] = atof (token); break; case 4: c->target[X] = atof (token); break; case 5: c->target[Y] = atof (token); break; case 6: c->target[Z] = atof (token); break; case 7: c->bank = atof (token); break; case 8: c->lens = atof (token); break; default: abortmsg ("Error parsing camera", 1); } token = parse_string (NULL); token_no++; } return c; } /* Load the transforms, camera movements, etc for the specified frame */ void read_frame (char *filename, int frame_no) { FILE *f; char fname[80]; char string[256]; char *token; /* Open the .vue file */ strcpy (fname, filename); /* Make a copy we can mess with */ add_ext (fname, "vue", 0); f = fopen (fname, "r"); if (f == NULL) { printf ("Error opening file '%s'\n", fname); exit(1); } /* Load the specified frame */ find_frame (f, frame_no); while (fgets (string, 256, f) != NULL) { token = parse_string (string); if (strcmp (token, "frame") == 0) break; else if (strcmp (token, "transform") == 0) { LIST_INSERT (trans_list, parse_transform (string)); } else if (strcmp (token, "morph") == 0) { LIST_INSERT (morph_list, parse_morph (string)); } else if (strcmp (token, "light") == 0) { LIST_INSERT (omni_list, parse_omnilight (string)); } else if (strcmp (token, "spotlight") == 0) { LIST_INSERT (spot_list, parse_spotlight (string)); } else if (strcmp (token, "camera") == 0) { if (cam_list != NULL) abortmsg ("ERROR - Multiple cameras in .vue file", 1); LIST_INSERT (cam_list, parse_camera (string)); } else if (strcmp (token, "top") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - Orthogonal viewports are not supported", 1); else if (strcmp (token, "bottom") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - Orthogonal viewports are not supported", 1); else if (strcmp (token, "left") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - Orthogonal viewports are not supported", 1); else if (strcmp (token, "right") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - Orthogonal viewports are not supported", 1); else if (strcmp (token, "front") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - Orthogonal viewports are not supported", 1); else if (strcmp (token, "back") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - Orthogonal viewports are not supported", 1); else if (strcmp (token, "user") == 0) abortmsg ("ERROR - User viewports are not supported", 1); } fclose(f); } void find_frame (FILE *f, int frame_no) { char string[256]; char *token; int frame = 0; /* Search the .vue file for the required frame */ while (1) { /* Read the next line in the file */ if (fgets (string, 256, f) == NULL) { printf ("Unable to locate frame #%d in .vue file\n", frame_no); exit(1); } token = parse_string (string); if (strcmp (token, "frame") == 0) { token = parse_string (NULL); if (strlen(token) == 0) { printf ("Unable to locate frame #%d in .vue file\n", frame_no); exit(1); } frame = atoi (token); if (frame == frame_no) break; } else if (strcmp (token, "VERSION") == 0) { token = parse_string (NULL); vue_version = atoi(token) / 100.0; } } } void save_animation() { Mesh *mesh, *master; Transform *t; Morph *m; Vector temp; int i, j; printf ("\n"); for (t = trans_list; t != NULL; t = t->next) { printf ("Transforming object: %s\n", t->name); ani_matrix = &(t->matrix); mesh = LIST_FIND (mesh_list, t->name); if (mesh == NULL) { printf ("Unable to locate mesh object %s\n", t->name); exit(1); } write_mesh (out, mesh); } for (m = morph_list; m != NULL; m = m->next) { printf ("Morphing object: %s\n", m->name); ani_matrix = &(m->matrix); mesh = LIST_FIND (mesh_list, m->name); if (mesh == NULL) { printf ("Unable to locate mesh object %s\n", m->name); exit(1); } /* Make a copy to mess with */ master = copy_mesh (mesh); master->hidden = FALSE; strcpy (master->name, m->name); for (i = 0; i < master->vertices; i++) vect_init (master->vertex[i], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (i = 0; i < m->count; i++) { mesh = LIST_FIND (mesh_list, m->names[i]); if (mesh == NULL) { printf ("Unable to locate mesh object %s\n", m->names[0]); exit(1); } if (mesh->vertices != master->vertices) abortmsg ("Morphed objects do not contain the same number of vertices", 1); if (mesh->faces != master->faces) abortmsg ("Morphed objects do not contain the same number of faces", 1); for (j = 0; j < master->vertices; j++) { vect_transform (temp, mesh->vertex[j], mesh->invmatrix); vect_scale (temp, temp, m->weight[i]); vect_add (master->vertex[j], master->vertex[j], temp); } } for (i = 0; i < master->vertices; i++) vect_transform (master->vertex[i], master->vertex[i], master->matrix); write_mesh (out, master); free_mesh_data (master); free (master); } for (mesh = mesh_list; mesh != NULL; mesh = mesh->next) free_mesh_data (mesh); } /* Create a new mesh */ Mesh *create_mesh (char *name, int vertices, int faces) { Mesh *new_mesh; new_mesh = malloc (sizeof(*new_mesh)); if (new_mesh == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); strcpy (new_mesh->name, name); new_mesh->vertices = vertices; if (vertices <= 0) new_mesh->vertex = NULL; else { new_mesh->vertex = malloc (vertices * sizeof(*new_mesh->vertex)); if (new_mesh->vertex == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); } new_mesh->faces = faces; if (faces <= 0) { new_mesh->face = NULL; new_mesh->mtl = NULL; } else { new_mesh->face = malloc (faces * sizeof(*new_mesh->face)); if (new_mesh->face == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); new_mesh->mtl = malloc (faces * sizeof(*new_mesh->mtl)); if (new_mesh->mtl == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); } vect_init (new_mesh->center, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); vect_init (new_mesh->lengths, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); mat_identity (new_mesh->matrix); mat_identity (new_mesh->invmatrix); new_mesh->hidden = FALSE; new_mesh->shadow = TRUE; return new_mesh; } /* Creates a duplicate copy of a mesh */ Mesh *copy_mesh (Mesh *mesh) { Mesh *new_mesh; int i; new_mesh = create_mesh (mesh->name, mesh->vertices, mesh->faces); if (new_mesh == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); for (i = 0; i < mesh->vertices; i++) vect_copy (new_mesh->vertex[i], mesh->vertex[i]); for (i = 0; i < mesh->faces; i++) { new_mesh->face[i] = mesh->face[i]; new_mesh->mtl[i] = mesh->mtl[i]; } mat_copy (new_mesh->matrix, mesh->matrix); mat_copy (new_mesh->invmatrix, mesh->invmatrix); vect_copy (new_mesh->center, mesh->center); vect_copy (new_mesh->lengths, mesh->lengths); new_mesh->hidden = mesh->hidden; new_mesh->shadow = mesh->shadow; return new_mesh; } /* Free all data associated with mesh object */ void free_mesh_data (Mesh *mesh) { if (mesh->vertex != NULL) free (mesh->vertex); if (mesh->face != NULL) free (mesh->face); if (mesh->mtl != NULL) free (mesh->mtl); } /* Updates the center (pivot) point of the mesh */ void update_limits (Mesh *mesh) { Vector vmin = {+MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT, +MAXFLOAT}; Vector vmax = {-MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT, -MAXFLOAT}; int i; for (i = 0; i < mesh->vertices; i++) { vect_min (vmin, vmin, mesh->vertex[i]); vect_max (vmax, vmax, mesh->vertex[i]); } vect_add (mesh->center, vmin, vmax); vect_scale (mesh->center, mesh->center, 0.5); vect_sub (mesh->lengths, vmax, vmin); } /* Return the sub-string of 'str' that is before 'target' */ char *before (char *str, char *target) { static char result[256]; char *search; strncpy (result, str, 256); result[255] = '\0'; search = strstr (result, target); if (search != NULL) *search = '\0'; return result; } /* Return the sub-string of 'str' that is after 'target' */ char *after (char *str, char *target) { static char result[256]; char *search; search = strstr (str, target); if (search == NULL) strncpy (result, "", 256); else strncpy (result, search + strlen(target), 256); result[255] = '\0'; return result; } /* Return the sub-string of 'str' that is between 'target1' and 'target2' */ char *between (char *str, char *target1, char *target2) { static char result[256]; strcpy (result, after (str, target1)); strcpy (result, before (result, target2)); return result; } /* Works like the C strtok() function except that it can handle */ /* tokens enclosed in double quotes */ char *parse_string (char *str) { static char result[256]; static char *p; char QUOTE = '\"'; int index; strcpy (result, ""); index = 0; if (str != NULL) p = str; /* Find the start of the next token */ while (isspace (*p)) p++; if (*p == QUOTE) { p++; while (*p != '\0' && *p != QUOTE) result[index++] = *p++; if (*p == QUOTE) p++; } else { while (*p != '\0' && !isspace(*p)) result[index++] = *p++; } result[index] = '\0'; return result; } /* Convert character 'c' to upper case */ char upcase (char c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c = c - 'a' + 'A'; return c; } float colour_intens (Colour *colour) { return sqrt (colour->red * colour->red + colour->green * colour->green + colour->blue * colour->blue); } void parse_file() { Chunk chunk; start_chunk(&chunk); if (chunk.tag == 0x4D4D) parse_3ds (&chunk); else abortmsg ("Error: Input file is not .3DS format", 1); end_chunk (&chunk); } void parse_3ds (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (feof(in)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected EOF\n", progname); break; } if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x3D3D: parse_mdata (&chunk); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); } void parse_mdata (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; Colour bgnd_colour; do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x2100: parse_colour (&global_amb); break; case 0x1200: parse_colour (&bgnd_colour); break; case 0x1201: write_bgsolid (out, bgnd_colour); break; case 0x2200: parse_fog (&chunk); break; case 0x2210: parse_fog_bgnd(); break; case 0x2201: write_fog (out, fog_colour, fog_distance); break; case 0xAFFF: parse_mat_entry (&chunk); break; case 0x4000: parse_named_object (&chunk); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); } void parse_fog (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; (void)read_float(); (void)read_float(); fog_distance = read_float(); (void)read_float(); parse_colour (&fog_colour); do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x2210: parse_fog_bgnd(); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); } void parse_fog_bgnd() { } void parse_mat_entry (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; MatProp *mprop; mprop = create_mprop(); do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0xA000: strcpy (mprop->name, read_string()); cleanup_name (mprop->name); break; case 0xA010: parse_colour (&mprop->ambient); break; case 0xA020: parse_colour (&mprop->diffuse); break; case 0xA030: parse_colour (&mprop->specular); break; case 0xA040: mprop->shininess = 100.0*parse_percentage(); break; case 0xA050: mprop->transparency = parse_percentage(); break; case 0xA080: mprop->self_illum = TRUE; break; case 0xA081: mprop->two_side = TRUE; break; case 0xA220: mprop->reflection = parse_percentage(); (void)parse_mapname (&chunk); break; case 0xA310: if (mprop->reflection == 0.0) mprop->reflection = 1.0; break; case 0xA200: mprop->tex_strength = parse_percentage(); strcpy (mprop->tex_map, parse_mapname (&chunk)); break; case 0xA230: mprop->bump_strength = parse_percentage(); strcpy (mprop->bump_map, parse_mapname (&chunk)); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); LIST_INSERT (mprop_list, mprop); } char *parse_mapname (Chunk *mainchunk) { static char name[80] = ""; Chunk chunk; do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0xA300: strcpy (name, read_string()); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); return name; } void parse_named_object (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; strcpy (obj_name, read_string()); cleanup_name (obj_name); printf ("Working on: %s\n", obj_name); mesh = NULL; do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x4100: parse_n_tri_object (&chunk); break; case 0x4600: parse_n_direct_light (&chunk); break; case 0x4700: parse_n_camera(); break; case 0x4010: if (mesh != NULL) mesh->hidden = TRUE; break; case 0x4012: if (mesh != NULL) mesh->shadow = FALSE; break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); if (mesh != NULL) { update_limits (mesh); if (frame >= 0) LIST_INSERT (mesh_list, mesh); else { write_mesh (out, mesh); free_mesh_data (mesh); free (mesh); } } } void parse_n_tri_object (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; mesh = create_mesh (obj_name, 0, 0); do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x4110: parse_point_array(); break; case 0x4120: parse_face_array (&chunk); break; case 0x4160: parse_mesh_matrix(); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); } void parse_point_array() { int i; mesh->vertices = read_word(); mesh->vertex = malloc (mesh->vertices * sizeof(*(mesh->vertex))); if (mesh->vertex == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); for (i = 0; i < mesh->vertices; i++) read_point (mesh->vertex[i]); } void parse_face_array (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; int i; mesh->faces = read_word(); mesh->face = malloc (mesh->faces * sizeof(*(mesh->face))); if (mesh->face == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); mesh->mtl = malloc (mesh->faces * sizeof(*(mesh->mtl))); if (mesh->mtl == NULL) abortmsg ("Out of memory allocating mesh", 1); for (i = 0; i < mesh->faces; i++) { mesh->face[i].a = read_word(); mesh->face[i].b = read_word(); mesh->face[i].c = read_word(); (void)read_word(); mesh->mtl[i] = NULL; } do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x4130: parse_msh_mat_group(); break; case 0x4150: parse_smooth_group(); break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); for (i = 0; i < mesh->faces; i++) { if (mesh->mtl[i] == NULL) mesh->mtl[i] = update_materials ("Default", 0); } } void parse_msh_mat_group() { Material *new_mtl; char mtlname[80]; int mtlcnt; int i, face; strcpy (mtlname, read_string()); cleanup_name (mtlname); new_mtl = update_materials (mtlname, 0); mtlcnt = read_word(); for (i = 0; i < mtlcnt; i++) { face = read_word(); mesh->mtl[face] = new_mtl; } } void parse_smooth_group() { } void parse_mesh_matrix() { int i, j; if (mesh != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) mesh->matrix[i][j] = read_float(); } mat_inv (mesh->invmatrix, mesh->matrix); } } void parse_n_direct_light (Chunk *mainchunk) { Chunk chunk; Spotlight *s; OmniLight *o; int light_off = FALSE; int spot_flag = FALSE; read_point (pos); parse_colour (&col); do { start_chunk (&chunk); if (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end) { switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x4620: light_off = TRUE; break; case 0x4610: parse_dl_spotlight(); spot_flag = TRUE; break; } } end_chunk (&chunk); } while (chunk.end <= mainchunk->end); if (light_off) return; if (!spot_flag) { if (frame >= 0) { o = LIST_FIND (omni_list, obj_name); if (o != NULL) { pos[X] = o->pos[X]; pos[Y] = o->pos[Y]; pos[Z] = o->pos[Z]; col = o->col; } } write_light (out, obj_name, pos, col); } else { if (frame >= 0) { s = LIST_FIND (spot_list, obj_name); if (s != NULL) { pos[X] = s->pos[X]; pos[Y] = s->pos[Y]; pos[Z] = s->pos[Z]; target[X] = s->target[X]; target[Y] = s->target[Y]; target[Z] = s->target[Z]; col = s->col; hotspot = s->hotspot; falloff = s->falloff; } } if (falloff <= 0.0) falloff = 180.0; if (hotspot <= 0.0) hotspot = 0.7*falloff; write_spot (out, obj_name, pos, target, col, hotspot, falloff); } } void parse_dl_spotlight() { read_point (target); hotspot = read_float(); falloff = read_float(); } void parse_n_camera() { float bank; float lens; read_point (pos); read_point (target); bank = read_float(); lens = read_float(); if (frame >= 0 && cam_list != NULL) { pos[X] = cam_list->pos[X]; pos[Y] = cam_list->pos[Y]; pos[Z] = cam_list->pos[Z]; target[X] = cam_list->target[X]; target[Y] = cam_list->target[Y]; target[Z] = cam_list->target[Z]; lens = cam_list->lens; bank = cam_list->bank; } write_camera (out, obj_name, pos, target, lens, bank); } void parse_colour (Colour *colour) { Chunk chunk; Colour_24 colour_24; start_chunk (&chunk); switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x0010: parse_colour_f (colour); break; case 0x0011: parse_colour_24 (&colour_24); colour->red = colour_24.red/255.0; colour->green = colour_24.green/255.0; colour->blue = colour_24.blue/255.0; break; default: abortmsg ("Error parsing colour", 1); } end_chunk (&chunk); } void parse_colour_f (Colour *colour) { colour->red = read_float(); colour->green = read_float(); colour->blue = read_float(); } void parse_colour_24 (Colour_24 *colour) { colour->red = read_byte(); colour->green = read_byte(); colour->blue = read_byte(); } float parse_percentage() { Chunk chunk; float percent = 0.0; start_chunk (&chunk); switch (chunk.tag) { case 0x0030: percent = parse_int_percentage()/100.0; break; case 0x0031: percent = parse_float_percentage(); break; default: printf ("WARNING: Error parsing percentage"); } end_chunk (&chunk); return percent; } short parse_int_percentage() { word percent = read_word(); return percent; } float parse_float_percentage() { float percent = read_float(); return percent; } void start_chunk (Chunk *chunk) { chunk->start = ftell(in); chunk->tag = read_word(); chunk->length = read_dword(); if (chunk->length < sizeof(word)+sizeof(dword)) chunk->length = sizeof(word) + sizeof(dword); chunk->end = chunk->start + chunk->length; } void end_chunk (Chunk *chunk) { fseek (in, chunk->end, 0); } byte read_byte() { byte data; data = fgetc (in); return data; } word read_word() { word data; data = fgetc (in); data |= fgetc (in) << 8; return data; } dword read_dword() { dword data; data = read_word(); data |= read_word() << 16; return data; } float read_float() { dword data; data = read_dword(); return *(float *)&data; } void read_point (Vector v) { v[X] = read_float(); v[Y] = read_float(); v[Z] = read_float(); } char *read_string() { static char string[80]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 80; i++) { string[i] = read_byte(); if (string[i] == '\0') break; } return string; } float findfov (float lens) { static float lens_table[13] = { 15.0, 17.0, 24.0, 35.0, 50.0, 85.0, 100.0, 135.0, 200.0, 500.0, 625.0, 800.0, 1000.0 }; static float fov_table[13] = { 115.0, 102.0, 84.0, 63.0, 46.0, 28.0, 24.0, 18.0, 12.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.125, 2.5 }; float fov, f1, f2, l1, l2; int i; if (lens < 15.0) lens = 15.0; else if (lens > 1000.0) lens = 1000.0; for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) if (lens < lens_table[i]) break; if (i == 13) i = 12; else if (i == 0) i = 1; f1 = fov_table[i-1]; f2 = fov_table[i]; l1 = lens_table[i-1]; l2 = lens_table[i]; fov = f1 + (lens - l1) * (f2 - f1) / (l2 - l1); return fov; }