#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: mgf2meta.c,v 2.13 2022/04/21 03:11:55 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Convert MGF (Materials and Geometry Format) to Metafile 2-d graphics */ #include #include #include #include #include "meta.h" #include "random.h" #include "mgf_parser.h" #include "plocate.h" /* XXX shouldn't this rather be in rtmath.h? */ #define MSIZE ((1<<14)-1) #define MX(v) (int)(MSIZE*(v)[(proj_axis+1)%3]) #define MY(v) (int)(MSIZE*(v)[(proj_axis+2)%3]) int proj_axis; double limit[3][2]; int layer; long rthresh = 1; extern int mg_nqcdivs; static int r_face(int ac, char **av); static void newlayer(void); static int doline(int v1x, int v1y, int v2x, int v2y); int main( /* convert files to stdout */ int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i; /* initialize dispatch table */ mg_ehand[MG_E_FACE] = r_face; mg_ehand[MG_E_POINT] = c_hvertex; mg_ehand[MG_E_VERTEX] = c_hvertex; mg_ehand[MG_E_XF] = xf_handler; mg_nqcdivs = 3; /* reduce object subdivision */ mg_init(); /* initialize the parser */ /* get arguments */ if (argc > 9 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-t")) { rthresh = atof(argv[2])*MSIZE + 0.5; rthresh *= rthresh; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } if (argc < 8 || (proj_axis = argv[1][0]-'x') < 0 || proj_axis > 2) goto userr; limit[0][0] = atof(argv[2]); limit[0][1] = atof(argv[3]); limit[1][0] = atof(argv[4]); limit[1][1] = atof(argv[5]); limit[2][0] = atof(argv[6]); limit[2][1] = atof(argv[7]); if (argc == 8) { /* convert stdin */ if (mg_load(NULL) != MG_OK) exit(1); } else /* convert each file */ for (i = 8; i < argc; i++) { if (mg_load(argv[i]) != MG_OK) exit(1); newlayer(); } mendpage(); /* print page */ mdone(); /* close output */ exit(0); userr: fputs("Usage: mgf2meta [-t thresh] {x|y|z} xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax [file.mgf] ..\n", stderr); exit(1); } int r_face( /* convert a face */ int ac, char **av ) { static FVECT bbmin = {0,0,0}, bbmax = {1,1,1}; register int i, j; register C_VERTEX *cv; FVECT v1, v2, vo; if (ac < 4) return(MG_EARGC); /* connect to last point */ if ((cv = c_getvert(av[ac-1])) == NULL) return(MG_EUNDEF); xf_xfmpoint(vo, cv->p); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) vo[j] = (vo[j] - limit[j][0])/(limit[j][1]-limit[j][0]); for (i = 1; i < ac; i++) { /* go around face */ if ((cv = c_getvert(av[i])) == NULL) return(MG_EUNDEF); xf_xfmpoint(v2, cv->p); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) v2[j] = (v2[j] - limit[j][0])/(limit[j][1]-limit[j][0]); VCOPY(v1, vo); VCOPY(vo, v2); if (clip(v1, v2, bbmin, bbmax)) doline(MX(v1), MY(v1), MX(v2), MY(v2)); } return(MG_OK); } #define HTBLSIZ 16381 /* prime hash table size */ short hshtab[HTBLSIZ][4]; /* done line segments */ #define hash(mx1,my1,mx2,my2) ((long)(mx1)<<15 ^ (long)(my1)<<10 ^ \ (long)(mx2)<<5 ^ (long)(my2)) void newlayer(void) /* start a new layer */ { (void)memset((char *)hshtab, '\0', sizeof(hshtab)); if (++layer >= 16) { mendpage(); layer = 0; } } int doline( /* draw line conditionally */ int v1x, int v1y, int v2x, int v2y ) { register int h; if (v1x > v2x || (v1x == v2x && v1y > v2y)) { /* sort endpoints */ h=v1x; v1x=v2x; v2x=h; h=v1y; v1y=v2y; v2y=h; } h = hash(v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y) % HTBLSIZ; if (hshtab[h][0] == v1x && hshtab[h][1] == v1y && hshtab[h][2] == v2x && hshtab[h][3] == v2y) return(0); hshtab[h][0] = v1x; hshtab[h][1] = v1y; hshtab[h][2] = v2x; hshtab[h][3] = v2y; if ((long)(v2x-v1x)*(v2x-v1x) + (long)(v2y-v1y)*(v2y-v1y) <= irandom(rthresh)) return(0); mline(v1x, v1y, layer/4, 0, layer%4); mdraw(v2x, v2y); return(1); }